Current Track: Blabb

When I awoke, Electra was already awake, underneath me. As soon as I saw her eyes open, I planted a nice long kiss on her mouth. “Mmmm...” I said as I licked all around her tongue, and she licked around mine. When we pulled away, she looked right into my eyes.

“That was great... Last night... All this time we've been holding back... And why...? That was simply amazing...” She said as she stared into my eyes, smiling as she held her arms around me.

“Ohhhh... Your eyes are so beautiful Electra... I can see them shining in the light...” I said, trying to change the embarrassing subject, even though I knew that was she'd said was completely true. I could also tell that she was focused on something else, and I was trying to get her attention.

She made a face. “But we're not making any light.”

I looked toward the doorway and realized what she was looking at. “Oh, hi Claw.” I said as I stood up, holding out my right paw for Electra, who took it and stood up, leaning against me and purring softly. I nuzzled her, and she licked me.

“Electra I love you so much.” I said as I kissed her nose.

She leaned against me harder, her arms around me. “Dallas... You're such a good mate, you know that? You mate so well...”

I blushed. “I-I do?”

She nodded. “You did very well. I've never mated before, that was my first time... And It felt great! If that's how mating with you feels, then I want to do it again sometime soon.”

I blushed and licked her nose. “Me too... That was also MY first time... And you felt wonderful...” I said as I kissed her mouth softly. “The first time is supposed to be really special... And to spend my first time on you... Makes it so much more special for me... I'm glad you were my first Electra, because it doesn't get any more special than you.” I smiled as I tried to be all romantic and stuff.

Clawstrike coughed. “Well, I can come back at a different time... As I can see, you just mated last night, no?”

We both nodded. “We did, and we BOTH enjoyed it.” I said as I nuzzled her once more.

'Yeah, no need to come back later, now is perfect. What did you want?” Electra added. “I mean, it's not like I'm going to dive ontop of him and hump his brains out or something. Dallas just woke up, I just GOT up, you just got here, so what's the point in you leaving?” She laughed.

“Not like I'd be disappointed if you did...” I mumbled.

Clawstrike looked at us. “Well I just wanted to stop by and tell you that it's breakfast time. If you want, you can follow me out, or try to find it yourselves to get the experience. Your choice.

Electra's belly growled. “I bet we can find it... After all, I have strong senses when it comes to food.”

I chuckled. “And that's the truth...”

She laughed and patted her belly. “You'd better believe it is!”

Strike chuckled. “Well I'll just be going now. You sure you'll find your own way?”

She nodded. “I will.”

He nodded back. “Alrighty then, I'll be off.” He said as he turned around and made his way into the tunnels. “Oh, and don't follow me. I already ate, so following me will get you farther away from the room you're looking foor. Again, good luck.” He smiled.

I smiled and walked out into the tunnels. “You'd better take the lead.” I said, smiling. She nodded and walked out in front of me. “This way.” She said as she took off running down a tunnel. Shrugging, I got down on all fours and took off after her. “You sure?” I asked.

She laughed. “When it comes to food, I'm always sure.”

I chuckled. “That, I can believe.”

After some turns and bends, we ended up in a room that was empty except for a few Pikachu, and it was full of berries, apples, bananas, lemons, everything that grows on trees, it was there. Including some things that didn't... I spotted a cinnamon bun in the wrapper still, a couple boxes of things, a box of cereal, cans of soup, and other random human things. What, did they raid a store or something?

I picked up a can of ravioli, and held it out to Electra. Of course she recognized it immediately, and grabbed at the tab on the top, ripping it off and snatching the can away from me. As soon as the can was open, one of the Pikachu in the room ran over to me.

“THE NEW GUY AND HIS FEMALE CAN OPEN THE HIMAN THINGS!!!” He yelled. Electra began gulping down the ravioli as fast as she could before everyone got there, probably so that no one could take it from her. After about half of a minute she had it all down her, and just in time too, as Clawstrike entered and walked up to us.

“So... You two can open the human things?”

I nodded. “Yes, we know how.”

Clawstrike's face lit up as I said this, and he patted my back. “Well why didn't you tell me before!?”

Electra shrugged. “Why would we say that? What, did you just expect us to walk in here following that Pikachu and just say “Oh, we're mates, we're planning to mate soon, we can work hard, kill enemies, eat them, oh, and we can open human stuff.” If that's what you expected then you're just weird. There's no way that would be brought up in a normal conversation.” She smirked.

He chuckled. “I see what you did there... Good point...”

Licking the can clean, Electra put it down. “DONE!” She said as she licked sauce off of her paw. Clawstrike stared at her and tilted his head to the right.

“Did you just eat that whole thing... And in less than like... A minute?”

I nodded. “She does that...”

Electra chuckled. “Yes, why? Did you want some? Well then you'll have to go inside me and get it.” She grinned.

Clawstrike shook his head. “Nono... We can use someone like you... A good eater... We have a lot of good eaters here... But nothing like this...” He said as he walked over to Electra. “And yet you keep on eating...” He said as she picked up an apple and bit off a chunk and swallowed it whole, then took off another and did the same, getting the apple down in five big chunks.

“I mean, just look at her... I don't even think I could do that... She just downed an apple in five gulps, without even chewing it!”

I chuckled and picked up an apple. “That's my girl...” I said as I bit into it.

Clawstrike looked down at me. “I'm serious. We could really use someone like her...”

Swallowing, I frowned. “What fo-”

I was interrupted as I was tackled to the ground. “OPEN THIS! I WANT TO GET THE MEAT OUT!” Someone yelled as they shoved a can in my face.

Pushing them off, I stood up. “What the heck... No need to tackle me over a can...” I said as I pulled off the tab and opened it, then handed it back. Immediately he ran off, and someone else shoved one in my face.

“Well, I can see you're quite busy right now, so I'll talk to you later then.” Strike said as he walked off and disappeared into the crowd. Opening the can, I sighed. “Here.” I said as I handed it back. The next Pikachu walked up, a female, and held out a pack of beef jerky. “What do I do with this? I can smell food in it, and no one else can. They think I'm crazy...”

I chuckled. “You're not crazy, I smell it too. But promise me you'll give me some after I open it, I love this stuff.” I said as I grabbed the package by the ends. It was a rather large bag, and I guessed it was family sized or something. She nodded and I tugged at the ends, eventually opening the bag. Once it opened, my nose was flooded with the scent of beef jerky, and in my opinion, this was the best kind of meat ever. Instantly, I found myself drooling on the floor, and I quickly wiped my mouth with my free paw. Blushing as the female gave me an odd look, I took out a couple sticks and handed her the bag. “This... Is the best meat you will ever taste.” I said as I bit into one of the sticks. She tilted her head as she took one out and bit into it. I could see her eyes light up as she chewed on it, and she hugged me.

“OHHH I LOVE IT!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!” She said as she ran off with it.

I spent the next ten minutes opening random things, when Electra pushed through the crowd and dragged me away. “Come on... I have to show you something...” She said as she carried me into a tunnel, and all the way into our room, putting me down on the leaves and laying ontop of me.

“Ohhh I love this place!” She said as she kissed me.

I kissed her back and chuckled. “Me too...” I said. “What did you want to show me?”

She licked my cheek. “That was just an excuse to get you out of there. Let's check out the place, eh?”

I nodded. “Yeah, let's.” I said as I nuzzled her. She chuckled and got up. “Let's go.” She said as she helped me up and ran into a tunnel. Following her close behind, I stared closely at the back of her as she walked. She was so beautiful, so pretty... The way she walked...

“I don't care at all if you stare at me Dallas. I love you so much, you can do anything you want to me.

\I nodded, not even blushing this time. After all, it WAS the truth, right? “Yes Electra... I feel the same way” I said as I nuzzled her tail. She giggled and playfully wagged it in my face.

“You seem to be so interested in my tail Dallas.” She said as she placed it right on my muzzle. I shook her tail off.

“It's just different than mine, that's all.” I said, giggling.

“Oh, well I have no clue where we are.” She said as she turned left and went down a different tunnel.

“Well let's just turn down a couple more tunnels, get ourselves even more lost.” I chuckled.

She frowned. “Hey, we're getting somewhere eventually, right?”

I nodded. “Yeah, true...”

Eventually, we began hearing voices again.

“See Dallas? We're almost with the others, no need to worry.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I guess so, but it smells different.”

She giggled. “Yeah, it does smell kind of different, but there's still someone in there”

I nodded. “Well, it might be the Raichu pla-”

As we entered the room, there were only three Pikachu, and dozens of Pichu. Electra stood up and her eyes widened.

“Um, can I help you?” One of the Pikachu asked.

“Ohhhhh!!! They're so cute! We have to have one of these Dallas!” She said as she picked one up and hugged it.

The Pikachu shook her head. “Sorry, these ones aren't up for adoption. We're just watching them.”

Electra kissed it and put it down. “Noooo... I meant HAVE one, as in... You know.”

The Pikachu nodded. “Ooooohhhhh... Like that... Well then, go for it if it's what you really want.”

She frowned. “Well it's not the season anymore...”

He nodded. “Well then... I guess you two will have to wait. Either that or adopt one from the other room.'

I tilted my  head. “Well let's go check out this other room then.”

The Pikachu nodded. “Over there.” He said as he pointed to a tunnel.

Me and Electra walked toward it. “Thank you.” She said as she crawled in.

“Yeah, thanks.” I said as I followed her in. Not long after, we wound up in yet another room. Not as many Pichu in this one as the other one, but there were about ten Pikachu in here.

“This is different.” Electra said as she picked up a Pichu. It immediately hugged her and didn't let go.

“See? He likes me. We should keep him.” she said as she hugged him back, rubbing his back a little.

“Maybe later Electra, let's look around more.” I said as I tried to get the Pichu away from her, but it didn't want to let go, and neither did she. “Okay okay, we can keep him, but not now okay?” I said, finally giving in.

“YAYYYY!!!” They both squealed, and I chuckled.

“Well, someone's happy I see.” I said as the Pichu let go, and so did Electra, the Pichu climbing down her and standing on the ground.

“Well let's go check the rest of the place out, shall we?” I said as I took the lead and entered a tunnel, Electra following as one of the Pikachu waved to us.

“You know, I'm liking this place more and more.” I said as I turned left.

“Yeah, me too.” She said, nudging my rear.

I chuckled. “Hey!”

She laughed and did it again. “What?”

I sped up and walked faster, finding myself outside, Electra coming out behind me.

“Um... I didn't notice the light...” I said as I looked around, seeing a male Pikachu's tail poking out from behind a tree.

Electra nudged my side. “Well I did, and I figured you knew it was there.”

I didn't pay attention to what she said, I was too busy looking at the tail. “Come on.” I said as I slowly walked toward the tree.

Electra frowned. “Why? What's he doing over there?”

“Exactly.” I said as I crept closer and closer. I could hear him whispering now, but couldn't make out what he was saying. As I walked up to the tree and peeked over to the other side, I saw him with his mouth wide open, holding a Caterpie over it. The Caterpie was squirming and making odd squealing noises. I made a face, waiting a second to see what he would do, when Electra walked out in front of him.

“Um... What are you doing?” She asked.

The male immediately closed his mouth and lowered the Caterpie. “Um... I wasn't doing anything at all... What makes you think I was doing something?”

Electra chuckled and snatched the Caterpie. “Well, first off, you were about to eat this, and second off, you were doing it wrong.”

I made a face. “There's a wrong way to eat?”

The male frowned. “Doing it wrong?”

Electra chuckled as the Caterpie relaxed.

“Yeah, see, you have to... Well...” She tossed it into the air and caught it in her other paw. “Well... It's kind of hard to explain, but I'll try my best.” She said as she licked it. “Now... Watch closely...” She said as she looked up at the sky. “Like this.” She said as she tossed it into her mouth and immediately swallowed it down.

The male made a face. “Hey, that was mine! And that's kind of what I was going to do anyway!”

Electra chuckled. “Well you'll have to find another now. I just made up that excuse so I could eat it, and have you watch me.” She laughed.

I took a step back. “You... Eat those...?”

She laughed. “Of course I do, what DON'T I eat??”

I shrugged. “How am I supposed to know?”

“Well, wander around I guess... You'll find something like THIS.” She said as she pointed to the male and chuckled.

“Well I am not weird at all!” The male said as he ran off.

I chuckled. “Yeah, that's not weird at all...” I said as I turned around and took off after the entrance to the colony. “What the heck was that all about anyway? I asked how I was supposed to know what you don't eat and you pointed to... Nevermind.” I laughed.

“Going back in?” Electra asked as she ran ahead of me, but I darted inside first.

“Hey!” She laughed and pushed me.

I wiggled and laughed. “Hey!” I said as I wandered into the tunnel to the right.

“About three minutes later, a Pikachu darted out of a turn and skidded to a stop, almost hitting us.

“Whoa there! Meeting in the main room! Follow me!” He said as he darted out to the left.

Shrugging, I followed him and Electra followed me. I was not used to running in a tunnel, so I almost fell a couple times. Electra seemed to be good at it, and giggled every time I almost tripped.

“Is there a need to run?” I asked, as we entered the main room. Everyone was crowded inside, and a Raichu was standing at the front. It appeared to be Clawstrike, but I wasn't sure.

“”Everyone listen up!” He yelled, and immediately everyone went silent. “Good. Now as most of you know, we've received two new recruits this week.”

“THAT'S US!” Electra yelled as she grabbed my right paw and held it up in the air, raising her right paw and waving it around in the air. “We're the new ones!”

“Yes, you.” The Raichu said as he pointed to us. “They're the ones that can open the human stuff. So, like I was saying, you all must know them by now, right? And as almost ALL of you know, they know how to open human things. Which is another reason you should all know them by now, or at least have HEARD about them... Well, I've noticed that in each one of the human things, there is something very good, something like meat, or chewy stuff, but it is all good and food nonetheless.”

“Yeah, all food is good! Even things that aren't food are good, like rocks! And um, Ratattas!” Electra said as she grinned, looking around the room.

“You eat rocks and Raatta...” I mumbled as I looked at her, tilting my head. “Now I'm wondering... IS there anything she DOESN'T eat?” I mumbled to myself, perking my ears up as she answered my accidental question.

“Scat.” She said as she grinned, folding her arms. “And Muk and Gloom.”

I perked my ears straight up as she said that. So does that mean that she even eats dirt? Grass, humans, other Pikachu?

“ANYWAY!” The Raichu boomed from the front of the room. “Now, if we had known this sooner, I assure you we'd have a great amount of human things in the eating room, and we'd definitely be able to survive through the winter, without anyone going hungry.” He paused, then continued seconds later. “Which is why we are all taking a trip to the human place. The place we got all of that stuff from. Except this time, we are ALL going. Take whatever you can get your paws on, and run back here with it. Do NOT let any humans follow you back! Do whatever you can to take them out. If one of them tries to stop you, fry them. Do anything you can to get this food! If we are to fail, we will NOT make it through the winter. If everyone makes two or three trips with a descent amount of things in their paws, we'll have plenty of food to survive off of. But we're going to go all out with this and grab as much as we can! Do I make myself clear?” He asked, looking out at the crowd of 'Chu.

There were many nods, followed by various cheers and squeals.

“SILENCE!” He yelled, and once again, everything quieted down.

“Now, Us Raichu will be the leaders, and o-”

“HEY!” Electra interrupted. “Speaking of leaders, why isn't RICE up there giving this announcement? Why is it always YOU doing the leader's stuff?” She asked.

“Because Rice is lazy.” He laughed. “Rice is the leader because he's the most powerful, and that alone is what keeps him the leader. He's a dick if you ask me, and if you ask the rest of the colony, they'll agree with you. I'm supposed to be the real leader, but I can't defeat Rice in battle. No one wants Rice as a leader, he's a-

He was cut off as Rice kicked him in the leg, growling.

“Anyway...” He continued. “Us Raichu will be in the front, and obviously the Pikachu follow us, but we have to fan out! If we walk in a line, we will be easy targets! Everyone follow me!” He yelled as he went through the tunnel behind him, the crowd following him.

Rice spoke up now. “I will be standing guard at the entrance, and if any humans are to come by, I will give the signal. When you hear it, it's like me ordering you to return to the colony at once, and you are to do just that!” He said in a loud voice.

I made a face. “What luck, back of the line for us.”

Electra giggled. “Yeah, but not for long.”

I frowned/ “Well, I'm not so sure we should do this with them... I have this really bad feeling...”

Electra nuzzled me under my chin. “What's the matter? Do you see how many of us there are? Nothing can go wrong! We are unstoppable!”

I smiled as she nuzzled me. “Yeah, I guess so... But I still have a bad feeling about this...”

Now the line started to move, and eventually, we exited.

“Now, we will form a line like this!” He said as all the Raichu stood side by side, some Pikachu gathering neatly behind them. “Good, good. Now everyone take the formation!'

As we got into line and started moving, I began feeling nervous. “Electra, I have a really bad feeling about this...” I said as I shivered a little, to which Electra  placed her paw on my shoulder.

“Dallas... Relax...” She said as she rubbed my shoulders a little.

“I just can't help but have this feeling that something terrible is going to happen...”

We walked for about ten minutes before we got to the edge of the woods.

“Okay! Now get into formation! Make a line, and charge inside! Grab whatever you can, and kill anyone that gets in your way!!” Clawstrike said as he pointed to the Pokemart across the street. “One... Two... Three... GO!” He yelled as he charged towards the Pokemart, followed by the rest of the Raichu, and then all the Pikachu. Clawstrike broke open the door with an Iron tail, and everyone rushed inside. Luckily, the store was empty, most likely closed for some reason.

“ALRIGHT! TAKE EVERYTHING YOU CAN AND GET OUT FAST!” He yelled as he darted inside, followed by the rest of the team, me and Electra going in last.

I turned to face her. “Well, you know what to look for, I know what to look for, so meet me where the milk is ok?”

She nodded. “Okay, I'll be there.”

Without another word, I pushed past the crowd of Pikachu and ran to the beef jerky. I grabbed up as many packs as I could and ran off to the milk section. Electra was in there taking out a gallon of milk, and I ran up to her.

“Can you carry that? We have to go!”

She nodded as she carried it in both paws. “I got it. Now let's go.”

Running through the aisles, we ran out the door and across the street, back into the woods, and to the colony. When we got there, there was a team of Pikachu that took our supplies and brought them inside so we could quickly go back and get more.

As we ran back to get more, Rice was standing in the doorway, looking out for humans that might come while we are taking things. As I walked into the store for the third trip, I began hearing sirens. Rice gave the signal to clear out, and panicking, I grabbed whatever was in front of me and made my way to the place where the milk was. By now, I could hear the sirens clearly, but I didn't see Electra anywhere. I heard the faint sound of a gunshot, followed by the blurry vision of a Pikachu getting hit and running away. I just stared at the Pikachu as it ran through the woods. I couldn't make out who it was though, or even if it were real... As I blinked my eyes and shook my head, I took ahold of reality and realized that the vision was false, because I was just standing here staring at milk. I turned and darted for the door, and when I ran out, the cars had parked outside the Pokemart, and humans were pouring out of them. When I got into the woods, I turned around and watched them once I knew I was hidden. And that's when I saw a bolt of lightning strike one of them, and Electra knock him down and jump over him, running as fast as she could towards me. She was holding something in her mouth, something shiny. I recognized it immediately as a set of keys. As she got closer, there was a strange banging noise, and she sped up, leaping into the woods and dashing past me, looking back at me for a second, then continuing. When I saw that she was okay, I darted off, following her, when she suddenly tripped over something and fell forwards.

Quickly, I ran up to her and dropped what I was carrying. I held out my paw for her to grab, so she could get up, but she did not reach up for it. Instead, her eyes teared up and she made an attempt to reach up for it, but made a squealing noise, and lay back down. Now I'd noticed that her leg was bleeding, and I got down onto all fours to look at it.

This was no wound that she could've gotten from tripping. I yelled out for help, and tried to pick her up, but she was so heavy. I managed to pick her up, but I was slow carrying her to the colony. About halfway there, Rice ran into us.

“There you are! I've been looking for you two! What happened?”

He held out his paws and I gave him Electra. “Whoa, heavy one. I'll take her, you go get the things you had.”

Nodding, I ran off to go get what I was carrying. When I got there and picked it up, I took a peek at the Pokemart. There were many humans all around now, and I knew they were investigating. Turning around, I ran for the colony, when it hit me.

Electra wasn't hurt because she tripped. That bang... Then she fell shortly after... Realizing what had happened, I stopped walking. I didn't want to believe it, but it was true. She was shot! And I saw it before it happened!

---END Chapter ten---