Current Track: Blabb

\n Chris yawned and walked into the kitchenette of the hotel suite they had checked into, glancing at the clock on the counter: 9:07 AM.  Sean was still asleep on the couch on the other side of the counter, and Chris couldn't help but smile as he listened to the other man's quiet snores.  He sleeps as heavy as a real dragon, he thought, and reached up to look through the cabinets.  There were a few kinds of cereal there that the hotel had provided, and Chris selected the Raisin Bran.  He poured some into a bowl, then looked into the fridge for some milk, but there wasn't any.  He shrugged and put the box back in the cabinet; there was nothing bad about dry cereal.

\n Dave walked into the kitchen a few minutes later, when Chris was almost done eating.  "Morning," Dave said.

\n "Shh," Chris pointed in Sean's direction.

\n "Ah," Dave whispered back, then started looking through the fridge and cabinets.  "I might go down to the lobby for breakfast.  I could use a bagel, and some coffee."

\n Chris nodded, then put down his spoon and reached for the newspaper-feed that lay at the end of the counter.  He opened it, then swore.  "Dave, come look at this.  Sean, wake up!  We've got a problem."

\n Dave walked over and looked over his shoulder at the paper.  "Not good."

\n "What is it?" Sean asked, sitting up on the couch.

\n "We're too late.  Carnoc killed somebody."

\n Sean jumped to his feet and ran over, and the three of them read the article together.

\n Breaking News: Dragon Kills Three at Disney World in Late-Night Attack
\n Orlando, NAP.  A Disney World executive reported early this morning that the dragon exhibited at the resort's Animal Kingdom theme park attacked its handlers during the night and killed three before they could bring it back under control.  A security video released by resort officials showed the dragon breaking free of its restraints and killing its lead handler, Allison Young, with a previously unknown mouth-launched beam weapon.  More handlers rushed to control the creature, only for the dragon to kill two more, Stephen Wilson and Andrew Cox, before finally being subdued.

\n Disney World executives plan to meet later today to discuss the dragon's future at the resort and are expected to announce their decision tomorrow morning.  For the time being, the dragon has been confined under restraint to the cave section of its habitat, and will not be viewable by the public.

\n When contacted by the press, the families of the deceased handlers said that they, "hope the resort officials act accordingly based on the dragon's actions rather than its species," while one family member who asked not to be named said outright that she wanted to see the dragon killed.  However, that may not be possible due to dragons' status as an endangered species.

\n Representatives from the San Diego and St. Louis zoos, where the other two captive dragons are held, did not immediately return calls from the Associated Press.

\n More details will be released as they become available.

\n "We'll need a new plan," Dave said.  "But we don't have to worry about them killing him, at least; it doesn't matter what he does when there are only twenty-four known members of his race."

\n "Yeah.  Probably a good thing we decided not to go in there last night," Sean said.

\n "Probably."  The three of them stood there for a minute or more, staring at the newspaper and racking their brains, searching for any spark that could lead to a new plan.

\n "Well," Chris folded up the paper and put it down on the counter, "I have an idea.  It needs fleshing out and it's probably a bad idea anyway, but maybe it will give you two some thoughts of your own."


\n It was night again, and Sean's car sat alone in a far corner of the parking lot outside of Animal Kingdom.  Dave stood over the open trunk, laying out equipment.

\n "Two rifles, already set for human-stunning blasts.  Communicators, one for me, one for Chris, and one for Carnoc, all preset to the same channel.  Two laser cutters, two knives.  Short ropes... two of them.  Radar transponder, currently shut off.  One syringe of re-stimulator.  Ski masks..." Dave tossed one to Chris and pulled the other over his own head.  "And, dragon.  We have a dragon yet, Sean?"

\n "All done," Sean said, but he didn't turn off his blackout cube in case there was someone nearby who might see him.  "You have everything else we need?"

\n "Looks like it.  Now we just need to pack it all up."  Dave reached for a backpack and put away one of the ropes, the transponder, the laser cutters, the knives, the re-stimulator and the communicator for Carnoc.  "There.  Now, do we all know every aspect of the plan?  Chris, you first."

\n "I wait for Sean to get into the cave, then jump off, help disable any guards, then start to open Carnoc's bonds, using a knife or laser cutter as necessary.  Once he's awake, I calm him down, finish releasing him, then convince him to carry me out of the cave and to the northwest, keeping low.  After we've gone about fifty kilometers from the resort, I tell him to look for a place to land."

\n "Good.  I wait, get off Sean's back, disable any guards, administer the re-stimulator, then either help Chris cut Carnoc's bonds or hold off any more guards that approach.  Once Chris and Carnoc are clear, I get onto Sean's back and we fly back here, then get into Sean's car and rendezvous with Chris and Carnoc wherever they landed."  He looked over towards Sean's cube.  "And, finally, your role."

\n Sean swallowed.  "I fly us out to Carnoc's habitat, then sweep my bolt across the top, severing all the supports for the roof of the habitat, and push the top off, if necessary.  I dive down into the habitat and go to the cave, then let you two off and use my bolt and my wings to hold off any security that comes from the outside.  Once Carnoc and Chris are ready to go, I make sure they won't be hit on their way out, then let them through.  After they've gone, I carry Dave back here, change back, and drive my car--or jet, if necessary--to wherever Carnoc and Chris have landed.  Then we have Chris join us in my car and I turn on the radar transponder and give it to Carnoc before we keep going, Carnoc in the air and us following as best we can on the ground."

\n Dave nodded.  "That's everything."  He shouldered his backpack and  picked up a rifle and a communicator, then handed the other rifle and communicator to Chris.  Sean deactivated his cube and laid down onto his belly so Dave and Chris could climb onto his back--Dave paused to put the blackout cube in his backpack--then stood up again as Dave looped the rope loosely around Sean's neck so he and Chris could have something to hold onto.  "We're ready," he said, and Sean took off.

\n He powered his way over the grounds, wings driving until Carnoc's habitat came into view.  He scanned the sky and the grounds inside the pen for danger, then dropped to the altitude just below the top of the barriers.  After a moment's hesitation, he opened his mouth and launched a bolt.

\n The fiery bolt swept across the sky, separating the top of the pen from the rest of the structure.  As soon as the connection was lost, the barriers that formed the sides and roof habitat dissolved away, leaving the route inside clear.  Sean flapped back up above the pen, then tucked his wings against his sides and dove into the habitat as alarms started to blare.

\n He angled his dive and circled the habitat near the ground to scrub off some of his speed before he approached the cave, wings swept forward in case he had to use them to deflect laser blasts.  No shots were fired, however, and he folded his wings and skidded to a stop inside the cave to find it almost empty.

\n Except for Carnoc, who laid motionless beneath the restraints that pinned him to the cushion.  Dave and Chris jumped down from Sean's back, and Chris pointed one rifle towards the doors while Dave administered the shot of re-stimulator.  "You won't even need a knife to let him out; they have latches, almost like seat belts," Dave said, then took both rifles and moved towards the doors while Sean turned around to watch for guards outside the cave.

\n Chris nodded and removed Carnoc's blindfold, hesitated, then started opening the straps around the dragon's neck and back--leaving him muzzled and unable to move his head or claws, in case he woke up violently.

\n He had only released five of the straps when Carnoc stiffened, then growled and started thrashing against the harness.  "Carnoc, calm down!  It's me, Chris," he hurried into Carnoc's line of sight.  "We're getting you out of here," he said, then released the restraints keeping his head pinned.

\n Dave reached the door in the laser barrier and crouched down behind it, thinking any guards who entered wouldn't be able to see him until the door was opened.  Sure enough, the door at the back of the cave opened almost immediately and several guards entered--he couldn't be sure how many, as he couldn't see them.  Then the door opened and the guards aimed at Chris, but Dave fired his own rifles into them, incapacitating all five with just three shots.  Another guard ran in a moment later, but now that the door was open Dave could shoot him before he even made it to the barrier.

\n "Security outside!" Sean roared, and he unfolded a wing across the cave entrance.  He winced occasionally as laser and stunning blasts reflected off his wing, but held.  "A jet, and at least ten more guards," he said after a moment.

\n "Who's he?" Carnoc asked as soon as Chris had removed his muzzle, then repeated the question to Sean in dragontongue.

\n "He's a friend; I'll explain once we're out of here," Chris said, already moving around to Carnoc's back.  Carnoc lifted his head to help, chewing at the straps across his tail and hind legs.  Meanwhile, Dave moved to the other side of the laser barrier and crouched just to the side of the door, where he could shoot at any guards before they saw him.

\n "Aah!" Sean cried, wing spasming briefly before he held it over the cave entrance again.  "I can't hold here much longer!"

\n "Doesn't your wing deflect their shots?"

\n "It still hurts!  It deflects most of the blast, but it can't divert all of the force.  My wing isn't all fabric!"

\n "Then just take care of the security outside yourself!" Dave shouted.

\n "But-but--  I can't kill another human being!"

\n "That's it," Carnoc snarled, jumping to his feet as Chris removed the last necessary strap of the harness.  "Move out of the way, whoever you are.  I'll deal with them."

\n Sean backed away immediately, and Carnoc paused only to aim before firing a bolt directly into the jet that hovered outside.  It exploded into a shrapnel-speckled ball of orange flame, the shockwave knocking over all the security guards on the grass beneath it.

\n "He's out, Dave, get ready to fly!" Chris called, picking up his rifle from where he had dropped it.  "Carnoc, lie down a minute.  You're my ride out of here."

\n Carnoc fired another bolt, picking off one of the humans outside, then growled at him.  "I don't carry anyone."

\n "You don't know where to go or what to do.  If you don't let me ride you, you'll just get captured again."

\n "No!"

\n "You know you can trust me.  If I don't ride you out, you may as well just stay here.  Let me on."

\n "I'll carry you in my claws if I have to, but I'll never let anyone get on my back."

\n "...all right, fine," Chris said, and moved to stand between the hooked claws of Carnoc's front paws.  He opened his backpack and took out a dragon-sized earpiece, then said, "Carnoc, let me put this in your ear."

\n "Wait," he said, and fired off another bolt, then put his head down and allowed Chris to put the end of the device into his earhole and direct the microphone lead down towards his mouth.  "What is this?" Carnoc asked.

\n "Communicator," Chris said.  "Is it clear outside?"

\n "For the moment.  But first, do you see that collar right behind my head?"

\n "Yeah, why?"

\n "Take it off; they might use it to shock me if you don't.  They have before."  He swung his head down again so Chris could reach it.

\n Chris examined the collar, then popped out a tiny flap and unhooked the catch beneath, opening the collar and letting it fall to the floor.  Beside him, Dave climbed up onto Sean's back, still with his rifles pointed towards the door and firing at a fresh wave of security on its way through.

\n "Get out of here!" Dave said.  Carnoc didn't need to be told twice; he scooped Chris up in his claws, leapt outside, spread his wings and beat powerfully up into the air.  He grinned when he saw all the barriers down, and he couldn't help but roar as he flew into the free air of the sky.

\n He clutched the human tight against his chest.  "Chris, where am I going?"

\n "Northwest, and quickly; keep as low to the ground as you can.  The other two will catch up."

\n "All right."  He tried to ignore the fact that he was carrying a human, how he was being used as transportation, but it helped that Chris was in his claws, not on his back, which gave him more of a feeling of control over his passenger.  He growled a little, then asked, "who's the other dragon?  I don't know him."

\n "It's not a dragon, it's a human, a mutant named Sean who can turn into a dragon."

\n "Oh, that explains it," Carnoc said.  "No dragon would ever refuse to kill a human."

\n Back in the cave, Dave was barely managing to hold off the park security, using both rifles at once when they tried to rush him, and even then only a flick of Sean's wings kept them safe.  "All right, Sean, they're out," Dave said, chancing a look around when the latest group of guards had been incapacitated.  "Go!"

\n Sean bounded outside and jumped into the air, spiraling up as the sound of engines built overhead; there were more jets coming.  His eyes went wide and he surged away from the remnants of the cage, winging away as fast as he could go as a jet came into view behind him.

\n "Sean, are you sure this is the right way?" Dave called forward.  Sean didn't answer, so Dave punched his neck and shouted the question again.

\n Sean scanned the ground passing below without slowing down.  "Damn it, you're right.  This is the wrong way!"

\n Dave's communicator squawked, and he held it to his ear to hear it over the wind noise.  "Are you two out?" Chris' voice repeated.

\n "We're away, but there's a jet after us, and Sean flew in the wrong direction.  Don't worry; Sean should be able to take care of it.  At least, I hope you can," Dave shouted forward.

\n Sean hesitated, wings skipping a beat.  It was just a jet.  But jets were dangerous!  And if he didn't fire on it, it could easily incapacitate him and Dave.  And at this altitude...  The drop could kill them both.  "Sean, you're shrinking!" Dave shouted, and Sean's eyes went wider.  Maybe the dragon in me doesn't think it's needed if I won't fight with it, he wondered, but concentrated and quickly returned to full size--then it gave him an idea.  After one more moment's indecision, he flared his wings, spun around in midair and dropped to the ground inside a stand of trees, already going smaller and smaller even as he flared his wings to land.

\n "Hide!" he said.  Dave dove into a bush and hid there, and Sean followed, already almost back down to a human's size and shape but still covered in red-orange scales.  The jet flew over once, then another time, more slowly.

\n "Could you do anything to it with those rifles?" Sean whispered.

\n "I can't do anything to the jet, but maybe if the pilots show themselves..." Dave said, and took aim as the jet stopped and hovered over the spot where Sean had gone down.  A moment later, a door on the side opened and a rope unrolled from the door, dangling down towards the ground.  A man appeared in the door and started to climb down the rope, then Dave fired one rifle.

\n The shot struck the man in the center of his back and he released the rope with a gasp, falling to the ground and crumpling there.  They could hear a shout from inside and a moment later a woman was visible in the side door, a pistol in her hand; Dave shot again before she could locate them and she fell backwards, out of their view.  The jet kept hovering, and Dave said, "must be on autopilot.  Come on, let's get back to your car, and quickly."

\n Sean nodded and hurried back through his transformation, hunching down low and curling his body as he grew to avoid all the trees around him.  Dave climbed onto his back, then he waited a moment or two, listening for more jets, but the sky was quiet.  He took off and winged away low and fast, back towards the far corner of the parking lot.

\n The trip home was uneventful, both for Sean, Chris and Dave on the ground and for Carnoc in the air.  As he flew, though, he couldn't help but marvel at the experience of flying along, out in the open, during the day.  He still flinched and had to fight the urge to fly faster--or attack--whenever something loud and human sounded around him, but still.  Sunlight!  It shocked him how effortless it was to fly with the sun beaming down from above, heating the world below and creating such magnificent thermals that he barely had to flap his wings to stay in the air.  He felt like roaring; it was wonderful, even if sometimes it seemed a little too bright.

\n Occasionally there would be some chatter on the communicator in his ear.  Sean had warned him about this; whenever someone contacted him--calling him Sean, or Mr. Nelson--he was to obey their orders about choosing a new flight path, whether it be half a kilometer higher or lower, turning slightly to the south, or something else to give the faster-moving commercial and military aircraft the right of way.  It had something to do with the pack they had told him to wear at the base of his neck, but his claws were too large for him to use the zippers holding it closed, so whatever was inside remained a mystery to him.

\n Three weeks without moving had taken its toll on his stamina, however, and it took almost four days of flying and resting before he made it, tired but happy, back onto the familiar lands of Chris' farm.  The sun had set only minutes ago, and the cave was still quiet when he entered.

\n Chris, Sean and Dave were already there, Chris talking quietly to Nesleh, who had been keeping watch for the day.

\n "He's back!" Nesleh roared when Carnoc walked inside, and he almost ran over to greet him.  "Thank the ancients you made it back safely," he said, lowering his head and nuzzling Carnoc's neck and shoulders.  "I missed you so much...  I was so worried they might not be able to free you, or that something bad would happen--  But you're back, you're safe, you're..."

\n Carnoc snorted and pushed him away after a moment.  "Father, I'm not a hatchling any more.  Stop it."

\n "I'm sorry...  But I didn't want to lose you, and to see you back here safe and sound is--  Well, I can't help it."

\n "I know, father.  I missed you, too."

\n Nesleh purred briefly, but instead of nuzzling him again he just turned a small circle to stand next to his son and leaned against him.  "Thank you for bringing him back to me, Chris.  And you too, Dave, and Sean."

\n "It was the least I could do," Chris said.  "Now, we're going to spend the night down at the house, then head off to see about freeing Vallen.  With any luck, you'll have your clan elder back in a few days.  Carnoc, could you lie down so we can take that backpack off?  We're going to need it."

\n Carnoc hunched down so the humans could reach the clasps keeping the pack strapped to the base of his neck.  Sean had it off in a moment, then he put it over his shoulder, removed the communicator from Carnoc's earhole and walked out of the cave.  "I'll be back in the morning with some equipment," Dave said.  "There's a tracer in the side of your neck I have to remove."  Then he and Chris left, as well.

\n The rest of the clan began to filter into the outer chamber of the cave as the three humans walked out.  "Carnoc, you're back!" Krain said, coming forward.  "It wasn't the same without you here."

\n "Could have been because of the new flight restrictions, though," Molthan joined them.  "All the older dragons are so tense, we aren't supposed to fly with the range we usually do, and I didn't have Aithsa to relax with...  At least you're back now.  I started on a whole new tree-carving while you were gone; wait until I show it to you.  I think it's one of my best."

\n Carnoc sat down, head raised and tail flicking back and forth.  "You're both going to be jealous of me."

\n "Oh, why's that?"

\n "I flew all the way back here, during the day!  And the humans didn't even attack me; they thought I was that mutant, Sean, so nobody even cared that I was flying around."

\n "Oh, wow...  What's it like, flying in the daylight?"

\n "It's like...  Well, night and day.  Everything's so warm and bright, and the heat makes the air just rise off all the human structures, putting so much lift under the wings that you barely have to flap...  It's incredible."

\n Molthan growled softly.  "I want to fly during the day."

\n "It was nice, but I think I would have rather stayed here and only flown at night than had to live in a cage with all those humans trying to watch me, and order me around...  That was awful."

\n "Oh, what was it like wherever you were?"

\n "Terrible," Carnoc growled.  "They kept me in a cage so small I barely had enough room to fly, there were loud humans everywhere, all the food they gave me was already dead...  They even put a collar around my neck and used it to shock me whenever I didn't obey them.  I got back at them, though."

\n "How'd you do that?"

\n He growled again and bared his fangs.  "I killed some of them."

\n Nesleh stamped a paw down on Carnoc's.  "You killed humans?  Please tell me they at least attacked you first."

\n Carnoc stiffened and pulled away, flexing the paw Nesleh had stepped on.  "Well, the last ten or twelve were trying to keep me from escaping, so I had to.  And I guess the two before then, too, because they were also trying to shoot me.  But the first one, she was annoying me...  She was asking for it, and besides, they're just humans."

\n Nesleh snarled and whipped his tail around, lashing Carnoc right on the end of his snout.  "A hundred and thirty years old and you're still acting like you want to be Sern.  Listen, son, you can't just kill humans because you want to!  They may be weak individually, but there are so many of them, and with their technology they're much stronger than we are.  Why did you have to kill all those humans?"

\n He took a step back, shaking his head and blinking rapidly; Nesleh had struck him so hard he couldn't even see straight.  Once his vision had cleared, he glanced over at the other two dragons; both Krain and Molthan looked almost shocked.  "Both of you, go away," Nesleh said.  "We need a little time alone."  The two dragons hesitated, then walked over to another section of the cave, both occasionally glancing back towards Carnoc.  "Now, answer my question."

\n "She...  She kept insisting on putting me into this awful harness, and she shocked me with a collar she had put around my neck, and she scratched me right here, even when I told her not to," he touched the spot behind his earhole with a claw.  "I had to."

\n Nesleh roared and whipped his snout again.  "No!  You should have been ignoring the poor treatment, and the humans in general if they bothered you so much.  What must they think of us now that you've killed some of them?  I wouldn't be surprised to find an army marching up the slopes of the mountain tomorrow after what you've done, and that would be the end of us."

\n Carnoc almost snarled, but caught himself before he could lose his temper in front of his father.  "...I'm sorry."

\n "Telling me you're sorry doesn't change anything," he snorted.  "You can't just lose control like this!  Am I going to have to do what I used to do when you lost your temper, or will you try more seriously to control yourself?"

\n He barely managed to keep from shivering; he could still remember the beatings Nesleh used to give him when he lost control and attacked others, back when he was much younger, and the bruises from them that would linger for days afterwards.  "I'll do my best."

\n "Well--  Never mind," he said, voice softening.  "I can't stay mad at you after missing you for so long.  But," he turned stern again, "that doesn't lessen what you've done.  No flying for three nights, except to take a meal from Chris' herds.  And you and I are going to be working on controlling your temper, you understand?"

\n Carnoc lowered his head.  "Yes, father."

\n "Good."  Nesleh turned and walked away, smacking the tip of Carnoc's snout once more for good measure.

\n Molthan and Krain returned as soon as Nesleh had walked out onto the ledge outside.  "So..." Krain said.  "Your dad's not happy, is he?  What did he say?"

\n Carnoc groaned and rubbed at his snout with the back of a foreleg, blinking to clear his vision.  "I have to stay in here for three nights, except when I go catch a meal from Chris' herds, and he and I will be working on my self-control some more."

\n "Too bad," Molthan said.  "We were planning to go stunt-flying tonight, too...  You sure you didn't just get in trouble on purpose because you know you can't fly as well as I can?" he flicked his wings out.

\n Carnoc growled.  "I'm just as good in the air as you are."

\n "Not as good as me," Krain laughed.  "We all know I'm the best flier we have."

\n "Yeah, well, you have those huge wings of yours.  Your wingspan's almost as large as mine even though I have a full neck-length on you."

\n "Excuses," he laughed again.

\n "Still.  I'm a better fighter than both of you, and that's what matters."

\n "At least I'm still not getting smacked around by my dad," Molthan said, and both he and Krain started laughing.

\n "Shut up," Carnoc growled, brandishing his own tail at them.

\n "It's really something," Molthan said.  "I don't think I've been whipped by my dad in forty years, and here you are, eight years older than me and still getting smacked!"

\n Carnoc snarled and darted forward, striking Molthan's face with the back of his forepaw.  Molthan recoiled, shocked; both dragons stopped laughing instantly.  "Hey, what was--"

\n Carnoc struck him again, this time catching the other dragon's face with his claws and leaving a row of gashes along his cheek.  Molthan cried out, held a paw to his snout and stumbled backwards, blood welling up quickly in the cuts and beginning to drip down his face.

\n "Nesleh, get in here!"  Lemnir appeared between the two of them, teeth bared and snarling.  Carnoc almost kicked at the older dragon, but after a moment Lemnir was joined by another member of the clan, and another, until there were five dragons in a circle around him, all with fangs bared and claws raised.  Carnoc hesitated, then blinked and stared at his own upraised claws, tainted red with Molthan's blood.  No, he thought, and sat heavily back onto his haunches.  What have I done?

\n Nesleh ran into the cave, looking around.  "What happened?"

\n "Control your son," Lemnir said.  "He clawed Molthan's face."  He looked back to Molthan.  "Now move your paw and let me see how bad it is."

\n Carnoc recovered and backed away from his father.  "I...  I didn't mean to, but he was taunting me and my blood was already up...  I couldn't stop myself.  I didn't mean to."

\n "We just talked about this a minute ago!  Were you even paying attention to me?"

\n "Yes, I was, but this just happened so fast.  I didn't even think, it just... happened."

\n "We've worked on impulse-control before.  What's wrong with you?  Are you even trying to control your blood?  Because it really doesn't seem like you are."

\n "I'm trying!" he snarled.

\n "Clearly not enough.  Follow me back to your alcove," Nesleh turned and started to walk deeper into the cave.

\n Carnoc froze.  His father hadn't said that since...  Not since the last time he had beaten him.

\n The older dragon seemed to realize what he'd said and softened his voice a little.  "I said, follow me back to the inner chambers.  I'm not going to hurt you; just come with me."

\n He glanced around at the other dragons, then followed his father to the back of the cave.  Nesleh paused, looking around to make sure the two of them were alone, then sat down in the center of the cavern.  Carnoc sat next to him.

\n "It's been decades since you lost your temper with another dragon...  Well, no.  You lost control with Alon last month, but before that it had been decades.  Are you sure you're not sick?  Some warriors had more trouble with their tempers when they fell ill."

\n "No, I'm fine."

\n The older dragon growled.  "In that case, you have no excuse for doing something like that.  Yes, the two of them should know better than to taunt you, but you've always gotten along well with them and they've done it before without provoking you like this.  So what is it going to take for you to realize the importance of your self-control?"

\n Carnoc hesitated.  "I do know how important this is.  I'm doing the best I can."

\n "Then your best isn't as good as I thought.  What if you got mad enough to use your bolt, like you did with that poor girl in Florida?  You could easily kill any one of us if you did, and we cannot afford for you to lose control like that."

\n "I know better than that, father.  I can control myself."

\n "Molthan would argue otherwise.  I've changed my mind; you aren't going to fly at all for the next week.  You will remain in your alcove at all times, and speak to no one but me unless I allow you to.  I will bring you your meals, I will escort you to the spring when you're thirsty and the woods when you have waste to get rid of, and we will spend all of each night working on your control.  Have I made myself clear?"

\n He growled a little, but laid his head on the ground.  "Yes, father."

\n "Good.  Now that I must hunt for two dragons, I'm going to have to leave now.  I want you to apologize to Molthan for clawing him, then return to your alcove and stay there.  I'll be back as soon as I can."  Nesleh stood and walked away.  Carnoc sighed, watching the other dragon go, then walked back to the outer section of the cave.

\n "Of all the times for Vallen to be absent," Lemnir muttered, peering at the claw-marks on Molthan's cheek.  "These aren't deep; you'll be fine, but get someone to lick them clean for you, and you should probably go wash your face off once he's done.  If they haven't stopped bleeding by the time the moon sets, let me know."

\n "I will."

\n Lemnir tilted his head.  "And try to leave Carnoc alone.  You should know his temper by now, and you should know better than to provoke him.  I'm not Vallen, so I won't lecture you, but I'll suggest that you be more careful, both you and Krain.  I don't want to have to look at any more serious wounds."

\n "All right."  Lemnir walked away, and Molthan brought his paw back up to the gashes on his cheek.  The flow of blood had slowed, but the wounds stung, and blood dripped from his face whenever he moved his head.

\n "I'll get those cleaned out for you," Krain offered.  Molthan tilted his head, so they sat down in a corner of the outer chamber while Krain did his best to clean out the claw-marks until they stopped bleeding.

\n "Thanks," Molthan said, nudging at his shoulder.  "I guess I'll fly out to the pond now."

\n "Want me to go with you?" Krain asked.  "That pond is where Carnoc was caught, you know."

\n "Sure, you can come along if you want."  The two of them stood and walked over towards the cave entrance.

\n They were about to leave the cave when someone said, "Molthan, wait."  Molthan and Krain turned back to see Carnoc walking towards them.  "I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry," he looked at the ground between them, head and tail low.  "I lost my temper.  Are you all right?"

\n "I'll be fine," Molthan said, wiping some of the blood from his cheek with a paw.  "I was just going to wash off my face."

\n "Oh.  Nesleh says that he's not going to let me fly, even to hunt, for a full week, and he doesn't want me talking to anyone, either.  So if you want to talk about anything, we have to do it before he gets back from hunting."

\n Molthan sat back on his haunches, but his tail kept twitching.  "I don't know...  I can't stop worrying about Vallen and Aithsa.  Do you think Chris will be able to get them out all right?"

\n Carnoc shuffled his wings.  "Well, they got me out easily enough...  They seemed to know what they were doing.  That Sean, though, he was acting sort of strange, from what I saw of him.  I think he might be a bit of a coward."

\n "A coward?  That's not possible," Krain said.  "He has a blood warrior's form and abilities!  There's no way he could be.  If anything, he should be...  Well, like you."

\n Molthan tilted his head.  "Yeah, I doubt it.  I mean, he helped you escape, didn't he?"

\n "Sort of...  But he wasn't very helpful.  I mean, he wouldn't attack a jet that was shooting at him, and I heard Chris say that he flew the wrong way when he left my cage--I bet he panicked when a jet started to chase him and didn't watch where he was flying."

\n "I hope he's not.  It's one thing to be scared if you're in a weak little human body, but if you're a dragon?  I hope you're wrong."

\n "Well, if I'm not," Carnoc bared his fangs, "I'll be sure to tell him exactly what I think about cowards."
