Current Track: Blabb

           The circus, a place full of oddities and wonders. Kids and adults both loved the atmosphere of the goofy place, different creatures of all species and ages were wandering around the fairgrounds happily. Teenagers usually hated to spend any amount of time outside of their dens, but sometimes even they got tempted by the illustrious lights of the circus, and Rerim was no different.

  The corgi had come alone, his family had opted out as they had ‘important things’ to do, but Rerim knew better. Right now his family was probably sitting around the TV shouting at animals in uniforms to get over the goal line with the same ball over and over, Rerim on the other hand couldn't help but get excited by the prospect of visiting the circus.

  Ever since Rerim was a pup, the Circus had been a sort of safe haven for him, the clowns and games were always entertaining and they kept his mind off of any problems he had. When he was younger, whenever the circus was in town he would waste his allowance on the games and cotton candy. Needless to say, the dentists loved him whenever the Circus came to town.

  Sights and sounds pounded the dog as he wandered through the town, greeting friends and neighbors as they passed him by. Kids were rushing up to vendors and stands to eat and play games, it was a truly happy time for the town. Rerim grinned as he saw the usual water gun game, as a pup he never won but this time he was prepared. He dug his paw into his pocket and approached the hyena who was running the stand, “Hello my fine Corgi, what can I do for you today?” The hyena asked with a big grin, he was clothed in the usual red and white striped vendor uniform.

  Rerim pulled out a dollar from his pocket with a determined look on his face, his ears twitching in excitement. “I’m here to do this thing!”

  The hyena’s eyes tightened dramatically, the two standing parallel with one another until the hyena held his paw out. “Alright, step right up my young friend.” Rerim took his place at one of the guns, his paw wrapping around the trigger. The world around him seemed to darken as he stuck his tongue out in concentration, his ears folded back and he concentrated on the hole in the wall that was connected to a balloon.

  For a moment there was nothing as the hyena put his finger on the button to start the water, “And...” Tension pulsed through the corgi’s arm as he focused on that hole, the hole that would get him the prize he so desired. “Go!”

  As the hyena pressed the button, Rerim could hear the telltale sound of water rushing through the pipe into his gun and he pulled the trigger. A jet of water rushed out of the end of his gun and sprayed the wall, he fummed as he missed the hole and redirected the spray. Now the water was rushing into the small hole and was filling up the balloon with water, time seemed to count down as Rerim held the gun still and watched as the water rushed into the hole.

  After thirty seconds, the water cut and a bell clanged as it signalled Rerim’s victory, the Corgi cheered throwing his arms up into the air. “I did it!”

  The hyena sighed and smiled, “Yes you did, now what do you want?” He gestured to the prize dolls hanging around the top of the booth, Rerim thought about it for a moment before gesturing towards a gray fox doll, the hyena smiled and nodded. “Ah, you want the Trask doll, good choice.”

  Rerim claimed his prize from the hyena and waved to him as he walked away, his day had been made. It couldn’t get much better... or that was what he thought, until he saw that the circus tent was opening up for the big acts. His ears perked up as he saw the big tent, “Awesome...” He whispered to himself, excitement got the better of him and he pushed his way through the crowd of furs towards the tent. After a trip up with a gray otter, Rerim got to the ticket booth to buy his way into the tent where a world of fun awaited him.


  The stands were filled with excited families and children, Rerim had to dodge a few of the bigger visitors and was able to slip into the front row, though he nearly got into a row with an angry looking grandma badger. Finally settled into his seat, Rerim took a handful of popcorn from a bag he had bought and ate it happily. The audience was loud for ten minutes before the show finally started, Rerim took a few sips of his soda as he waited, the excitement building in his chest.

  There was silence as the lights shut off throughout the tent and then a trio started to spiral the area below, showing the trodden dirt of the cirus until they centered on a well dressed lion who grinned out at the audience. “Hello my dear friends, I am the Ringmaster of this circus. My name is Leonus Nemean, I built this circus up with my own two paws.” He grinned as he showed his gloved paws, “Now, I’m sure you’re all excited to start up the show but sadly...” He gave a somber look, “One of my clowns is sick, and won’t be able to perform for tonight... so...”

  The lights traveled from him and started to circle the audience, whispers of excitement and astonishment erupting from behind Rerim. Leonus’ voice continued to speak even though he could no longer be seen, “We will be picking one of you to help us out tonight!” Kid’s cheers rose as they all grew aspirations of being the clown.

  Rerim felt anxiety and excitement build up, he was far too nervous to ever get out in front of the crowd. But still... the thought of being a clown was enticing, he knew that he wouldn’t be picked through. He continued to eat his popcorn, waiting for the light to stop on some pre chosen plant in the crowd. Then the light grew really bright, Rerim squinted. “Why isn’t the light moving...?”

  Then the crowd cheered as Leonus shouted out over the loudspeakers, “We’ve found our new clown! Come on down my Corgi friend!” Rerim’s eyes widened to the size of dish plates as he realized that he had been chosen.

  Popcorn fell from his clenched hand, “M... me...?” He whispered in shock, Rerim’s legs seemed to propel him up onto his feet of their own accord.

  He stumbled out into the aisle as a pair of clowns rushed out from behind him and took him by the hands gently, one of them was a ferret with odd eyes. “Come on, you’re one of us now!” His voice was strange too, Rerim felt creeped out but he still followed after the pair towards the back room.


  “H... hey! You have the wrong guy, I can’t be selected!” Rerim was strugling to get away, the nervousness was building and he couldn’t stop his legs from shivering.

  The ferret smiled eerily back at him, “Don’t you worry bud, you’ll be a fine addition to the circus.”

  The corgi wouldn’t have it though, he continued to struggle until he was brought into a small room and was locked in alone. Rerim pounded on the door, but it wouldn’t open. “Let me out!” Then, another door at the other side of the room opened to reveal Leonus with a big smile on his face. Rerim glared at the lion, “I want out, I’m not going to take part of this.”

  But the lion just chuckled as he pulled out a watch from his coat pocket, “Well my little friend, you seem to be rather tense about this whole thing. Why don’t you take a seat and let me just give you a little pep talk why don’t we?”

  But the dog wasn’t easily swayed, a growl escaped his lips. “No! Let me go now!”

  Leonus sighed and polished off his watch with a silk cloth, “Well, the hard way it is...” From behind Rerim, the door swung open and the Corgi was grabbed by the arms hard. Leonus gestured towards the chair, “Seat him boys.”

  A pair of voices answered simultaneously, “Yes sir!”

  The chair wasn’t comfortable in the least, Rerim oomphed as he collapsed into the chair and was held tight to the chair by the pair of hands. He growled once more, “Let me out now!”

  There were no words said from the ringleader though as he took his own seat and sat down in front of the Corgi, he started to swing the watch in front of Rerim’s face. The teenager wasn’t easily swayed at first, “What are you doing?” He kept his eyes locked on the lion’s face for the longest time, but soon the watch started to gather his attention.

  It was a simple gold timepiece, though it seemed to glow with an odd light. Rerim’s eyes locked onto it and followed it back and forth... back and forth... back... and forth... questions and thoughts flowed into his mind but they were swiftly knocked out of his head, all he wanted to think about was the nice watch swinging back and forth...

  Leonus grinned as green and purple spirals slowly spinned into existence in the pup’s eyes, “Gooood boy... now my Corgi friend, what is your name?”

  Following the watch still, Rerim answer. “R... Rerim...”

  Leonus nodded, “Alright, well I don’t think Rerim fits the name of a clown. Do you?” Rerim scrunched up his brows, it seemed a fine name... wait... no it didn’t, Leonus was right. Rerim was a silly name, he nodded to the lion. Leonus smiled, “Yes, Rerim doesn’t fit. But I have a much better name for you, your name from this day on is Corgle the Corgi Clown!”

  As if a switch had been thrown, Rerim the Corgi suddenly stopping existing. Now Corgle was there, and he was happy about it. “Corgle the Corgi, here for duty!” He barked happily, though his eyes were still readily stuck on the swinging pendulum.

  Leonus continued on, “Well Corgle, I know you have all of these silly thoughts of the outside world stuck in your head, don’t you?” Corgle nodded, his ears twitching every now and again. “Well Corgle, for you there never was an outside life. You’ve lived with the circus, your family has always been here.”

  Memories of his childhood in the circus suddenly became expanded to the point where they overwrote any other memories, Corgle remembered learning to juggle for the first time. His balls had hit him in the head so many times that he had a headache afterwords, but he had laughed with Leonus at his own goofiness.

  Leonus watched as a light of recognition ignited in Corgle’s eyes as he looked upon Leonus, “Feeling better Corgle?” The corgi smiled and nodded, his reprogramming almost finished. “Now Corgle, you are going to become a clown permanently. All thoughts of living outside of the circus is nasty to you, do you understand?”

  Already the thought of living outside of the circus walls was repugnant to the Corgi, now it was no longer an option. He wanted to live with his family, and he grinned as he nodded. “Yes sir!” Leonus smiled as he nodded at the clowns holding the corgi, and they let him go. Corgle stood up, his eyes covered in permanent swirls just like his clown brothers.

  Leonus winked, “It’s time to get you all dressed up Corgle, it’s time to get ready for the clown act!”


  After the acrobatic lemurs’ act, it was time for the clowns. Excitement rushed through the crowd, it was time for the main event! Leonus stepped out into the center of the circus tent once more, a wide grin on his face. “It’s time for what you’ve all been waiting for my good friends, here come the clowns!”

  A small toy car drove out from a doorway, everyone craning to see the little thing drive in. It stopped right in front of Leonus and the door opened up to let out three clowns. Leonus called out as he gestured to each, starting on the Ferret. “On my left, is the amazing Lester the Ferret! He’s a master of the unicycle and tight rope, though watch out. He’s known to lose a wheel sometimes.” The Ferret smiled sheepishly as he waved to the crowd, his ensemble consisting of a yellow and green suit.

  Gesturing to a skunk inbetween the other two, Leonus wafted in front of his face jokingly. “In the middle of this amazing trio, is the little stinker Bobo the Skunk! He may be stinky, but he’s amazing at making and throwing delicious cream pies!” The skunk pulled out a pie from nowhere and threw it into the crowd causing a rather shocked looking sheep to have delicious cream pie on his face. The skunk was dressed in a red and blue uniform conforming to his red and blue spirals in his eyes.

  And finally gesturing to the newest of the trio, Leonus grinned as he announced the corgi dressed in a clown uniform with a goofy grin on his face. “And introducing the newest and permanent addition to our troupe, Corgle the Corgi! You’ll find that he is a spectacular juggler and can make anyone laugh!” Corgle grinned as he pulled green and purple balls from nowhere and started to juggle, his body tilting back and forth as he juggled around the stadium. As he did so, he tripped on multiple objects causing the audience to laugh but somehow never letting the balls touch the ground.

  The trio of clowns performed for the crowd, Corgle was so glad to be with his new brothers. His life was going to be joyful now that he was with his family, the circus.