Current Track: Blabb
'' Not Again," Hitch said as he put down the newspaper. "If this keeps up, I'll never get a good night's sleep and peace around here." "If what keeps up?" Zipp asked as she sat down next to Hitch. She handed him a plate with pancakes with berries on top of them and a mug of coffee. "This," Hitch said as he passed the newspaper to Zipp. "Read the headline." Zipp grabbed the newspaper from Hitch. She glanced at the headline while still looking at the newspaper. "And this concerns you for some reason?" Zipp asked. "It concerns me because I'm the sheriff. Ponies from around Maretime Bay come to me and ask me to take care of this beast. They think I can handle this somehow. I mean, what am I supposed to do? I haven't even seen this creature". I am said, Hitch. "Oh, I guess I didn't think of that," Zipp said. "Didn't think of what?" Asked Izzy as she, Comet, Sunny, Misty, and Pipp sat down at the table with Hitch and Zipp. "Hitch and I are talking about the creature from the headlines," Zipp said. She passed the newspaper around. I heard about this creature. It's been all over the news, on TV, in newspapers, and online. All Equestria is in a frenzy over this beast. It is said, Sunny. "Mom has been texting me nonstop, asking about Zipp and me." Said Pipp, "My dad, worried about me, came from Briddlewood." Said, Misty "Do you think we should worry?" Sunny asked Hitch thought, "I hope not," He said. They continued to talk among themselves, not getting anywhere. While Sunny and her friends were talking In a caravan near Maritime Bay, a lone figure stood in front of his TV. He listened to news anchors Dazzle Feather and Skye Silver talk about the creature. He sits down and says. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this can't be happening again. I need to stop this; I need to stop it from killing more ponies." He gets up and searches all over his caravan, looking for something. "It's got to be around here somewhere; where is it?" While searching for the item, he knocks over a plant. He turns to the Wolfsbane, picks it back up, and places it back into the pot. He was thinking of a saying from his parents when he was younger. Spike, the dragon lord, pondered. Sunny and her friends had returned to the Isle of Scaly. They informed him that a strange creature had been killing ponies. Spike paced back and forth; what could be killing those ponies, and why? Spike decided they needed to go and see the latest victim of the creature. He called all the dragons around and told them what was happening. Spike turned to the other dragons, "I will be back as soon as I can." The others nodded. Spike flew off towards where the dead pony was. He landed near a pony and asked if the attacked pony was still there. A little taken aback, the pony nodded and pointed to a figure under a sheet. Spike walked over to the body and lifted the sheet. He gasped. Some creature or something had torn up and turned the pony into pieces. Body parts everywhere. Spike fought the urge to vomit and placed the sheet back over the body of the pony. He thanked the pony and took off; as he flew back home, he was trying to think of what could have done that to that pony. "Manticore, Hydra, Chimera' no, no, and no," Spike says to himself. He lands near his cave and lies down. Maybe Timberwolves. he thought a good sleep might help. Back in his caravan, the figure walks towards a calendar. He had circled every full moon. Sweat poured down his face as he realized a full moon was coming. He gulped, knowing what that meant. The creature would claw out of its host, turning it into a half-wolf, half-pony, or other creature. He shuddered at the thought. He knew full well of the wraith of the beast. It had killed both of his parents. After that, neither of his family members wanted him. Saying he cursed himself. Okay, Wolfsbane Seed, you can do this. Drive to Maretime Bay and get what you need. Then leave, never looking back. Wolfsbane Seed said to himself; he slid into the driver's seat, starting the engine of the caravan and driving towards Maretime Bay. He picked a nice spot a little ways from the town. He parked his caravan. He looked into the town; a lighthouse loomed over the town in the nighttime. Wolfsbane Seed watched as a few townfolks hurried up and entered their homes. He then walked over to his bed and lay down. As soon as he was asleep, he went to dreamland, dreaming of his parents when he was younger and happier. Tawny Petal, a yellow female wolf, had a yellow mane. She stood over the grave of her husband, Blue Swirl, tears forming in her eyes. This wasn't supposed to happen; the stallion she loved was six feet under. They were planning to grow old together. Society expected them to have more babies, watch them grow, and raise their families. Her young son Wolfsbane Seed was by her side, not understanding what was happening. Blue Swirl's family had disowned him for marrying a wolf; they had wanted him to marry an earth pony, not some wolf. Tawny Petal wished they had shown up for their son's funeral. Her side of the family wasn't too thrilled about the idea either, but at least they showed up to his funeral. After the funeral, Tany Petal picked up her son by the neck. She carried him back to his bedroom and laid him on his bed. She then walked to the room she and Blue Swirl shared and lay on their bed. She picked up a photo album. She looked through the pictures. One showed their wedding day. Another showed her pregnant with Wolfsbane Seed. Another showed her in the hospital with her husband, holding their newborn son in her paws. Tears started pouring down her face. "Why oh why did he have to die," she asked. Years went by, and Wolfsbane seed was growing up; she went to kiss her son goodnight, and he rolled his eyes, "Mom, gross; if the other kids knew you still kissed me goodnight, they'd think I was lame." Tawny Petal walked out of the room and turned back towards her son. "You know there was a time when you loved my goodnight kisses." He groaned and pulled the blanket over his head. She walked out of his bedroom, turning the light off. She walked to the living room and picked up a book to read. Tired, she fell asleep on the couch. Some strange noise jolted her awake sometime later. Something or some creature had knocked over the trash cans. She picked up a knife and walked outside towards the trash cans. She screamed, "A werewolf was near the trash cans." The werewolf heard her screams. It looked up at her and started running towards her. She screamed again and ran back into the house, slamming the door. The werewolf rammed the door, trying to get in. Wolfsbane Seed, hearing the commotion, walked to where his mom was. "Mom, what is going on?" He asked. But before she could answer him. The werewolf had smashed down the door and entered the house, knocking her to the floor; it eyed both. Wolfsbane Seed yelped, eyes wide as he walked backward until he bumped into the wall. Petrified, he watched as the werewolf started walking towards him. Tawny Petal yelled at her son to run. You didn't have to tell him twice, and he took off running out of the house into the woods. The werewolf turned toward Wolfsbane seed. Tawny Petal got between her son and the creature. Wolfsbane Seed turned as he heard a whine. He saw his mother lying on the ground in her blood, not moving. The werewolf stood over her body and lowered its head, taking a large chunk out of her. He vomited as the werewolf started eating his mom. With tears in his eyes, he backed up into a branch that had fallen from a tree. It snapped, alerting the werewolf of his presence. The werewolf dropped his mom like she was a rag doll. Wolfsbane Seed ran, with the werewolf hot on his trail. He ran into the underbrush; the werewolf let out a defeated howl, unable to reach him. It slinked off, leaving him alone. He stayed there until the morning came. He crawled out from the underbrush and moved toward his mother's body. He laid down beside her, and that's where they found him. He had buried his mom next to his dad. Wolfsbane Seed woke to the sun's rays and yawned. He got out of bed, shaking the sleep from his body; what a dream he had. He got himself ready for the day. Izzy pranced as she walked down Maretime Bay, saying hello to ponies everywhere. She stops and notices Wolfsbane Seed's caravan parked out of town. "A new pony, a new friend." She says as she walks over to the caravan. Izzy knocked on the door. She heard a voice from inside saying, "What the?" A few moments later, the door opened. There stood Wolfsbane Seed with a bewildered look on his face. Before he could say anything, Izzy opened her mouth and said hi. "Hello, new friend. I'm Izzy Moonbow, but you can call me Izzy since we will be friends." She pushed past him, entered the caravan, and started looking around. "Wow, you live here. I've always wondered what it would be like to live in a caravan full-time. "I mean, yeah, we have The Mare Stream, and that's like a caravan, but we don't live in it," Izzy said. She walked from one spot to another until she came to the calendar with the full moons circled. You must love the moon. It would help if you met my boyfriend. Where he was from, there were these aurora flares. They would light up the skies each time they finish an activity." Wolfsbane Seed stood dumbstruck as Izzy kept talking. He wanted her out of his caravan but needed to figure out how. , an idea came to him. "So you like games, huh." Wolfsbane Seed said. "Yeah, what game do you want to play?" she asked. Wolfsbane Seed thought for a moment and said. How about hide and seek? Since my caravan is too small to enjoy the game, you hide somewhere else. After I have counted, I will come find you." Izzy nodded. "Now turn around and no peeking until you get to zero." She said. Wolfsbane Seed did it so that the mare would leave quicker. He heard Izzy gallop out of his caravan and into town to find a hiding spot. Wolfsbane Seed walked over to the caravan door, closed it, and locked it when there was no sign of Izzy. He pulled down the window blinds, incasing the caravan in the darkness. He turns on a few lamps, starts the coffee maker, and puts the tea kettle on the stove. Then, he grabs a frozen breakfast sandwich and puts it in the microwave. While waiting for his breakfast sandwich, he pulls out some tour guides and a map of Maritime Bay. Knowing he would need to know everything about Maretime Bay to get the items he needed. Hitch patrolled the streets of Maretime Bay with his baby son Sparky, a dragon he had found as an egg and hatched. Hitch stopped in his tracks as he noticed Izzy out of the corner of his eye. He watches Izzy as she drags a cardboard box toward one of Maritime Bay's dumpsters and then hides under it. Hitch ponders for a bit and then walks up to where Izzy is and asks her what she is doing. "I met a new friend today, and he wanted to play hide and seek. So I'm hiding". Said Izzy "And who is this new friend, Izzy," Hitch asked. Izzy lifts the cardboard box. She points with one of her hooves towards Wolfsbane Seed's caravan. "I will say hello to your new friend, Izzy," Hitch said. "Okay, don't tell him where I am hiding, Hitch" Said Izzy "Don't worry, Izzy; I won't." Promised Hitch After Izzy put the cardboard box back over her, Hitched walked over to the caravan and Knocked. "This is Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer of Maretime Bay. I want to speak to the pony inside". Said Hitch. Hitch heard a commotion inside as the caravan rocked back and forth. A little bit later, the caravan door opened. A green half wolf half, pony figure stood in the doorway with a nervous look. "Can I help you with something, sheriff?" Wolfsbane Seed asks . "I'm here because of Izzy," she said. She also said you are new here. Izzy also said that she and you are new friends. She also said you wanted to play hide and seek with her. She has picked a spot to hide and is waiting for you, and I wanted to welcome you to town as well". Said Hitch. Wolfsbane Seed could feel tiny beads of sweat form on his forehead. They began to trickle down his face. This must be her boyfriend, Wolfsbane Seed thought to himself. "um, well......." Wolfsbane Seed started to say. But before he could finish, Sparky hopped off Hitch and ran into the caravan. "Hey, get your pet out of my caravan." Wolfsbane Seed said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "He's my son, not my pet, and his name is Sparky," Hitch said as he chased after Sparky. Wolfsbane joined Hitch in chasing Sparky. He tried to grab the dragon but missed. He drove head-first into a pile of stacked books, knocking them over. "Sparky Sparkeroni, come back here." Hitch said as he continued to chase Sparky". Wolfsbane Seed pulled himself from the pile of books. "First, your girlfriend comes, and then this," Wolfsbane said "Look, I'm sorry...Wait, what? Izzy isn't my girlfriend; she is Comet's; I'm her friend." Said Hitch as he grabbed Sparky. Before Wolfsbane could say anything, Sparky burped fire. It engulfed the front part of the caravan in flames. When the flames died down, Wolfsbane noticed black smoke coming from the caravan's engine. He groaned. " will have somepony come and fix that". Hitch said as he started to leave. Hitched reached for the door. Then, they turned back towards Wolfsbane and said, "Well, anyways, welcome to Maretime Bay. I hope you enjoy yourself here." "Wait, Sheriff, Do you want some coffee, tea, or something to eat?" Wolfsbane asked as he pulled out a chair for Hitch. "A Cup of coffee sounds great right now," Hitch said as he sat down and placed Sparky between his legs. "I didn't think there were still dragons around. My mom told me stories about dragons and other creatures when I was younger. I never expected to see one here and alive," Wolfsbane said as he handed Hitch a cup of coffee. The two talk getting to know each other, while Wolfsbane learns more about Maretime Bay. As the sun sets, Hitch gets up, points to the sleeping Sparky, and says, "It's about time I get home and put him to bed." he walks to the caravan door and opens it. Hitch then puts his front hooves on his face and says, "Oh my hoofness, I forgot about Izzy. She is still hiding, waiting for you to find her. Come on, Wolfsbane Seed, You need to find her." Wolfsbane Seed follows Hitch to where Izzy is, and then Hitch points to a box. Wolfsbane Seed picks up the box, revealing Izzy. "Yay, new friend, you found me; want to play again?" "Hey, Izzy, it's getting late. How about we call it a day? We all need to sleep." Said Hitch They all agree and go home.