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Darador, Dragon of Justice
Servant of Praios to fight against any foe who seeks to destroy the balance of Dere.
The lines are made with ink traditionally. I scanned the picture and tried a cellshading technique I've seen in a cubebrush-Video. It worked very well for me. =)
This was made around christmas but I totally forgot about it until I've seen that a good friend of mine uses it as a wallpaper for her tablet. x_______x How do I can even forget about my own pieces? ugh, I'm the worst, seriously.
And it just came to my mind I'm working on 'The Dark Eye' any working day and I'm still eager to do some fanart about it's pretty awesome creatures and NPCs. Either I'm totally crazy or just really happy lol =D
Servant of Praios to fight against any foe who seeks to destroy the balance of Dere.
The lines are made with ink traditionally. I scanned the picture and tried a cellshading technique I've seen in a cubebrush-Video. It worked very well for me. =)
This was made around christmas but I totally forgot about it until I've seen that a good friend of mine uses it as a wallpaper for her tablet. x_______x How do I can even forget about my own pieces? ugh, I'm the worst, seriously.
And it just came to my mind I'm working on 'The Dark Eye' any working day and I'm still eager to do some fanart about it's pretty awesome creatures and NPCs. Either I'm totally crazy or just really happy lol =D
9 years ago
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