Current Track: Blabb

Chapter 2

The sun rose where the wind whispered on the grass, blossom petals caught the wind when petals scattered everywhere from the west.

Several ponies walked on the street towards Los Pegasus. One however, left the group.

She of course walked a different path to the household Moon Crest, walked towards a long wooden bridge, while she paused for a second, she saw the further into the distance.

“It has clearly been a long time since I came to my sons house. I heard rumors he still has that slave that I bought from six years ago. Hopefully she is doing well with that enhancement chain collar that can heal whoever wields it. Although the broken wing was the main issue, I would love to check one more time. Afterwards I spent in the dark and dusty old library working with healing magic and healing enhancements. At my younger ages I was so smart with wards and fire magic. Healing used to be the worst thing that I could ever happen. Until that one day.”

Countess Golden Glow was at age twenty-three when it happened during schools.

“All right class heal the wounded fish.”

Golden Glow cast the spell upon the fish several times but couldn't get it right. She took a deep breath, shut both of her eyes, yellow glowed from her horn, and released the magic to the fish. It wobbled, when she opened her mouth with her teeth together.

The Archduchess kept walking to the household.

The wind blew her mane and tail from south to the east, she then looked at the right that was east of her, and saw the sun rising with blossom petals blooming everywhere. The site, it’s finest, and she stared at it for a moment.

“It’s a beautiful site. It’s why I’m in love with this place. A place where I can go back to. The smell of it is so refreshing compared to the city.”

Walked over to the house and rang the doorbell.

The Grand Duchess Light Heart opened the door. Her expression on her face with an opened mouth dropped.

“Honey, get down here this instant.”

The Grand Duke Tipsy Tulip walked from the kitchen to the door entrance.
He turned his head to the left with a loud voice, “Maids, chef, slave and Prince Blue Dream get to the entrance at once.”

Everyone who was there and including the slave was there had bowed to the Archduchess Golden Glow.

“Hello every pony! It is an honor to meet all of you again.”

Rane looked at the Archduchess, she saw a lot of diamonds on her necklace, with a hat of an onyx gem on the front, and a bracelet on her left side with a blue pearl to show she was married. Those cyan eyes of hers are very pretty even for her age.

“I remembered her, she was the one that cast healing wards on me, and even made the chain have healing powers when equipped. The thing she cast on that day, couldn’t remember it but it was a word that was weird, and I wondered what it was. Clearly this family is the best I've ever seen in my life. They are all nice ponies, something I felt like I was already part of a family to cherish working together.”

Archduchess had her head high and walked to the library. The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess walked behind her, Prince walked with Rane to the bedrooms, maidens walked to the bathrooms, and the chef walked back to the kitchen.

The maidens used their hoofs with a rag and pressed the cloth on top surfaces in the tub, then they put the rag in the bucket and lifted it out, squeezed it inside of the bucket, went up and down the walls of the room, repeated the process for the sink, and toilet.

The Prince and Rane used their left hoofs with a utensil and lightly touch every surface, once they were done with that in the room, they clearly set the utensil down on an end table and picked up a wet cloth with the right hoof, and pressed against the fireplace, while they rubbed it up and down the brick surfaces.

The Archduchess, Grand Duke, and Grand Duchess walked in the library.

“I like to know what is the status of Rane?”

The Grand Duchess used her left hoof and placed it over the right hoof, and looked down slanting both eyes. The Grand Duke walked to his chair and shut his eyes and took a deep breath. The Archduchess looked at the sun continuing to rise with the blooming of the trees.

“So, what is the situation?”

The Grand Duchess walked up to the Archduchess, used her right hoof, and placed it on Archduchess left shoulder, “She can’t fly.”

“The pegasus will be looking down on us for sure. It may start a war that we can’t win. Magic is something but, weather is a whole different ball game.”

The Archduchess turned her head to the right, “If we don’t keep this a secret from the Prince and Rane their relations might go sour. On top of that, pegasus wouldn’t give us rain, earth ponies can’t grow food, and we unicorns can’t produce magic for protection of wild creatures. That if things got out.”

Every pony in the room felt shame to admit the future is too good to be true.

Grand Duke opened his eyes, “I guess there will only be one way to find out. Let the present flow into the future.”

They all nodded their heads up and down. The Grand Duchess then put her left hoof back on the floor, walked out of the library, and went to dinner room. Grand Duke got up from his chair, walked out of the library, and went to dinner room. The Archduchess followed the Grand Duke.

Chef Tenderheart used the pan and held it near the stove with her left hoof, put some spices with her right hoof. She then put the spices' utensil down and flipped the eggs.