Current Track: Blabb

            Rerim had his muzzle deep in a D&D source book, he was preparing for his first day as the dungeon master for a new club. The corgi had been quietly taking notes on little sticky notes and was pasting them into his book for future reference, his glasses were slightly askew but he didn’t mind much as the text was too interesting to really care. Then suddenly, his book was ripped from his paws and he was shocked as light hit him in the face, his roommate Chad was grinning at him.

            Chad was a leopard, and a huge frat guy, he was trying to get into one of the biggest fraternities on campus, and to do so he had to recruit five other guys to join in. Chad was trying his hardest to get Rerim to join, “Hey Rerim, the Alphas are throwing a huge party tonight, and you’re coming along with me!” Rerim gave him an annoyed look.

            “Give me back my book Chad, I need to study for my first meet.” Chad didn’t though, seeing as the two had a huge height difference, the leopard easily held the book out of the Corgi’s reach.

            “How about this Rerim, if you come with me to this party, I’ll give you back your stupid book and you’ll never have to worry about me bothering you about the Alphas again?” Rerim stopped and mulled it over, there would be no more annoyances...

            “Mmm... fine... but I’d better not get drunk or anything, I told you that I don’t drink!” The corgi said vehemently before he climbed out of bed and pulled on some shorts and a tee-shirt. As the pair walked out, a bunch of guys from the other rooms were also heading in the same direction. Rerim saw a few of his friends from D&D, but he couldn’t get away from Chad to visit them, and they also seemed to be captive by their own frats.

            Walking out of the dorm building, they could all immediately tell where the Alpha party was being held, a large banner was strung across the Student Union Building with the words “Alpha Beta Omega” on it. Rerim sighed, “A bit ostentatious...” He muttered.

            Chad looked at him in confusion, “Ostenwhatis?”

            Rerim rubbed his forehead, his roommate was a complete dimwit. “Nevermind, big boy words.” The corgi said before they walked into the Alpha party, within it was a crazy mess. There were frats everywhere, some wearing togas, some wearing swimming suits, and much to Rerim’s horror some not wearing anything at all. Rerim looked away in embaressment, but Chad cheered the frat guy on.

            “WOOO! YOU GO BOY!” He grinned at Rerim, “Isn’t this awesome?!”

            Rerim averted his eyes, “That’s not the word I would use...” Feeling parched, the Corgi noticed a table with coca cola cans on it. “Oh thank god...” He muttered, walking over he picked one up and noticed that the lids were popped already. “I hope they haven’t lost their fizz yet...” He muttered before downing the drink, it tasted kind of odd, but he didn’t care it was still a drink.

            Wiping his mouth, Rerim burped lightly. After drinking the soda, everything seemed... funnier? He couldn’t tell why, but he felt like joining in on the party. “Nah...” He muttered, throwing the can into the trashcan instead of leaving it on the floor like the rest of the partygoers. Rerim grabbed another can and started to walk around, taking sips as he walked. A few sorority girls had slipped in and were making out with the jocks around, Rerim didn’t really care all that much but for some reason whenever he heard people shouting out kiss to their friends, he felt the oddest urge to join in.

            The atmosphere of the party was ramping up with every minute, lights flashing, fluids pouring, soda cans hitting the ground. Rerim felt dizzy, his stomach slightly bulged as he drank more, he giggled as he saw one of the nude frat guys swinging on the chandelier. Why was it so funny? Rerim waddled to the edge of the room, he slipped a small D&D notebook from his pocket as he set his soda on a table and took a seat, he just needed a small time out from the party.

            As he read, Rerim tried to delve back into the world of D&D but he found himself not understanding terms and concepts in the book. It was as if he’d never played it before, “Perception...” He read off, he knew the word but for some reason he just couldn’t think of what it meant... He took a sip of Coke, he never knew that the soda could be so good, what was that really odd taste though underneath?

            The D&D book became more and more foreign to Rerim as he read on, soon he became more interested in the spontaneous game of football breaking out in the middle of the hall than in reading. Taking one last gulp of the soda, Rerim knocked over the can and forgot about it as the handbook laid on the table. Rerim threw his hands up in the air, “Guys, pass it over here!” The others laughed and threw it to him, allowing the dog to join their game.

            As they played, the awkward nerds who had walked in seemed to integrate into the activities oddly well. Soda cans littered the floor, but no one really cared, it seemed natural to let their cans lay around. Rerim found his nice jacket was soon switched out in favor of a football jersey, not that he really minded, in fact he found the idea of playing football enticing.

            Chad came around during some time in the night and handed Rerim a large bottle of Coke, before then the dog would never of even attempted to drink out of such a large bottle, but now he found himself upending it over his muzzle and he was guzzling the liquid down. Little glue sparks flashed in the drink as it poured into Rerim’s mouth, the corgi’s intelligence dipped as he drank, easy quadratic formulas became greek to him as he continued to embrace the frat life.

            Rerim’s eyes became filled with blue and yellow spirals as he took on the new life of a frat bro, his stomach bulged in his jersey but he didn’t care at all. He was more interested in throwing ball with his bros and trading blows over nothing, at one point Rerim even found himself swinging on a chandelier where it was oddly breezy...

            Lying on the floor, Rerim chuckled slowly along with the other frats. “I’m totally pledging dudes...” He said, the frats grinned and traded fist bumps. The corgi had been well converted, they had a full frat bro.


            At the D&D meet, there were far less people than there had been at the beginning meeting. The members looked at one another in confusion, “Did we miss a memo?” One of the nerds asked. The others shook their head in similar confusion, until the door slammed open to reveal a group of frats in togas. But the leader of the group was a familiar muzzle, “Rerim?!” An otter shouted in shock.

            The corgi grinned, in his hands were some coca cola cans. “Yo bros, I heard you guys wanted some refreshments, so I thought you might like this.” He said with a heavy frat guy inflection, the nerds were shocked as they were forced to drink coke by their ex-D&D DM. Though, that day the fraternity oddly gained quite a few new frat brothers...