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New Reference for Cyran Bizeth May 2021 - Clean
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So now that I updated Xetem, I thought I'd try giving Cyran a shot.
I'm really happy how this one turned out. I'm still finalizing his clothes design so that one may take a bit longer that Xetem's did, and as Cyran dresses a little better than shorts and a t-shirt, it'll be a new challenge there as well.
As I'm gaining more practice with this whole art thing, I may go back and update Xetem's design with a couple of the notes I had on his post, as it was written while I was still coloring with a keyboard and mouse. I will say that I enjoy having the limitations being mostly myself and my own abilities rather than the tools (i.e. Hero Forge) in making Cyran actually look somewhat like a german shepherd, rather than ~generic dog~. Obviously there are still ways to make him look more like one--tailored lines would go a long way towards that--but like I said, I'm happy how this turned out.
Base and Parts by LockworkOrange
Assembly, Adjustments and Color by me
Assembly, Adjustments and Color by me
3 years ago
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