Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Celitwo


“It is this floor, is it not." Responded Natty as her eyes shifted to the floor standing before her while everyone else stayed silent, saying nothing after her. She growled and glared at us and Zander snickered to himself with Yang smacking the back of his head with her claw. Silence had fallen, looming over our heads as I turned attention towards the hallway again. We stepped forth out from the small box that we took for a ride and entered into the hallway. I breathed in a deep sigh, exhaled and Kyro smiled only briefly to me but his eyes were to the closed doors adjacent to us. The hallway was freshed as if someone had place scented flavors all over the floor, to keep away from the bad smell that had been looming over the building. We were on the fourth floor of the building; the place where the party will start perhaps in a few minutes or later. As we had arrived here a short time before the actual start, I smiled before drifting off to the doors and pondered to myself.


“So what number is it called?" I heard Kyro said shifting his attention to Yang who lowered her eyes to the small leaflet of paper responding to him, “Four hundred and thirty, it seems." “Great…" Zander interrupted, rolling his eyes as he shoved his claws into his pocket and walked a bit further away from us, “Let us go and find out what these geeks wanted from us. I bet there is a case looming over us." “How can there be a case when its just a invitation to a party?" I questioned Zander who said nothing for a few short seconds. HIs footsteps was his only response. I stared at him momentarily before exhaling a sigh as I felt something onto my shoulder, I turned to Yang who smiled warmly at me before she went to follow Zander. I said nothing to her but went to follow her. We ended up walking as a line towards our destination which was a short distance away.


As we walked, I turned my attention to the walls and doors that were adjacent to us. I had noticed the walls were maroon while the doors were pure white. I stepped to one of the closest doors and grabbed onto its knob, tilting it over. I had noticed how each of the doors were locked preventing anyone from entering inside. I wondered what they were doing there.But I decided not to and ignored the following doors adjacent to the doorknob I had grabbed and just followed the group down. We walked further away from the box behind us. I had noticed how the doors were turning more white and the walls turning dark. I was a bit nervous about the knobs and the walls that I had ran passed Kyro and Natty towards the adjacent side of Yang, who looked surprise to see me but nonetheless ignored me until we reached our destination. Around the time, Kyro and Natty were smiling back onto me. I never response to them and continued ignoring them until we reached that door.


Reaching four thirty, we stopped upon the door. Zander reached forth and grabbed its knob. Thus turning it over, we heard a click and the door opened. Yang peered into the room. But gasped when she had noticed how peaceful the place was. She walked in. Zander walked after her. I after Zander. Kyro and Natty after me. The door closed behind the pair while we stared around the room. The place was a total mess. Garbage and strings of white were everywhere. Party balloons and other party items were scattered all over the floor. The white tables were overturned with the number of spilled drinks staining the floor. The room was small to medium size it seems. A sofa was sitting at one end of the room, across the television of the other end of the room. Between them was a huge window that never opens I and Kyro stared at that window while Zander Natty and Yang looked to the detailed room a bit. Shocked were all over our face as we stared upon the messy scenery before us and Yang growled before motioning us. We all nodded, returning to our serious work as we split up from one another to gather information about the culprit that made this mess.


It did not take long for someone to find a paper with a written list of names already crossed out for some strange reason. We heard Zander called out to Yang. Yang emerged out from the small kitchen room and walked over to Zander who showed her the paper. While they talked, I glanced around the kitchen room looking through the furniture and such hoping to find something interesting. But nothing had came to mind and I got up onto my feet, stretched my back before turning over to Yang who was somehow looking over to me. I blinked and tilted my head, walking over to her while she continued staring. I asked, “Something wrong?" “We got the list of names on a piece of paper. But why are they crossed out for some reason?" She asked me and showed the piece of paper while I looked and study the paper.


Ten names were written on the paper. All of them were members of our counterpart team. Yet all of them were crossed out with a red pen or crayon. “That seems weird." I muttered without hesitation before looking up to Yang, “Why would anyone want to?" “I do not know." Yang shake her head before Kyro shouted something to us. We glanced over to the side; near the window where the red dragon was standing. As his eyes connected to us, he pointed to the corner side of the window. Red paw prints were found; stained and dry as if a murder had taken place here before. We walked over to Kyro. I had already asked the question before Yang, “How long was that there?" “Seems to be a long time." “How long is a 'long time'?" Zander interrupted us, Yang shrugged. “I do not know. Five months perhaps?" “And no one mentioned the red paw print to Chaos at all?" I raised an eye in interest while silence fell over our heads, I exhaled after a few moments before nodding “Sorry. Force of habit." “Nah." Yang shook her head, denying it while looking back at the window. “However, while it may be a long time. Does anyone think this had been made here to throw off our scent of the truth behind the party's messed?" “Perhaps. Unless it had something connected to the mess at hand." I started, Zander shook his head disagreeing.


“If that were the case, then why was it place on the window instead upon the floor like everything else?" “Good point." Kyro agreed, I nodded in response to the black dragon as he said nothing but to stare back upon the window again before he stepped closer to it and hit his head against the surface which startled the rest of us as we glanced our heads to him feeling a bit concerned for him. Yang stepped to his side and raised her claw to his shoulder; but he ignored the warm feeling attached to him. Me, Kyro and Natty just stepped back and continued the investigation at hand while we gathered up the mess presented. “It is amazing on how much of a mess we see here. It was as if the party had already finish and we were late to that at all." “Yeah." Kyro started with a frown as his eyes turned towards another piece of paper standing before him; he grabbed onto it and spoke towards me. “Hey Ling…" His voice trailed and I looked over to him while he spoke raising his eyes to me, “Look at this." “What is it?" I questioned him stepping to his side as I looked upon the paper.


It was a birthday card with the same red paw print at the corner of the card. I blinked before shifting my attention towards the window before muttering, “Did someone died here?" “Could be. It could explain why the party was a mess in the first place." Kyro whispered back, I shook my head “Not the mess of a party. I meant the murder that took place that halted the party in the first place." I looked around the room “But there is no red painted stains on the walls or on the furniture." “Weird, is it not." “Very, Kyro." I agreed before turning to Yang speaking to her. She and Zander turned their attention to me, but only the dragoness blinked her eyes and stepped forth towards our side. Only that she turned to the card that Zander was holding was the only time I spoke explaining to her everything. For by the time I stopped, she thought for a moment before nodding her head, “You know… that could be it. A murder took place which stopped the party. However…" She looked around the room, but before she could say anything else. I nodded my head slowly, “We know. The walls and furniture was cleaned up. But the floor was a mess. Why?" “True, there are no blood stains anywhere…" Yang muttered in agreeance while her eyes settled back onto me, I nodded.


“So… now what?" Kyro asked after a pause of silence while me and Yang turned to him, frowning. A few more seconds into the silence before Yang suggested, “Maybe we should ask around the place. Find out about the clues we were already given." “I will take Zander with me." “Guess that means I am alone this time." Yang remarked, a bit surprise by my announcement while Kyro and Natty chuckled to themselves, She nodded again and lead us out of the room where she closed the door suddenly behind her and ordered, pointing at us “Kyro and Natty. Find out what you can upon the North west corner, closest to the building where the party took place. Zander and Ling; try the opposite side of them." “South East?" Zander tilted his head in question while I nodded at him, rolling my eyes and sighing as we split up from the room.


“Man Zander, do not look like a fool or stupid in front of her. You know how she hates it." I stated towards Zander who looked embarrassed by the red rosy blushes upon his cheeks. As he held his wings closer towards his body and gazed away, I chuckled in response to him which causes him to growl at me and walked a bit faster from my line. He moved forth towards the end of the hallway where a door was waiting for us. As Zander went to opened it, he entered in and disappeared. I followed in afterwards. Finding ourselves out onto the streets again with no one in our sights. We were both surprise by the sudden transition that we turned our heads over our shoulders and glance to the white door behind us. Then Zander went to opened it and peer inside, staring upon the hallway that we had somehow walked through. He turned to me, I shrugged afterwards and said nothing before silently spreading my wings and took to the skies. Zander followed me afterwards and we flew Southeast. A short distance from where the party had started.


We landed after a short moment;  I glanced around where we were at. Surprise by the emptiness of the streets at this corner, I frowned and looked a bit worried as Zander walked a bit further from me and pointed towards something at a distance. I peered my eyes out towards whatever he was looking at. A bit surprise into seeing something there as I jogged up towards it before grabbing it. It looked like a party hat. A number 2 was written in black marker. I called to Zander, he walked to me and blinked at the number before lifting his head up to the skies and muttered something. I got up onto my feet and frowned before staring at Zander and spoke, “Do you think that this number had anything to do with the list at all?" “Can it be the number two of the list?" Zander suggested, “No." “Then it is not that easy," He started. I rolled my eyes again and turned to look around the place. “What if it was the two missing canines missing?" “Two what?" Zander asked, glancing to me while I spoke furthering my claim. “That Chaos list we found at the party, listed everyone right?" “All of which were crossed out so we had agreed that it had nothing to do with our investigation." “But what if it does." I remarked. “What if it was not the party greeting list. But rather a hit list." “A hit list? Really…" Zander narrowed his eyes at me, exhaled and shook his head.


“Just think about it alright?" I responded and he just waved at me before walking away. “Hey. It could explain why the party was a mess. But no bodies or blood found." “It could be however…" Zander replied before his head turned and gaze at the horizon. We both fell to silence while I watched him spread his wings again. “Nothing else for us here. Time to head back." “Wait." I suddenly said as he turned his head to me looking with concern while I spoke, “Why is a piece of paper at this location? Do you think that the killer was moving in this direction?" Zander fell silent but he frowned as he nodded, folded his wings before replying “That could be a good point. Should we relay this to her?" “Not yet." I started, shaking my head while moving onward passed Zander and through the streets. I stared off onto the distance and move quietly. I looked to the sides; staring at the buildings sitting adjacent to one another. Their colors uniform that it seems to be one giant block. I kept moving, pushing my feet further and faster through the streets as Zander followed behind me with a calm look upon his face. Although I swore that he looked concerned or curious as to where this investigation was leading however.


As we moved straight to the end of the road; we ended up in front of a door. I stared at the white door for a moment then reached in and grabbed its knob. But to my surprise, the knob was not there. I figured that the door might be a deadend of our little investigation and turned around to Zander before shaking my head. “Alright. Lets just report this to her and call it a day for now." “You think she is still at that party room looking for clues and notes?" I asked with a smile, Zander reflected me and responded “Perhaps. Unless she already found it that is." I nodded before we spread our wings and took off, retreating to the tall building where the party had once taken place. But as we had headed back and entered through the white door again, we were surprise to see what we had saw.


The hallway was pitch black. We could not see anything around us. The walls were bloody and not clean maroon anymore. The doors remained white; with trickles of blood rolling down the surfaces of those woods. Zander and I turned to one another; our eyes widened before we brought out our pistols and aim poised towards the horizon. Shivering with mixture of excitement and nervousness, we moved an inch forward together while aiming our guns towards the walls and doors, awaiting for anything to start moving even a slight sound would cause us to flinch. We were like this for a moment as we moved deeper into the halls. Then lights started to flicker forcing the darkness to retreat while we turned fast towards the lights, the sudden change in the darken atmosphere around us. “I… I do not like this one bit." “Yeah." I answered whispering to Zander as we continued further.


Upon reaching the door, we met up with Kyro and Natty. Both of which were just as surprise as we were.We talked for a while; having fast complex conversations about what we saw and the clues given from our assigned directions and roads. It had seemed that Kyro and Natty had also found something too as they had discussed about note lying upon the roads. “Blood bath. The murderer strikes again." “Why? And most importantly who was responsible for this?" I growled while grabbing onto the knob and turned it. I felt my heart beating faster in my chest as I opened the door to the living room again where the party was held. And thus while our arms rose and pressed upon the triggers aiming straight onto the horizon, I screamed which filled the halls and rooms with my voice.


“Vaster Police! You are under arrest for crimes of murder against the…" But no one was there. Not even Yang. We looked about, even staring upon the walls which somehow stayed clean despite the dirtiness we had saw long when we had arrived. As I growled, I motioned my claw upon Zander Kyro and Natty and they nodded after my command. We split up. Zander and Natty taking the living room with me tied together with Kyro upon the kitchen. Once we entered, I gaze upon the detail parts of the kitchen with hopes of finding something there. But like the living room's walls, it was clean as if someone had washed it all down with water…


“Wait. Water!" I exclaimed while Kyro shifted his eyes over to me with blinking eyes as result. I kneel to one of the drawers below and stabbed my thumb against the surface. Running it down the length towards the bottom, I withdrew and gaze at my thumb. Noticing a few drops of wetness here and there, I smirked in confidence before nodding to Kyro. “Someone or something had came back to dry everything up. Not to mention that the party living room was cleaned up already with Yang already missing." “Guess this means…" Kyro trailed, “Someone was trying to hide it. Thus captured Yang and fled somewhere else." I got up onto my feet and growled noddingly at the red dragon before shouting out to Zander and Natty, “Come on! We got to patrol around the place and see where our culprit lies. That guy has not gotten far however and judging from our patrol positions when Yang assigned us, I take it he or she might had fled NorthEast or SouthWest." “Got it" Cried Zander and Natty while they spread their wings out and jumped through the large window. “Alright… Guess it just you and mean Kyro then." Kyro nodded with a soft smile upon his face as we headed out the door.