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Relaxing by the Lake
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It looks like DJ decided to go for a nice relaxing walk as the sun was setting. He also decided to do it naked
I did a drawing for -darkfox I tried my best X3 I tested blending the background so many times and I did it really well every time until I decided to finally colour the drawing and I couldn't get it to blend the same.. Which was a little frustrating. There are also some little birds in the background too but they are kinda hiding now.....
I'm trying to do more traditional art again, It just sucks that traditional is so expensive and I can't go out and buy my stuff on my own.. XP
I did a drawing for -darkfox I tried my best X3 I tested blending the background so many times and I did it really well every time until I decided to finally colour the drawing and I couldn't get it to blend the same.. Which was a little frustrating. There are also some little birds in the background too but they are kinda hiding now.....
I'm trying to do more traditional art again, It just sucks that traditional is so expensive and I can't go out and buy my stuff on my own.. XP
4 years ago
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