I awoke to the sound of snoring. I usually didn't but this time it was much louder, and right in my ear. Frowning, I pawed at my right ear, and once my paw touched Zeke's face, I jumped up and stumbled backwards, falling flat on my back and twisting around, standing up on all fours and wobbling on the mattress as I looked at Zeke, who lay there curled up with Cammy laying sideways ontop of him.
“Ugh... And he just HAD to snore in my ear, right?” I said as my ears fell to the sides. “Well it's morning, and I kind of want to get to my mate, so...” I said as I walked over to them and poked Cammy's nose.
“Come on, get up...” I said as I walked to the other side of her, getting behind her and laying ontop of her, grabbing her around the middle and tugging on her, trying to get her off of Zeke.
“Whoa, Dallas... I thought you said you didn't want us to mate...” She said as she wiggled underneath me, giggling.
“Um... I... I wasn't... I mean I thought you were sleeping, but I wasn't trying to...”
“Aw come on.” She giggled as she looked up at me, grinning. “You were so!”
“N-no I wasn't!” I said as I let go of her and took a step back. “I really wasn't! I was trying to wake you up!”
“Well what you were about to do would actually be something nice to wake up to...” She chuckled.
“I WASN'T trying to mate with you.” I growled.
“Jeez relax! I'm only joking!” She laughed as she stood up, stretching. “He freaking snores...”
“Yeah I noticed!” I said as I turned around and headed for the door. “Just, wake him up... I'll be outside waiting...” I said as I pushed on the door, sighing as I looked up at it.
Now how do you open these again...
Frowning, I looked over the whole door before I saw the knob. Jumping up, I grabbed onto it and it went down, then the door swung open. Letting go of it, I closed the door behind me as I walked over to the lake and looked at it, frowning as everything looked normal. I couldn't see any land on the other side, nor could I see or hear a current flowing in the water, which got me thinking...
How are we going to get back to the other side?
Sighing, I got down onto all fours and gently lapped some water out of the lake, then stood up.
I'll worry about that when the time comes... Besides, what's taking them so long anyway?
Sighing, I walked over to the cabin type thing and pushed against the door, frowning as it didn't open.
“It opened like this from the other side...” I said as I pushed harder, sighing as I gave up and whined, standing up tall and scratching at the door.
Yep, I'm definitely going feral...
“Cammy get out here! Stop mating with Zeke, or whatever you're doing in there! We have to go!” I yelled as I scratched the door with both my paws, whining. “I need to save Electra!”
“We're right here!” Cammy laughed as she poked my back.
“Oh...” I said as I turned around, frowning. “Sorry about that...”
“Nono it's fine.” she smiled as she poked my side, giggling. “Let's go.”
Zeke smiled as he lay down on his belly, and I climbed onto his back.
“I'm being first this time.” I laughed as I scooted forward.
“Awww fine.” She giggled as she climbed up and sat behind me, holding me around the middle as Zeke stood up.
“Okay, hold on!” He chuckled as he took off running.
“Oof...” I grunted as I leaned forward and held onto his neck, chuckling.
“Did you seriously mate with him last night?” I asked as I looked back at Cammy, who grinned and nodded. It was a stupid question, because I'd seen him push his way inside of her... But... I also remembered the little bulge in her belly as he did it... I mean, I've seen Mightyena's penises before, and Zeke's was abnormally large... I mean, with the knot and all, they should've gotten stuck together, right? I SAW the little bump in her belly as he pushed inside! His knot was huge!
“And it... Worked?” I asked, frowning.
Again she nodded, grinning. “Well at first I didn't think it would fit, but then he pushed inside and it swelled up really big, and then we couldn't pull apart, but neither of us wanted to anyway, so we kept going, and he s-”
“I don't need to know this...” I said as I flattened my ears to the back of my head. “I'm just surprised you actually did it...”
“Me too! I mean, he's HUGE!” She laughed as she hugged me tightly.
“Lovely...” I mumbled as I buried my face in the back of Zeke's neck, sighing. “You smell nice...”
“Well thanks!” Zeke laughed as he slowed down to a fast walk, panting. “Woooo it's hot out...'
“No it's not...” I frowned as I patted the top of his head, sitting up. “You're just hot from running.”
“Oh, that makes sense...” He said as he sighed, followed by a creepy chuckle. “It's not far away from here...”
“Good!” I quickly said as I sat up tall. “How far away is it now?”
“Eeeeeeehhhhhhh..... Roughly a couple of minutes if we walk?” Cammy answered, frowning.
“Well then WHY did we wait until MORNING to go the rest of the way there?” I demanded as I growled, a few sparks flying from my cheeks.
“Well you said to.” Zeke said in a cheerful tone. “I thought we'd have a better chance if we sneaked in at night and stuff, because no one would be there, or at least almost no one, but... I didn't want to question you because this is kind of... YOUR mission, you know?” he said, smiling. “Because... It's your mate you're after and you need rest!”
“Yeah and you'd probably rip us apart if we got in your way.” Cammy chuckled.
“No I wouldn't... I mean, if it was your fault I didn't get to my mate or something, or if she got hurt because of you or something, I'd debate on whether or not I should, because I love y- I mean I... Adore... you... but...” I frowned. “I'd probably just be really mad at you...” I sighed. “But please... When we get there, don't get in the way or anything. I mean, I'm not trying to brag or anything, but I'm the most powerful here, so I should be the one in charge when we start fighting...”
“That's perfectly understandable.” Cammy said as she hugged me from behind, her tail wagging.
“Yes, that's how it works. The most powerful always leads.” Zeke said as he lowered his head, his ears flattening to the back of his head. “Master Dallas, is there anything I can do for you?”
“Well yes Zeke... You can take us to the place.” I chuckled as I patted his head.
“Well here we are! Hehe, anything else I can do?” He asked as he lay down in front of a bush. “This place sucks... I already have a bad feeling about coming here...”
“Are we like, hiding or something?” I asked as I lay down on Zeke's back, frowning.
“No...” Cammy said as she hopped down. “He's just letting us off.”
“Oh, right...” I said as I sat up, scooting over to the left and sliding down Zeke's side, chuckling. “I knew that...”
“Riiiiight...” Zeke chuckled as he stood up, turning to me and lowering his head, growling as he dragged his whole tongue over my face, soaking it in drool.
“UGH! Zeke... What the HECK!” I said as I got down onto all fours and shook myself off, standing back up and laughing. “What the heck was that!?”
“I was tasting you...” He said in a low, serious voice, his eyes narrowing at me. “If I coat you in drool, you'll just slide down soooo nicely... You'll be so slippery your fur won't even put up a fight against me... You'll just sliiiiiiiide right down so easily. All I have to do it give a little gulp and down you go... Nothing but a little bulge traveling down my throat... You'll scream and beg from inside me as you paw at t-”
“Yeaaaah... Okay... That's not weird at all...” I interrupted as I rolled my eyes at him, although his little description had gotten the best of me, and I couldn't help it as my member poked out of its sheath a little.
“I'm joking Dallas!” He laughed as he leaned his head down and licked the top of my head. “I wouldn't eat you! You're far too nice!”
“I would though.” Cammy said, grinning. “If I could I mean... And if it wouldn't hurt you, and stuff...”
“I can! I'm a wolf! And wolves are supposed to eat big things whole! I bet if I tried I could probably get you down whole Dallas...” Zeke said as he tilted his head. “Yeah, I bet I could...”
“Well let's not test that out okay?” I said as I poked his nose. “No eating me, I'm not food. Feel free to eat any of Team Onyx's Pokemon though. THAT I'll let you do.” I grinned.
“Psssshhh!!! Electra could out-eat ALL of us combined! And then eat US for dessert!” Cammy laughed as she poked Zeke's side.
“Nah, she loves me... She would never eat me...” I chuckled as I looked up at the sky. “Speaking of Electra, why don't we get a move on?”
“Yeah, that would be lovely.” Cammy said as she walked around the bush, chuckling. “Okay... I know it looks like nothing's here, but there's really THIS.” She said as she waved her paw up in the air for a couple seconds, then put it down, her ears falling to the sides as she looked back at us.
“Yeah, um...” I said as I walked out and stood beside her. “There's nothing here but dirt... Are you sure we're in the right place? I mean, isn't there supposed to be a building or something that we can, you know, GO inside of?” I said as I walked around, grabbing my ears and tugging on them. “I just want to get to Electra... All I want is Electra back...” I said sadly as I flopped onto my belly, a tear rolling down my cheek as I sniffled. “Just understand me here... Electra is m-”
“Dallas stop it...” Cammy sighed. “I know all about it. Electra's your mate, you'll do anything to save her, blah blah, but I'm not joking right now. I should be able to just stand here and wave my paws around and have the ground open up for me.” She said as she walked over to me and got down onto all fours, licking my cheek. “Cheer up Dallas, we'll get her.”
I sighed, standing up as I wiped the tears off of my cheeks and sniffled.
“So... I'm supposed to just stand here, and jump up and down waving my paws, or whatever you did, and it's supposed to open something?” I said sarcastically as I stood where Cammy stood and jumped up and down, flailing my paws in the air.
“NOTHING is happening.”
Just as I said that, the rock on my tail started to glow, and there was a rumbling noise coming from underneath me.
“What the heck's happening...” I said as I looked around at the ground, frowning.
“Well the rock on your tail is glowing...” She said as she walked over and sniffed it, frowning as she stood up. “It smells like dirt... Maybe it was the key...”
“Maybe since it's a Team Onyx symbol it triggered the thingy.” Zeke said as he looked at the ground. “But what's happening? I mean, usually it opens by now...”
“Yeah, I mean, i- and there it is...' She said as she pointed to the right, giggling. “Maybe the rock opens a different pathway, I don't know...”
Frowning, I looked over at where Cammy was pointing, frowning as there were stairs leading downwards in the dirt.
“What the heck...” I said as I walked over to it, frowning.
“Well this is new...” Zeke said as he walked past me and began walking down them. “Might as well go and not waste time staring at them, right?”
“Right...” I said as I began walking down them, looking back and smiling as Cammy followed close behind me.
“Where do these even go?” I asked as I squinted in the darkness, sparks flying from my cheeks as I tried to light up the room we were in. Cammy was doing the same thing, until she placed her paw on something and the lights came on.
“Um... Well that helps...” I said as I looked around, frowning. It was an empty room, nothing in it except us. The walls were painted red, and the light was blue, which gave it a weird purple color.
“Um... What now? There's nothing in here...” I said as I looked around, frowning.
“Yeah...” Zeke said as he frowned. “Nothing but walls... And where's the... The place we came in?” He asked as he turned around, frowning.
Turning around, I made a face, as the place we'd just entered was now nothing but a wall, identical to the others.
“What the heck...” I mumbled as I placed my paw on it, frowning. “It's a wall now...”
“Like I said, there's nothing here.” Zeke sighed. “And now we're trapped.
“Yes there is actually...” Cammy said as she walked over to the other side of the room and knocked on the wall, placing her ear against it as she walked to the left a little and knocked on it again, then moved a little bit more and knocked again.
“What are you doing...” Zeke said as he walked over to her, tilting his head and watching her.
“Looking for something...” I said as I walked over to them and watched Cammy. “Like a hollow spot or something.”
“Exactly.” She said as she pushed against the wall. A panel in it made a loud clicking noise, and the place she was pushing against began moving forward, a piece just to the left of it moving backwards.
“Oh, so it's a revolving door....” Zeke said as he stood over Cammy, placing his head against the wall and pushing with her. I frowned as I watched them, before quickly dashing into the hole just before it turned completely around, a click heard as the panel snapped back into place, and once again looked like a normal wall, except we were on the other side of it, and we were now in the middle of a hallway.
“Okay, that was STUPID.” I said as I looked around, sighing. “And it got warmer in here too...”
“Well NOW I know where we are.” Cammy said as she looked around, smiling.
“I don't...” Zeke said as he flicked his ears forward. “I guess Cammy leads then!”
“Yeah... Take me to where they keep the caught Pokemon or whatever...” I said as I got behind her and smiled. “I'm coming Electra...”
“Well okay... But it's almost guaranteed that we'll encounter someone that works here... And if we do, just act casual, unless it's someone that knows what they're doing... And knows we're not supposed to be here... I mean, I might look normal being in here, but you guys, not so much.” She frowned.
“In which case I'll tear them apart.” I growled as I clenched my fists. “Especially that Meowth...”
“Um... Well I don't care if you do, but keep it down if you do decide to do that, because we don't want to attract any attention.” She said as she began walking down the hallway. “This way.”
Nodding, I followed her down the hall, with Zeke walking next to me as we turned a corner, the hallway splitting into two others, making a “Y” shape.
“Um, if we're where I think we are, then...” She said as she pointed to the right, smiling. “Then it's this way.”
“Well I've only been here once, so...” Zeke said as he followed her, smiling. “It seems right I guess...”
“ONCE?” I asked, frowning. “You said you came here all the time!”
“Yeah but I've only been inside once.” He sighed. “Well fine, three times, but still... Cammy knows more.” He said as he lowered his head and whined. “Cammy's awesome like that.”
“Hehe...” She giggled as she stopped in the middle of the room, pushing against the wall.
“Yeah, are all the freaking doors hidden or something?” I asked as I looked around. “There hasn't been one door in here at all...” I said as I looked down the hall.
“Yes exactly. It's like one big guessing game.” Cammy said as she pushed harder, the panel in the wall swinging open. “I guess the only way you'd actually know where something is, is if you worked here, are a member, or you just come here a lot and know where everything is.” She said as she entered, followed by Zeke, then me. I frowned as the panel clicked back into place, and I stood next to it, picking up a piece of paper that was on the floor and placing it in front of the panel to mark where it was, before looking around the room and realizing it was only the size of a large bathroom.
“Um... So which ball is she in?” I asked as I looked around, frowning.
“Well they label them... You see, she'd be in the “E” section, next to w-”
“She can't be caught in a ball, she's registered to Kevin...” Zeke said as he looked around, frowning. “She's not in here...”
“Right... Forgot about that part...” Cammy said as she slapped herself in the forehead. “Um... Well then I honestly don't know where she could be then...”
“Well is there a place where they keep the Pokemon that they can't capture in balls?” I asked as I walked over to the piece of paper and pushed against the wall. “I mean, there's got to be like, a cage or something right?”
“Well believe it or not, but they like to keep the rare ones in mint condition. That means no cages that they'd try to bust out of, nothing they can hurt themselves on... But that's only if they're planning to sell them... I doubt they're planning to sell Electra, so she's probably, like you said, in a cage... And since she's, well, the way she is... I bet every chance she gets, she's tried to eat one of them. And she's probably already gotten two or three of them down her I bet, which would probably make the rest all afraid of her and stuff. I mean, think about it. She's stuck here against her will, hungry and lonely, the first thing that comes into her cage she thinks of as food, and attacks. And then bam, she eats him. Now everyone's afraid to go in and stuff, barely anyone can lift her, she's got the temper of an Ursering, and all she wants is her mate back. And some food... I'd probably do the same thing.”
“Okay, what?” I said as I stared at her, making a face. “Hardly any of that even made sense...”
“Ugh... The point is, she's probably in an open room somewhere, probably somewhere where everyone can watch her, because they're so fascinated that she can eat the way she does, so they probably throw other trainer's Pokemon in with her and watch as she devours them whole, too afraid to go in for themselves and stuff... And I'm getting off topic again... The point is, she's most likely in an open place where we'd be able to see her if we walked by... Like a glass room or something...”
“A glass room...” I mumbled. “That's a stupid place to put someone...”
“Well the glass is really thick and really hard to break.” She said as she stepped into the hall with me, followed by Zeke. “As far as I know there aren't any in here though...”
“Well are there places you weren't allowed into? Places you've never been?” I asked as I looked down the hall, sighing.
“Of course there are, are you kidding me?” She said as she walked down the hall, smiling as she turned to the right and pushed against a panel in the wall. “Like in here.” She said as she pushed it open, chuckling as she walked inside, holding it open as we entered, before letting it go, flicking her ears as it clicked back into place and blended in with the rest of the wall.
“What the hell... It's just another empty hallway...” Zeke growled as he walked forward a couple steps, before pushing his head against the wall to the right, then moving down a bit along the wall and doing it again.
“Well all we can do now is play a guessing game, I guess...” Cammy said as she pressed her paws against the wall and pushed. “I mean, I don't know where Electra is, and I have no clue where any of the doors in here are, so...”
“Yeah, that makes sense...” I said as I ran a few feet down the hall and pushed against the wall, grunting as it began to move. “Let's go in here.”
“Okay...” Zeke said as he walked over and stood over me, pressing against the wall with his forehead and pushing it aside. We all walked in, and the wall slid back into place behind us. Looking around, I frowned as we were in yet another hallway, except this one was yellow.
“What the...” Cammy said as she walked down it all the way to the end, with me and Zeke following her close behind. “I don't even feel like looking for doors, let's just go to the end of the halls and see where the hell they go, I mean, this is really starting to bug the crap out of me.” Cammy growled.
We all stopped when we heard a voice.
“Yeah, she's alright, just standing here and staring at me like a creepy little fucker.” We heard someone say as the footsteps came closer and closer to us. Growling low, a few sparks shot off of my cheeks as I prepared to attack. We were all completely still for a second, just standing there and looking at eachother, before the voice stopped and we all heard a click, signaling that whoever it was had gone into one of the hidden rooms in the walls.
“Phew...” Zeke said as he poked his head around the corner, standing still for a second before he leaped around the corner. I heard his paws slapping against the floor as he ran, but only for a second, before they stopped. I frowned as I walked around the corner, walking up to him and frowning.
“Hey Zeke, what the heck do you think you're doi-” I started, but stopped when I saw what Zeke was standing in front of. Slowly, not knowing what to say, I walked up to Zeke as I stared into the giant glass box. Or at least it looked like a box. What it really was, was just like Cammy has said, a display room. There was a huge panel of glass that stretched from the ceiling to the floor, and all the way across the hallway. The hallway widened right behind the pane of glass, making it a lot bigger than it appeared to be. Looking to the left, then the right, I realized that it was more like a room than anything, but what would a room with one big glass wall be doing here? The walls inside looked normal, and the ceiling looked normal, it was just this huge glass window that didn't belong... Frowning, I looked to the left again, squinting at the walls on the other side of the glass, wondering if there was an alternate way inside.
“There HAS to be something over there that they don't want us to get to...” Cammy said as she looked around, frowning. “I mean, look how thick this is...” She said as she reached up with her right paw and knocked on it, chuckling. “Breaking this would make such a loud noise... We should like, find a way inside or something...”
“No... Look...” Zeke said as he flicked his ears forward, pointing with his right paw as he stumbled on his remaining three. Frowning, I looked where he was pointing, and saw a box.
“A box?” Cammy asked as she knocked on the glass again, frowning. “What's it doing there?”
“It moves when you knock on the glass, do it again...” Zeke said.
Frowning, I knocked on the glass again, and sure enough, the box moved again.
“Hey what if it's like, a trap or something... Like, something t-”
“A trap in a box?” I said as I knocked hard on the glass, then pounded on it. “I don't think so...” I said as I beat on the glass with both of my paws.
I watched as the box moved again, and I saw something yellow to the left of it. Frowning, I knocked on the glass once more, my ears perking straight up as Electra crawled out of the side of the box, holding her ears and glaring at me, sparks flying from her cheeks as she pulled on her ears. For a moment, we just stared at eachother, the sparks on her cheeks instantly vanishing as she realized who I was, and we just stood there, not moving a muscle. My nose twitched as I reached up with my right paw and gently rested it against the glass, my legs wobbling as I tried my best to stand up.
I found her... I found Electra!
My legs continued to wobble as I stood there, staring at her, and as she walked closer to me, my legs gave way and I fell forward, smacking into the glass. As soon as I hit it, she rushed over to me, placing her right paw on the glass and pushing against it, her face full of excitement as she jumped up and down. Slowly getting to my feet, I took a step back, looking up at Zeke, then Cammy, motioning for them to step back. They nodded as we all took a step back, and I got down onto all fours, my tail glowing a shiny silver as I ran toward the glass wall... As soon as I got down onto all fours, Electra put her paws up and took a couple steps back, a terrified look on her muzzle as she shook her head no repeatedly, her paws outstretched as she tried to stop me. Perking my ears up, I skidded to a stop, standing up as my tail went back to normal.
“What? What is it?” I asked as I frowned, looking at her. I tilted my head as I watched her speak to me, except I couldn't hear what she was saying.
“What...” I said as I placed my ear against the glass, frowning. “I can't hear you...”
“Dallas she can't hear you either...” Cammy said as she walked up to me, frowning. “Try to act it out or something.”
Electra made a face as she grabbed her ears and pulled on them, walking up to us and placing both paws on the glass, pushing hard. I frowned as I placed my paws where hers were and pushed too, frowning as nothing happened. Stopping, I tilted my head as I watched her do it again, this time pointing to the other side of the glass room.
“I think we're supposed to push our way inside on the other side, like we do with the walls...” Cammy said as she smiled, looking around. “We can squeeze through between the glass and the wall...”
“Yeah, but can Zeke...” I said as I walked over to where the wall and the glass met, walking into the little space without even having to edge along it.
“I think so...” He said as he pushed himself inside the hole behind me, making a face. “Yeah I can fit... And to be honest, I did NOT see the hallway on the other side of that room.” he chuckled.
“Good then.” I said as I walked along the pathway inbetween the glass and the wall, walking all the way to the end and turning the corner, looking back at Zeke and laughing, as he couldn't get around it.
“Dallas I'm stuck...” He said as he took a couple steps back. “There's no way I'm going to be able to get around that corner Dallas... It's too narrow over there.”
“Well It shouldn't be...” I said as I watched him walk all the way back, squeezing himself out of the little pathway and panting. “I'll find another way around...”
“I'm fine.” Cammy said as she walked inside, right after Zeke exited. “It seems fine to me...”
“Well you're smaller...” He said as he walked backwards in the hallway a couple of feet. “I'll just look for another way around.”
“Well you're not going alone Cammy... I'm coming too.” I said as I squeezed forward, grunting as I couldn't move. “What the heck, I'm stuck...”
Electra knocked on the glass, and I looked at her, making a face as she was pointing behind me. Frowning, I turned my head and looked in the direction she was pointing, seeing nothing.
“I don't know what you're pointing at...” I said as I tried to wiggle my way forward. “It wasn't this tight in here a minute ago...”
“Dallas the wall is MOVING!” Cammy squeaked as she pushed against it. “It's going to squish you!”
“Well I can't FUCKING move!” I yelled as I closed my eyes, trying to wiggle at least an inch or two.
“Dallas get out!” Cammy squeaked as she tried to push her way back inside of the space, but it was too narrow for her to fit. “You're going to get crushed!”
“AHHHH!!!” I squealed as it pressed me against the glass, squeezing the life out of me. I was barely able to turn my head towards the glass to look inside, and when I did, Electra was making a face at me, as if she didn't know what was happening.
Break the FUCKING glass Electra... BREAK IT! I screamed in my mind as it pressed me even harder against the glass. Almost a split second later, she looked to the right a little, and she must've realized that I was being crushed, because she took a couple steps back, and her tail began to glow a shiny silver.
I couldn't even breathe now, it was crushing me so hard I couldn't even take a breath. I watched her say something, then frown as her tail raised, the light reflecting off of the shiny metallic surface like a mirror. I closed my eyes as I watched it glow bright, and then...
The glass exploded, and I fell to the floor, laying on my belly as I tried to breathe, but couldn't.
“DALLAS! We have to MOVE!” Electra said as she grabbed me and tugged on me.
An alarm went off, and purple gas began pouring out of the ceiling. A bright red light shined down and almost blinded me. Electra let go of me and squeaked as she ran off. I could hear the voices of Cammy and Zeke yelling at me as I stood up weakly on all fours, trying to hold my breath, but finding that I was literally unable to, as I'd been holding it the whole time I was being crushed. Having no choice, I took a huge breath, and inhaled the shiny purple gas. Once I did, I felt extremely weak, and I began choking, inhaling more and more of it as I coughed and coughed, unable to move as I fell flat on my belly. I closed my eyes tight as my insides began to burn, and then I lost all the feeling in my body. I couldn't feel a thing anymore, and I couldn't move. I couldn't open my eyes, and I couldn't breathe. I couldn't hear, see, nothing... I knew that this was the end, that I was going to die here... I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't... The loud noises around me faded away as I lost the ability to hear, and then the glowing red of the bright light faded, just before I fainted.
“Dallas she can't hear you either...” Cammy said as she walked up to me, frowning. “Try to act it out or something.”
Electra made a face as she grabbed her ears and pulled on them, walking up to us and placing both paws on the glass, pushing hard. I frowned as I placed my paws where hers were and pushed too, frowning as nothing happened. Stopping, I tilted my head as I watched her do it again, this time pointing to the other side of the glass room.
Whoa, deja vu...
“I think we're supposed to push our way inside on the other side, like we do with the walls...” Cammy said as she smiled, looking around. “We can squeeze through between the glass and the wall...”
“Yeah, but I think it's too narrow for me to fit inside...” Zeke said as he walked over to it and stuck his muzzle inside. “No, I can fit, it's alright.”
“NO!” I shouted as I pounced on Zeke's tail, tugging on it. “GET OUT OF THERE! NO NO NONO NONONONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“WHOA!” He yelled as he jumped backwards, stumbling over me. “Dallas what the hell?!!”
“I... I saw... We went in there... I got crushed... Electra broke the glass... Poison gas came out... NEVER GO IN THERE!” I said as I pointed to the little pathway between the wall and the glass, shivering as I pointed at it. “The wall will move and CRUSH YOU!”
“Well that makes sense... I mean, Team Onyx always sets up these random traps in places you'd least expect it... Let's play it safe and find another way in.” Cammy said as she looked around, walking over to a wall and pushing against it. “There's a door here, let's try this one.”
I sighed with relief as I looked over to Electra, who was shaking her head and pointing the other way.
“Wait Cammy, Electra's saying it's this one over here.” I said as I walked over to the wall and pushed against it. To my surprise, it popped open quite easily, with no resistance at all.
“Err...” I said as I stepped inside the room, frowning. “There's stairs in here...”
“Well let's go that way then.” Cammy said as she walked past me and headed down the stairs. “I wonder how much farther down this place goes...”
“I don't know, but I suck at going down stairs, so...” Zeke said as he walked down, laughing. “I mean, I can't stand on them when I'm going down, I have to keep moving... I can stop when I'm going up, but if I stop when I'm going down I'll fall...” He said as I let go of the door, watching as it swung back into place. Laughing, I literally ran down the stairs, passing Zeke, and then Cammy, leaping off and landing on the bottom, looking up at them and laughing.
“Ha! I win!” I said as I grinned, turning around and wagging my tail. “Let's go!”
Cammy giggled as she got to the bottom and we walked around the corner, Zeke running to catch up as we walked around yet another corner, then another, and another.
“This hallway just goes around in a circle...” Cammy frowned as she looked around. “Look, there's the stairs...” She said as she pointed behind us. Turning around, I frowned as I looked behind us and saw the outline of the stairs in the ceiling.
“Well what the heck...” I said as we turned another corner, coming to another set of stairs, except this time they went up.
“Do you think we went to the other side?” Cammy asked as she began walking up the stairs, making a face.
“No, the other stairs are way too close... I have no clue where this leads...” I said as I walked up the stairs behind her, frowning as I got to the top.
“A dead end.” Zeke said as we all got to the top, nothing but the ceiling above us.
“Nope, look.” Cammy said as she reached up and pressed against it. I frowned as it began to move, then smiled as I reached up and pressed against it also, smiling as it clicked and flew open, like a little door. As soon as it opened, Electra jumped inside and landed right ontop of me and Cammy, knocking us down the stairs and into Zeke. We all tumbled down the stairs, laughing when we reached the bottom. We all stood up, and almost immediately, I dashed forward and hugged Electra, kissing her over and over again.
“ELECTRAAAAA!!!” I squealed as I wagged my tail, burying my face in her neck.
“Dallas I thought we'd never see eachother again! I was so worried!” She squeaked out in a high pitched voice as she hugged me, tears rolling down her cheeks as she buried her face in the side of my neck, leaning her chin on my shoulder.
“D-did they hurt you? Were they mean?” I asked as I rubbed her back, trying to keep myself from crying. “I'm just so glad to see you again...”
“T-they locked me in that room... They kept throwing balls at me... They tried to catch me in a bunch of different Pokeballs... They locked me in the room and the Meowth from back at the Pokemon Center came in... He hit me in the forehead with a master ball... It hurt, so I shocked him, and he fell over and couldn't move. He started yelling, I didn't know what to do... I picked up the ball and hit him with it, and the next thing I know he got all red and was sucked inside it. I saw a red light blink on the front. I was so confused, I didn't know what to do.” She said as she looked down. “So, when the human came into the room and saw me with the ball... He tried to take it from me... But I wouldn't let him... And I swallowed it...” She said as she looked back at my face, her ears falling to the sides. “And then he started hitting me...”
“Who was it? I'll tear him apart...” I growled as a few sparks flew off of my cheeks. “Who was it?”
“Nono listen... He hit me with a plastic stick, then tried to stab me with it, but I grabbed it. He tried to pick me up with it but it broke, and I stuck the sharp part in his leg... He fell over, and I shocked him... And when he fell over, I jumped on him and bit his arm. He started yelling, but one one could hear him through the glass... I shocked him again and again, and he started twitching... And then I walked over to his head, and I whacked him with iron tail... I heard something break, and blood started leaking out of him...” She said as she looked down again. “And... They wouldn't feed me, so I was really hungry... I d-don't know why I did it... I got down on all four of my paws and I started licking up the blood... It tasted like metal, but... I liked it... I was really thirsty, so I lapped all of it up, and started licking where it came out... I didn't know what I was doing, I was just so hungry...” She whined.
“And you ate him?” Cammy asked as she walked over to her and patted her back, smiling. Electra nodded as she looked at Cammy, her ears perking up as she smiled. “My goal... I did it... I felt so proud of myself because I ate a human... But I also felt weird for doing it... Because humans aren't food-”
“Electra there's nothing wrong with that.” I said as I hugged her again, this time a little looser than before. “You SHOULD be proud of that. And like you said before, anything you can fit in your mouth and swallow is food, remember? Come on girl, what happened to the Electra I know? The one that devours anything she comes across and doesn't give half a crap who it belonged to, or what it was?” I chuckled as I let go of her, smiling as my tail began wagging again. “Besides, humans are meat anyway.”
“She's right here!” Electra giggled as she patted her belly, folding her arms and grinning. “And she's here to stay! You're right, anything can be food, and humans are made of meat, so they're definitely food!” she chuckled. “Speaking of food, is there any around?” She said as she tilted her head, frowning. “I'm hungry...”
“That a girl! That's the Electra I know!” I laughed as I hugged her again, before turning to Cammy and smiling.
“Wow, she really does eat like that huh?” Zeke said as he walked over to Electra and lowered his head, giving her nose a gentle lick.
“Ew, don't lick me.” She said as she swatted his nose, making a face. “It's your fault I got caught anyway... You jumped on me and wouldn't let me move!”
“Nono, I was... They were shooting things at us, and I was protecting you... I jumped on you because I was trying to protect you from getting shot...”
“Ohhh... Then why'd you just leave me like that so I could get caught so easily?” She asked as she folded her arms and growled. “And what was that loud noise?”
“That's exactly why. You see, your ears are a lot more sensitive than mine, so you can hear much higher pitched sounds. The whistle they blew was a high pitched sound. Humans couldn't hear it, but we could. The reason it didn't hurt your ears was because, like I said, yours are more sensitive, and since you can hear much higher pitched things than that whistle, compared to the highest pitch you can hear, the whistle was not very high pitched, so it didn't bother you a lot. My ears can only hear up to that pitch, so that whistle literally hit the limit of what I can hear, and it really hurts.” He said as he lowered his head. “You can hear much higher so it doesn't bother you...”
“Oh, well that makes sense... So then it was all Team Onyx's fault then...” She said as she reached out, gently touching Zeke's nose and giggling. “I'm sorry Zeke.”
“Nono, it's okay. I should be the sorry one.” He said as he bowed his head, smiling.
“NO. You're NOT starting this again.” I said as I pushed against Zeke's side. “She's mine.”
Zeke laughed as he turned around and began walking down the hallway. “So how about we like, get out of here?”
“Well I don't know where we are...” Cammy said as she followed Zeke, frowning.
“I do... We're underground somewhere.” Electra said as she walked beside Cammy.
“Well we all know that, but no one knows where we are in Team Onyx's place...” She frowned as she looked back at me. I smiled at her and made my way to the front of the group, dashing down the hallway and around the four or five turns, stopping and waiting at the staircase.
“Okay, this is a good time to mention this... So... I have like, excellent backtracking abilities...” I said as I made my way up the stairs. “I can lead us back to the purple place...”
“Blue place.” Electra corrected me, smiling.” It's blue with red light.”
“Yeah...” I chuckled as I pushed against the wall, opening the hidden door and walking out, holding it for Electra, Cammy, and Zeke, then letting it go and watching as it slid back into place.
“Well it's this way.” I said as I turned right, smiling as I made my way down the hallway.
“Well don't we have to go through the glass and get to the other side for something?” Cammy asked as she looked at it, frowning.
“NO!” Me and Electra both said at the same time, before looking at eachother and laughing.
“Poison gas comes out if you break it.” I said as I looked at it, frowning.
“How do you know that?” Electra asked as she looked at me, tilting her head.
“I saw it...” I frowned. “Like how I saw the thing in the car, and the thing back at the colony with Rice...”
“Ohhhhhh...” Electra giggled. “You're awesome!”
“Wait, maybe we can break it with a ranged attack, or a projectile or something...” Zeke said as we all walked to the end of the hallway. “I mean, I can hit it with a shadow ball or something from over here, then we can run. It will attract the attention of all the humans and Pokemon, and they'll all come running to this area, while we all run away.” He smiled.
“That's actually a good idea...” I said as I turned the corner, holding Electra's paw as he walked down the hallway. “You do that, then run over here once it breaks and we'll all get out and into the blue place.” I said as I pushed against the wall all the way on the other side, grunting as I opened it. I watched as Cammy ran over to us, just as Zeke opened his mouth, a big dark swirly thing forming inside of it.
“That's so cool...” Cammy giggled as Zeke closed his mouth around it and turned around, facing the wall. A split second later, he whipped around and flung his head to the side, opening his mouth and launching the ball down the hallway. He quickly turned toward us and began running, a loud bang echoing as the glass exploded. An alarm went off, and the red lights began to flicker. The sound of hissing could be heard from down the hall, and the faint color of purple could be seen coming towards us at the end of the hall, where the corner was.
“Fuck!” I said as he leaped out into the blue hallway, and I let go of the door, making sure it was in place before sighing with relief. “Now it's all trapped in there.”
“Voices...” Electra mumbled as she pointed down the hall. “There's voices coming from over there.”
“Yeah, I hear them too...” I said as I tilted my head, frowning. “Let's go, and fast.”
Nodding, Zeke took off running, me, Cammy, and Electra following behind him. I made a face as we got to the end of the hall. Zeke slammed into the wall, and it opened immediately. We all ran out, and it slammed back into place. As soon as we got out, the alarms could no longer be heard, and neither could the voices.
“I think we lost them...” Cammy said as she looked around.
“And ourselves...” Zeke added.
“No, because we never gained them, so we never lost them.” Electra said as she folded her arms. “So let's just walk around and go into random walls until we get out.”
“That sounds about right...” I said as I walked to the left a little and pushed against one of the walls. When it opened, and we all stepped inside, we were staring at a pair of metal doors. Frowning, I walked up to them and shoved my paws into the cracks, growling as I pulled hard, but they wouldn't open.
“It's stuck...” I said as I looked around, frowning.
“No look, you push the button.” Cammy said as she hopped up and pressed the button, a ding sounding as the doors slid open.
“Oh... That's awesome.” I said as I walked into the elevator, holding Electra's paw. As soon as we were all inside, the doors closed, and I looked around.
“Okay, why did we go in here?” I asked as I looked around, frowning. “There's nothing in here...”
“Watch.” Zeke said as he pushed a button with his nose. I looked down as the floor started moving, and I felt like I was going up.
“Whoa...” Electra said as she looked around. “We're going up!”
“Exactly.” Zeke chuckled. “I'm surprised the weight limit didn't go off when you got in...”
“What...” Electra said as she stared at him, frowning. “What does that even mean?”
“Nothing.” Zeke laughed. “It just means nothing.”
“She only weighs as much as a large human Zeke.” Cammy giggled.
As soon as the doors slid open, we all walked out into a dark room. There was a normal door in this room, and Cammy jumped up and grabbed the knob, twisting it and opening the door. As soon as it opened, we dashed outside. The cool, fresh air greeted my nose, and it felt wonderful compared to the stuffy, non-air conditioned air that was in Team Onyx's base thingy.
“So what now...” I asked.
“Well, we're nowhere near where we started... So... Let's hitch a ride or something.” Cammy said as she leaped into a bush. I frowned as I jumped in after her, followed by Zeke, then Electra. I made a face at Cammy as I realized we were now standing on the side of a road.
“We're going to get hit by big metal things...” Electra said as she stepped back toward the bush. “I'll... Just stay here with Dallas...”
“Well we don't get hit unless we're like, walking in the middle or something... As long as we stay on this side of the white line, we'll be okay.” I said as I took her paw, smiling. “Let's walk together then.”
“Well okay...” Electra said as she looked around, frowning. “Where are we?”
“Well I don't know the name of it, but I know where we are.” Cammy said as she looked around. “Let's go this way. Hurry up and cross.”
Zeke and Cammy ran across the road, and Electra stared at me, as if wondering if it was okay.
“Okay, our turn...” I said as I took her paw, smiling. “One, two... THREE.” I said as we both ran across, giggling. “See, that wasn't bad at all...”
“Yeah, it was actually kind of fun!” Electra giggled.
“You won't get hit Electra. You can always hear them coming, so you don't have to worry.” Cammy smiled.
“So... What are we supposed to do to get back?” Zeke asked as we all stopped, and Cammy smiled at us. “Okay, everyone get on Zeke's back and he'll carry us like before, and it will be faster. Hehe, and I'll give you a couple treats when we get there, if you know what I mean.” Cammy chuckled as she winked at Zeke, who wagged his tail.
“Ooooh treats are always good!” He said as he lay down on his belly, his tail still wagging. Cammy climbed on first, and I climbed up right after her, chuckling as Electra grabbed his tail.
“Hey cut it out.” She said as she tossed it to the side, crawling up ontop of his back and hugging me.
“Oof! W-what did you put on me?” Zeke asked as he struggled to get to his feet, but couldn't. “Y-you're all too heavy...”
“Nope, just me...” Electra said as she climbed down, sighing. “I'll walk I guess...”
“Ooh that's better...” Zeke said as he stood up, sighing. “I can move now...”
“Well this was a shitty idea...” I said as I hopped down off of Zeke's back and took Electra's paw. “We'll go our own way, and you two go that way. Yes, I know you two are probably going to stop and mate about twenty times before you get there, and so might we, but that's just how it's going to have to be.” I said as I smiled, my tail wagging. “So, we'll meet you there I guess... Not like we're in a rush anymore, so...”
“YES, that is TOTALLY fine with me.” Zeke said as he took off running. “We will MEET YOU THERE!”
“Knew it...” I chuckled as I watched him run off with Cammy on his back, laughing. “Those two don't even know anything about eachother...”
“Well I know a lot about you.” Electra smiled as she hugged me. “Let's get off of the long rock okay?”
“Um, yeah...” I said as I dashed across, smiling.
“Oh, COME ON Dallas...” She said as she looked down, her ears falling to the sides. “Come back and get meeee!”
“Err, okay...” I smiled as I ran back across the road, smiling as I took her paw. “Sorry Electra, I forgot...”
“It's fine.” She giggled as she licked my cheek, smiling. “One, two... THREE!” She said as we both dashed across the road. As soon as we got to the other side, she tackled me into the bushes, and we rolled around on the ground for a bit, laughing.
“Whoa, you really are getting bigger!” I chuckled as I hugged her tightly, smiling.
“Well the bigger the better, right?” She laughed as she got up off of me, smiling.
“Well Ben was a weakling, and still is, so...” I said as I smiled, sitting up. “You'd never crush me. I'm like, a lot stronger than he ever will be, and you'd never crush me anyway.” I laughed as I stood up, wagging my tail. “Hey look, the lake...”
“Hehe, why is th- Hey wait... Is that the same lake that's by the colony?” Electra asked as we approached it, frowning.
“Well I don't think so, but it could be... I mean, if we have to cross here, and then walk a little and cross again, why not just follow this to the end and see where it goes, right?” I asked as I looked around for something we could float on.
“Exactly what I was thinking.” Electra smiled as she picked up a piece of wood, smiling. “We can float on this!”
“That's way too small...” I said as I looked at it, frowning. “Where did you get that anyway?”
“It was just laying on the ground...” Electra giggled.
“Well we need something big to float in... Like those boats from before...” I said as I looked to the left. “Come on, we've got to go this way. Hopefully our boats are still there. I mean, I don't see why they wouldn't be, but...” I frowned as I took her paw in mine, smiling. “Let's go look.”
“Yeah.” She agreed, smiling. “I mean, I don't know where we're going, but if you say so, then we must be going the right way, right?” She smiled as she leaned against me. “I just missed you so much...”
“I missed you too...” I said as I leaned back against her, smiling. “A whole lot...”
As we approached the little cabin, I looked around, my ears falling to the sides as I didn't see the boats anywhere.
“Someone took them...” I sighed as I looked down, frowning. “Now what are we going to do...”
“Dallas look...” Electra laughed as she jumped through a bush, the sound of knocking coming from the other side. “Right here!”
“Oh yeah, I forgot about that...” I said as I pushed my way through the bush, laughing. “Well there's two here, and we only need one...” I said as I pushed one into the water, using my tail to push it out, grinning as it drifted away. “We don't want Team Onyx following us...” I said as I grabbed a hold of the other one, pushing it into the water and grinning. “Let's go.”
“Well that makes sense.” Electra giggled as she hopped into the boat, and I climbed in, using my tail to paddle us out into the water, where the current began carrying us downstream, exactly where I wanted to go, as far as I knew.
“Hey, last time the current went that way...” I said as I pointed to the shore that was getting farther and farther away as we drifted more and more. “And we were going like, really fast...”
“Well I can't even see the other side...” Electra said as she squinted, frowning. “Are you sure this is where we need to go?”
“Positive.” I smiled as I hugged her, laying down and looking up at the sky. “This is exactly where we need to be...”
“Well you'd know more about it, so...” She giggled as she lay down ontop of me, kissing my cheek. “How long is it until we get there?”
“I don't know, a couple minutes I guess.” I chuckled as I kissed her back, smiling.
“So, not enough time to mate?” She smiled as she licked my cheek affectionately.
“Um... W-well... Mating in a boat could be dangerous... I-I mean we can fall in... And stuff...” I said as I blushed, closing my eyes a little. “B-but w-”
“Yes I know.” She laughed as she sat up. “I was just wondering if you would...”
“Well of course I would, it's just that I don't want to put you in danger or anything...” I said as I sat up, leaning against her and smiling.
“Well we can sing or something...” She smiled as she hugged me, giggling. “Like that song about the... Um... The thingy...” She said as her ears fell to the sides, and she sighed, looking at me. “I forgot the name... But I know the words...”
“Nono it's okay.” I chuckled as I patted her back, smiling. “Let's just watch the water and stuff...”
'Yeah, maybe we can see Magicarp!” She giggled as she looked over the side, frowning. “That's not a Magicarp...”
“What is it?” I asked as I looked over the side, frowning. “What IS that?”
“I don't know...” She said as a few sparks flew off her cheeks. “I'm going to shock it...”
“Nono, you might make it angry or something...” I said as I looked behind us, frowning. “What IS it though...”
“It looks like Squirtle...” Electra giggled. “Like two Squirtles.”
“Oh yeah... Well I like Squirtles, so we should leave them alone.” I chuckled as I looked ahead, frowning. “Wow look, the two lands are coming in like, really fast...”
“Yeah, the lake's getting smaller...” Electra giggled. “Or the land is getting bigger...”
“No, it's just that the lake is emptying into a stream... And streams are smaller than lakes.” I said as I looked around, frowning. “But, doesn't it look kind of familiar?” I asked as I looked over the side, frowning.
“Well duh, we're at the colony.” Electra chuckled as she leaped over the side of the boat. “Meet you at the shore!” She laughed as she started swimming.
“Heyyy...” I laughed as I leaped in after her, swimming up to her and giggling. “Are you sure we're at the colony?”
“Yes I'm sure.” She said as we approached the shore. “Look, pawprints.”
“Oh yeah...” I said as I climbed up onto the shore, smiling. “You're right...”
“Told you!” She giggled as she got down onto all fours and shook herself off, smiling.
“I guess you were right...” I said as I shook myself off, chuckling. “By the way, did you see Ben there?” I asked as we started walking toward the tall grass.
“I thought I already told you I saw him...” She said as she frowned. “He was the one that told the human to get the ball away from me... And he was the one that locked me in that room in the first place... He said that I'd never get free, and that no one would ever find out he worked for Team Onyx and stuff... And that's why he wasn't that excited when we brought him home the green paper...” She sighed. “He's an ass... If only I'd eaten him when I had the chance...”
“Yeah, if only I hadn't told you not to...” I sighed as I looked at her, frowning as we walked through the tall grass. “But don't worry, you WILL get another chance. You can count on it. As long as I'm with you, you'll get another chance... And we'd might as well start your training right now, because you're really going to need to get mean with him if you want to teach him a thing or two.
“Ohhhh... Heheheh... You don't KNOW how mean I can get Dallas... How mean I can get to those that are mean to me... How mean I can BE to those on my LIST... My menu, as you call it... He pulled the last strand of fur, now I'm going to tear him apart... NO ONE locks me in a cage without food!” She growled as she rubbed her paws together. “He wants to act all tough while he has all his little buddies to back him up? He wants to lock me in a cage and starve me to death? Well that's fine. But when I'm kicking his ass, there won't be ANYTHING you can say or DO to make me stop.” She said as she smushed her paws together, a few sparks flying off of her cheeks.
“I WON'T say anything to get you to stop.” I said as I patted her back, smiling as we jumped through the bush, winding up in the backyard, behind the pool. “If he wants to treat MY mate like shit, then HE deserves to be treated like shit too.” I snarled as I punched the palm of my left paw, a few sparks flying from it. “He's just LUCKY that I'm not the one giving him the beating...”
“Nono, because if you did it, you'd kill him in one hit... The way I'm going to do it, is I'm not going to hit too hard, because I want him to suffer. What I did before was NOTHING compared to what's coming!” She said as she ran up the hill, and I followed her close behind. “He thinks he's all that, thinks he can get away with not feeding me... Thinks he can lock me in poisonous cages like that... Well he can't.” She said as she ran up the stairs and into the little door flap thing. “I'm going to get him, and I'm going to fuck him up.” She said as her tail disappeared into the little doggy door. I just stood there outside, chuckling as I walked up the stairs and pushed my way into the little door flap, grinning as I heard Electra running up the stairs.
“Oh, hey, you're back! Awesome! I knew you could do it!” Kevin said as he got up off of the couch, smiling. “Where's Cammy and Zeke?”
“Coming...” I said as I pointed outside the door I'd just come in. “They're probably mating somewhere to tell you the truth...”
“Um... Okay I don't know what you're saying still...” Kevin laughed. “Well they're alright, right?” He asked, smiling. I nodded, and he gave me a thumbs up, smiling back. “Well then there's nothing to worry about, right?”
“Right.” I said as I nodded again. “I have to go with Electra, so I'll be back later.” I said as I turned around and ran off, dashing up the stairs and stopping at the entrance to my room.
“He's not there.” Electra said, frowning. “But when he gets here, he's dead...” She said as she growled a little, then grinned. “And he's going to hate it...”
“Hehe, awesome...” I said as I hugged her, my tail wagging. “How about we like, take a nap or something while we're waiting?” I said as I walked over and hopped up onto the bed, chuckling. “I mean, it's been a long... Half of a day for me, so...” I said as I lay down ontop of the blankets, smiling as Electra hopped up and lay down beside me.
“That's a good idea. So I'll be stronger when I go to kick his ass.” She said as she rolled over and giggled, snuggling up against me.
“Hehe... Exactly.” I said as I placed my right paw on her belly, smiling as I closed my eyes. “That's exactly what I was thinking...”
--END Chapter Twenty Eight.--
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Chapter Twenty Eight - The Great Escape
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