\n Dragon Wars: Angelus Mortis
\n\n Dark clouds whirled over-head, bluish lightening split the sky in half and where it touched the ground the earth split creating massive fissures from which fire leapt out. Ash and soot fired into the air creating a choking gas that settled on all destroying all that it covered. Magma flowed over mountains and into valleys which were once teeming with life now covered in fiery ash. A bluish ball stood in stark contrast to the devastated surroundings. Inside grass, fresh air, and a man…
\n\n He stood holding a weathered old staff, some old piece of fallen wood from a scared tree. In its tip a blue diamond glowed brilliantly. His blue robes flowing and simple covered him head to toe. His face tight and drawn in intense concentration he held the staff aloft over his head as if presenting it to some deity above. Sweat tickled his brow trickling down into his eyes making him blink before traveling down into his long white beard. No longer did he have time to look and see the world for he must use all his strength to save his own life for he didn’t have the power to save others. Silently though, he mused about simpler times, times when he wasn’t all that time has made of him and he wishes for a moment to travel back and undo the mistakes he has made that lead him to such a fate.
\n\n Wind rushed forth followed by the leathery sounds of wings thrusting down. A black dragon descended from the clouds billowing about landing on a rock. The dragon, the wizard knew, had come for his soul. The dragon was easily the size of a city but only the second largest he’d ever seen. Horns curled to the sides of his head much like a rams horns ending in wicked points beside his jaw as he folded his wings and leaned his head down looking to the old wizard. The dragon took a moment to lift his head and look at the world in the grasp of its final moments before turning back to the wizard and growling softly. When he spoke the words sounded less like a language and more like a series of grunts and growls though the wizard understood all too well what was being said
\n\n “I gave you all you desired. Trained you since you were but a young man and look what you have done… What you have made me do. Your greed and arrogance will cost you all that you have and more.”
\n\n He wished to lift his hands, to beg for forgiveness but he knew that his pleas would fall on deaf ears. For you see many things could be said about the dragon god known as Behamut, but none of them dealt with his compassion. Instead he looked up through the haze and stress of the spell at the dark eyes beyond and watched as the dragon breathed in. The air before his mouth became alive with activity. A black ball formed wrapped in blue-purple lightning. Purple fire seemed to fill what light did escape from the blackness but in the center was so black it seemed impossible that any light could escape it. And in the moments that followed all he could think of was the path that he did choose. He stood straight, straighter then he had in some time moving the staff to his side knowing he would not escape his fate and closed his eyes feeling the searing heat of the world around him. He bowed his head in reverence and resignation. What he expected was pain, what he got was nothing. The world just went black…
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