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Hueroc Reference 2017 by Fortuna
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It was recently discovered that I was still using a reference for Hueroc that was 6 years old. [i]Someone[/i] decided that this simply would not do! So now Hueroc has a handsome new reference, done of course by the talented Fortuna. Check it out in her gallery here! It does a wonderful job showing off the red dragon's silly, playful... and occasionally grumpy or snarly sides. And also a needlessly adorable blep >_>
Adult reference on FA here.
Character bio:
Hueroc is an adult male dragon, full-grown and of average height and slightly above-average wingspan for his species, with a slim build accentuated by all the hunting he has to do to keep his growing hatchlings fed; this makes him a very fast flier, though he is not as strong as others of his kind. He lives with his mate and offspring among their clan in the Appalachian mountains. He hunts primarily deer but will generally hunt any prey animal large enough to be worthwhile eating.
He is independent and aloof with those unfamiliar to him, but far more open, energetic, and goofy around friends, with the occasional moments of (usually feigned) grumpiness, and rare flashes of true anger; these less pleasant moods are usually saved for unwelcome human and anthro intruders on his family's territory. He strives to avoid bipeds as much as he can, and he has a tendency to find himself in tricky situations whenever he does cross their path!
His forepaws have four claws and a dewclaw; his hind paws have four claws. He is a heterosexual male, with a mate (Ellora) and three young offspring (Taran, Neth, Loria); the collar he wears (optional) was given to him by his mate, and the tag is inscribed with the words "Mate of Ellora" (not shown).
Adult reference on FA here.
Character bio:
Hueroc is an adult male dragon, full-grown and of average height and slightly above-average wingspan for his species, with a slim build accentuated by all the hunting he has to do to keep his growing hatchlings fed; this makes him a very fast flier, though he is not as strong as others of his kind. He lives with his mate and offspring among their clan in the Appalachian mountains. He hunts primarily deer but will generally hunt any prey animal large enough to be worthwhile eating.
He is independent and aloof with those unfamiliar to him, but far more open, energetic, and goofy around friends, with the occasional moments of (usually feigned) grumpiness, and rare flashes of true anger; these less pleasant moods are usually saved for unwelcome human and anthro intruders on his family's territory. He strives to avoid bipeds as much as he can, and he has a tendency to find himself in tricky situations whenever he does cross their path!
His forepaws have four claws and a dewclaw; his hind paws have four claws. He is a heterosexual male, with a mate (Ellora) and three young offspring (Taran, Neth, Loria); the collar he wears (optional) was given to him by his mate, and the tag is inscribed with the words "Mate of Ellora" (not shown).
7 years ago
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