Current Track: Blabb

Out in the vast desert in the middle of a continent, near and otherwise unassuming oasis, sat a dragon. A thousand years ago, when this was just a stop on a trading caravan, the dragon would invite travelers to stay a while and share a story. In return for their company and conversation, the dragon offered a modest meal and a night’s shelter.

Over time, some travelers decided to linger longer. Different caravans met near the dragon, sometimes setting aside vast cultural differences to, at least for a night, simply indulge in good cheer along a journey. It took only a few more years before the idea of a small, permanent outpost came up, and only a few more before it blossomed into a small town in its own right, at the crossroads of nowhere and nothing.

Centuries passed and the town became a large city, with residents from many cultures and walks of life. Tensions that may have sparked civil unrest elsewhere were handled with an almost supernatural grace, eloquence, and wisdom. Some say the city council still talks with a dragon in such matters, but others simply laugh off this origin story as legend.