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And now to freak out people even more. Even though I've probably done plenty of that already. ^^;
But above is the common Rose Hair Tarantula that you find at just about any pet shop that you come across. She still has some growing to do, but will still not get too terribly big. And then below is the Goliath Bird Eater I got a few weeks back. Which that one as well has some growing left as well. Though by the end of this I was a bit nervous. Mostly because I haven't really tried handling the bird eater much yet. She wasn't getting aggressive at all, and has rarely gotten pissy. Mostly just kicks hairs a bit and hisses. But it was mostly because she was being difficult about coming out and kept bolting. Even when I had her out and kept trying to edge her onto my hand. If I moved my hand just barely she would try to take off or even if I prodded her too much.
But above is the common Rose Hair Tarantula that you find at just about any pet shop that you come across. She still has some growing to do, but will still not get too terribly big. And then below is the Goliath Bird Eater I got a few weeks back. Which that one as well has some growing left as well. Though by the end of this I was a bit nervous. Mostly because I haven't really tried handling the bird eater much yet. She wasn't getting aggressive at all, and has rarely gotten pissy. Mostly just kicks hairs a bit and hisses. But it was mostly because she was being difficult about coming out and kept bolting. Even when I had her out and kept trying to edge her onto my hand. If I moved my hand just barely she would try to take off or even if I prodded her too much.
11 years ago
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