Current Track: Blabb

FantastaGirl VS. Dr. Cyberclaw

Written by Aelius



Brown briskly walked through Colmaton's damp streets, his body illuminated by
the occasional streetlamp along the way. 
He checked his watch and sighed, frustrated at how late he was.  Though his subdued clothing and dark fur kept
him from looking out of place in the industrial district, the raccoon still
feared being singled out by any locals. 
He was not from around here, and was already in danger of being targeted.  He was not sure who might target him,
however.  Only that Kevin seemed adamant
that time was running out and that they needed to hide.

rounded a corner and froze.  Down the
barely-lit sidewalk, he saw unmistakable flashing lights from police cars and a
crowd of officers taping off the entrance to the train yard—the very place
Kevin said to meet him.

the worst, Daniel held his manila folder close under his arm and continued
walking toward them.

carefully approached one of the officers standing guard.  “Excuse me, mind if I ask what's going on

officer, an orange tabby, turned and shook his head, “I'm afraid I can't give
any details other than that this is an ongoing investigation."

pointed behind the cat, “…that involves a death in the area?"

officer glanced back to notice an EMT crew wheeling out a gurney covered by a
white sheet.  He sighed, “Yes, but that's
all I can say right now.  Please move

took a last glance at the covered gurney and saw a flash of orange and white
under the sheet — a fox's tail.  The
emanating scent that came after confirmed his fears.  Kevin had been murdered.  Daniel was certain of it.  The raccoon swallowed and clutched the manila
folder tighter before turning and heading back.

he walked, his mind raced with questions on what to do now.  He had all this sensitive information that
Kevin told him to gather and hold, but now with the fox dead there was no one
to transfer it to.  Whoever wanted that
information murdered his friend to get it, and now he, himself, was in
danger from what he carried.

stopped and glanced at the folder, tempted to open it.  He let out a breath and kept walking, unsure
if he truly needed to know what was in there. 
Ignorance was bliss indeed, especially if it kept him from getting
killed.  But where should he take the
information now?  Kevin had mentioned it
pertained to FantastaGirl, but Daniel had no way of even finding the heroine.  More than that, who murdered his friend, and
how long would it be before the murderer went after him?


*  *  *


silver streak darted across the night sky, making its way over Colmaton's
numerous skyscrapers toward the commercial district.  Clad in her reflective silver-and-blue
refraction suit, FantastaGirl mulled over the sights she had seen in the train
yard.  The super-powered collie's brow
wrinkled with the realization that whatever leads she had on this mysterious
person who demanded she meet in this city was now dead.  There were few clues left at the crime scene,
even for her own enhanced senses, and the other supers that had accompanied her
could not find any reasonable answers, either. 
Now, with them heading out to follow their own leads, FantastaGirl
herself was alone again and unsure of whether to leave the city or continue
investigating.  The voice on the phone
that demanded her presence at the train yard earlier sure seemed resolute about
her alter ego sticking close with her family…

tried to suppress the thought that her children were in danger.  Targeting her as a super was bad enough, but
targeting her own children?  She
feared the possibility of facing anyone so cruel.  It drove her to keep going, to maintain her
double-life and hope no one would ever figure out that Mary Raines was more than
just a widowed high school teacher.


landed on a rooftop a few blocks from her hotel.  It was the only one where she found roof
access easy to get to from an interior stairwell, which helped keep prying eyes
from being suspicious about a lone collie wandering around.  Just inside the stairwell, she found the same
duffel bag where she had left her civilian clothing and quickly dressed back to
“normal."  The collie smirked at the
thought of being normal.  In spite of the
constant danger, she couldn't help but admire the talents that super powers
gave her, and doubted that she would ever want to be a regular person
again.  Not yet, at least.


hurried back to the hotel and quietly walked into her room, trying not to
disturb her pups.  Finding no unfamiliar
scents lingering, she let out a silent sigh of relief.  She could see Andy sleeping soundly in one of
the beds and Carly in her portable crib, also asleep.  Mary smiled and slid into her own bed.  She hated having to leave them earlier, but after
the threatening message that led to her bringing them here, she did not trust
anyone in this city enough to watch over them. 
Though her mind was troubled over the day's events, she felt better
knowing she was with her children, able to protect them and personally ensure
they were safe.


*  *  *


investigation is still ongoing, FantastaGirl. 
You saw what happened to him. 
There wasn't much to go by, and records are still being pulled even now."

listened closely on her encrypted phone as Medic Mouse gave her the details
from the previous night's discovery.  In
civilian garb, she kept her gaze out the window and bottle-fed little Carly
while Andy watched cartoons on the hotel's TV.

he obviously wanted us there for a reason," said Mary.  “Any clues as to why?"    

yet, I'm afraid."

sighed.  “Based on the call I received,
I'm worried he might've figured out my identity.  I'm not sure how, and I don't even know if he
really did know, since he never actually called me by… that name,"  She glanced over to Andy, who seemed
completely enamored in the cartoons. 
“Y'know, 'FG.'  But it's still
worrying.  That and the fact my alter
ego's home was ransacked…"

you need a safehouse, I can get something set up with the Bureau."

not yet.  I'm going to lay low for a
while and figure this out.  I'm not sure
I'm comfortable with getting involved with official channels while there's a
dangerous murderer out there looking for me."

Bureau handles matters like this all the time. 
You won't be inconveniencing us by requesting safety.  We can always send someone to help out, too."

appreciate the offer, but I have to deal with this on my own.  I'd rather not put my pups through all that,
and besides, the less people that know about this and my involvement with…
whatever the killer is looking for, the better off we'll be.  I've already figured out a place to stay
while I investigate this situation."

well, but please remember… we're always here if you need us, even if you aren't
officially registered yet.  You don't
have to be so secretive."

Medic.  I'll keep in touch for any
details you and the others manage to uncover on that dead fox."

hung up and leaned back, frustrated that she and her pups were still in danger
with no clear idea on who was endangering them. 
She had every reason to trust the Bureau, but she did not want to admit
to Medic Mouse that she didn't trust the Bureau's security.  Not yet, at
least.  If a killer is smart enough to
murder this mysterious informant before he could reveal his secrets, then
there's a chance the killer would be able to infiltrate the Bureau's
channels.  With the other supers
following their own leads, Mary felt, once again, on her own.

are you mad, mommy?"

turned to see her son Andy staring back at her with a confused expression.  “I'm just trying to think, sweetie," she
replied, trying to smile for her pup.  She
paused for a moment, then dialed up her phone again.  “Mindy? 
I know this is spur-of-the-moment but could you do be a huge favor and
watch the pups?  I'm here in Colematon.
…  Yes, I'm afraid it is an
emergency.  I can't explain anything yet,
but… … …yes it does involve the ransacking of my home, but I can't say any more
than that. …  You will?  Oh, thank you!  I'll pay for the hotel arrangements and your
time off work.  See you soon!  And don't tell anyone we're here. …  Your excuse? 
Um… I dunno, tell them you have to claim a sweepstakes prize or
something.  Hey, tell you what, I'll even
arrange a nice dinner for you and your boyfriend when I get back.  Tell 'em that's what you won.  Bye!"

hung up and turned back to Andy, “Mommy has some work to do, so Mindy will be
watching you and your sister for a little while.  Can you be good for me?"

smiled and nodded, “Uh huh!  She's fun!"

chuckled, “Maybe you can convince her to take you for ice cream again."


hour later, Mary checked out of the hotel and then saw Mindy off.  The young cocker spaniel got into a taxi with
Andy and Carly, then drove off to another hotel closer to the city's police
headquarters.  Mary waved as they left,
and sighed longingly.  “So that's what
being normal is like…" she muttered to herself, finally remembering her old life.  “…being able to spend time with my
pups…"  Mary aimlessly straightened her
jacket to get her mind off her troubles. 
She had an investigation to return to. 
She shouldered her duffel bag and walked off with the midday crowds,
wondering where to start.

took out her civilian phone.  “Perhaps I
can start with my ransacked home."

dialed in her contact with Bayview's Police Department.  “Hello, Tom? 
It's Mary Raines.  I was wondering
if there have been any new developments on who might've broken into my home?"

yet, Mrs. Raines," came Tom's voice. 
“We're looking into anyone from BioGen who may have had contact with
your husband, since that's who the burglar seemed interested in, but the firm's
records have already been cleared— 

paused, “What?"

a notification that these records were accessed recently… but the IP address on
the log doesn't match up with our department."

felt a chill run down her spine, “You were hacked?"

don't know, but those records were supposed to be locked.  I—" 
The call suddenly dropped.

glanced at her phone, puzzled.  A “NO
SERVICE" message flashed on her phone's screen. 
A creeping sense of danger swelled within her subconscious.  She glanced around, noticing the sidewalk was
sparsely populated, and no one around seemed suspicious through her enhanced
senses.  The tense feeling remained,

grabbed her arm and yanked her down a nearby alley, dragging her across the
dirty pavement.

skidded along hitting discarded junk until finding herself face-to-face with a
huge, intimidating wolf.

should really invest in a more secure phone, Mrs. Raines…" he said, grinning
sadistically.  “I found it far too easy
to eavesdrop and triangulate your location. 
All it took was scanning the waves for a few vocal cues…"

blinked, more agitated than frightened. 
The wolf was much bigger than she, and powerful enough to hold her off
the ground with only one hand.  She was
certain those were pure muscles bulging within his waistcoat and oddly formal
attire.  “What do you want from me?"

late husband was a premier researcher on a potential Bionic Blood formula, possibly
the same serum believed to be powering FantastaGirl herself.  Now, I've been notified that some field notes
linking FantastaGirl to the serum and Dr. Raines himself was not catalogued in
BioGen's files after the company was destroyed. 
They went missing."

struggled in the wolf's grip, “Then take it up with FantastaGirl."

wolf chuckled, “That's my primary goal, but until then, I hope to find your
husband's precious research notes, which I assume be bequeathed to you,
Mrs. Raines.  Tell me where they are, and
you will be rid of me."

don't know!  He kept secrets from me,

wolf narrowed his eyes, “Judging by your body language, heart rate, and
perspiration, I'm confident you are lying to me.  Now… what is it you're trying to hide?"

whipped out a mace canister, but the wolf caught it with his other hand,
forcing it away.

try, but my reflexes are better than that."

of this…
Mary thought to herself. 
She closed her eyes and feigned struggling more desperately to hold his
attention, then squeezed the canister hard. 
It exploded in a cloud of burning capsaicin, catching them both.

wolf grunted and staggered back, just in time for Mary to yank herself free and
dart away at high speed.  Though her
force shield power kept most of the capsaicin off of her, the residue
remained.  It hurt.

super-powered senses guided her through the narrow alleys until finally
reaching an open spot.  She clutched her
duffel bag tight and, sensing that no one was around, took off into the
air.  She landed on a nearby roof with a
water tower punched a small hole in it to wash the mace off her fur.  She knew it would still hurt for a while, but
at least she was away from that terrifying wolf.

should have known the research would pop up somewhere, and even her clearing of
BioGen's old records could not completely erase her presence from anyone
digging deep enough into the dead company's ruins.

took out her phone and began to dial 911, but stopped.  The wolf tracked her through her phone.  With eyes still shut from the capsaicin, she
fumbled around until finally removing the SIM card, then crushed the phone in
her hand.  As much as she wished she could
suit up and strike back at him, she was in no condition to fight.  It still hurt to open her eyes, and the mace
had all but neutralized her sense of smell. 
All she could do was wait.  She
knew the wolf was feeling it as well, which gave her a bit of relief.  Still… she knew he definitely was not
normal.  “Who was he, anyway…?"


towering wolf furiously rubbed his eyes, still in the same alley he had pulled
Mary into.  Even with his implants and
pain-dampeners, the pepper spray still had an effect on his flesh.  He grumbled and let the rest of his sensors
scan the area.  Just how did she
disappear so quickly??

wolf gave up and pondered his next move. 
“That fox didn't have the information," he muttered to himself.  “And Mrs. Raines was trying to hide a
secret.  She must have it."

winced and rubbed his left wrist, feeing the servos going stiff again.  He knew he would need to replace them.  “The sooner I find FantastaGirl the better."


*  *  *


small crowd gathered around a casket in the middle of a cemetery outside of Colematon.  Gunfire echoed across the hilly landscape as
the twenty-one gun salute honored Kevin's memory.  The service had been closed-casket due to his
grisly death at the train yard.  A
portrait of the fox stood next to his casket, reminding all of how he appeared
in life.

Brown sighed longingly, wishing he had not been charged with the burden of
finding FantastaGirl and giving her the mysterious folder that Kevin had told
him to hang on to.  If only he had
arrived at that train yard just a little sooner…

be dead…
he thought to himself. 
Though his tardiness prevented him from delivering the folder to Kevin,
it also saved his life from Kevin's murderer.

raccoon glanced up.  The chaplain had
already finished the final prayer and the crowd was dispersing.

walked up to the casket one last time and stared down at the dark polished
wood.  “Just what did you discover back

looked up into the distant hills and thought he saw something flash in the afternoon
sunlight, but figured it was his tired mind playing tricks on him.  He then saw another shimmer within movement
beyond the trees.  He took a few steps
and realized who it might be.

began running, splitting away from the funeral crowds and darting into the
cluster of trees.  Within, he found no

sighed and slumped his shoulders.

voice chimed in behind him, “Looking for someone?"

whirled to find a masked, silver-clad, Amazonian collie girl approaching.  “FantastaGirl…"

collie nodded, “And you are?"

straightened and tugged at his jacket, “Daniel Brown, ex-Navy Hospital
Corpsman.  I… was associated with a
government research group focusing on superbeings.  I've been looking for you."

crossed her arms, “I see…  So, now that
you've found me, what do you need?"

rubbed the back of his neck, “Well, I didn't expect to find you here of
all places, so I didn't bring the folder I was supposed to give you.  See, the fox who was killed in the train yard,
the whole reason that funeral was going on down there… his name was Jason Kevin
Barnes, and he had some information he told me to hang on to, to keep it safe
in case something unfortunate happened to him."

did happen," FantastaGirl replied. 
She nodded to the cemetery down the hill.  “I came to pay my respects to him from a safe
distance.  I'm convinced he was the one
who called me to warn me that my alter ego was in danger…  He later told me to meet him at that train
yard, but by the time I and the others arrived, he'd already been slain.  What did he have that was so important?"

the thing—I don't know.  I didn't look in
the folder, but he told me it belonged to you."

rubbed her chin.  “Well, we can set up a
meeting, then.  You can get the folder
and bring it to me at a predetermined location of my choosing."


it tomorrow morning.  There's another
city south of here that should be far enough away to be safe from whoever
killed Kevin."

pulled a notepad and pen from his jacket and wrote down the exact location as
FantastaGirl gave it.  The collie then
darted into the sky without another word.

glanced upward as she disappeared into the clouds.  “Um… nice to meet you."


*  *  *


next day found Daniel finally reaching the roof on one of countless other
buildings dotting the landscape.  He
trudged through the access door and into the cool morning air, panting.  He knew this city would be far, but he didn't
expect an all-night drive.  He slumped
down on an air conditioning unit and clutched his satchel, wondering where
FantastaGirl was.

raccoon only glanced around for a few moments before a shape emerged out of the
clear blue sky and landed in front of him in a crouch, sending dust and gravel
wafting away.

stood and smiled, “I'm glad you were able to make the distance.  Listen, I'm sorry about how abrupt I was
yesterday.  With Kevin's murder and all—"

Daniel said between breaths.  “No need to
apologize.  I figure we're both under a
lot of stress."

tilted her head, “Indeed…  Who is chasing

dunno if I'm being chased or not, but after doing some thinking on what Kevin did
reveal to me before his murder, I have an inkling of who might've killed him, and
he's probably gonna be looking for associates, like me.  I'd alert the authorities, but they're
already after him for other charges. 
He's a wolf who calls himself Dr. Cyberclaw."

never heard of him."

will, trust me.  Huge, imposing figure…
with senses and a strength that can only come from advanced cybernetics he
grafts to his body."

collie narrowed her eyes, thinking back to the wolf who grabbed her in that
alley yesterday.  A lot of questions made
sense now.

Daniel opened his satchel and pulled out a worn folder, “This was what Kevin
wanted to give you in that train yard. 
Whatever's in there, keep it safe."

reached out for it and a blast sent her reeling sideways.

staggered back just as a huge wolf leaped onto the roof and approached.  His towering body appeared as a blend of
metallic armor and portions where fur still remained, and in the place of
muscles were glowing fluids pumping under transparent coverings. Daniel gasped, “Dr. Cyberclaw…"

Brown…" the wolf replied, grinning.  “Do
you have any idea how long I've been searching for you?"

backed away and stuffed the folder back into his satchel, “How did you know
we'd be here?"

I was there at Kevin's funeral, under disguise. 
I figured it would be a perfect place to find associates that could
point me to you or FantastaGirl's location.  Lucky for me, my enhanced hearing enabled me
to catch that little conversation the two of you had in the woods.  After that, all I had to do was wait until
you had the research papers and FantastaGirl in the same location, and
here we are."

killed Kevin, didn't you?"

     “Yes.  And I will kill you as well, if you do not
hand over that satchel."

raccoon pulled out a pistol, “Don't come any closer!"

Cyberclaw paused, then burst out laughing. 
“You think I'm scared of a gun? 
Ballistics-proofing was one of the first augmentations I gave myself!"

charged into him and they both careened off the roof, hit the side of a nearby
building, and then fell to the concrete below in a shower of rubble and
debris.  Panicked civilians scattered as
the two foes fought on the pavement. 
FantastaGirl was on top throwing punches but Cyberclaw grabbed her fists
and flung her away.

rolled to his feet to confront the masked collie.  “You'll have to do better than that, pup."

punched forward, blasting him with a wave of sheer force to send him through a

rushed in to finish him off but a powerful fireburst sent her flying backwards
into an opposite wall across the street.

Cyberclaw emerged from the hole in the building flexing one of his arms.  “Like I said… brute force alone will not stop
me.  Now, I have orders to bring you in,
but you being alive is not a requirement."

right fist spun and split apart to realign, forming into a small cannon.

staggered back out into the sunlight. 
“Who sent you?"

Cyberclaw grinned, “I'll tell you once you surrender."  He aimed and fired.

collie darted away, dodging his shots. 
She took cover behind a parked car which took three blasts that melted
its side.  FantstaGirl shoved the car at
her foe but Cyberclaw dodged and kept firing.

twisted to avoid more bolts but one of them struck her shoulder.  She stumbled back and two more hit her legs,
dropping her in pain.

Cyberclaw approached, chuckling, “Weak to extreme heat?  Such an easy vulnerability to exploit…"  He fired off another shot, hitting her right
in the face.

rolled backward, already showing blackened fur as she tried to back away.

Cyberclaw drew closer, “Such susceptibility to something so common, you might
as well be weak to water, or strong breezes. 
You're better off not being a superhero at all!"

got to her knees, feeling her body slowly trying to heal.  “And let psychos like you roam freely?  Not a chance."

of the greatest minds in history were regarded as psychotic, my dear.  Only now do we know their brilliance, which
common society simply could not understand at the time."

collie jolted up and grabbed his arm cannon, then crushed it in her hand.

Cyberclaw yelped in shock, and FantstaGirl struck him right in the chest,
sending him flying back into the car he had damaged.

car's alarm blared until Cyberclaw formed a set of spikes from his other arm
and jabbed them through its circuits.

grabbed the car's frame and flung it at FantastaGirl.

collie caught it and threw it back, but Cyberclaw dodged and rushed forward, upper
cutting and sending her into the air. 
His spike arm sprung outward and caught her foot, then pulled back and
slammed her onto the ground.


them, Daniel exited the building and hid in a newsstand.  He watched the scuffle with wide eyes.  “I don't believe it… he's actually holding
his own against her!"  He turned and
rushed back to the building, mind racing for a way to help her.


Cyberclaw walked up to the crater the collie lay in and grabbed FantastaGirl's
cape.  “Didn't anyone tell you how
dangerous this particular fashion accessory was?"  He yanked, but the cape effortlessly came
free from her outfit.

that moment of distraction, FantastaGirl punched hard into his stomach,
barreling him down the street. 
“Quick-release mechanism…" she muttered, standing.  “Perfect for situations like that."

Cyberclaw hit a lamp post and slumped to the ground, dazed.

ran up and kicked him backwards, breaking the post and forcing him further down
the road.  As the broken metal pole fell,
FantastaGirl grabbed it and charged at him. 
She swung it down right on top of Dr. Cyberclaw.

collie tossed the remnant of the pole away and approached.  “Now… about your clients…"

Cyberclaw lifted his head to gaze at her and a beam shot from his right eye.

struck her right in the face. 
FantastaGirl shrieked and staggered backward, clutching her head.

Cyberclaw rose to his feet.  Oil mixed
with blood spilled from his wounds, and a metal piece stuck out from his back,
but he acted unharmed.  “Now, are you
ready to give yourself up?  I can do this
all day."

grimaced, fighting the pain.  “You can't
possibly have enough armor to keep going…"

am capable of self-repair.  You, on the
other hand, do not have that luxury, though I thought you did.  You're tough, but I can already see your
wounds becoming more severe with every hit. 
I'm disappointed in you, FantastaGirl… 
You cannot last as long as I expected."

water jet nailed Cyberclaw from the side, sending out sparks and throwing him
off his feet.

saw Daniel fighting to maintain control of the fire hose he had pulled from a
nearby building.  “Thanks, but you need
to get out of here!"

Cyberclaw staggered back up, body spasming and short circuiting.  Behind him, a line of police officers
cautiously approached with their guns raised.

wolf growled and shot out his claw arm, grabbing Daniel and pulling him
close.  “Hold your fire, or I rip him

winced as sparks continued to shoot from Dr. Cyberclaw's wounds.  “Even cybernetics have a weakness to
something common…"

     “Quiet!"  Out the corner of his eye, Dr. Cyberclaw saw
FantastaGirl approaching.  “I'll be back
for you, collie."  He tore off
Daniel's satchel then flung the raccoon high into the air.

darted upward but Dr. Cyberclaw jabbed her into a wall.  He fired a beam at Daniel in the air, hitting
him square in the stomach, then scattered chaff grenades.

clouds of smoke and aluminium powder erupted through the area, covering Dr.
Cyberclaw's escape.

emerged from another hole in the building and barely saw Daniel falling further
away.  She shot into the air as crowds
below parted in fright.

swiftly caught the raccoon before he hit the ground, but as they descended she
saw the wound in his stomach.  “Oh
no…  Hang in there, I'll find an

grabbed FantastaGirl's head and pulled her close, “The information I was
supposed to give you…"

gasped, “Your satchel!"

it was a decoy!  I…" Daniel coughed
blood.  “I stuffed it full of newspapers
before I hit 'im with the hose.  I left…
the folder at the top of the stairwell where we… convened earlier."

landed at an ambulance and emergency personnel ran out to help.

kept holding the collie even as the medics tried to stop his bleeding.  “Listen… Kevin wanted me to find you…  He knew Dr. Cyberclaw was after you… and
anyone related to Jake Raines…  Cyberclaw
even trashed the home of Jake's wife looking for… whatever those research notes
contained.  Whatever you do… don't let
that psychotic wolf find those notes… and do not let him take you prisoner.  Whoever sent him has an agenda, and… and it's
not a righteous one."  His eyes fell back
into his head and Daniel slumped, unconscious.

backed away, visibly stunned.

medics struggled to keep the raccoon alive, but his wounds were severe.  After several agonizing minutes, they finally
managed to stabilize him.

let out a weary sigh.  “I… I almost lost

of the medics reached up and put a hand on her shoulder, “You did everything
you could do, ma'am.  That crazed wolf
hit him too fast before you could react."


shuddered, still shaken over the encounter. 
She turned to look back at the building they had met on earlier.  “I can at least keep that information away
from Cyberclaw."

flew up to the rooftop and entered the stairwell to find the folder laying
against the wall, right where he said it would be.  She opened it up.

she found a plethora of information on BioGen, the company her late husband
worked at.  FantastaGirl planted her back
on the wall as she recognized her husband's handwriting, detailing possible
combinations of the company's many different formulas meant to alter a person's
genetic structure.  What began as
solutions to brain deterioration and limb loss quickly became serums to enhance
a healthy person's attributes… at the cost of their sanity.  No wonder Jake tried to escape with his
research before they killed him. 
Although the mysterious formula that granted FantastaGirl her powers was
not present, there was still plenty of information here that, in the wrong
hands, could easily harm innocent people if someone was deranged enough to
attempt testing.  FantastaGirl was
relieved that the company was no more.

a moment, she pondered the possibility of keeping this information locked
up.  Her own husband created these files
after all, and his knowledge of advanced genetics and mutations was evident
here.  However… knowing what BioGen
attempted with such knowledge… she feared the possibility of this research
being abused.  BioGen's think tank had
lost its way, forcing her to destroy the company and its CEO, who had gone
insane himself after experimenting with Jake's formulas.  Would the next group of educated hopefuls
have the same fate?

ran a tired hand through her hair, questioning the implications of actually
letting this information become public. 
What if it did?  What if it really
would help society in the long run?  The
knowledge shown could save countless lives and virtually eradicate degenerative
disease.  Medical and pharmaceutical
science would be greatly advanced, but at what cost?  Would it be worth the potential for
abuse?  From the horrendous experiments,
and the consequences of which, that she encountered at BioGen, she feared what
would happen if what Daniel told her about Cyberclaw's client was true.  BioGen had murdered innocent subjects to test
Jake's theories, which led Jake to hide his research before BioGen ultimately
killed him trying to get that research back. 
That hidden research, however, caused the accident that gave Mary her
powers… the same powers that brought down BioGen.

Jake…" she muttered, sinking to the floor. 
“I wish you were here now…"

a moment of contemplation, the masked collie rolled up the folder and stowed it
in her belt.  She would have to decide
later, when she wasn't so emotionally, and physically, exhausted.  Right now, she had a cybernetically-enhanced
wolf who was still at large and searching for her.  No doubt he would go into hiding to recover,
and she was hardly in any shape to fight, either.

bruised heroine rubbed her head as she pondered what to do.


landed back at the crowd of police cruisers and ambulances right after they had
placed Daniel in the back of an ambulance.

anyone happen to see where Dr. Cyberclaw escaped?  I did a quick search of the area but all
traces of him have vanished."

of the officers, a manx cat, stepped up. 
“We haven't found anything either, but one of my men noticed a car
missing from the area.  We think he might
have hotwired it and escaped on the roads."

did it look like?"

radios suddenly blared a loud static hiss. 
Dr. Cyberclaw's low, guttural voice followed, “I must speak with

of the officers offered her his radio. 
She answered, “I'm listening."

you're still around, good…  How is Daniel

growled, “Get to the point."

chuckled.  “Very well.  According to the local police band, it seems
you have already discovered that I stole a car to make my getaway.  I've since ditched the car so don't bother
looking.  However, there was a cell phone
conveniently left in there when I drove it off. 
I will be sending it to the city's police department within two days,
and I've made some modifications to it.

cell phone is to be given to FantastaGirl immediately.  I will not speak to anyone else.  It will have a virus on it which will prevent
it from broadcasting unless it is at a certain height, which I am confident
FantastaGirl can reach with her flight power. 
Furthermore, it will be encrypted with a scrambler.  No one will be able to listen in, and all
surrounding radio signals will be affected, so the two of us can talk
alone.  I will give FantastaGirl a
location for us to meet, and unless she is there within five minutes, then I
carry out Plan B."

that is…?"

FantastaGirl does not show up as directed, I will hunt her down myself.  I am aware of six different female collies
who were on BioGen's payroll before the labs were destroyed, one of which are
likely to be you, FantastaGirl.  I
have their addresses, as well as those of numerous safehouses used by local law
enforcement and witness protection outfits. 
Knowledge of those locations will soon be in the possession of some
high-profile criminal friends of mine, provided you refuse to cooperate.  Show up on time, and surrender, and I
will abort the radio transmission to my friends that would tell them that
information with the instructions to begin hunting those collies and their

blinked.  Trying to gain composure, she
replied, “And what about Mary Raines?  Will
she be hunted as well?"

course.  Just because she and her pups
have disappeared doesn't mean they'll stay that way, especially with the
resources I have access to.  However, if
you show up then I suppose I will have no reason to continue looking for her,
since you are the one I want.  Give
yourself up, and I won't have my friends after her, either."

frowned.  Her ability to sense when a
person is lying was ineffective when she only had vocal cues to go by.  “How can I trust you?"

can't.  Nothing I say will give you that
assurance, but you know full well I am capable of making good on this
threat.  The only option you have is to
obey, and maybe you'll see if I'm a wolf of my word."

stifled a frustrated growl.  “Fine… I'll
be listening out for that phone."

     “Good.  We'll speak again soon enough."  The transmission ended with static.

returned the radio and ran a hand through her hair.  “Within two days…" she muttered.  “He's obviously using that time to repair

of the officers spoke up, “You can use that heal, too.  Just because he thinks he can direct this
incident doesn't mean he can keep you down. 
This is time you can use to prepare to face him again."

nodded.  “You're right.  In the meantime, use every resource you have
to track him down.  Maybe we can find him
before he's ready."

on it, and we're working on contacting those collies, as well.  Even if he knows of our safehouses, we can
still guard them."

mentioned criminal friends…" 
FantastaGirl rubbed her chin.  “I
think he may be referring to supervillains. 
I'll see if I can contact some friends of my own at the Bureau of
Superheroes.  They'll add to guarding
duties.  With any luck they'll be able to
keep them at bay before they get any clues to my identity."


next day was nerve-wracking for the entire police force, and most of all for
FantastaGirl, who could only hope her pups were still safe with Mindy.  She did a few fly-overs near places she knew
they would be at and found them to be fine. 
Though she did not see any suspicious people spying on them, she still
did not feel they were safe.

they ever be safe…?" she muttered to herself. 
She landed on a nearby rooftop and sighed.  Now, more than ever, she wanted to be normal
again and be able to forget about all these threats, not just to her family,
but to the rest of BioGen's former employees. 
She was not sure how much more of this stress she could take.  Reading the BioGen notes was painful enough.  Even though she could not make sense of all
that was written down, she knew the knowledge contained would be dangerous in
the paws of someone like Cyberclaw and his client.

communicator at her belt signaled.  It
was time.


entered police headquarters and strode to a waiting team of officers holding a
small box.

of them, a German Shepherd dog, approached with it.  “The box is rigged with explosives.  There's also an altimeter attached to the box
along with the number 8,500 written on it."

tilted her head.  “Dr. Cyberclaw probably
wanted to make sure it wasn't tampered with, so my guess is that unless it's
opened at eight-thousand five-hundred feet in the air, it detonates, destroying
the phone and condemning whoever opened it… along with his targets."

masked super-collie took it in her paws, “He wants me at his coordinates within
five minutes of me answering, probably to make sure I can't alert
authorities.  However…"  She reached into her belt and pulled out a
small tin.  “I'll write down what he
tells me, then drop this above headquarters. 
It'll have a little parachute, so make sure there's a spotter out
looking for it when I leave."

that she spun on her heel and walked out.

the officer called back, “Good luck!"

collie exited the building and shot into the sky, anxious to get this test over

flew as high as she could, checking the box's altimeter.  When she finally reached the target height,
she found herself straining.  Her
biokinetic powers were not used to propelling and suspending her so high into
the air.

tore open the box and found the phone within, nestled between two packs of
plastic explosive.  She cradled the box
with one arm and switched the phone on. 
She noticed “Dr. Cyberclaw" on the contacts list.

course…" she muttered.  She hit the
contact and listened in.

minutes begins now," Cyberclaw answered. 
“There's a steel mill approximately twenty miles southeast of your
position.  I imagine it will require your
full flight speed to get there in time." 
He then hung up.

frantically pulled out the tin with one hand, careful not to drop the
bomb-laden box.  She knew she would
barely be able to make it in time.

removed a pencil from her belt and the box exploded, blasting her backward and
destroying both the phone and the tin. 
FantastaGirl growled and sped off, angry at herself for not anticipating
that.  To make matters worse, she was now
without help and her bioshield was weakened by the blast.  She knew that by the time she reached her
destination after a full-speed flight, she would be even weaker from spending
so much energy.  Dr. Cyberclaw was
playing this game frighteningly well.

pondered what she might face.  A steel
mill was guaranteed to give her a disadvantage. 
She had no doubt that Dr. Cyberclaw would use all that molten metal to
disable her powers.  Granted, her
metallic refraction suit would help keep a lot of heat away, but even with her
bioshield she could not hold up against such intense heat for long.

saw the unmistakable furnace towers in the distance.  Her heart sank as she watched smoke and steam
rise from them.  The mill was indeed


flew overhead and scanned the area for hints of Cyberclaw's location.  She detected no life signs. Much of the mill
was active by autonomous functions alone. 
Today was Sunday, so no workers would be present.

tried to calm herself, and in doing so caught the familiar scent of the crazed
wolf.  She wound her way past metal
walkways and girders to find an open door near one of the towers.

landed and, taking a moment to muster her courage, stepped inside.

she saw the bright orange glows of raw molten metal casting eerie shadows from
countless mechanical devices.  Conveyer
belts carried ingots and long rods, and multiple blast furnaces spread their
tense heat all around.

have six seconds to spare."

whirled to see Dr. Cyberclaw approaching. 
The wolf had repaired himself and now wore a dark armored outfit
complete with a billowing cape of his own.

here, Dr. Cyberclaw.  Now call your
friends off!"

you surrender?"

collie grit her teeth and nodded, “Yes."

Cyberclaw pointed to an empty spot nearby. 
Above it, a huge mechanical crucible had halted in the middle of
tipping, and fiery liquid metal glowed from within.  He gave her a wicked grin.  “Prove it."

blinked.  Letting him cover her with that
stuff would depower her in seconds, and then leave her with horrendous,
permanent scars right afterward, if it didn't kill her outright.

crossed his arms, “Three seconds."

can't be seri—"


     “Alright!  Alright! 


gulped and marched over to the indicated spot. 
She saw him holding a large corded remote, ready to press the button to
tip the tub over.

call yourself a hero…"  He hit the

launched herself and tackled him to the ground. 
“Call them off!!"  She punched
hard against his jaw, but Cyberclaw caught her fist before she could try again.

late," he hissed.  He threw a punch of
his own, sending her tumbling sideways into a girder.

both scrambled to their feet and eyed one another.

you really intend to go through this again?" said Dr. Cyberclaw.  “You have no one coming to your rescue this
time, and this entire mill can sap you of your power.  You lost this fight before it even began!"

may be tough, but I can clearly see the dent in your face where I hit you."

assured, you won't make another."  His
right arm transformed into a ray gun.

darted away, narrowing avoiding Cyberclaw's first volley.

shots sent sparks violently flying away from every surface they hit, damaging
pieces of smelting equipment.

whirled around one of the furnaces and shot toward him.  The beam nailed her shoulder but her momentum
carried her right into Dr. Cyberclaw. 
They tumbled and collided with a conveyer belt, sending white-hot ingots

left arm became a set of sharp claws.  He
grabbed an ingot and swiped at his hurt foe, striking her side.

screamed in pain and tried to roll away, letting dirt cover the new wounds.  She spun to her feet and dodged another
swing, then blasted Cyberclaw with kinetic force.

wolf slammed into more equipment, tearing off portions previously bolted down.  Pieces fell on top of him, but a blast from
his cannon freed him.  He stood, looking
for where FantastaGirl hid.  He flexed
his claw, though it had warped after handling the hot metal.  “That reflective suit hides you well from
heat scans… but your scent remains!"  He
whirled and shot behind him, catching FantastaGirl right in her previously-hit

collie fell near another conveyer belt, this one carrying long molten metal

Cyberclaw rushed over and grabbed her neck. 
He forced her down, trying to drive her face against the hot metal.

caught herself and tried to push back up despite the awkward position robbing her
of leverage.  She heard the servos
powering Dr. Cyberclaw's muscles straining as he pushed, and the tense heat
from the metal already felt like radiating fire against her skin.

kicked out, breaking one of his knees. 
As he tumbled she grabbed his cannon arm and struck his shoulder,
ripping the entire arm off.  Sparks flew
from the metal stub, but Cyberclaw barely let out a pained groan.  FantastaGirl swung hard, nailing him across
the face with his own arm.

socked her in the stomach with his claw hand, propelling her backwards.

hit another suspended crucible, destroying one of its support arms.  It tilted above her as she hit the ground,
spilling some of its molten payload.

Cyberclaw grabbed one of the molten rods and flung it at her like a javelin.

dodged but the wolf's claw, still glowing orange from handling the rod, sprung
out and grabbed her face.

retracted it, pulling himself right to her and knee-smashing her.

hit the ground with another fresh wound tore from her refraction suit.  As the wolf approached, she grabbed the
still-glowing rod and swung it into his damaged knee, tearing it from his body.

collie immediately dropped the rod and staggered back, rubbing her burned paws
against what was left of her suit.  The
gloves had completely burned away.

Cyberclaw extended his remaining arm to use as a crutch and approached.  His appearance was nothing short of horrific,
with pieces of flesh ripped off to reveal metal and wire underneath and glowing
green fluid spilling from torn limb stubs.

backed away, getting weaker by the second. 
Portions of her refraction suit were already gone and numerous wounds
continued to bleed underneath her fur. 
She could even taste blood in her mouth.

Cyberclaw lunged and grabbed her, trying to force her back into a channel of
molten slag runoff.  FantastaGirl
struggled to maintain balance, feeling the slag's heat behind her.

planted a foot at Cyberclaw's remaining leg then twisted, throwing him down.

tumbled into the channel and shrieked as the slag runoff melted half his
body.  He managed to roll out of the
chute, but by the time he hit the ground, half of his body had warped and much
of his skin was gone, leaving charred metal behind.

flung out his remaining arm at FantastaGirl but the collie caught it this time.  She whipped it back and threw him against the
damaged crucible.

impact dislodged it and when he hit the ground, he saw it come loose and fall
right above him.  He shot out his claw to
grab a girder and pull himself away, but FantastaGirl snatched his feet and
pulled him back under.

heavy crucible crushed his arm. 
FantastaGirl stepped into the puddle of spilled molten metal long enough
to yank him up, tearing the limb away along with both his feet.  With her boots gone, she mustered the energy
to hover and delivered a solid punch to his midsection, sending him barreling
toward the same pile of debris that had fallen onto him earlier.  Sharp, bent metal pierced his back when he
collided, rendering him immobile.

Cyberclaw lay still, unable to move and gasping for air.  He tried to force his self-repair functions
into action, but his systems were too far damaged.  Only vital life support remained.

trudged over and picked him up, glaring eye-to-cracked-eye with him.  “Who sent you?"

grunted.  Fluorescent green fluid spilled
from his mouth.  Even with his
cybernetically-deadened nerves he still felt a hint of pain.  “You… truly think you won…"

did win.  Now answer me!"

Cyberclaw formed the slightest of grins with what remained of his facial skin,

gasped, shocked.  “No…  No, that can't be true!  BioGen is destroyed!"

seems someone is very interested in starting it back again… and they wanted to
begin with you."

what's in it for you?  What would a
cyborg gain from a biological lab?"

the longest time, I envisioned that cybernetics were the key to
immortality.  Ultra-strong materials, self-healing
nanoparticles, advanced sensory capabilities… but then I realized that
something was missing."

landed and set him down, leaning him against a girder.

Cyberclaw continued, “Look at me.  I have
methods of healing damage, but am unable to restore myself from such severe
punishment.  However, you… even
now, your wounds have closed, and you can still stand.  Your senses are enhanced, and you survived
the beating I gave you with the ability to walk out of here under your own
power.  With time, metal will fatigue and
corrode, but flesh will regenerate and heal.  Take good care of an automobile and you could
keep it for a few decades.  Take good
care of your body, and you can last more than a century.  Just think how long you could go with
powerful body like yours, FantastaGirl. 
You are the key to my immortality, to everyone's.  And BioGen wants to unlock that potential."

narrowed her eyes, “Who wants to live forever in a world where war and famine
are so prevalent?"

not about what you think or want.  BioGen
still considers you an investment and demands your return."  Cyberclaw chuckled, letting out a pathetic
cough in the process.  “Of course, it
doesn't matter now, as you've beaten me. 
To be honest, I intended to betray them and use the research for
myself.  After all, immortality loses its
luster when your foes can't die, either."

chill ran down FantastaGirl's spine. 
Only now did she wonder if he was right. 
Was she truly immortal?

otherwise she would not feel such pain after a fight.  Her wounds, though healing, still hurt.  A lot.

so, the possibility made her shudder.

turned to the chute of molten slag nearby and pulled out the rolled-up folder
containing her husband's notes.

eyes widened, “Don't!!  You have no idea
what you could be destroying!"

chuckled, “Oh?  Do you really expect me
to let BioGen obtain all this after what they did to Jake Raines and I?"

think about what you're doing.  The
knowledge contained in those notes can save lives!
     FantastaGirl whirled, “That's what
Jake thought, too.  And yet all BioGen
did with his knowledge was kill people in their tests!  They abused his knowledge and were
prepared to sell their results, incomplete as they were, to the highest
bidder!  They didn't care about saving
lives once they saw the implications for creating super-beings, and did not
care if a bunch of well-funded terrorist cells obtained those formulas.  Jake figured this out, but they forced him to
continue until they killed him
It's a tragic golden egg situation and the Raines family paid a price
they did not deserve to pay."

scientific breakthrough comes out of struggle," Dr. Cyberclaw replied.  “Yes, millions will die in the short term,
but after that?  Billions will be
saved through its perfection!  Just
think, within Jake's research and your own blood is a solution to every
child born deaf or blind… or every amputee returning from war… or every family
struggling with elderly dementia or Alzheimer's disease.  Think of the pain you can stop, just by
allowing that research to be utilized. 
Would you deny a victim of cerebral palsy or Lou Gehrig's disease a
chance to be free of their impairments?"

winced, seeing the logic in his words. 
But then Jake's dead body appeared in her mind, along with the countless
other failed test subjects that had come from BioGen's careless genetic
tinkering.  Test subjects who had
families just like hers.

Cyberclaw continued, “You would destroy decades of top-level genetic and
chemical research just because you're afraid that an unfortunate few will be
harmed?  Could you risk setting our kind
back generations with the knowledge we'd lose?"

BioGen was the one making use of that
information, then I would be doing our kind a favor.  If I destroy this, I will have saved more
lives today than I ever will afterward in the rest of my superheroine career."

you might end billions more.  Not only
that, but you will likely live long enough to make that realization yourself."

turned and kept her back to Dr. Cyberclaw, refusing to let him see the tears
trailing off her mask.  Jake had tried to
hide his research, and BioGen's frantic attempt to get it back caused not only his
death, but FantastaGirl's “birth."  She
wondered if he would have wanted this research destroyed, to stop future
heartache as a result of BioGen's abuse.

let out a sigh, then held out the rolled-up folder.

Cyberclaw struggled to move.  “Stop!!"

shoved the folder into the molten slag, torching it instantly.

Cyberclaw sat there, motionless and dumbfounded.  “You fool! 
You short-sighted fool!  Do
you realize what you have done?"

smiled, “Yes… I do."


police and emergency response vehicles crowded around the steel mill.  Police spotters had seen FantastaGirl fly in
earlier, and many people heard the fighting within.

door at ground level opened, and a figured hobbled out.  FantastaGirl, covered head-to-toe in dirt, sweat,
and blood, carried what remained of Dr. Cyberclaw's broken body.  She staggered to the line where the police
had set up their barriers and dropped him.

the Bureau take him in," she panted. 
“He's neutralized."  She saw
medical personnel approaching but waved them off.  “Thanks, but I'll be fine."

let out a breath and slowly levitated, feeling relieved that her powers were

officer approached, “Are you sure?  You
look pretty banged up."

smirked, “I am, but I'll survive.  Have
you heard anything regarding the collies that he threatened to kidnap?"

contacts report that they intercepted encrypted messages regarding seven collie
women, including Mrs. Raines.  The tech
gurus within the Bureau figured out the messages before it was too late and
we've taken down numerous villains who were about to kidnap Dr. Cyberclaw's
victims. Everyone should be safe, especially now that you're present and
accounted for.  The supervillains
targeting them were vanquished before any harm was done and all subjects,
including their identities, are safe. 

nodded, “Fantastic.  I thank you for your

masked collie lifted off and soared into the skies, eager to see her family
again.  She also felt relieved at how
quickly and professionally the Bureau handled the criminals targeting the other
collies.  She smirked, reconsidering
Medic Mouse's offer for help next time it was needed.  On that thought, she realized there was one
issue that lingered in her mind that she needed to deal with immediately.

landed at a secluded rooftop and pulled out her communicator.  FantastaGirl paused for a moment, then dialed
in and waited for an answer.

Mouse here."

this is FantastaGirl.  Dr. Cyberclaw has
been defeated, and I have evidence confirming him as Kevin's murderer.  In addition…"

reached into her belt and pulled out a rolled-up bundle of papers—Jake Raines'
research notes, sans folder.  When she
had her back turned to Dr. Cyberclaw, she had removed them and loosely rolled
the folder to make Cyberclaw think it was full, then stashed the notes while he
was distracted with its burning.  She
knew she would have to hide it just like Jake did, however Jake did not have
the luxury of consulting with Bureau technology.  She only needed to keep the notes hidden
until BioGen was completely gone and someone more trustworthy could make use of
such important research.  On one hand,
delaying the release of the research could also delay the good that it could
bring to society.  On the other hand, she
knew that if BioGen misused it, then public fear and government regulation
would quickly hinder its progress as well. 
The time was not right as long as BioGen and similar organizations

that the Bureau was able to stop every criminal that Dr. Cyberclaw had prepared
to go after those collies and her own family, she smiled.  Perhaps it was time to trust the Bureau after
all.  “I also have need of a way to keep
some vital materials safe.  I've obtained
an extremely important set of documents that needs to be stored somewhere
secure.  Would the Bureau have a vault
for such sensitive information?"

     “Absolutely.  I'll get you in contact with some of our top
security consultants.  And don't worry,
we've yet to ever have a security breach. 
After all, we've kept everyone's identities secret so far."

     “Thanks.  And Medic… 


I just…  Well…  Dr. Cyberclaw mentioned something about
me.  About my powers.  And it is really creeping me out."

do you mean?"

wanted to ask you some things about what your powers do to your lifespan, and
how you deal with all that."



walked out of the mall into the afternoon sunlight, carrying Carly in one arm and
holding Andy's hand.  “So, what do you
want to do next?"

was too busy licking his ice cream cone to respond, but a sudden scent made him
pause.  “Mommy!"

turned to see Mary herself walking up with a huge smile, “Hey there!"

kneeled and Andy threw his arms around her, nearly dropping his ice cream.

laughed and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, then held him up in her arms as
she stood.  “I hope they weren't any
trouble, Mindy."

smiled, “Not at all!  Though you might
want to keep an eye on Carly.  She's
turning into a little explorer."

smirked.  “She does get rather curious
from time to time.  Thanks for looking
after them."


hailed a taxi and the four of them got in, ready to finally return home.  Mary leaned back in the seat, with Andy
sitting on one side and Carly now snuggled in her arms.

the shadow of BioGen's resurrection lingered in the back of her mind, she took
comfort in the fact she now knew the company was trying to start back
up, and she could strike back before it was fully capable again.  Until then, she felt comforted at the fact
she could return to “normal" for a while.