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132 result(s)

6 years ago
My Pride Friend-Chapter 1
Human, Lion, Feline, Dog, Canine, Lioness, Non-Anthro, Humor, Death, Violence, Drama, Bizarre, Plot Development, Love, Zebra, Pain, Adventure, Story Progression, Character Development, Story Series, Action, Male, Female, Beagle, City, Feral, Biting, Introduction, Sad, Cute, Anger, Story, Night, Sunset, Father, Mother, Son, Straight, Summer, savannah, Outdoors, Hunting, Car, Daughter, africa, terminal, Airport, Blood
Azure Drake
7 years ago
Heart of Africa 2-Chapter 13
Human, Lion, Romance, Lioness, Non-Anthro, Drama, Comedy, Plot Development, Love, Blackmail, Trouble, Unconciousness, Story Progression, Friendship, Character Development, Story Series, Fear, Hate, Male, Female, Feral, Emotion, Anger, Kidnapping, Gun, Sister, Family, Father, Straight, Summer, Outdoors, Siblings, Mystery, Brother, Daughter
Azure Drake
7 years ago
Fur and Scales
Human, Wolf, Non-Anthro, Humor, Dragon, Drama, Plot Development, Fantasy, Friendship, Character Development, Forest, Fear, Male, Female, City, Feral, Emotion, Cave, Flight, Sad, Anger, Summer, Scalie
Azure Drake
2 years ago
My Pride Friend-Chapter 14
Human, Lion, Feline, Harsh, Lioness, Non-Anthro, Humor, Drama, Plot Development, Adventure, Story Progression, Friendship, Character Development, Story Series, Fear, House, Male, Female, Feral, Emotion, Meerkat, Cute, Giraffe, Gun, Night, Straight, Summer, savannah, Outdoors, africa
Azure Drake
6 years ago
My Pride Friend-Chapter 5
Human, Lion, Feline, Lioness, Non-Anthro, Humor, Leopard, Drama, Plot Development, Love, Zebra, Adventure, Story Progression, Friendship, Character Development, Story Series, Dream, Compassion, Elephant, House, Male, Female, Feral, Emotion, Antelope, Cute, Anger, Father, Mother, Son, Straight, Summer, savannah, Outdoors, Daughter, africa, wildebeest
Azure Drake
7 years ago
Heart of Africa-Chapter 7
Human, Lion, Lioness, Non-Anthro, Humor, Drama, Comedy, Plot Development, Love, Adventure, Story Progression, Friendship, Character Development, Story Series, Camp, Male, Female, Feral, Sad, Sister, Family, Father, Tree, Mother, Son, Straight, Summer, Car, Mystery, Brother, Daughter
Azure Drake
7 years ago
Heart of Africa 2-Chapter 7
Human, Lion, Lioness, Non-Anthro, Drama, Comedy, Plot Development, Story Progression, Friendship, Character Development, Story Series, Male, Female, Feral, Anger, Family, Father, Straight, Summer, Outdoors, Mystery, Daughter
Azure Drake
7 years ago
Heart of Africa 2-Chapter 12
Human, Lion, Romance, Lioness, Non-Anthro, Drama, Comedy, Plot Development, Love, Story Progression, Friendship, Character Development, Story Series, Kissing, Dance, Male, Female, Feral, Emotion, Anger, Date, Kidnapping, Sister, Family, Father, Straight, Summer, Outdoors, Siblings, Mystery, Brother, Daughter
Azure Drake
7 years ago
Heart of Africa 2-Chapter 3
Human, Lion, Romance, Lioness, Humor, Drama, Comedy, Plot Development, Love, Adventure, Story Progression, Character Development, Story Series, Fear, Male, Female, Feral, Emotion, Cave, Anger, Sister, Family, Father, Straight, Summer, Outdoors, Siblings, Brother, Daughter
Azure Drake
2 years ago
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 31: The Memories We Make
Panther, Romance, Wolf, Dog, Gay, Leopard, Plot Development, Coyote, Character Development, Story Series, German Shepherd, M/M, Drunk, Summer, drunkenness, Summer vacation, Summer holiday
2 years ago
My Pride Friend-Chapter 16
Human, Lion, Feline, Lioness, Non-Anthro, Humor, Drama, Plot Development, Adventure, Story Progression, Friendship, Character Development, Story Series, Male, Female, Feral, Emotion, Anger, Gun, Night, Father, Straight, Summer, savannah, Outdoors, Mystery, Daughter, africa
Azure Drake
7 years ago
Heart of Africa-Chapter 14
Human, Lion, Romance, Lioness, Non-Anthro, Drama, Plot Development, Adventure, Story Progression, Friendship, Character Development, Story Series, Revenge, Fear, Hate, Action, Kissing, Male, Female, Feral, Cave, Beach, Sad, Anger, Thriller, Gun, Sister, Family, Father, Mother, Son, Straight, Summer, Siblings, Brother, Daughter, Blood
Azure Drake
6 years ago
My Pride Friend-Chapter 4
Human, Lion, Feline, Harsh, Lioness, Non-Anthro, Humor, Drama, Plot Development, Love, Story Progression, Character Development, Story Series, House, Male, Female, Feral, Emotion, Anger, Night, Father, Mother, Son, Straight, Summer, Outdoors, Daughter, africa
Azure Drake
2 years ago
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 26: Yellow Fields
Lion, Panther, Romance, Wolf, Dog, Jackal, Gay, Leopard, Husky, Plot Development, Coyote, Hyena, Character Development, Story Series, German Shepherd, M/M, Summer, Summer vacation, Summer holiday
3 years ago
My Pride Friend-Chapter 8
Human, Lion, Feline, Lioness, Non-Anthro, Humor, Drama, Plot Development, Zebra, Adventure, Story Progression, Character Development, Story Series, Fear, Hate, House, Male, Female, Feral, Emotion, Meerkat, Cave, Anger, Suspense, Giraffe, Sister, Father, Mother, Son, Straight, Summer, savannah, Outdoors, Daughter, africa
Azure Drake
L James