Current Track: Blabb

I strolled among the savannah, seeing the bare lands around me and heading towards the only tree I see in my sights. I was hoping I'd see some of the animals around here, but so far nothing. Where are they? Where are the zebras, the elephants, the giraffes, anything? I turned my head to the right, still no sign of anything standing on four feet, big or small. Are you kidding me? Africa's supposed to be filled with exotic animals. What, did they suddenly disappear off the face of the earth? I doubt it. But where are they?

My form went in the shade caused by the lone tall tree, and I went closer to it. When I did, I twirled around, and tossed myself to the tree with my back pressing against it. I slowly lowered myself down to the ground till I sat at the base of it. With my legs stretched out in front of me and my arms laying over my lap, I let out a huff and slowly tipped my head down, still wondering where any animal could be. I guess I'll rest here for a bit and search some more. There's gotta be some around here.

When about a minute passed by, I felt something softly patting the top of my head. I rose it up real fast like and saw a trunk pulling away.

I was staring at an elephant who showed up out of nowhere in front of me, its trunk curled inward after it pulled away from me.

I gasped happily and got up on my feet quick. An elephant! But it turned out when I looked beside it, it wasn't alone. There were two of them, staring at me with greeted faces and their big ears flapping. My mouth tried to open to say something, but I caught something else at the corner of my sight. I looked towards the right of one of the elephants and saw that a couple zebras showed up as well, along with a lone antelope. Then I felt something pawed at my right side and I jerked my head around to see a leopard was the one who did that. I sucked in a breath of surprise and backed up a couple steps. It did the same, but it wasn't scared, perhaps wanting to give me a bit of space. I saw near the leopard were two wildebeest, one of them stomping its hoof to the ground, and there was also a lioness.

I trailed my eyes to one animal to another, amazed at the sight of all of them close to me. None of them showed any fear, nor any anger when they watched me. Wow...I looked for them, but they found me. I smiled at them, my voice sounding distant when I said two words, "Hi, everyone."

I felt the sun rays hitting my face and it stirred me in my sleep while I was lying on my side. I finally opened my eyes, waking up in the bedroom of the guest house with my head still laying on top of the pillow, and I was seeing the morning sun shining through the window. I moaned with a closed mouth. Darn...I was enjoying that dream.

I groaned when I lifted my body off the bed and only sat on it, shoving the covers off myself. My hands rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and after both had dropped onto my lap I had a smile on my face. What a nice dream. Better than the last one I had.

I remember before leaving Atlanta that I had a few dreams about being in Africa, walking around and searching for the animals living in the country, and each of them showed the same result. No animals found. They were pretty strange. I did know that wouldn't happen in real life, but still...They were weird.

Now I just had another dream like that and that time...The animals had found me. I remember the start of that dream, and had a gut feeling that I wouldn't find them again. But my gut was wrong. Guess when I slept on the second night in Africa and that time was in a house in the savannah, it made the outcome change. I giggled to myself. I'm glad it did, actually. It feels sad when I don't find them in my head. My smile melted off my face when I sighed and looked at the shining window. I remembered the leopard and the lioness, two known predators that were in it. They weren't afraid or angry at me at all. They both liked me at first sight like the other creatures in it, greeting a stranger in their lands like me off the bat. Then I had a thought about the lioness I met yesterday, and another one about the concept that any animal who is not a predator might not exactly trust me right away in first sight. Man...If only it was THAT easy in real life as it was in the dream.

My eyes gleamed with hope as I was thinking about heading outside and finding a exotic animal. Well, just because being friends with one probably won't be easy, doesn't mean I'm not going to try. Just need to not come across that lioness again, or another one, or any kind of predator while at it. I eagerly pushed myself to the edge of the bed, my bare feet planting against the floor. I'll go for a walk out there when I'm done getting dressed and eating breakfast.

A nervous thought about that angry lioness popped up in my head. I REALLY hope you know what you are doing, Ryan.

I let out a huff and got off the bed. Not very long I had fresh pair of clothes on and then I wandered out of my bedroom. Standing with my back to the door, I gazed around the house, didn't see my parents in either the kitchen or the living room. I also didn't hear their voices upstairs. I looked right at the front door. They're probably at Gabe's house already, chatting and eating food he made for us. I glanced to the refrigerator and freezer in the kitchen at a distance from me, my stomach growling. I do hope mom, dad and Gabe go into a town or something to buy food and stock up the kitchen soon. They said they were going to today. I smiled. Well, if they are after eating, I'll tell them that I'm staying here and when they leave I'll go out to the savannah.

Then I felt conflicted, smile off my face. Is that really a good idea? Go out there with them gone? My mind pushed that away. Don't worry about the lioness, Ryan. Look, that's probably the best chance you're gonna take. It'll give you enough time to chat with the animal you find out there...That is if that animal will let you talk to it at all instead of run. Plus, mom and dad won't sit in this house and wait and wonder what took you so long, not to mention get suspicious.

With the idea still bubbling in my brain, I went to the bathroom so I could urinate and also brush my teeth. When I was done, I went to the front door, put my shoes on, and went through it with the warm air of Africa saying hello as I stepped out of the house. I made my way to Gabe's house, walking up to the back and then along the side. When I made it to the driveway at the front of his house, I saw other than Gabe's four-door jeep there was another vehicle I never saw before parked beside it. The other vehicle was a four-door Land Rover Defender. I wrinkled my brow. Whose car does it belong to? Maybe a friend of Gabe's I bet.

I paced to the front door after staring at it for a moment, hearing laughter from inside the house as I was stepping on the porch. I opened it up and went in the house to see my parents, Gabe and a man I never met before standing in a circle in the small kitchen talking to each other. They heard the door close behind me and turned and saw me. Gabe waved and smiled, "There's the kid now. Morning."

I waved, making my way up to them, "Morning." My eyes were trained onto the round dining room table with a pot of food sitting in the middle of it before I got to where they were, "I see breakfast is already made."

Dad grinned and remarked, "Probably still warm for you."

When I got near them, Mom said with a smile of her own, "Gabe's made some good stuff."

The man I never met before, who looks to be the same age like they are with buzzed cut black hair on top of his head and skin that shows him he's African and dressed in a ranger's outfit, complimented Gabe while wearing a grin, "Yeah, your food was really good, Gabriel."

Gabe shrugged his shoulders modestly, "Ah, well."

"Better than my cooking anyway." The man giggled.

Gabe fisted his mouth and cleared his throat, "Right, anyways. How was your first night in the guest house, Ryan? If the bed didn't feel as great as the hotel's, sorry to hear about it. And sorry, can't get you a new mattress....Unless you want me to steal one from that hotel you came from."

Dad chuckled softly when he said, "That'll be the day...It won't fit in your jeep."

Gabe said while smirking and having his arms crossed, "I agree. That is a stupid idea."

I giggled and replied, "Nah, Gabe, I don't need one from the hotel. The bed I slept on wasn't bad at all."

He nodded, "Good. I did try my best to provide you guys a good home."

Dad said, "And you did, don't worry." Both he and mother giggled when he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

I frowned at the stranger standing with us, "So who's this guy? A friend of yours, Gabe?"

"Oh...Sorry about that." Gabe motioned his hand, introducing me to that guy standing beside him, "Yes, he is a friend of mine. A very good friend of mine I might add. We've known each other and worked together on stuff that has anything to do with our jobs for years. This is Theodore Norwood. An African Ranger as you see."

Theodore shrugged his shoulders, "Feels like I'm a 'veteran' African ranger if you ask me."

Gabe laughed and shook his head when he gave that guy a sharp pat on the back, "Oh, you are not that old, Theo." Then Gabe playfully looked over Theodore's hair, "Don't see any grey in there so I think I'm right."

The African man responded with a deep giggle, "Alright, alright, whatever you say."

Dad said to Theodore as he waved his other hand towards me, "And Theodore, this is Ryan, Barbara and mine's only son."

Theodore looked right at me, "Well, Ryan..." He held out a hand, "It's nice to meet you."

I grabbed his hand and shook it, "Nice to meet you too."

After letting go of my hand he said, "And what I am doing here, you may ask. Well other than I haven't talked to Gabe for the past few days, I've heard from him that he was gonna have company with him for the whole summer, and I thought I'd come by and check things out here today." His head shot towards my family with a grin on his face, "And I find his summer company has arrived. So, how are you liking this country, Ryan? I've heard how much your parents like it, but what about yourself?"

I giggled, my eyes lighting up from the thought of being here, "Well, I absolutely love it, and I just got here."

Dad said when the hand that was still around my mother thumbed toward the front door, "Yeah, and he loved it so much, yesterday he went for a short walk out on a trail in the savannah alone not long after we all came here from Nairobi."

Theodore smiled at that, "Ah. Bit of an adventurer huh?"

"I still had a lot of energy left in me so that's why I went out there." I replied with a shrug of my shoulders, "And I guess I can be."

Then Theodore gave me a serious look, "Well, for you, it was probably dangerous going out there without a guide, or at least without Gabe. Africa is nothing like the states. There are dangerous creatures running around out there."

I said when my eyes gave Gabe a short glance, "Yeah, I already got that warning from your pal here. But, I'm still breathing since I didn't run into anything in my walk."

Gabe held up a finger when he glanced at the ranger, "Which I think that's very great considering he had been gone for a long time." Then the same finger was lowered to point at my father, "And he wondered what took him."

Theodore giggled and remarked, "Couldn't resist walking longer than you already had, could you?"

My memory of that lioness flashed in my head when I answered, "I just lost track of how long I've been walking, that's why." And sorta had a 'calm' conversation with an angry lioness as well.

Theodore said with a tiny nod, "Well at least you losing track of how long you've been walking was the factor on why it took you so long...Least it wasn't the well known factor that goes by around here." He cleared his throat after that. Then he made a step toward me and offered, "Hey, you know...You seem to be a very good candidate for the great outdoors...Tell you what, Ryan, why don't I take you to the ranger's station and you can meet the other rangers staying with me? One of them might take you to go out on patrol." Then he asked my parents, "Would you guys mind if I took him back with me?"

"I think that's a fun idea for Ryan. I think he should go with him." Gabe assured my parents in a honest tone, "You can trust Theodore, guys. Your son will be in good hands."

Dad told Theodore with a grin, "I know me and my wife just met you and all, but since you're Gabe's friend I do trust you." He shook his head, "I won't mind if you took him. All you guys are rangers right? Not like you are a bunch of kidnappers or anything like that."

Theodore laughed a bit, "Got that right. We don't kidnap tourists."

Mom gazed at Theodore and nodded at his idea with a big smile, "I trust you as well. Yes, our son can go with you." She looked right at me, "What about you? Do you want to go with him, Ryan? Or do you want to go with me, Gabe and your father to go shopping with us for food for the guest house? We're gonna be going after Theodore leaves. So which do you want to do?"

I still had the idea to just stay here and wait for them to leave so I could leave for another walk in the savannah, but then I was thinking about Theodore's offer. I think meeting rangers and going on patrol with one of them sounds fun. I'll take another walk away from here later. I grinned, and accpeted Theodore's offer, "I think I'll go with Theodore. I never had gotten acquainted with rangers before. That does sound like fun."

Theodore beamed, "Alright, kid."

My stomach growled and it made me say after I giggled, "But uh, before I leave with you, Theodore, can I eat first? I haven't ate anything yet."


I stirred around in my sleep before my golden eyes groggily opened up, seeing another day has arrived and I was still underneath the tree from last night. As I blinked the sleep out of them repeatedly, my chin rose off of my forepaws and then I drew back my head to let out a tongue curled yawn. I did have the urge to push myself off the ground and move, but my body still felt tired. So I just laid around on my stomach, only staring at the base of the tree I'm under.

I made a tiny smile to myself. I was having such a nice dream. Then I twisted my neck to glance behind me, seeing the wall of rock and the entrance of the cave that houses my pride far from me. I narrowed my eyes, remembering what happened to me yesterday, including the punishment my parents gave me. Wish I was still in that dream right now...But too bad I can't sleep forever. I still wasn't in the mood to see anyone in the pride after what happened to me. I hoped that everyone had left before I woke up and went off hunting as usual. I didn't see anyone out of the cave and it was just plain quiet, so I knew they all left home, and felt glad they have. I let out an angry sigh and looked down at my paws. To calm myself, I tried remembering the dream I had before I woke up, which it wasn't hard since it was a clear image.

I let out a slight giggle. The dream I had was a nice one. I remember thinking that I was gonna have a dream about me and Aren to make myself happy from my drama, and I did have one about us. It wasn't anything much in it. At first it was just me and Aren, having a stroll across the savannah, his handsome, black maned self beside me.

Then he started to run, hopping off the ground a few times while at it, wanting to play with me. I didn't deny it, knowing how playful I can be, and gave chase. I chased Aren for a long time, and I can still feel the adrenaline in my paws and legs when I'm awake. The chase ended with me jumping and crashing onto his back. The two of us rolled about a couple feet before it ended up with me on top and him pinned below me. With both of us catching our breaths, we just stared at each others eyes, smiling romantically at each other.

I remember in the dream that I was thinking about nuzzling lovingly into him, and then get off him and put myself in a mating position and let Aren do what I wanted him to do. But before I was about to do that, I felt a presence and it made me take my eyes off the handsome lion. That was when I saw the lone two legger I encountered and chased off yesterday, watching us at a far distance....And that's when I woke up.

I reared back my head with a frown on my face when I remembered the very ending of the dream. Okay, maybe it wasn't all nice. The part at the end was a little...Weird. I gazed out towards the lands away from this spot, thinking about that two legger right now. Why was that creature in it to begin with? It is pretty odd, having the creature that all lions and every animal hate so much in my dream. He was just standing there staring at us. Why was he in it?

I dipped my head and pondered. Maybe I'm still believing that he hasn't actually left the lands, and he's probably plotting something that's dangerous to anything, even to the pride, without me knowing. Maybe the two legger appearing in my head told me that letting him go probably wasn't the best idea. I shook my skull as my tail made a flop against the grass. Sayde, you're probably wrong about him. He probably wouldn't think about messing with a lion or anything after what you'd done to him. And besides that, he's probably not in the lands anymore. He's probably left them by now, just like you demanded.

He'd better be gone, or things will get bloody if I find him again. I let out a breath. But he probably is...So things won't get bloody.

My ears twitched as they hear quiet giggles very close behind me. I wrinkled my brow before I threw my gaze over my shoulder. Kweli and Asha, the two cubs I love being with, were the ones making those giggles. When they noticed they were caught, Asha waved a paw at me, "Hey."

"Kweli? Asha?" I shifted all the way around on my stomach to face those two, "What are you guys doing here? And how long have you been standing behind me?"

Kweli answered, "Not long." He snickered.

I said to them with a suspicious frown, "Knowing you both, I'm getting a feeling you guys are up to your tricks with another playful scheme. That right? Did I caught you in the act just now?"

The little male cub shook his head very slowly, "Noooo."

I made a smirk, "Liar."

That's when Asha said it after she let out a chuckle, "We weren't doing anything really. Well...Not scheme wise anyway."

I remarked, "Well you guys were pretty quiet until one of you giggled. I'm feeling there must've been a scheme going on here."

Asha replied by denying it, "No it's true."

I frowned, "Then why were you both standing directly behind me?"

Kweli answered as he was smirking, "Well, we thought about saying hello to you from afar, but then we decided to 'quietly' come up behind you and then-"

I cut him off, having a feeling where this was going, "Ambush me by jumping on my back." I raised one claw off the ground and pointed at my shoulder that's hurt, "Or come out of nowhere and smack my shoulder that is injured, thereby provoking me to chase you guys and then you start showing off cause you were running faster than me and I can't." I made a devious smile on my muzzle, "In case that was and you also forgot, let me warn you that I can still run fast despite being hurt a little. Remember yesterday? You guys ran ahead a bit but I wasn't always slow....I caught up."

Kweli chuckled loudly, "We KNOW that."

I tilted my head, furrowing my brow, "Heh...And you don't look scared after I brought it up."

Asha shrugged, "I don't have to be since we got away."

"I certainly am not." Kweli stomped his paw and proclaimed loudly, "Actually I never was, even when we were being chased by the two leggers! That was the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me!"

I rolled my eyes. Oh, Kweli. Asha slapped his side with a paw when she glared and that had him gazing at her, "I doubt you were never scared. And don't forget about me, you dork! The most exciting thing that's happened to you has happened to BOTH of us!"

Kweli gave her a look that held some apology, "Heh heh. Sorry. Let me correct that. That was the most exciting thing that has ever happened to US." Asha smiled in appreciation at his corrected statement. Then the boy cub looked back at me and made a very toothy grin, "And by the way Sayde, when the other cubs heard what happened, they were pretty impressed by mine AND Asha's bravery for going into the home of the two legged ones. Why shouldn't they be? We're the first cubs in the pride to ever be in a place like that and get out! This is so AWESOME!" Asha held up a paw to her mouth and was chuckling at his showing off tactic.

I giggled deeply, playfully shaking my head a bit. There he goes with his bragging. I said, "Yeah, awesome that your stupid idea to explore that place didn't get you killed."

Kweli stated, "And that's what makes it awesome! It was my AMAZING idea to go in there and then we survived after...Wandering in there for maybe..." He frowned in thought before he turned to the female cub, "How long were we in there before Sayde found us?"

Asha shook her head, not seemingly caring about that, "I don't know."

Kweli gazed back and continued with a dismissive wave his paw made, "Nah, it doesn't matter how long exactly."

My eyes formed a look of seriousness, "You're right. It doesn't matter how long. What's important is I got you both out of there before you were killed."

"Aw come on, Sayde. You outa think it's awesome that you went in there and came out with us afterward. I think you're the first grown lioness who had ever done that." He showed his teeth again.

"Sure. When I think about it, it does seem awesome. But getting caught by your mother and being berated by her is not exactly 'awesome' to me. I got in trouble because of you." I motioned toward them with my muzzle, "And other than me, you were also in trouble for gaining that 'recognition'."

Kweli had guilt in his eyes other than Asha and he tried to apologize when he made a step toward me, "Um...About that...We're sorry. We did try to tell my mom, but-"

I immediately made a smile and waved them off with my paw, "Oh it's alright, squirts. I'm not angry at you...Just angry at Kisha for not listening very well."

Kweli held in a breath and let it out, turning his head away from me, "Yeaaah...Mom really didn't."

Asha chimed in with a sigh, "My mom didn't listen to me either."

I formed a irritated look, "Neither did mine and my father, fluffball. And I'm angry at them too." I then asked them after I wiped it off, "So, what was your guy's punishment? Mine was to not play with you guys anymore and not leave home for whatever reason until my father says otherwise."

"We heard about that earlier." Asha lowered her gaze, "That stinks."

Kweli told me with a depressed tone, "We're just told to not go wander off and play for a while...And to stay away from you. Also we're being watched over until further notice."

I gazed around us, wondering what he meant by that, "Watched over?" I made a look of confusion, "I don't see anyone watching you."

Both the cubs smiled. Kweli said, "We know. We managed to get away from the grownups again while they were hunting. They didn't do a good job at it."

I shook my head slowly at that, grinning a little, "You shouldn't have done that."

"But it was worth it. Because we were told to stay away from you."

I let out a long sigh filled with fondness for them, "...I guess it is." I would have done the same thing. And I know I wasn't in the mood to see anyone in the pride a few minutes ago, but for those two, I'd always consider seeing them. Then my eyes held suspicion, "Hey, let's get back to the direct question I asked you. Why were you both standing behind my ass giggling? Were you getting ready to do one of the things I mentioned?"

Asha giggled as she was shaking her head, "I told you, we weren't doing anything scheme wise."

"Then what were you doing? Watching me like your parents were supposed to be watching you? I think grownups are supposed to do the other way around."

Kweli chuckled mischievously, "Yeah, we were watching you...Watching you until you saw you were being watched."

I made a deep giggle when I smirked, "I don't believe you, but since I caught you I guess I don't have to worry about it." I slowly got myself off the ground, feeling pain in my shoulder when my paw was pushing me off the ground. But the pain didn't feel as bad as the other day. I think it was getting to feel better. I let out a pleasant breath when I stood upright on my fours and asked them, having Aren on my mind again, "Say, since you were with the grownups, has Aren showed up and talked to them by any chance?"

The female cub smirked while she said in a playful tone, "Whyyyy?"

"Because I want to talk to him if he's coming back here with everyone."

Asha pressed me with another playful question, "And WHY do you wanna talk to him?"

I stared at her along with Kweli, who had the same expression as she does, for a bit. Then I finally replied shortly after making a frown, "Nothing. Why do you care?"

Kweli laughed a little, "Ah, come on, Sayde, me and Asha know every time he shows up you always look at him in a 'weird' way."

I slowly quirked a brow, "What do you mean by that?"

Asha went up in between me and Kweli, swishing her tail behind her, looking up at me with the cute, playful gleam in her eyes, "We know you 'like' him, Sayde."

Kweli spoke after her, "And I bet you were thinking about him before you noticed we were here."

Oh I know what they were getting at, those two. I lied, shaking my head, "I was not."

Asha didn't believe it at all, smirk still on her face, "You thought we were lying, but YOU'RE the one who's lying."

The cubs giggled and chanted together while trying to hold down their laughter, "Sayde and Aren sittin' in a tree, N-U-Z-Z-L-I-N-G!" Then Kweli toppled onto his side while Asha still stood on her feet as they laughed their little heads off, "Hahahahah!"

I denied it again while they were at it, my tone a bit loud for them to hear, "I don't like him in a way you twerps believe."

Asha and Kweli were both reduced to giggles when they looked at me a second later. Asha responded with one coming out of her mouth, "Sure you aren't."

"Seriously guys, I don't like him in that way. I just like hanging out with him."

They both stared at me for a bit with playful expressions still evident on their faces, before Asha responded with a tiny nod, "Fine...We believe you."

"Good." I warned them, "And you better not tell that lion I do like him in that way when I'm not really, or I'll feed you both to the crocs." My eyes were direct toward Kweli, "Especially YOU, big mouth."

Asha assured with a wave of her paw, "We won't."

Kweli while with his stomach on the ground, glared back, "Yeah! Even I won't. And I'll tell mom on you if you try."

I showed him a devious grin, playfully saying, "You won't because I'll throw you to the crocs."

He shot back, "I'll run away."

"I'll catch you and take you to them."

"You won't be able to cause I'll swipe your shoulder and get away."

I puffed out my chest and rolled my injured shoulder a bit, being tough, "I'll tough it out. Out of ideas now?" I giggled.

Kweli tried to think of another idea for a moment, then dipped his head and whined, "Darn it, I am!"

I tossed back my head and started laughing. I'm glad they believed me. I think they did anyway, and they wouldn't say a word to Aren. I didn't want Aren to have any idea about my feelings toward him from these cubs. I'm pretty glad they didn't before since they suspected it, especially Kweli since he kinda has a big mouth than Asha. Least I'm sure they didn't, or Aren would have known and told me about it. And I know Kweli assured me he won't say anything, but I kind of have a feeling that he might still blabber it to the rogue. Well if he sees that lion and talks to him, he better not open up that trap and say a word about it, or maybe I WILL throw and feed him to a crocodile.

My laughter went down to silence as I just looked away from the cubs. Then I thought about the punishment I have, and what Aren would think if he found out why I have it. I knew if Aren had shown up and met the pride while they were hunting and heard what happened to me, he'd probably believe it. After all what Kisha says after what she saw seems evident enough. He'll probably just think I'm an irresponsible lioness after he hears that, like most of the pride probably has already.

I let out a quiet breath. But what he hears is not what really happened at all. I'm hardly irresponsible, and I don't want Aren to think that. I hope when I tell him otherwise, he'll believe me, and doesn't think I was lying to him like I already had before. Hope filled my chest. But I bet once I tell him the truth on why I did lie to him before...He might believe me. I think he will.

Other than Aren's face, Makena's also showed up in my thoughts. I really wanted to talk to him and get the truth off my chest. Other than get the feelings I held for Aren off my chest when I find him alone with nobody around. I wonder if Makena visited the pride here this morning while I was asleep? He probably knows what I'd done allegedly by now if he had, but he doesn't know my side of the story. I'm sure he'll listen to it, he always listens to what I say.

Asha's voice went into my thoughts, "Sayde?" I turned my head to her as the cub pressed me with a frown, "Are you ok?"

I nodded a bit, smiling, "Yes. I'm fine. So, about Aren, did you guys ever see him show up while the pride was hunting?"

Asha shook her head along with Kweli, "No."

Well, it's not like there's a lot of time left during the day, after all it's still morning. He'll probably show up here later on today...And know what happened to me after I left him with Dahlia and her friends. I'll try talking to Makena before Aren does show up here, but just to make sure...

Then I gave them another question, "What about Old Makena? Have you seen him earlier in the savannah?"


"Well good." I gazed towards the direction of Makena's home, "Then he's probably at home right now. I'm gonna go over and see him. I think right now's the best time for me to leave."

Kweli had concern in his eyes, "Ahhh, I thought you were grounded. Shouldn't you-"

I snapped my eyes to him with a serious look on my face, "I know I'm supposed to stay here, but I'm a bit restless now and I just want to get away from here. Heck I don't want to see anyone in the pride right now anyway when it gets back here." My smile came back on my muzzle, only a small one, and my head shot toward the savannah, to a different direction from where I'm going, "Listen, you better get back to your mothers and the pride now. They're probably looking for you. You don't want them to find you with me, don't want to get in trouble again."

Asha was giggling a bit, "I think that's a good idea. I hope they won't get mad that we've wandered off."

I shrugged, "Maybe not too mad. Probably just scold you for doing that when you aren't supposed to at the moment. Who knows?"

Then Kweli asked, "But what about you? If they see you're not home, then-"

"Then I'll put up with the lectures when I get back. I bet that's what'll only happen. I think I'll be fine." After saying that I went up to Asha and lowered my head to nuzzle her in gratitude. Kweli got off the ground and rubbed his body against my front leg. Their purrs were within the air, making it the sweet sound to my ears. I rose my head off Asha, and Kweli was done rubbing on me and backed away to stand beside her. I spoke to them gratefully, "Thanks for taking the risk to see me, guys." I nudged each of their chests with the back of my paw, urging them to go, "Alright. Get going."

Kweli responded, "Kay, bye." Then he ran off with his little paws carrying him.

Asha waved her goodbye paw at me, "See you later." Then she went after Kweli, trying to catch up to him since he was faster than her. I watched them both run off till they were just far from my sight. I sighed and looked to where Makena's home is at. I began to pad off in that direction, my limps were less frequent with each step I placed since the pain in my shoulder didn't hurt as bad as before. Well...I knew deep down this was gonna happen. Wander from home to see the lion who listens. But hey, my punishment won't stop me from trying.


As I rode in the passenger side of Theodore's car heading to the ranger's station, the savannah flowed by the window. I didn't take my eyes off it, I just kept watching the land go by and any animal that was within my sight also. I let out a breath when my eyes caught a group of about five lionesses trotting together, having the thought of that lioness I met yesterday again. I imagined that she was within the group, and imagined she caught sight of me riding the ranger's car and pretty angry when she found out I was still here within her territory. But I knew they were too far away to even see me in the car. And besides that, even if she did see me in it, she wouldn't be able to catch the car while she was in her fit of rage. Which that's good for me.

I wondered if she was actually with them. I wished I could determine that, but problem was from this distance they all looked the same. Having the same features, everything. If I even went over and talked to the ladies, I'm sure I wouldn't recognize the one who confronted me...Unless she revealed herself. And I knew if I even went over to meet them...They'd probably just attack me without hesitation...Unlike the one who met me.

If that lioness lived in a pride, and I bet she does live in one, I wonder if she told everybody about me. Maybe she did. But who knew what went on with her? I know I didn't.

I sighed quietly from just thinking about her. I bet she's probably a nice cat when she wasn't all angry...Well, nice BIG cat in a huge way. I wish I could talk to her again...At least, have a normal, friendly conversation with her. At least let her get to know me, and let me get to know her. And at least let me thank her for not killing me before. Other than that...I want to know her name. I've been curious about it ever since I met her.

Oh, if only talking to her in a normal type of conversation was that easy. She probably won't listen to me. Just berate me for not leaving her home and...Probably kill me.

Theodore's voice broke through my thoughts, "Ryan?" I jumped a bit and pulled my head away from the window and on to him. I see he frowned a bit upon me, "You ok kid? It's just you've been mostly quiet."

I smirked, "Hey, so were you."

Theodore actually grinned, "Yeah I was, but it's just because you weren't asking me any questions or anything like that."

I giggled deeply, "I guess I haven't." I took a deep breath and let it out, bringing my gaze back out the window, "Sorry I was and it bothered you...I'm mostly quiet during a ride. Mostly because I usually stare out the window during one."

The ranger remarked, "Must be one of those types who don't want to miss something while he's riding something. That right?"

I replied without looking at him, "Sounds about it. I'm always like that, even when I was little. Unless someone talks to me during any ride, I'll keep staring out the dang window."

Theodore laughed as he made a turn on the dirt trail, "Hey if you didn't want to miss something right now, just tell me and I'll keep my trap shut. You're probably also just enjoying riding around in the savannah again."

I looked to him with a grin, shifting a bit in my seat, "That too. And don't worry about it, whatever I miss is not that important."

"Alrighty then." He locked his eyes on me for a moment before he looked back through the windshield, "So, I guess I can throw you a question right now. You feelin' like you're being kidnapped by me yet?"

I waved him off, shaking my head, "Heh heh...No. Not feeling anything like that at all, not even at the beginning of this ride."

"Good that you aren't. Cause I don't want you to think that and jump out of the car and run away." I see his eyes wandering from left to right, "You could get absolutely lost out there if you were doing that."

I shrugged my shoulders and one hand, "Well if I tried, you can catch me since you're the one with the car."

Theodore giggled in agreement, "You can count on it. I'm a ranger, and a ranger's supposed to ensure the safety of any tourist he or she is with. And your parents might get very mad if I didn't."

I replied, "True. Especially my mom. She'd be very furious." I glanced out through the windshield and asked him, "So...About the other rangers you're taking me to meet, what are they like?"

Theodore answered, "Well I can certainly tell you that they're great to hang out with, not to mention they're not as old as me. All the rangers staying with me look young like you are, maybe close to your age. Including my daughter."

I turned my head to him, "Your daughter?"

He chuckled before glancing at me, "Well, technically she's not a ranger like papa bear here. She is a tourist like you. And like you, she's actually staying in Kenya for the summer at the ranger's station."

"No kidding?"

"No kidding." His eyes focused ahead as he continued and smiled, "Her name's Jen. And she has only been here longer than you have. About almost three weeks already. You'd like her. She's honestly a nice girl."

Since she probably wouldn't get angry and roar at me like the last girl I met, I'm sure I will. I smiled at that, "I think you're right."

"And I think papa bear's about home so you two can meet. Maybe in a few more minutes."

I let out a giggle, amused by his words 'papa bear'. Then I had my eyes out the window once again, "Then I'll get back to watching Africa go by me before then." My chest raised when my nose took in some air and it let out through my lips. As he had stated a few minutes later, we saw the ranger's station up ahead. As we got more closer, I saw that there were about four low roofed, wooden buildings that sit at four corners of land like they were in a circle.

Theodore drove up and parked near a couple other vehicles that appear to be good for off-road travel just like his. He put the stick shift into park. He said as he pulled the keys out of the ignition, "Alright. We're here." He opened up the driver's side door and piled out of the car, slamming it behind him. I took the seatbelt off and went out the door on my side, feet stepping on the dusty ground. After I shut it, I strode around and past the front of the car and made my way to the ranger. As I stood beside him, glancing at each building I see, Theodore said, "Like this place?"

I replied with a shrug, "I know this doesn't look very exotic, but I like it. This...Really is my first time at a ranger's place." I rose a quizzical brow, "And I thought there'd be one building or two here."

"Nope. There is four of them." He wrapped an arm around me and stretched out the other to point at one, then slowly move it to the other, "These two buildings are where the rangers stay and sleep in. Pretty much have living rooms, and each of them holds two bedrooms that each has a bunk bed inside. Not to mention each building has a bathroom and a shower." He moved his finger to the third one, "The third one is where we keep our guns and ammo, where we wash and dry our clothes, and the place where we use our ranger radio. There's a rec room in there too." He lastly made it move to the last one, "And that one, my friend, is the cafeteria, where we eat food there. As YOU probably know what that is since you probably went to school and it had a cafeteria. Only it's a small one, and we all take turns cooking in there. There's a good kitchen, a large freezer along with a big storage room in there."

While he lowered his hand down to his side, I giggled in amusement, "God...I guess the company you work for really paid a lot for all this."

Theodore chuckled, "Exactly. And this is the only ranger station that I know that's like this." He patted my back a couple times, "So, want to meet my daughter and the other rangers? I think they're still here."

I gazed and nodded at him, "Sure."

"Okay let's get moving!" Theodore led the way to one of the buildings where he and his comrades sleeps in, while I was still glancing around this place. I gotta admit, this place sorta looks like a summer camp. Only this place is not filled with campers, they're filled with rangers. This is a nice place.

Theodore and I went up to the door, and his hand knocked twice on it. Then he turned the knob and pushed it open. He made his way through the opening and I followed along in there, being greeted by cool air that's within the building. Theodore closed it behind me and I saw that we stood near the large living room with two long couches sitting in different spots. Theodore hollered with a big smile, "Hello? Anyone here? I got somebody for you to meet."

Then I saw a door open in a hallway at a distance, and three people coming out of there in a single file, two women and a man. All of them looking young like me. The women apparently still wore pajama clothes at this moment while the man had his ranger uniform on. One woman looked to be African, and I took a guess that it was Jen, Theodore's daughter. She was skinny, had short black hair, brown eyes, and her skin was a light-dark tone in comparison to her father, his skin appeared more darker than hers. The other woman was white like me, with a slim figure like Jen along with long brunette hair that goes a bit over her shoulders and green eyes. As for the man, he's white too with short cut brown hair and blue eyes and he was good looking as well.

When all three stopped in front of us, the African girl said to Theodore while she smiled at me, "Hey. He another tourist?" I just smiled back at her.

Theodore replied, waved his hand toward me, "You can say that."

The man standing with them chuckled and said with a somewhat deep voice, "Gosh, guess Justin should have waited a bit longer. He already left to give some tourists a safari."

Theodore cleared his throat, "Well, I didn't expect to bring anybody here today. But I did. Remember we all heard that Gabe was gonna be having company in his guest house for the summer? Well, this kid is one of his guests, other than his mother and father."

The brunette haired white girl replied with a grin, "His company showed up? That's nice to hear."

I said to that, "Yep, and we certainly don't mind the place we're living at so far." I held out a hand, "By the way, my name's Ryan. Ryan Kennedy."

The handsome man gave me a sure nod, and then reached to grab my hand, giving it a good grip, "Tony Cramer." He let go and gestured towards the white girl with it, "That's Carla Shea." Then he was about to introduce me to the other girl, "And that is-"

I spoke her name before him, "Jen." I looked directly at her and nodded twice, "Yeah, I figured who she is. Her dad told me about her."

Jen giggled cutely, holding her hands together, "Oh really? What did he tell you about me, as if I have to ask?"

"Nothing much." I thumbed at her father, "All he told me was you're his daughter and you're not a ranger and you're a tourist like me."

"Ah...I see."

Theodore shrugged his shoulders, "It's true. I didn't tell him much. You're the one who's supposed to be doing that."

Jen gave him a smirk, "You're right. And knowing how you are, I'm glad you didn't tell him a WHOLE lot more behind my back."

Her dad held up his hands in defense, "Hey, sometimes I can't help that, honey." He gave her a wink and she rolled her eyes.

"Well, Ryan, welcome to Africa." Carla asked me with the greeting smile on her face, "So when did you get here?"

I answered, "Two nights ago." I stretched up my arms, "I outa admit, it was a long plane ride getting here...Not to mention my first one."

Jen commented after I dropped them back down, "I get the feeling. And I slept during my plane ride here."

I laughed a bit, "You slept? Well I haven't. I basically stayed awake during the whole thing."

The ranger's daughter remarked with a bit of an amusing tone in her voice, "And I'm surprised if anybody can stay awake on a plane the whole time."

Tony joined in with a grin on his face, "Don't think I can, that's for sure." Then he asked Theodore, "So, did you bring him here to meet us?"

Theodore nodded in reply, "I did. And I was wondering if one of you was about to go out on patrol and you could bring that kid along. From what I've heard from Ryan, he loves this country and he just got here. He'd LOVE to go on patrol with one of you. That's another reason why he's here."

Jen motioned her hand at him, "Why won't you take him? It can't be that hard."

Her dad told her, "Because I got other things to do, honey, and I'll be busy." He rose a finger and moved it across from Tony to Carla, "I think one of you wouldn't mind taking this guy out for a fine safari. Least keep a good eye on him. His parents are convinced we'd keep him safe and I do not want him hurt."

Carla furrowed her brow and shook her head, her hair swishing back and forth a little as she did, "Oh no, wouldn't want that."

Jen protested, having a hand to her chest and a frown on her face, "Hey you didn't mention ME, dad. I can drive well and have him go with me. Also it's not like I don't know the patrol routes."

Theodore made a stern look, "I didn't mention you because you're not a ranger and ain't qualified to do that, and you KNOW it."

Jen replied with a frustrated sigh, "...Fine. Not like I'm used to being stuck here anyway." Her hand had given me a small wave, while she tried to put on a happy face but I can tell she was still frustrated, "Nice meeting you, Ryan. Maybe we'll get to hang out sometime."

I nodded at that along with a smile on my face, "I think we will soon. Nice meeting you too."

"Later." She whirled around and wandered off, till she went in another room and closed a door afterward.

I after watching her leave had my smile leave me, then I twisted my head to face Theodore, "I think you made her mad, Theodore."

Theodore sighed, "Yeah, well, it was true. She's not a ranger and is just not qualified to do that. She'll get over it." His eyes fully concentrated on Carla and Tony as he made a grin on his lips, "So how bout it? One of you gonna be out on patrol soon?"

Carla smiled big and responded, "I was about to put on my uniform and do that actually." Her gaze went toward me, "You up for it?"

I formed another smile and made a slow, sure nod towards the beautiful brunette haired girl, "Yep Carla, I sure am up for it."

Tony only thumbed at her, smirking, "I've known her for two years now, so I think I should warn you that she can be a biter. So watch yourself, sir." Carla tossed him a glare, and Tony held a wrist to his mouth and snickered. I giggled myself.

Carla then wiped the angry expression off herself and looked at me with a brightened up smile, "Okay." She began to back away and thumbing behind her, "Just let me get my uniform on, get the keys and then we'll get outa here." After backing a few steps, she spun and ran to her room I believe to change.

After she was gone, Theodore huffed, "Well. I best head off to my room in the other building." He patted my shoulder, "You have fun now."

I told him sincerely, "Oh I will. Later."

Tony made a step forward before Theodore could make a move for the door, a serious look on his face, "Hey Theodore, can I talk to you? It's about Justin."

Theodore groaned, putting fingers on the bridge of his nose, "Arrrgh, again? Well this outa be good." Then he said after throwing his hand down to his side, a serious expression was on him as well, "Okay, but you can talk to me while I'm heading for my room." Tony acknowledged that with a nod, and then Theodore said to me as he was turning to face the door, "Alright, bye Ryan." Then he opened it up and went outside.

Tony said, giving me a friendly pat, "Be seeing you back here." With that, he went after the elder ranger, closing the door behind him. I frowned in thought. Wonder what was that about? I shrugged to myself. Oh well. Guess it doesn't matter.

Then I was thinking about going out on patrol with Carla, and I was looking out a window nearby, seeing outside. I'll sure be having fun doing that.


I kept my slight, steady pace for Makena's home, following the path on the ground that led me there. I still haven't looked back at where I came from, neither felt any hesitation that had stopped me from going there. I wasn't even worried if anyone including my parents would've caught me wandering from home again and get in trouble once more. Practically I didn't care. I just wanted to see that old lion.

I threw my gaze to the left, somewhat wondering during my trek if anybody from the pride was nearby, but I didn't see anyone. Which was good because I didn't want nobody stopping me. I formed a defiant smile, swinging my tail behind me. Well I'll keep going if anyone tries anyway. I huffed as I was feeling hot from under the sun, and looked ahead as I kept at it. Makena better be near that tree home of his. I really need to see him.

Then I was thinking about what Kweli and Asha brought up in our conversation...About me and Aren specifically, and somewhat worried what Kweli might do. I'm sure Kweli hasn't told Aren what I feel about him, but I seriously hoped for my sake that he, knowing how Kweli is, can keep his mouth closed and not just blabber it out to everyone in the pride. Because I don't want the pride to know how I feel toward Aren before I tell him. He'd find out very soon from one member of the pride if everyone knew. I want to tell the handsome lion my feelings MYSELF. Also I wanted to make that a wonderful surprise to everybody in the pride, especially to mom and dad. That was why I didn't want Kweli and Asha to believe that I 'liked' him earlier. Once Aren knew of them and we got together, then everyone will know.

And if Kweli, even when I tell him that I didn't 'like' him, whispers a word about my feelings towards Aren to anyone before I tell the rogue of them myself and I find out, he'll be hearing from me!

Thinking about Kweli, I remembered the part mom and dad told me last night about how they knew of my stupid game idea to swipe elephant tails thanks to the cub's little mouth. I realized that I kind of forgot to bring that up to the little guy since I was very happy to see him and Asha upon awakening from slumber. My eyes narrowed up in seriousness. Well, if I get the chance, I'll be having a VERY serious conversation with him ALONE about that. I told him that day to keep quiet! Thanks to him, mom and dad used that against me!

Oh, he'll be getting that conversation later from mwah...I guarantee it.

Then I remembered one little part of the heated conversation I had with mom and dad last night. The part where mom brought up that I gave Dahlia and her friends attitude that day. I sighed, softening up my look. Maybe if I just told her the other reason that somewhat overwhelmed the one I told her, perhaps I could have gotten some sympathy from them last night. But I didn't because I wanted to keep my feelings for Aren a secret, at least for now. And I'm sure it wouldn't have made any difference for me last night. I'd still end up with the stupid punishment dad gave me.

Queens above, I wish things were different last night. As I then thought about Dahlia, a low growl emitted deep in my throat. If they had that kind of conversation with Dahlia, I'm betting she wouldn't get any punishment at all at the end. After all, they seem to listen to HER more than ME.

Then, as my shoulder felt another slight twitch of pain that didn't hurt that bad at all when my paw made another step, I can see Makena's tree straight ahead from a far distance. I took in a calm breath and cleared my throat. No need to get mad about her again, Sayde. You'll be seeing a kind old lion who lives under a tree that always listens to you. And besides, he doesn't like seeing you sad or angry anyways.

My eyes merely focused on that certain tree Makena lives at. From my perspective, I can plainly understand why he'd choose to live near that tree, or even sleep on it if he wanted to. It was tall and huge, with limbs that are long, big and thick. Limbs that look strong enough to hold a lion. It was also covered with lots of leaves that'd probably block any rainfall that comes to these lands. It also provides very good shade as well.

Like I said, I can understand why he likes living near the tree...And he's done that since I've known him. Some memories of me as a cub ran through my head...Ones with me sleeping close to Makena underneath the tree in a calm, starry night. They had me smiling. What good times.

Getting closer to that tall, huge thing, I noticed with disappointment that Makena wasn't home. When I stopped underneath the shade, I dipped my muzzle and huffed. Drat. Not here. I breathed in through my nose, trying to think what to do next. Well, I guess I can stay here and wait a little while. He might arrive back soon. But before I would lay on my stomach and wait, I looked around and saw something moving to the tree from a distance. I saw something was dragging something across the dirt.

It was a lion...Dragging a dead antelope.

It wasn't hard to figure out who was that. I beamed. Well talk about timing! There he is!

I just stood around and watched Makena drag and drag that dead animal by its hind leg, seeing he wasn't far to make it to where I am. He didn't notice I was under his tree waiting for him yet, since his back was basically turned to me the whole time. I smirked. That gave me an idea. Makena pulled and pulled till he was under the tree like me. When the leg slumped out of his jaws and he sighed in content about several feet from me, I snickered quietly, and then screamed, "HI MAKENA!"

The old lion yelped loudly and also jumped off the ground about a foot in surprise, "Wha-ha!" Makena snapped his body around and saw me with surprised eyes. Then I started laughing at his expression. Makena actually grinned at me, "Sayde! I didn't know you were standing there!"

I was down to giggles when I responded, "I know. Why'd you think I did that? I haven't done that to you in a long time."

Makena replied with amusement in his eyes, "And that I know. I see you still got it."

"Apparently I do." Then I chuckled, and so did Makena.

Makena really was an old lion, as you can probably tell by comparisons between him, my dad, and Aren. His mane was black, only a bit ruff at some spots and with several spots on it that look grayish, signs that he really is old. I took a glance at his leg. On his left foreleg, there was an old scar. A scar he'd gotten from a two legger back then, a shot he took from one of them carrying a stick thingy.

Looking at that for a second made me think about the human or two legger I met the other day. Partially hoping that he wasn't still in my lands and he wasn't coming back with one of them. But the thought left my mind when Makena came up and gave me a greeting nuzzle. He said, "Gosh, you haven't came here for four days. Were you busy with things or something?"

I giggled deep when he purred and I nuzzled back into his mane, "You can say that. Sorry I didn't come here lately." I purred along with him for a moment before he backed away from me.

Makena let out a huff, "Oh it's okay." His head gestured back towards the dead antelope, "And by the way, since I know you were standing here waiting for me and possibly watching me drag this carcass back to here, you could have helped me out with that. It's kinda tough for a guy like me to do these days."

I replied to that, "You look like you were doing fine without me."

The old lion just smirked, "To your eyes anyway. But you still could've acted like a grown girl and helped instead of waiting like a cub and scare me."

"I'll try to remember that next time." I winked, "Besides, I'm trying to have some fun today. I haven't any lately."

Makena locked his eyes onto my shoulder, "And I suppose the reason why that is is because you had a bit of a run in with a zebra."

I frowned when he mentioned that, "You heard about that too?"

Makena nodded, "Huh uh, I did. Your dad told me about it."

I sighed and rolled up my eyes, "And you were probably surprised that a huntress like me would get hurt by one at all, that right?"

He deeply giggled, "More or less, yeah."

"Well, just to answer the question you're probably gonna ask me, my shoulder's feeling better a bit. I don't even have to walk so much in limps now."

"Hey, that's good to hear." Then his eyes gave me suspicion, "And another reason why you haven't had any fun lately is because you had some sort of run in with two leggers at their home yesterday, along with two cubs and got in trouble for it. Your dad did come here today and told me about that, saying you were playing some sort of game with them in that scary place. Am I hearing that right from him?"

I figured he'd know about that somehow today. I moaned, making me rolling my eyes again, "Yes. And please don't tell me you actually believe that too."

Makena cleared his throat, saying, "Well, judging by how your father explained things, things really LOOK bad for you."

"But do you believe it?"

He only stared at me for a second before he finally spoke, "Honestly, I half believe it. I know you're too smart to not do something like that in the two legger home, let alone not wander in it at all. I think that's crazy. But since Kisha saw you and the cubs running out of there...Why wouldn't I half believe it?"

I shook my head, letting out a breath as my eyes showed sincerity, "It's not what everyone believes. All of you are wrong."

Makena flatly mentioned, "Your dad did mention that you kept on denying that you planned anything like that."

"Because it's true, I didn't."

"He also said you were grounded and you were to never leave home from now on until he said otherwise....But you are here now, so-"

I gritted my teeth, groaning, "Arrgh, I know!" I huffed and put on a softer face, "But I came here to talk to you about it, because I know you listen very well. Nobody back at home will listen to me. I really need to let this out. Ok? Please?"

Makena frowned and responded, "Well...I was gonna talk to you about this sometime, but since you are here anyway..." His paw motioned towards me, "Tell me...What happened the other day? How'd you end up in the two legger home with them?"

I sucked in a deep breath and let it out, "Ok...Well, here's what happened..."

Finally I told somebody the truth, and it felt good to have finally done that. I told him everything. At the beginning to the end. And just as I'd thought, he only stood there, staring at me with his ears opened. I'm just happy he didn't cut me off over and over again like my parents did last night. That really frustrated me.

Makena giggled after I told him what happened as his tail flicked behind him, "Heh heh. So I'm getting it straight, it was Kweli's idea that got you in trouble?"

As I paced around, I replied, "Yeah! And I was just surprised he'd come up with an idea like that at all."

The lion older than my dad stated, "I am now. I didn't think ANY cub would think that and try it, and not one did before in my lifetime."

"Yeah, I didn't think so either." I stopped pacing and smiled a bit, "And after Kisha scolded me and we started walking home, her son was trying to take responsibility for it. He tried to help me out, along with Asha of course. They weren't afraid of getting grounded for me just to make things right." I lowered my head to let out a sigh, "But what really frustrated me was she chose not to listen to either of them. She thought they were trying to cover for me. And they were punished anyway for supposedly going along with my so called 'game'."

Makena said with his head shooting to his right, "And you pretty much got punished worse than them."

I sadly muttered, "Exactly." I rose my head high above the ground and looked at him with a questionable look, "So do you TOTALLY believe me? Hey, I know Kisha saw me and it looks truthful, but do you believe me?"

He slowly nodded shortly after staring at me, "To be frank, I do." His chest puffed out before he looked off at the direction for my home and exhaled, "But I don't think your folks would believe me if I tried telling them otherwise, considering what Kisha saw." He gazed back to me, "I really know your father is convinced. He seemed still steamed from your argument with him and his mate when he came here today."

I formed a narrowed look, "Don't blame him, cause I am also."

Makena made a deep giggle, "And I don't blame YOU for that."

I lowered my eyes, closed them, and said in a depressed tone, "So what am I gonna do, Makena? I know I'm not going to leave home again after this, but what I am supposed to do now? Wait for dad to actually say I can leave whenever I want?"

He answered, "Most likely."

I groaned in frustration, "Gah...This sucks. This punishment's supposed to be made for cubs and I'm not one!"

Makena joked, "Well, you did just scare me like you did when you were a cub, so-"

I shot up with an angered face, "Hey! I'm not a cub!" He laughed a little at that. I turned my head away with a hiss, forming a sad look shortly after that, "This is so stupid...And I'm getting a feeling he'd not let me go till the day he dies."

The amusement on his face left to be replaced by seriousness. He shook his head a little, "Daw, I doubt it. You're just being dramatic."

"Maybe...But still."

He made a couple steps towards me, his voice giving me a mixture of confidence and comfort, "Look, Sayde, don't worry too much about it. I know things are really looking bad right now, but they'll get better in time."

I slumped my shoulders and dipped my head once more in sadness. I muttered, "I don't think so. I'll probably not hunt ever again."

"Don't say that. They will. I'll tell you what...How about when I walk you home, I'll talk to your father and mother. Talk to them about giving you a lesser punishment than you have."

I sharply looked back at his eyes, surprise and hope in mine, "Really? You will?"

Makena smiled, "Sure. I think the punishment you have is a little bit much and is unfair you have it to begin with. I'll talk to them and we'll see." He narrowed his eyes, "Just don't expect things to change too much."

I openly grinned in happiness, "Thank you, Makena." I went up and buried my face into his mane, "Thank you so much."

I felt him giggle and also felt him caressing me with a forepaw, "You're welcome, Sayde." Then when I moved away from him, Makena waved his paw towards the food nearby, "So, before we head to your home, do you wanna eat that with me? I didn't bring the antelope back here for nothin'."

Since my stomach had growled a few times in hunger already, I didn't see why not. I happily accepted his offer, "Sure. I haven't ate anything since I got up." Makena acknowledged that with a nod, and we both headed towards the dead antelope lying on its side.

As my chest still felt a lot of hope that my punishment might change, one part of my mind was nagging me about the two legger I met yesterday again. I looked at Makena as we lowered our haunches to sit side by side real close to our meal. Maybe I should have also told him about the two legger I met the other day? I mean, I don't think he'd met a two legger who never attacked a lion before. Maybe he'd find it interesting. And maybe he'd give me a good perspective about it.

I thought of telling him about my encounter with it right now, but then I also fought against it. I took my eyes off Makena and down to the food. I don't think it's a good idea. I don't think he could keep what I tell him a secret. He might tell my parents about it...And it might ruin my chance to become future queen. I better not say anything.

And speaking of becoming queen...I just hope that recent events hadn't ruined my chance to be queen at all. But...Time will tell.