Current Track: Blabb

Sprout Cloverleaf walked away from a flower cart with a bouquet for Misty; the two had started dating a few weeks ago and had hit it off. When Sprout got to the Crystal Brighthouse, he put down the bouquet and knocked. A few moments later, the door opened, revealing Sunny Starscout. "Hey Sprout, You here to see Misty?" Sprout nodded, picked up the bouquet, and followed Sunny to where Misty was. When Misty notices Spout, she kisses him and takes the flowers.

"Aww, Spout, you got me flowers. Thank you, I love them." Misty grabbed a vase, filled it with water, and put the flowers in it.

''Where are the others?" Asked Sprout.

''Hitch, Zipp, and Sparky are with the newcomer that just came to town.'' Izzy and Comet are checking out Maretime Bay and other places." Pipp and Sunny are going to the Isle of Scaly; Pipp will tell the dragons about phones, and Sunny and Tumble will spend time with dragon lord Spike and then spend time together, just the two of them. My dad is with Queen Haven; I think they are dating. So it will be just the two of us, Sprout."

Sprout opened the door, letting Misty go out first, then the two walked toward a restaurant.

Hitch and Zipp sat near Wolfsbane Seed's caravan with Sparky in a harness. They were watching the mechanic work on Wolfsbane Seed's caravan. Wolfsbane Seed walked over towards them, and Hitch asked how it was going with the caravan.

"The mechanic said he can fix most of it, but there is a part that he will need to order, which may take a few days to get here," said Wolfsbane.

"What part?" asked Zipp. " I might be able to find it at Zephyr Heights and get here by tomorrow."

"The mechanic said it was the fan belt." Said Wolfsbane.

"I can go and get one, just tell me the type and brand, and I will get it here as soon as possible," Zipp said

Wolfsbane nodded, walked over to where the mechanic was, and told him what Zipp had said.

"You want me to come with you, Zipp?" asked Hitch.

"Thank you for offering Hitch, but I will be fine, and anyway, it will be faster if I start flying now."

"Okay, Zipp, see you later," Hitch said as he waved to Zipp as she flew away.

Wolfsbane Seed returned to Hitch with a hint of worry in his eyes. " Hitch, can you do me a favor?" asked Wolfsbane Seed

"Yeah, sure, what is it?" asked Hitch

"Tonight, there is going to be a full moon; I want you to make sure everypony is home and doesn't come out of their homes until morning," said Wolfsbane Seed

Hitch looked at Wolfsbane and was about to ask why, but Wolfsbane stopped him and said, "Please, Hitch, it's essential."

"Um, sure, I will do that," Hitch said, still confused.

Sunny and Pipp walked out of the Mare Stream and walked over to the group of dragons that had been waiting for them. Sunny walked over toward Tumble and dragon lord Spike and walked off with them while Pipp stayed with the other dragons.

"Do you have any idea what this creature is, Spike?" Asked Sunny.

"I still don't know. I have been trying to figure it out, but with my memory a bit foggy, I don't know if I've seen or heard of this creature before." Said Spike

"Do you have any of Twilight Sparkle's books, letters, or something else that could tell you what this thing is or could be?" Asked Sunny

"I'm afraid not, Sunny," said Spike

"Oh...Wait, what about Ponyville, Twlilght's castle, or maybe the castle of the two sisters."

Spike thought about Sunny's words. "I don't know. Maybe one of those places could help."

"How about we check out one or all of those places then?" Asked Sunny

Spike Pondered for a bit and then said, "I guess we could go there and see if we find anything. But let me tell the others where we are going."

Ponyville, or what was left of it, had an eerie feeling. The wind made so many creepy noises that it was hard to believe it was once a booming, cheerful town.

Sunny couldn't have been happier when she found out she was going to Ponyville at first, but looking at it now, she couldn't help but shiver.

Tumble noticed and pulled his wing around Sunny, but he was slightly on edge. He had thought that with a name like Ponyville, it would have been more cheerful than this.

Spike looked around Ponyville, and a hint of sadness came to his eyes. If Onyville looked like this, he didn't want to know what the everfree forest looked like after all those years.

Finally, they came to Twilight's castle. Spike put a clawed foot on the doors, and they creaked open. When the doors slammed against the wall, the two dragons and Pony couldn't help but jump at the sound.

Spike stepped into the castle, followed by Tumble and then Sunny. The sound of their claws and hooves against the floor sounded louder than it should have, or at least to Sunny, it did.

Sunny looked around the castle. If she weren't here for one thing, she would have stopped to examine everything more closely.

Spike stopped at a door and opened it, revealing a glorious library. Sunny and Co. couldn't believe how many books there were.

Hours ticked by as the trio searched book after book.

Sunny groaned, "After all of those books, nothing. How are we supposed to find out what this is and how to stop it?" Sunny Huffed as she sat down.

Tumble accidentally bumps into one of the shelves when he moves to comfort Sunny. It rocks and threatens to topple over.

"Look out, Tumble." Yelled Spike

Tumble moved out of the way. Sliding into Sunny, Spike rushed over to the bookshelf and set it straight. A book fell off the shelf, bouncing off Tumble's head and finally landing at his feet.

"Are you both okay?" Asked Spike

"Yes," Both Sunny and Tumble said

Tumble bent down and picked up the book. When he noticed its title, he was out to put it on the shelf.

The title said Rare and Strange Creatures.

Tumble handed the book to Sunny and asked. "could it be helpful?"

Sunny looked at the book and said, "It's worth a shot."

Sunny turned towards the window and shrieked. "There's something out there."

Spike and Tumble rushed over towards the window.

"I don't see anything out there, Sunny." Said Spike

"But..I...Thought I saw something." Sunny said

"Well, if something was out there, it's gone now. Let us go; it's getting late," said Spike.

While on the back of Tumble, Sunny couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching her. Had she seen something, or was the town creeping her out?

When they returned to the Isle of Scaly, it was late. The dragons had gone to bed, and only one light was on in the Mare Stream.

Sunny tried to stifle the yawn, trying to come out, but it slipped out. She could feel Tumble stumble; imagine how he must think if I'm tired.

"Sunny, how about you and Pipp stay here and leave in the morning." Said Spike

Sunny nodded and thanked Spike. Usually, she would want to get home after a long trip, but she was so tired that she thought that might be for the best.

After bidding Spike and Tumble goodnight, she went into the Mare Stream, found a comfortable spot, laid down, and was out as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Sprout walked Misty home after spending the whole day together.

A thick fog had come out of nowhere, almost hiding the full moon, and Misty moved closer to Sprout.

She felt someone or something was watching her, and she had felt that way all the way home.

"Thanks for walking me home, Sprout. I see you tomorrow, okay," Misty said as she kissed him goodbye.

"See you tomorrow," Sprout replied.

As Sprout walked back home, he trembled. The fog seemed to have gotten thicker. He stopped and asked himself if my head of steps was louder than they should be.

Not long after, he saw a figure move in the fog and jumped.

"Who's there? Please answer me. I was a sheriff and an empe or once, s you don't scare me," Sprout said, trying to sound braver than he felt.

The Werewolf stepped out of the fog, eyed Sprout, and sprinted towards him.

Sprout took off running with tWerewolfolf hot on his heels.

The Werewolf aimed for Sprout's back but missed and sank his teeth into Sprout's flank.

Sprout screamed and tried to free himself from the grasp of the creature. He kicked and squirmed.

Finally, he managed to kick the creature in the head, and Werewolf let go of Sprout. Sprout took the opportunity and ran the rest of the way home.

"Mommy, Mommy open the door." Yelled Sprout as he banged on the door.

Phyllis Cloverleaf opened the door, and Sprout toppled to the floor.

"Mommy, close the door; please, it's out there," Sprout pleaded.

Phyliis closed the door and was about to say something, but Sprout interrupted her.

"Lock it too, mommy."

Phyliis locked the door.

"Sprout, do you know what time it is? You can't be yelling at this time of night. The neighbors are going to complain. What did you spill all over yourself? You're getting it all over my clean floor."

Phyllis turned the light on and screamed when she saw Sprout better in the light.

Sprout's flank was covered in blood, which was coming from an open wound on his flank.

She rushed to find the first-aid kit to care for Sprout until she could get him to the doctor in the morning.

The Werewolf stood up and sniffed until he found Sprout's scent and followed it until he came to Sprout's house. While he didn't get his prey this time, he now knew where his prey lived and had tasted his blood and flesh. He would call him on the next full moon. While the Werewolf walked away, he licked his lips and savored the taste of Sprout's blood.

Sunny woke up and walked towards the table in the Mare Stream. "Good morning, Sunny," Pipp said as Sunny sat down next to her.

Good morning, Pipp. replied Sunny

"While you were still asleep and since we didn't have breakfast, Luxxe found some fruit for us when she found out ponies can't eat gems. I know it's not much, but it will tie us over until we get back to Maretime Bay," said Pipp

After they finished their breakfast, Sunny and Pipp bid goodbye to the dragons.

While on the way back to Maretime Bay in the Mare Stream, Pipp and Sunny had talked about their day to each other.

"So Sunny, how did it go?"

"We found this book, and it might help us identify the creature and learn how to stop it." Said Sunny

"Sounds like you had better luck than me." Said Pipp

"Why, Pipp, what happened?"

"Well, Sunny, it started okay, but first of all, since dragons are way bigger than ponies, it was hard for them to use the phone, and then, sometime later, Leaf said this was stupid. Lava and Blaize tried to calm down Leaf, but I could tell they were also frustrated, so we just watched videos until it was time to go to bed."

"Did they enjoy themselves when they were watching the videos?" Asked Sunny

Pipp thought hard and replied. "You know what, Sunny, I think they did, and you know what? Lava sat down next to Jade and put a leg around her, and then Jade put a wing around Lava. It was so cute. I wished it could have gotten a photo and a video of them, and you know what happened next. Luxxe saw Lava and Jade and wanted a part of it, so she tried moving close to Leaf to put a wing around him, but he didn't have any part of it. So he moved over to Blaize and Foutain and sat between them, and you know what he said to them. Don't you two try doing what Luxxe did, or you will get it. Blaize rolled her eyes, gave Leaf this weird look, just shook her head, and then moved over to where Luxxe was and lay next to her while Fountain giggled at Leaf. He just looked at her, and his muzzle accidentally bumped into her muzzle and said, "You find this funny, and that made Fountain laugh harder, which made Luxxe laugh. So Leaf decided to pout away from the others for a bit but returned and started watching with us."

"Well there you go, Pipp, it didn't sound like it was all bad."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Sunny."

When they returned to Maretime Bay, they noticed the whole town was standing together outside.

As they made their way to the crowd, they noticed that Phyllis was upset about something and that Hitch was trying his best to calm her and a few of the town folk she riled up.

"What's going on?" asked Sunny and Pipp

"The creature attacked Sprout last night, and Phyllis thinks it was Wolfsbane Seed or that he had something to do with the attack. Hitch has his hooves full with this." Zipp said as she walked towards Sunny and Pipp.