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dalkorrd malvolio
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Ah-ha! So, another veteran to the WTAS group has been posted.
Dalkorrd was a wonderfully challenging model for me to draw here awhile back; as you can see from my icon it took me some time to complete it, and when I was finished that is really was did. Haha! (3
It has actually been awhile since I've talked with this guy, and I hope we can catch up; I've certainly missed his randomness. (3
Per usual, I hope you guys enjoy the art, and it is good to talk and "see" you again, Dal. ;3
Artist: Ray Cottonfang :iconRay Cottonfang:
Fursona: dalkorrd malvolio :icondalkorrd malvolio:
Dalkorrd was a wonderfully challenging model for me to draw here awhile back; as you can see from my icon it took me some time to complete it, and when I was finished that is really was did. Haha! (3
It has actually been awhile since I've talked with this guy, and I hope we can catch up; I've certainly missed his randomness. (3
Per usual, I hope you guys enjoy the art, and it is good to talk and "see" you again, Dal. ;3
Artist: Ray Cottonfang :iconRay Cottonfang:
Fursona: dalkorrd malvolio :icondalkorrd malvolio:
11 years ago
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