Current Track: Blabb

The former male had a sinking feeling that something bad had happened. All he could do was stare at the lights, waiting for a doctor or a nurse to come in. Of course, his form had changed because of all of this. It's why he came in in the first place. A good idea gone wrong was all that it took.

Mentally, the poor now former human beat themselves up. For making stupid mistakes and for misgendering themselves. Shi, knowing the proper words for what shi was now, had to start recognizing that she was trans before all of this, and she wasn't male after all of this. It was just one more way to punish hirself and hir therapist, which shi still talked to even after this happened, had said it was a bad idea for hir to do that. 

Shi could hear the bustling of the building. This was one of the nicer hospitals in the area, or so shi had been told. When her human doctor couldn't help, she had turned to alternative ways of getting what she wanted—namely to transition from male to female. 

Shi signed up for some experimental project with a group that claimed to have government backing and funding. It was supposed to be able to fundamentally change her DNA and give hir what she wanted. It was only after it happened that shi found out it was all a mistake and stolen technology.

Which is why shi was in this hospital in the first place. It was run by the alien race called the Canmephians. It turns out the humans somehow got a hold of some kind of 'recode/repair' thingie illegally and used it on the people who signed up for the experiment. 

It explained the massive bulge in hir barely held together shorts and the two huge pillows in hir shirt that was more like a bra despite being a men's five extra-large.  Not that shi was complaining about those. No, shi was more worried about the fact that shi was a feline anthro with dark like a raven's feather fur, and a mass of purple hair with white tips where dark brown should be and tail between hir legs as she laid in the bed. Not only did shi have the male parts, but below the larger than a honeydew balls, shi had female parts now too. The thin gown they had hir in didn't help either. 

Shi had gone from male to hermaphrodite and human to female all because of a stupid error in judgment on hir part. It was all she could do to not physically hit herself. 

Hir ears swiveled towards the door as shi finally heard someone come in, hir eyes closed the entire time. Shi had tried to meditate while alone, but it kept doing was reminding hir of the massive gains on hir chest and the weird feeling between hir legs. 

“Good evening, I'm Doctor Tarnov. You must be..."

“Ash. I'd prefer Ash now."

The feline winced. Hir voice came out way too rough. Feminine but full of anger. Shi had no reason to be upset at the doctor, Ash told hirself. Eventually hir breathing evened out and shi finally opened hir eyes to look at the medical professional trying to help.

An eyeful shi definitely got! To Ash, the doctor looked like some kinda of canine mixed with a skunk. Ash thought it was kinda cute. What really got hir attention and made hir cross hir legs to keep the blanket and gown from tenting, were the six sizeable breasts. A sense of envy also filled the poor feline. 

“I'm sorry, Doc. I know what my charts and ID say when I walked in here. But clearly, I'm not that person anymore. And I'm..."

Shi sighed after closing hir eyes when shi felt a hand take one of hirs. The doctor had moved closer, and Ash wasn't sure how anyone with that many chests could move that fast or that silent. But the hand helped calm hir down.

“Let me guess, and this is just doc's intuition, you ar... were...trans and looking for a cheap way to get what you wanted?"

Ash nodded, hir ears instinctively wilting down closer to hir head. Now that shi heard it out loud, the feline felt incredibly stupid all over again. Shi should have listened to hir doctor, and shi wouldn't be seeing this doctor. The visible expression on hir face told all that Tarnov needed to know about the poor dear felt.

“I do need to draw a blood sample, Ash. But you're not in trouble here. However, if what happened is what we think happened you're going to need our help regardless. Which we will gladly give." 

Ash opened hir eyes again at this point. Shi sighed for what felt like the hundredth time, those big melons on hir chest blocking her view of anything else. The poor feline did hir best to roll over and give hir arm.

“It's not a pull my finger joke, is it?"

“Used to be. Then people caught on." 


Ash spent a week or so in the hospital as they checked hir blood work the last time. Now, shi was back but things were different. It had been about six months since the last time. Doctor Tarnov was in the room with hir. So was another one of the alien race. Or not so alien, Ash thought mostly to hirself given what shi now knew.  A sizeable, red furred what looked like a cross between a cougar, a wolf and a skunk. There was something else there too, but Ash couldn't figure out what it was. All shi knows is they were big, a little intimidating and yet calming all at the same time. Ash rested two of hir hands in hir lap, one held a drink and the other just idly waved by sometimes. 

In those six months the male now known as Ash had changed even more. Where shi had one set of arms and one set of breasts, shi now had one more of each for a total of four. Hir poor Throng shirt from their last time in Pittsburgh was ruined as were hir jeans.  Shi was considerably taller too, going from five foot eleven to seven foot five or so. The biggest shock came when Ash woke up to being so tall, shi kept banging hir head off the ceiling. 

Tarnov explained previously what the tests and retests and reretests had told them all. Shi was a mutation of their Drygerskunks and for whatever reason had defaulted to a feline form instead of the hybrid. Until it could be proven otherwise, the doctor simply defaulted to the idea that it was human stupidity interfering as it usually does. Ash had also been delayed in gaining her other set of arms and breasts at the time, but both Tarnov and others had said shi could come back when and if they did come in.

“Well, here we are. How do they feel?"

“It's been a bit to get used to, but being able to hold the tablet to read the news, the stylus to take notes with,  a cup of coffee and a bagel hasn't been too bad. It's mostly been the breasts."

Both crew members nodded at that. They were the same size and looked impressive on hir chest. The tall, red one gave a little cough to clear hir throat.

“Ash, I'm Admiral RedWolf. Doctor Tarnov told me what happened to you. While you should've known better to sign up for anything that looked fishy this is not you. We will find those responsible and make sure they get what's coming to them."

Ash looked to the admiral, trying to gauge hir appearance and demeanor. 

“I hear a but…"

“Perceptive. Are we sure shi's a Nali?"

“Yes, Red."

“There is a but. Two of them actually. First, you can never go back to being a human."

Ash shrugged. It hadn't been so bad living in this anthropomorphic state. The hardest part, the felinoid decided, was hiding her emotions thanks to hir tail and ears. Now the extra appendages made life both hard and easier. Shi couldn't help but sway hir tail bit as hir ears rose in excitement. 

“And the second?"

“This one is actually good news since you had expressed to everyone here you met that you were transgender. You can never go back to being male presenting. Obviously some parts will remain."

The lion based feline's tail twitched in a happy state, a smile formed upon hir muzzle. Shi got what she wanted, just in a very unusual state. The admiral and doctor gave her a moment of happiness.

“Now, I have a few questions for you just to make sure our tests were right..what have you been up to since your change? When did you last sleep?"

Ash took a moment. 

“I'm a librarian by trade. Or I was at any rate. Now? I'm not sure. I'm leaning to code. And in spare time, I write short stories. I made my own   server to store my music—wasn't hard obviously but I'm still proud to have done it. I've been trying to get into web design and just trying to find away to sustain myself. It's been hard to adjust but I'm making great progress. Hell, if I can get the money I may open my own coffee shop. I've got a name and everything."

“And the last time you slept?"

“Today's what? Tuesday?"

“No, it's Thursday dear."

That was Doctor Tarnov this time. Ash looked over towards hir and nodded. 

“Then Tuesday…"

Red and Tarnov looked at each other. Not too bad for a first timer but still dangerous even for them.

“Of last week."

Again, the two looked at each other ready to intervene if necessary. The black furred feline looked at them and then held all of hir hands up to protest. Shi sighed, setting hir chests to heave a bit.

“I'm kidding. Look, Admiral, I've got no family. I didn't before all of this, I definitely don't now. I've got my home but no real job. I'm not exactly hinging on anything but it'd be nice to have some good and positive news in my life. And some friends. I wasn't a social butterfly before all of this either."

Shi sighed again. 

“I don't know what your laws say, if I have to be destroyed or something but I do accept the consequences of my own stupidity here. So whatever has to come, then it has to come…"

Shi looked to the admiral, trying to show determination and courage in the wake of anything potentially negative that would happen. Ash's ears wilted as the negative thoughts came back, and how stupid shi was to trust anything in the past. Shi took a long, hard drink from hir tea, afraid to look up at the big, intimidating person in front of hir.

Red put one reassuring hand on the lioness, another rubbing hir chin. It was all Ash could do to cry, doing hir best to keep hir own emotions in check.

“You don't have to worry about death or anything like that. You definitely have Canmephian DNA, so you are protected but you mentioned opening a coffee shop…"

Shi smiles.

“Let me make some phone calls talk to two of my friends and we can get you some more help from the local universities to make sure you're stable, but for now welcome to the family 'little sis'"

Ash gets up, unable to help hirself, and hugs hir new found family.