Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Mind if I

Both me and Yang were longing around. Standing still and tall upon the floor below us as our tails swing about, our thoughts swirled around our brain. Pondering deeply about the massacre and the culprit behind it. It had not left our minds since three days of no success. And Kyro grew tired of it. As we all stand or sat around upon the empty small room, keeping our thoughts to ourselves. I raised my eyes from the ground and stared around before picking myself up and walked forth towards the center of the room. For there before me were books; stacked up to the ceiling above us. Many of the books were heavy. The few were light. All of them contained important information for the case upon our claws. But after three days, neither of us found any information. It went like this for a while until everyone grew lazy and tired. That had frustrated Natty and Yang most of the time.

‘Why cannot we find anything in these books?’ Cursed Yang, hitting her claws against the walls behind her as she bared fangs and narrowed her eyes, snarling in frustration. ‘This should be easy…’ I heard Natty replied, repeating herself psychologically and her eyes grew wide. The pupils were small. Her scales were dirty and covered in brown. I looked with disgust but shook my head saying nothing in response as the two dragoness spoke to themselves. I turned my eyes towards the table before me. My eyes darting from one book to the other. All of the books had the words ‘Psychology behind…’ then whatever was following behind it. Some of the answers I had found were ‘Murder’,’ Stealing’ or ‘Drug trade’ etc for the others that I had no mention at all. But none of the books here had any answers as to the problem at hand.

Depositing any thought in my head, I gave a long deep sigh exhaling through my nose before turning around and faced Yang. Thus walking to her side and leaned against the wall full of books behind me while I returned to the thinking phase. Everyone was like this somehow. Deep in thought. Brains pumping blood to get themselves working. The real answers to the two murders we had on our claws. One to the past. The other right now. I threw my claws onto my pockets while I narrowed my eyes and lowered my head to the grounds below. I began to rethink every information that was spitted out from all the witnesses we had interviewed. From the information that both Natty, Kyro, and Zander had fished out from the books read in the library. Reconnecting the dots, none of it made any sense. Why ‘Neriax’? Why a silver dragon? What did he have to do within twenty years if he had joined in this school when he was a hatchling? Many questions of ‘why’ entered my brain and slowly gained myself a headache as I growled, my fangs grounded together tightly as my throat rumbled. Both Yang and Natty noticed rather quickly having been snapped out of their thoughts and looked over to me in concern.

I stopped thinking. My head grew hot and steamy it was as if I was being cooked from the inside. As I sighed, relaxing myself from the growing heat deep within my stomach, I closed my eyes exhaled a few times then returned myself onto the reality of things. Gazing first to Yang before Natty as I looked in response to them wondering, ‘What?’ ‘You were deep in thought, Ling.’ Yang answered in the quietness set between us as I glanced over to Natty who nodded slowly, ‘Yeah. Is something a matter?’ ‘Yeah apparently…’ I responded to them frowning, casting my eyes to the grounds again. Many questions returned; the silver scaled culprit was one of them. I could not keep my thoughts away from that. ‘What if they were right about the silver scaled dragon?’ I wondered to myself, ‘What if he did attend the school and became the culprit twenty years ago?’ I felt a grab onto my arm. Snapping back again, I gazed over to Yang who smiled faintly at me. I said nothing in response but immediately hugged her replacing the heated questions with icy cold ones that I could feel from her. Yet my heart beat fast remembering the lust I had for her after all these years ago. But I shook my thoughts and feelings away, that would come another time.

As we parted, we gazed away. Our faces grew red as we heard giggling to our left. I and Yang shifted our attentions over and spotted Kyro and Natty giggling to themselves, little smirks emerged from their mouths as their eyes returned the favor. I smiled chuckling alongside of them. Yang, however, just continued to blush and looked away again. With our small performance between one another had cheered the two up a bit, we all returned to the still atmosphere. As our minds returned to our inner thoughts, I returned to reality and searched around the room. Blinking in rather surprising as I spoke towards the three and filled the void that we were in. ‘Where was Zander?’ ‘You know… you are right.’ Natty remarked, agreeing with me. I gave a relaxed sigh, at least there be a conversation other than the silver dragon. ‘Does anyone know where he was?’ ‘What?’ Kyro argued to Yang whose eyes pointed to him, ‘You think I was the owner of him? No way. I am not gay for him.’ ‘No one is asking if you are gay for his ass, Kyro.’ Natty giggled, joking to Kyro who growled at her as me and Yang chuckled alongside of her. As the room grew lively and vivid right before my eyes, I smiled faintly. It was good having teasing conversations about the relationship to one another. Even if it was friendship or mates. None cannot resist.

As we continued to tease and mock Kyro, the golden door to our room opened. We all turned towards the door, the sudden conversation was cut off when we had noticed Zander in the room. He looked exhausted. His face had black marks as if he had been beaten up by some gang members along the street. His body was weak, his wings hanged but never folded. Returning to Natty and Kyro’s sides of the room, none of us had the urge to ask him. The silence had gone off into the atmosphere for a few seconds as we heard the rocket blazing to the ceiling, exploding then becoming silent. It was only Natty who broke that however as she opened her mouth to speak. Zander beat her there. ‘I was at school. Patrolling about.’ He started, ‘But school was over was it not?’ I intervene, glancing a glare at the clock next to me while I quickly read it as four o clock. ‘Yeah.’ Yang frowned shifting uncomfortably upon the grounds underneath her as she shot Zander a look and crossed her arms growling, ‘Where were you really, Zander? School has not started yet. Not until six.’ She added. Zander frowned and yawned again before replying. ‘I told you I was at school.’ Yang and Zander continued to argue with one another for a long time. Voices shouted louder than the other as if they were competing with one another for the right to be the loudest. As for the rest of us, we tried to ignore it. But it persisted no matter what we do.

So Kyro snarled at the two bickering dragons silencing them both while I stepped to Yang and held her back. Force spreading her wings, I began to massager her to calm her down while she and Zander continued holding stares at one another. Yet it seems that Zander was winning after all due to her grunts and growls while I had noticed her muscles were tight and hurting. In the aftermath, Yang was in pins and needles. Luckily that did not stop her from shouting to Zander. But before she could, the wall to our right and their left exploded. And quickly everyone turned our attention towards a huge hole in our wall. My heart pounded against my chest, I was worried sick that I started grabbing my pistol. Everyone else did the same and kept their eyes upon the hole while we drew closer towards it. Step by step. Footstep sounded in our ears. My wings flapped nervously and my tail flickered to the side to avoid getting stepped on by either Kyro or Natty as we drew forward. Closer towards the hole, we then aimed our pistols towards it readying for an introducer that dared came waltzing in.

However, we were more surprised by a sudden giant bird attack. And Kyro and  Yang screamed, knocking themselves back by instincts while I and Natty fired rather quickly. Doing no damage to the bird as we saw every bullet just zipped through it. Yet we continued firing at it as it screeched and shrieked at us. Wiggling itself through and the wall surrounding it began to crack. My eyes opened wide realizing that the wall would hold it no longer and shouted towards the others above the birds’ voice, ‘Get out now!’ I demanded. Luckily everyone heeded the call and ran out the door. As I fired three or more shots towards the bird hoping it would slow down or something, I ran quickly to the door and through it reappearing upon the main halls. Where we all breathed, our heartbeats rapidly pounding in our chest as our breaths were rushed and fast. We all looked to one another in silence, before chuckling slightly to ourselves. We had done it.

But our laughter was short-lived when in the corner of my eye, I had noticed someone there. An isolated figure whose wings were spread. I noticed it to be a dragon. Female or male? I would not know. Regardless, I got up. Yang ordered everyone else to do so despite Kyro’s opposition against her. For as we all stand, the figure stepped forth towards us. Revealing itself through the flashlight that it had provided. We saw a dragoness standing before us whose name was…
