As Electra pointed to me, I smiled, pretending I was new and waving, even wagging my tail a little.
“Hi...” I squeaked out, blushing at how high my voice came out. Rice frowned and came closer to me, his right ear twitching a little as he got down onto all fours and sniffed me. Standing up, he smiled.
“Well, I do not recognize her, which is odd because I know everyone in this colony... They must be new. Another thing is, she smells like... Lemons... Which happen to be my favorite fruit... And she's super cute, and has an adorable voice, yet reminds me of Dallas because of the power I can feel coming off of her... BUT... If you give me a minute or two alone with her, I bet I'll get to know her reeeeaaal well.” He smiled, his tail flicking behind him as he stood up tall, trying to look impressive for me.
“Um...” I said as I took a small step back, staring at him nervously.
“Heyyy... No need to get all nervous like that.” He said as he walked up to me and got down low, kissing my cheek. “I'm a nice guy.” He chuckled.
“WHOA!” I yelled as I pushed him away, jumping back. “What the hell Rice!?”
Standing up, he grinned. “Ooh, a feisty one eh...? Hehe... I find dominance the best trait in a female... We were totally meant to be together.” he grinned.
I stepped back again, making a face. “Ew, NO!”
Rice frowned, his ears drooping down low. “Ew...? What do you mean ew? I-”
“That's Dallas...” Electra interrupted as she burst into laughter. “You're a female now Dallas, he didn't know!”
Rice stood up tall and stared down at me, scratching the back of his head and turning around. “Oh... Arceus... Oh... Oh my... I just KISSED Dallas... And LIKED IT!” He shouted.
Electra laughed. “But he's female now so it's okay.”
Rice shook his head and turned back around. “Um... Disregard everything I said about you being... Cute... And sounding sweet and stuff... Um... Oh Arceus... Why me...” He said as he turned around, fidgeting with his paws. “I mean, not every day someone comes in with an adorable female you've never seen before and doesn't warn a 'Chu that it's a guy... Let alone Dallas...”
I sighed. “Well she's right. I AM female now... So... I guess it's alright... But it's weird for me... I've got to get used to... Well, males...” I said, smiling.
Rice turned back around and smiled. “This doesn't leave the room, ok?”
I frowned. “Well no one else knows I'm a female now, and why the heck would I tell anyone about this?”
Rice nodded, smiling. “Well since you're so... Attractive now...” He mumbled, before clearing his throat. “A-hem... Maybe you can be... My mate for now... I'll get you used to males and stuff... Get people jealous and stuff... You'll get all the males you want...”
I made a face at him. “Let me get this straight... Now that I'm a female, you are going to do anything you possibly can to get me to be your mate?” I asked, tilting my head to the right a little.
He nodded. “Did I net tell you before that I would hump your brains out if you were female? That you'd be the perfect female for me if you WERE female? That you were totally my type, but I didn't want you to feel weird?” he asked me.
I sighed. “Oh Arceus no...”
He laughed, walking over and picking me up, giving me a tight hug. “Hehe, don't worry bud. Electra can stay in here too if you want.”
Sighing as I hugged him back, I nodded. “Fine I'll do it... But only because I'm curious as to how it's going to turn out...”
Squeezing me tight, he squeaked. “YAAAAAY!”
As he squeezed tighter, I grunted. “Rice... What happened to... The almighty leader you were before? You've turned into... Well...” I choked out as he continued to squeeze me, as if his life would end if I took a breath.
He let me go and dropped me, nodding. “Yes I know... ONLY in my room. It's where I get to take a break from all the seriousness... It's nice to get away every once in a while you know...? I mean, come on, we're 'Chus. Do you really expect us to be “Mature?” I mean come on, we ALL have an energetic, childish side. We're not human or anything, we're GOING to act like what we are, Pokemon, animals, not meant to act calm and mature.” he said, smiling.
I nodded. “Yeah I guess so... Anyhow, what do we do now?” I asked.
Electra frowned. “I'm off to get something big to eat, see you all later.” she said as she walked out.
I waved to her as she exited, and when I turned back to Rice, he was crouched down low with his muzzle right in front of my crotch.
“Rice what the hell...” I said as I stepped back. “Are you seriously this desperate for a female?” I asked, startled.
Quickly standing up, he frowned. “I was just about to show you how good it can feel to be female... You know... You're missing out... And yes, I've never had a female for more than a week before... It never worked out...” he sighed.
I sighed too, lowering my ears. “I've been a female for only a couple hours or so... Just none of that stuff for now... Not until I'm ready...” I said, sighing.
He nodded. “Fine fine... This is just so... Exciting...”
I smiled a little, tilting my head and winking. “Hey, I never knew you had a playful side... I thought you were always serious and stuff...”
He smiled. “Like I said, I'm in my room, not to mention it's late, and everyone's probably going to sleep at the moment. So I basically go outside and have some alone time. And not what you're thinking either. I mean alone time as in, time to run around, jump on things, have some FUN for a change... I don't wanna do that while everyone's around or I'll look like a poor leader...” he said.
I nodded. “I know what you mean...” I said, giggling.
He smiled again, flopping down onto his belly. “Anyhow, like I said, it's dark out, and I'm kinda tired. Why don't you hop on over and lay down with me?”
I blushed as I walked over and stood there next to him for a second. “This is sooo weird...” I said as I slowly sat down next to him, only to have him pull me down and press me against him with his arms.
“Err, nothing weird okay? Just sleeping for tonight.” I said as I wiggled gently in his arms.
He sighed, nodding. “Fine fine...”
I giggled a little, hugging him softly. “Besides... I think I could get used to this other side of you, the playful one, reeeeaaaally quickly...” I said as I purred softly.
He chuckled, patting my back. “I'm already used to you. Took no time at all.”
“Yeah, I can tell.” I chuckled as I snuggled into him, smiling. “Come on, go to sleep. I had a really long day. We'll talk in the morning.” I said as I closed my eyes. Sighing, he placed his paw over my belly and snuggled me again. He sighed once more before falling silent. At least until I eventually dozed off...
I awoke to Rice licking the top of my head and sucking on my ears. When I opened my eyes and made a face at him, he sat up.
“Um... Just grooming you is all... Nothing else...” he said nervously.
I sat up and wiped my eyes, my whole body damp from his grooming. “Wow, you did a good job...” I smiled, wagging my tail a little. “But wait... Does that mean that you got my...” I said as I looked down at myself, blushing.
He nodded. “Come on, you really think I would get the rest of you and skip that special part of you? I took my time there, and if you were awake, you'd thank me.” he grinned.
I frowned. “Ugh... Already you're gotten a taste of me and it hasn't even been a day... And I thought I was bad with Electra...” I groaned.
He chuckled. “Well you do taste good... Hehe, haven't tasted that in so long...” he said as his tail began to sway from side to side behind him.
I frowned. “Can we please stop talking about what my vagina tastes like?”
He laughed as he nodded. “Fine, fine... But you wouldn't let me do it while you were awake so...”
I sighed. “So you mated with me while I slept...”
He frowned. “No... All I did was give you a thorough grooming from head to footpaw. That's all I did.”
I sighed, smiling. “Thank Arceus... I'm not ready for eggs right now...” I said as I looked up at the ceiling.
He laughed. “You have to be in season to have eggs you know... I don't think you're quite there yet...”
I perked my ears up. “Well when do I know when I'm in season?” I asked.
Electra giggled as she sat up. “Well you get reaaaally lusty. You want a mate really bad, and will do anything to get one. Not to mention you'll be dripping wet, and you'll give off a smell that attracts males. And then you'll start making these yip noises, like a mating call, and that will attract males that are too far away to smell you.” She said as she wagged her tail.
I frowned. “Lovely... I'll be looking forward to that...” I said as I rolled my eyes.
“Oh come on Dallas. It's not like it hurts or anything.” she laughed.
I smiled. “Well this is so new to me... Besides, I'm going to have to pee sitting down now... I can tell right now I'm going to end up forgetting and spraying someone or something...” I chuckled.
“Ooh baby you can spray me with WHATEVER you want...” Rice said as he looked up at the ceiling, no longer making sparks, the whole room going dark as none of us were either.
I made a face in the dark, “Okay Rice, THAT was creepy... And I didn't know you were into that sort of stuff...” I said as I began making sparks. “Not to mention I don't feel comfortable in the dark with you in the room anymore...”
Electra laughed, and so did Rice. “I wasn't going to do anything...” He said with a smile on his muzzle.
I smirked. “Sure you weren't...” I said as I grinned at him.
He laughed and picked me up, kissing my cheek again. “Hehe... I totally was going to do something...” he grinned.
I grinned, then licked his nose. “I knew it...” I said, laughing.
Putting me down, he sighed.”Well it's really not my fault. I mean I did everything to protect you before, when you were male, but now that you're my mate, I'm going to have to go above and beyond for you...”
I sighed. “Rice you don't have to do that...”
He smiled. “No no, yes I do.” He smiled. “You're my mate, and Electra is your mate, so technically I have two mates, and I have to protect you both...”
I made a face at him. “HOW does that make you have two mates?”
He grinned. “Because I asked Electra while you were asleep and she said it was fine with her because this way we'd all be together all the time.”
I sighed, my ears drooping to the sides. “Great, now we can have a threesome...” I mumbled.
“Now you're talking my language!” Rice said as he began wagging his tali.
“No! I didn't mean it like that!” I said as I slapped myself in the face. “Ugh, forget that I even said that word...”
Just then, Electra entered, licking something off of her paw.
“Well that was fast...” I said as I moved aside so she could enter.
“Yeah, there was a pile of mushy berries outside... They tasted fine so I ate them. Anyhow, what word? I heard you say you wanted Rice to forget you said a word.” She said as she turned to me.
“Ah, yes. Dallas here wants to have a threesome.” Rice grinned.
Immediately, she stopped licking her paw and made a face at me. “I thought you said you weren't ready...” she said, smirking.
I growled. “I did... I didn't mean it like that... I meant the three of us being each other's mates.”
Rice laughed. “Yeah, he did. I just wanted to see your reaction.”
Electra turned to Rice and stuck her tongue out at him. “Not funny.” she growled.
I giggled, wagging my tail. “I feel weird... Energetic and stuff...” I smiled as I hugged Electra from behind. “Hehe... Electraaaa...”
She giggled, purring softly as I hugged her. “You know, I can't keep calling you Dallas... You're female now, so you need a female name...”
Rice nodded. “I didn't even think of that... She's right, you do.”
I let go of her and nodded. “Yeah, I guess...” I said as I scratched the back of my head. “But what would be a good name for me?”
“BREEZY!” Rice blurted out, grinning. “Your new name is Breezy.”
I made a face at him. “Well what if I don't like it?”
He made a face back at me. ”Well then you can suck my di-”
“OHHHHKAY...” Electra interrupted. “DO you like it Dallas?” She asked me, smiling.
I nodded. “Honestly yeah... My name is Breezy then... And No Rice, I won't. At least not now...” I chuckled.
Electra grinned, and so did Rice.
“Anyhow, we should get out of here and do something. I mean, we're not just going to sit here all day, are we?” Electra giggled.
“WHY would we do that?” I asked as I dashed out of the room, headed for the main room. I didn't even look back as I ran through the tunnels, making my way outside. When I got outside, I pushed myself through the bush and stood there outside of it, waiting for Rice and Electra. About a minute later, they made their way out of the hole, and through the bush, smiling at me.
“What took you so long?” I asked as I got down onto all fours, wagging my tail. “Come on, let's do something fun!”
Rice sighed. “I can't really... But we CAN train at the training area, what do you say?”
I nodded, and so did Electra. “Okay. Let's do it.” she said, smiling.
Smiling back, Rice nodded as he walked back into the bush. “You know, we should've gone out the other way...” He said as he sighed, waiting in front of the hole. “You first Dal- I mean Breezy.”
I shook my head. “No way!! I'm not going in there with you behind me!” I said as I stood up after entering the bush, folding my arms.
“Hehe... Come on Breezy, do it. You've got to get used to this kind of stuff.” Electra said as she nudged me towards the hole.
“Okay fine...” I mumbled. “But only because Electra asked...”
Rice made a face at me. “Heeey... As leader I ORDER you to go in before me.”
I stuck out my tongue. “And now because Rice also told me to...”
He smiled, folding his arms. “Better...”
Electra giggled as I got down on all fours and walked into the hole, eith her going in after me, and Rice behind her. I was all tensed up as I entered the main room, dashing over to the correct tunnel and darting into it. The sparks I were producing to light the way were a little more than sparks, since I was all nervous and stuff, and couldn't control how much energy I released. The result was more light, but also a lot of heat, which just radiated in my face, having no wind to push it elsewhere. I slowed down as I came near the exit, only to be bumped into from behind, and knocked onto my belly.
“Ow... Rice what the hell?” I said as I stood up and continued walking. About a second later, he shoved his nose underneath my tail and nuzzled me hard.
“EEE!” I yelled as I jumped, hitting my head on the ceiling and falling flat on my belly again. “This is EXACTLY why I didn't want to be first!” I said as I looked behind me, seeing Electra standing there, giggling quietly.
“Oh... Well you could've told me it was you!” I said as I stood back up. “I thought that was Rice... And I didn't know you still liked me like that...” I smiled as I stood up.
She frowned at me. “Just because you're female doesn't change who you truly are... I love you for who you are, not what gender you are...” She said, smiling at me.
I smiled back, and would've wagged my tail if she wasn't so close to me. It would probably end up slapping her if I did. “Awww... Electra...” I smiled, the sparks on my cheeks stopping. “I love you too...”
“Me too...” Rice said from behind her.
Electra giggled. “I think you meant Breezy, not me.”
Rice laughed. “Nope, I meant both of you. Breezy more of course, but you too.”
“Creep...” She mumbled, laughing.
That made me turn back around and keep walking, kind of creeping me out a bit. I knew I was female and all, but I still felt weird when he said he loved me... And besides, it hasn't even been an hour since I'd woken up, of course I'm still not going to be used to it.
A few seconds later, I darted out of the exit and into the tall grass, turning around and tackling Electra as she exited, laying ontop of her and kissing her gently.
“Hehe, so you don't mind at all that I'm female? I mean, we can't mate anymore and stuff...” I said as I got really close to her, smiling. “I mean, I never stopped liking you as a mate, I just thought YOU did...” I said as I licked her cheek slowly.
She nodded, kissing me back. “Hehe, Dallas... We can, er I mean Breezy... We can find ways around that... Other ways to mate, things we can use... Mating with a male isn't everything you know.” She giggled, poking my nose. “We can use food to mate, like carrots and pickles. Now get off me, Rice is staring at us...” she said as she licked my cheek back, winking at me.
Frowning, I stepped to the side, still on all fours, allowing her to roll over and stand up. I'd never known my own mate was into females... Or into pleasuring herself... All this time I'd thought she only liked males... Never knew she was curious about what it'd be like to mate with a female... Maybe she thought it'd be weird to tell me, thought I'd like her less, think she was weird or something... Or maybe she'd never thought of it until I turned into a female... But then there's another possibility... She could've been hiding it all along, and then used my transformation into a female as an excuse to tell me she was into other females... Or at least just me for now, I don't know about other females that aren't me... But I'd have no problem bringing another female into the relationship if it's what Electra wanted. I mean, sure the first other female I've had a relationship with has turned out to be a disaster, and the second one didn't last because we had to split up because of those stupid humans, but... There were plenty out there that were as nice as Cammy was, and truly loved me like Electra did... The only problem was, there was no way I could find another Electra. There was no other female in the WORLD that ate, slept, or acted like Electra did. Electra was one of a kind, and there was no replacing her. It'd take one hundred other females to replace Electra, and still even THEN I wouldn't feel satisfied with the outcome, because none of them would have Electra's appetite. Not just her appetite for food, but her appetite for adventure too. Not to mention her short temper, and predatory instincts.
No female in the world could replace Electra.
“Err, are you okay?” She asked as she waved her paw in front of my face. “Breezy?”
“Eh? Oh, sorry I was just thinking about something.” I said as I smiled, looking over at Rice, who motioned for us to follow him as he began walking.
“Rice, I kind of know where it is already, and I can already tell you you're going the wrong way. This isn't the path to the training area...” I said as I looked ahead of Rice, seeing nothing but grass.
“Yeah, this isn't the way.” Electra said as she pointed behind us. “We're supposed to go that way.”
Rice smirked, although we couldn't see it, and nodded. “Yes, I know... I'm not going to the training area.” He said in a cheerful tone. “We're going somewhere much better...”
“Oh? Where?” I asked, curious as to where we were going.
“Yeah, where?” Electra asked, wagging her tail. “Is it somewhere fun?”
Rice smiled. “Well to you it will be, but to Breezy it'll still be fun, but a bit less fun than you'll take it to be.”
I frowned, tilting my head to the right as I tried to imagine what Electra would find fun that I'd find boring, or at least not as fun.
“Err...” I mumbled as I continued walking, neglecting to ask what he'd meant, as it would only make me more and more curious, and probably bother him, as I'd ask a bunch of questions afterward, turning it into a guessing game until he told us where we were going, which he clearly didn't want me to.
We walked for about three minutes before I saw the end of the grass trail. It was waaaaay ahead of us, but I could still see the end. The grass also seemed to be getting shorter as we walked, because I was now able to see over it, where as back at the colony, it was well over my head. And that's just what I did, looking over it in hope that I'd see at least a clue as to where Rice was bringing us. To the left, was just an endless landscape of more and more tall grass, and to the right was the exact same thing. The only thing that could possibly give off a clue would be ahead of us, and Rice was far too tall to see over, so looking ahead of us was out of the question. However, I could still look diagonal up-right of up-left, which is how I saw that the trail was ending.
“Um... Are we almost there?” Electra asked as she too was trying to see ahead. “Your fat Raichu body is blocking my view.” She growled.
“Hehe, relax you two.” Rice chuckled as he looked back at us, nodding. “We're almost there.”
Smiling, I leaned against Electra, who leaned back against me as we walked. She was purring at me for some reason, probably because I kept licking her cheek, giggling as she made a few sparks jump off of it.
“Okay stop.” Rice said as he stopped at the end of the path. “What you're about to see, you can't tell ANYONE about!” He said as he turned around and folded his arms, giving us a serious look. “I mean it, not one.”
We both nodded, smiling. “Well Starlight tends to follow us around and stuff... And so did Stryder....” Electra commented as she began dragging her left foot around in the grass.
“Yes, I know. They're pests, and I don't like them. They harass all of our new colony members, and Starlight tries to hook up with them. Starlight is actually Stryder's mate, although Stryder denies it, so that the newcomer thinks she's single. Starlight then acts all nice and stuff, pretending to be attracted with the newcomer. After they're friends, Starlight mates with them, giving Stryder a reason to attack the newcomer and drive off both them AND their mate they came with, both of them fleeing the colony. Then they continue to stalk them and throw things at them until they're sure they won't come back. Fortunately, you and Electra showed up, and put an end to it all. We've lost so many newcomers and gained such a bad reputation because of Stryder and Starlight's stupid mind games. Like I said, YOU came along, and I knew from the start you and Stryder were going to have some problems. When Starlight reported stuff to me, I pretended to care, and told her I'd do something about it, though I never did. I stuck up for you two, because I knew that this pattern had to be stopped. Not only that, but also because your power could greatly benefit this colony. I knew Stryder wouldn't be able to get through you or Electra, because you both were far too powerful for him to mess with, so I did absolutely nothing about it. Anyhow, I'm glad you two put an end to it all, he was beginning to be a real nuisance to the colony, and if you didn't do something, I would have. But what exactly DID you do with them?” Rice asked as he unfolded his arms, staring down at us curiously.
“I ate him.” Electra proudly declared.
“Err, yeah... I fed him to Electra... He tried to attack us with the help of a Charmander but Electra ate the Charmander too...” I said as I scratched the back of my head.
“Yep yep.” Electra smiled, wagging her tail.
“Errr... And Starlight too?” Rice asked, making a face at us.
Electra looked at me, and I looked back at her, frowning. “Um, no actually, I don't know where she went...” I said as I looked down.
Rice nodded. “Well as long as she isan't causing trouble, I don't care.” He smiled. “Now, to show you what you came here for...” He said as he turned back around. “Follow me.”
Nodding, we followed him into the woods. About a minute later, we came to what appeared to be a house. But what was a house doing out here in the woods?
“Um... A human nest?” Electra asked, frowning.
“Yes, I found it out here a while ago and claimed it. This is where we keep all of our cold food.” Rice said as he smiled.
I frowned. “What do you mean by cold food?” I asked.
Rice chuckled. “Well, I'll show you.” He said as he opened the door and walked in. Inside, were two refrigerators and two freezers, the big tall ones, that either only worked as refrigerators, or only worked as freezers.
“Ohhhh! Cold boxes!” Electra said as she followed Rice inside. Following Electra in, I closed the door behind me.
“Yep. This is where we keep all the cold things we get from the Pokemart. If we got it from one of the cold boxes in the Pokemart, we bring it here and put it in one of these ones. Our food always used to get nasty because we didn't keep it cold, so we had to use ice beam and keep ice around it. When I found this place, I was super happy.” Rice said as he began wagging his tail. “Not many know about it, because if they did, they'd probably all rush in and take all the good food.”
I nodded. “Probably...” I said as I squinted at something green between a freezer and the wall. “Hey, what's that?” I asked as I pointed to it.
“Huh?” Rice asked as he followed my paw to the wall. “Oh, that's just paper we took from the Pokemart. I don't know what it's for so I brought it all here in case we needed it for something.” he frowned.
“Rice, that's what you give to humans to get foods and stuff...” I said as I walked over to it, frowning. There was a whole pile of it, at least $10,000 just piled up in the corner. It was probably even more than that! “Rice, instead of stealing it, just walk in with some of this paper and buy some things. Give the humans this paper and they'll let you take all the food you want.”
“Ohhhhh..” Rice groaned, slapping himself in the face. “I didn't know that... I used to be in a colony where they made you work for something called Pokey, and you traded the Pokey for foods and stuff. Is that the s-”
“Yeah, it's the same Idea.” I said as I walked back over to him.
“Humans get mad when you eat it...” Electra said, making a face at us. “Why can't I eat it? And why are we here again?” she asked, frowning.
“OH!” Rice said as he opened one of the freezers. “I keep all the icy stuff in here, and the cold stuff in the other ones.” He said as he pulled out a case of meat, closing the freezer and smiling at us. “I brought you here because... Well... Since you're going to be my mates, we might want to spend time with eachother, right?”
We both nodded. “Right.”
“Hehe, sooo... I'm going to cook for you.” He smiled, his ears perking up.
“Whoa, what?” Electra asked, her eyes lighting up. “You can cook meat?”
Rice nodded.”See? Didn't I tell you you'd like it Electra?” He chuckled as he headed towards the door. “And Dal- I mean Breezy, you'll like it too.” He smiled as he opened the door and walked out. Following him, I smiled, just as Electra tackled me down into the grass, her tail closing the door as we tumbled into Rice, who just looked down at us and laughed.
“FOOD!” Electra squealed, scrambling off of me and tackling the meat out of Rice's paws. “NOM NOM NOM!!!”
“Electra nooo...” He sighed, his ears dropping to the sides as he watched her. “Let me cook it...”
Frowning, she nodded, handing it back to him. “It's frozen... I can't bite that!”
I laughed. “Why do you NEED to bite it? You wouldn't bite it if it was cooked so why bite it when it's frozen?”
Rice laughed as he helped me to my feet, walking over to what appeared to be a hole in the ground. Walking over to it, I saw a bunch of black and white rocks in the hole, and a round metal plate over it. The plate had horizontal lines going across it, like a sewer flap or something, except it was much thinner. I know I've seen this before, but where... I used to do it all the time in the summer as a human, and you'd put food on it and cook it and flip it and stuff... What was It called again...
AHA! It's a grill!”
“Rice you have a grill?!?” I asked, walking over to it and wagging my tail. “I didn't know you could grill things, or knew how to... You know, you should've taken an actual grill from the Pokemart instead of using this hole.” I said excitedly.
He nodded, smiling as he removed the metal plate and pushed some leaves into it. “Yes actually, I do. I think I'm the only one who knows what it is, too. Well besides you...”
I nodded. “Did you have a human owner in the past or something?”
He shook his head. “Nope, but I saw humans doing it before, a long time ago, except they had a tall one with buttons on it.
I nodded. “Yeah, humans always get all the good stuff... Like I said, get one from the Pokemart.”
Electra growled. “Yeah, and the best food is in human places, and I'm almost never let inside...”
I nodded. “You bet it is...” I said, smiling as Rice added some sticks.
“Breezy, would you like to do the honors?” He asked as he pointed to the pile of sticks and leaves, placing the metal lid ontop of it. “All you have to do is shock it, and the metal will heat up red hot and make a fire.” He said, stepping back.
Nodding, I got down onto all fours and looked down at the hole, drawing energy into my cheeks as I got ready. “Okay... Here I go...” I said as I released it, a bolt of electricity shooting out of me and attaching to the metal lid. It seemed to be so attracted to it that I didn't even have to aim well, it kind of curved into it. Not wanting to look bad, I aimed it at it anyway. After about five seconds, I stopped. There was a red hot spot on the metal lid, but no fire. Just as I was about to recharge and try again, Rice pushed some more leaves ontop of it and a fire ignited out of nowhere.
“Oh, wow.” I said, smiling. “Now what do you do?” I asked, curious as to how he cooked things.
“Well, I wait for the fire to go down, and the rocks underneath are really hot. I use the heat from the rocks to cook the meat. Whenever I use the heat of the fire, it ends up tasting nasty, like the stuff that was in the fire...”
I nodded, smiling. “Wow, you really DO know how to do it...” I said, surprised.
He smiled. “Well, I learn, you know? It took some time to figure out, but I got it.” He said as he ripped open the package of meat and began placing them on the lid. They made hissing sounds as they were placed on, and I smiled as Electra's tail began to wag.
What happened to waiting for the fire to go down?
“I've never seen it cooked before!” She giggled, walking up and watching them. “Hehe, they're all bubbly.”
Rice nodded, tossing the empty package behind him. “Yep... That's how they are.” He said as he sat down, smiling at us. “We have a while to go. They usually sit here until they get brown and black. I don't like them red.” He said as he grabbed me, pulling me down into his lap and snuggling me.
“WAH!” I yelled, flailing and trying to get up.”Rice stop it!”
“Breezy you stop it.” He chuckled. “You've got to get used to this one way or another.”
Sighing, I stopped moving, leaning against his belly and agreeing with him. “I guess you're right... But it's all so weird to me... I mean... I've been male all my life, and now... Ugh...”
Rice licked the top of my head. “Forget you were ever male. If anything is going to help you get used to being a female, it's that. You're never going to be male again, you've just got to accept that you're a beautiful, powerful female now and every male is going to want to be all over you. Now would you rather have me, an understanding male that gives you adequate space to get used to me, or another male that would relentlessly make out with you and not even give you a chance to explain that you weren't ready?”
“I'm also human.... Should I just forget about that too because I'm a Pikachu?” I mumbled, growling under my breath. It was true that I didn't want to accept any of this, but I had no choice. The more I denied it, the rougher it got. And now that I'm a female, there was no way I was going to change back now... Right? I mean, the body that I changed into was Dallas... This is Cammy, she was never a human... There's no way for me to be human again unless I'm Dallas... And right now, I'm Cammy... But... If I WERE to change back... Since Cammy never had a human body... Would one just be made up out of nowhere? Would I turn into a beautiful female model or something?
“What was that?” Rice asked as he tilted his head to the right, frowning. “Come on, lighten up. I wanna spend time with you, that's why I brought you here...” he said as he nudged me. “One sec, get up. I have to flip the steaks...” he smiled.
“You mean those are steaks?” Electra asked as she looked at them, her eyes lighting up as she grabbed her tail, hugging it tightly against her belly. “I LOVE steaks!”
“Do you chew them? Rice asked as I got up off of him, grinning as he looked around. “Ugh, I don't know where I put the flat thing...”
Electra nodded. “Of course I do... They're my favorites, I try to enjoy them...”
I giggled, patting Electra's back as I frowned. “You mean the thing you use to flip them?”
Rice nodded. “Yeah, that thing, you see it anywhere?”
Me and Electra both shook out heads no. “Nope...”
Rice's ears flattened to the back of his head. “Ugh... What am I going to do now?”
Pushing past us, Electra sighed. “I didn't come all this way to have a half cooked steak...” She growled as she pushed Rice out of the way, her tail glowing silver as she growled.
“Whoa, easy there.” I said as she got ready to swing at us with Iron tail, or so I thought. Instead, she slipped her iron tail underneath each steak, flipping them around as if she were a pro at it, her tail returning to normal afterward.
“Err...” Rice said, scratching the back of his head.
“Yeah, don't get between Electra and her food...” I chuckled, patting her back. “Nice work!”
She giggled. “Well something had to be done, and I wasn't going to just wait here and watch them burn... Look, they're perfect.” She said as she pointed to them. “Now they just need to cook on the other side and they'll be done.”
I nodded, and so did Rice. “Wow... I never knew you were so... Dominant...” Rice chuckled, leaning down and licking her right ear.
“Okay, hold it right there.” Electra said as she ducked underneath him and grabbed his tail. “I am NOT going to get all lovey with you... You can do that crap to Dallas, I mean Breezy all you want, but I'm NOT your mate.” She growled. Right now, this food is the priority, so stop messing around.” She growled as she tugged on his tail so hard that he fell over.
“Wow... You really ARE dominant...” He said as he got to his feet, laughing.
“Only when food is at stake...” I grinned, nuzzling Electra's side.
“Not now Dallas...” She said as she stared at the steaks, still cooking. “Sorry, I meant Breezy...”
I chuckled. “It's fine... But, they're going to be hot, and we need something to put them on.”
Slowly looking up and over at me, she nodded. “Yeah, we do...”
Rice snapped his fingers and ran inside the house, coming out a couple seconds later with some money in his paws. “How about this?”
“NO!” I yelled as I walked over to him, pushing on his side. “Put that back! That's important!”
Making a face, he nodded, turning around and walking back inside, coming out with a flat piece of wood. “How's this?”
Electra giggled. “Just bring it here.” She said as she reached down to pick up one of the steaks.
“OW!” She squealed, jerking her paw back and sucking on her fingers. “It's fucking hot!”
“Electra...” I said as I walked over, frowning. “You knew they were hot...”
She frowned. “Well not on the top, I thought only on the bottom...” she whined.
I nodded, sighing. “We need something to get them off...”
Rice pushed between us and stabbed the end of his tail into one, lifting it up and shaking it off onto the wooden plate.
“Err... I was going to do the iron tail thing...” Electra frowned as she watched Rice pick up another and another, until they were all on the plate.
“Ah yes, forgot about that.” I said as I scratched my right ear. “So... They're done, so now what?”
“What do you THINK?” Electra laughed. “We wait for them to cool off and then I eat them all while you two watch.” She grinned.
Rice nodded. “Not quite...”
She laughed. “Then what do we do?”
I chuckled and patted her back. “We should go somewhere special...”
Rice nodded. “Exactly, follow me.” He said as he covered them over with the plastic from the wrapper.
Smiling, me and Electra took eachother's paws and began following Rice, not bothering to ask where we were going. When we got there however, both me AND Electra were surprised. We'd walked all the way back through the tall grass, and out in the direction of the training area, however, we'd gone farther than that and ended up in the same place I'd gotten caught... The same place I'd been trapped...
“Oh... Arceus... Why here?” I asked, frowning as he placed the plate on a rock next to the stream.
“Something wrong?” Rice asked as he patted my back.
“Well this is where Dallas got caught the first time. See all the blood over the- Nevermind...” Electra said as she squinted. “Well it rained, so the blood's gone...”
I sighed, sitting down on the rock. “Our apples are still here...”
Electra nodded, picking one up. “Nothing wrong with them...” she said, grinning.
I smiled at her, chuckling. “You're not going to...”
Before I got a chance to say it, she'd already stuffed it into her mouth and began chewing on it.
“Aw come on... Why would you eat that?” I asked, frowning.
Hey, at least I still had some of my human etiquette, right? Not that I needed it, but still...
“Why not?” She said as she swallowed it, giggling. “There's nothing wrong with it.”
“Well I suppose there isn't...” I mumbled as I looked at Rice. “Hey, let's stay here. I don't mind.”
Nodding, he pulled off the plastic and smiled. “Well, take whichever one you want.” He said as he picked one up, biting into it and smiling. Pushing past me, Electra snatched one up with her claws, quickly biting into it.
“Er... That was expected...” I said as I picked mine up, sitting down next to Rice and smiling. “Well... If we're going to do this, we might as well have some time alone, right?”
He nodded, smiling as he pulled me into his lap with his free paw. “Exactly.”
I giggled as I bit into my steak, smiling up at Rice. “Well... I appreciate you doing this for me, but you didn't have to...”
He chuckled, patting my belly. “Well I just wanted to show you how much I love you...”
I smiled, nuzzling his paw. “Well I know already... Your eagerness and stuff alone tells me how much you really love me... And I've been thinking about what you said. You know, about forgetting I was ever male and stuff. I think that's truly the only way I could ever get used to being a female... I mean, I might still act like myself from time to time, but I'm going to start losing it, becoming more and more feminine... Not to mention aggressive...” I said as I looked at Electra.
Rice nodded. “To tell you the truth, I'm not totally comfortable with being with you either... I mean, you're male inside, but female outside... I WANT to be with you, and I think you kind of want to be with me too, right? But I'm finding it a bit hard when you act so... Manly... I mean, forgetting you were ever male would be good for the both of us... Maybe we can find a Pokemon that can erase your memory or something, I don't know.”
I sighed, my ears falling flat against the back of my head. “Yeah, well I guess so... I mean I'd finally be able to face it and all, and you'd have a good mate and stuff... But what I'm really worried about is if Electra will still love me... I mean, we liked eachother ever since we'd met... I don't want to end that here just because I'm changing...”
Rice nodded. “I understand, but there's nothing you can do about it. Like she said before, she loves you for you, not for what you are, regardless of your gender.”
Sighing again, I nodded, taking another bite of my steak. No one said a word until we were all done, which was when Rice stood up and placed me on the ground. “Well Dallas, I mean Breezy... What do you think we should do now?”
I smiled, pointing to the lake. “Swim, maybe groom eachother?”
Electra giggled and nodded. ”Yeah, I've gotta get back to the colony, you two have fun.” She said as she took off running. “Need more food!”
“Err... I guess she thought we were going to mate...” I said as I looked up at Rice, frowning.
“Well, do you want to?” He asked, smiling as he patted my back.
“Well, no but... I've got to get used to it somehow... If you can get me in the mood somehow, I'd have to accept your offer, but I don't think I'd be able to just openly say yes, regardless of if I have to accept my female body or not...”
He nodded, smiling as he picked me up. “Oh, I'll get you in the mood alright...” he chuckled.
I chuckled too, licking his belly and closing my eyes as he walked over to the lake and threw me into it.
“AH!” I squealed, flailing about in the water as I scrambled to my feet, standing up tall. “Ugh, that was unexpected...” I said as I grabbed his left paw and pulled him in. “Ha...”
Laughing, he got up and pulled me in deeper. The ground underneath me fell down into a steep drop, and I pushed off of it, treading water and laughing. “Haha, come get me!” I yelled as I began swimming, surprised at how fast I could go as a Pikachu, despite having fur. I'd never tried to swim before as a Pikachu, and there was no doubt I preferred it over human swimming.
“Oh no you don't!” Rice laughed as he jumped on me, not even giving me time to swim away. Laughing, he hugged me tightly. “My little Breezy...” He giggled as he began licking the top of my head, smiling at me.
“Awww you got me...” I laughed, poking his nose. “Hehe, since I lost I have to try again!” I said as I wiggled out of his grip and pushed off of him, standing up on the ground and running. It was hard to run in the water, but easier for Rice since he was taller.
“Ha! Gotcha again.” He said as he dove ontop of me, laughing.
“Awwww!” I groaned, chuckling as I wagged my tail. “You got me again...”
He nodded, licking the back of my head. “Now hold still while I clean you!” He laughed as he began licking my right ear. II didn't move as he cleaned the back of my head and my ears, and eventually he got off of me, flipping me around and laying ontop of me, chuckling. “This would be the perfect mating position...” he grinned.
I frowned, pushing against him. “You wouldn't...”
“No actually, I would.” He said as he rubbed my sides slowly, purring softly.
“Ugh Rice... Why now?” I asked as I pushed on him again, but he was too heavy to get off of me.
“Well because for one, no one's around, and two, like you said, you need to see what it feels like, and get used to it. And we're in water so it won't be messy or anything...”
I looked into his eyes, and saw that he was really hoping I'd say yes. I could tell that he really wanted this, and as leader he'd probably command me to do it or something...
“Ugh... F-f... Fine...” I mumbled under my breath.
“What was that?” He asked, perking his ears up.
“I said fine, do it.” I said, sighing.
“Thaaaat's a good girl...” He chuckled as he gently kissed me on the lips...
-----END Chapter Fifteen----
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Chapter Fifteen - It's Not Easy Being Breezy
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