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Sinter Klaas
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Yes there is christmass art, yes there is thanks giving art, yes there is Halloween art.
So for once, art of a dutch tradition. As someone with out any affiliation with the american culture, the amount of art about the celibrations sometimes grinds my gears. so why not let a friend draw some nice art of "black pete" Black pete is a companion to sinter klaas as dutch tradition. in november the tradition comes to town. he come with a steam boat from spain, accopanied with the petes. who according to the stories have been freed from slavery into freedom and volenteer to help the saint once a year.
It all comes down onto 4th of december where famillies assemble and unwrap gifts.
Sinterklaas, or saint clause in english wears red and white. (incedently the current christmass man gets his white and red cloths from saint clause)
art ©
tretron © me
So for once, art of a dutch tradition. As someone with out any affiliation with the american culture, the amount of art about the celibrations sometimes grinds my gears. so why not let a friend draw some nice art of "black pete" Black pete is a companion to sinter klaas as dutch tradition. in november the tradition comes to town. he come with a steam boat from spain, accopanied with the petes. who according to the stories have been freed from slavery into freedom and volenteer to help the saint once a year.
It all comes down onto 4th of december where famillies assemble and unwrap gifts.
Sinterklaas, or saint clause in english wears red and white. (incedently the current christmass man gets his white and red cloths from saint clause)
art ©
tretron © me
8 years ago
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