Current Track: Blabb

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Hey everyone, You can all call me Seffuel.
Well, Lets fill this page up a little bit. My age is 22 and I'm a male wolf.
I live in Belgium, Not Germany but Belgium! They allways mix those up.

Currently, I am in a happy "Closed" relationship. So please do not try anything that will cause problems
The lucky husky that is my mate is "Hachi Steel"

I'm a serious freak about Transformation, So if you wanto get me all happy, that's all you need to give!
If you like Transformation, Shout me on here!

I like playing video games in my free time
Currently, I'm playing on the "Xbox One"
If you want to join in, Just add me on xbox with my gamertag: FizzieNinja

I have a fursuit! Yes! Bow before me!
My Fursuit is Made by: MadeFurYou

Attended Conventions:
- London Summerparty
- EuroFurence 19 (fursuit debut)

Attending Conventions:
- EuroFurence 20

I love listening to Hardstyle!

[size=0][right]PS: I am a therian, most furries are against it, but it's who I am, I am a wolf inside, no matter what You think[/right][/size]