Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Probel Rings


I exhaled and shook my
head. Shifting my attention upon the clipboard settled upon the desk before me,
I pondered in annoyance about the decisions we had made for the case we were
on. As I pondered about it, I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around.
Meeting the eyes of Kyro who rose his paw high towards our faces and spoke
rather in silence. “I found this lying upon the streets of Vaster." “What is
it?" I questioned him, lowering my eyes from his face towards the object at
hand. He seems to be holding a ring with a yellow jewelry overtop the surface
of the ring. It sparkled in our eyes, though there was no light that would
reflect upon it however. I stared at it in silence, shook my head and turned
around speaking to him. “We should not play with others' objects and personal
treasures, who knows that they will ask for it back." “But Ling," I perked my
ears while he spoke towards me, “This is the lizard's who was screaming and
running across the roads of Vaster." “Oh yeah…" I trailed in answer and
gradually turned towards him, nodding “Him. Say Why was he running? From whom?
Or to whom?" “No idea yet." He stated.


A long day washed over us
with the sun still hanging in the blue skies above the buildings of Vastertown.
It was warm for a bit however. The sudden cold had rushed through our fair town
dropping the temperature down drastically as every reptile and dragon was
forced to wear any winter clothing. Currently, it was perhaps somewhere within
the evening. Rays of light washed upon the surfaces of the roads, buildings and
some other places that we would never talk about however. With lamps already
turning their lights automatically, I figured night would approach very soon. I
stared at the clipboard in silence, thoughts popped into my mind. Filling my
brain to the brim in wonderance about the cold case we have. As I clenched my
claws growling in silence, I heard backward footsteps. Figuring that Kyro had
already stepped far enough from me in fear of my anger. But I never showed it
to him.


For instead, I rose my
head. Turned around towards him and spoke out upon the silence looming over us.
“We should go then." “Towards the next site?" Kyro questioned me, I nodded in
answer. “Indeed. We got two clues anyway right off the bat." I explained to
him, Kyro nodded afterwards. A small smile appeared upon his face and snout
while he turned around and heed towards the door with me following closed
behind. After we returned towards the cold air outside, I shivered when it hits
my scales as I had remembered that I forgotten my winter clothing to keep
myself warm. Kyro already knew then and smiled, nearly laughing. But I just
glared at him while we spread our wings and take towards the skies above. We
started heading Westward where we had last saw the lizard running straight
towards somewhere. As we had arrived upon our destination, I spotted the other
officers. All gathered around upon the roads. Their heads were facing one
another; expressing anger or pleased faces. I watched them for a moment from
the air but Kyro tapped me upon the shoulder, shaking his head in silence as he
dive below to meet the rest. I exhaled a breath before following close behind
him. Hitting the roads after as the others turned towards me.


“So. What do we got? The
same three?" I questioned everyone, folding my wings as I spoke with all eyes
staring upon me. The response was a silence which I grumbled in answer. Though
with narrowed eyes at each of them had them speaking out, spilling whatever
they had upon their minds as Kyro jolted everything down for me. Zander and
Natty claimed about a trail that the Lizard had left behind as he was running
straight towards a destination. But it had disappeared after a long time of
twisting and turning about which had me curious as to what the lizard was doing
however. As I thought about it, I turned my head towards Ozkun and Takaki; both
of which said about an opened box. Inside was nothing except for a mixture of
gray, orange and white fur which had me startled about it. Just as I was about
to pressed for information about it, Kyro shut me down and instead scribbled
the note about it before shaking his head again to repeatedly silenced me as I
narrowed my eyes towards him.


A short pause of silence
had came despite me grumbling after the red dragon. Then, Kyro nodded his head
towards me as I spoke out in turn. “Ozkun and Takaki, check out that box. Or at
least bring it to the station for analysis." “Is it not the fox's fur?" “But
the lizard is the only one present upon the Canidae Realm." Zander countered
immediately, glancing over to Ozkun who said nothing but a nod. With the black
dragon's satisfaction upon the sudden silence hitting us again, I turned to
Zander and Natty ordering them to follow the trail leading straight towards a
destination where the lizard was. All four dragons nodded and saluted at the
same time. Before spreading themselves out and carrying their orders in turn.
After all four had left us, I turned towards Kyro who mirrored me. Another
pause of silence came between us before I opened my mouth and jolted an arm
towards the ring that was upon Kyro's claws. “Say…" I trailed, pointing towards
the ring in question, “Should we figure out who does that belong to?" “We
already knew its the lizard's. What more could we do?" Kyro said and I nodded
my head in agreement before speaking out.


“Go with Ozkun and
Takaki. I will head with Zander and Natty." “So basically a split between us
huh?" Kyro chuckled, before spreading his red wings as I grumbled at him in turn.
Never saying anything in the silence after, “Just go." “Sure." He answered me,
fleeing Northward where he disappeared from my sights. Seeing him go, I decided
to head Southward to catch up towards Zander and Natty whom perhaps are already
at the destination at most.


Arriving well into the
southern parts of Vaster, I landed upon the rooftops of one particular
building. I stared out into the horizon; never realizing that the sun had
already sink. Disappearing from the skies and leaving behind the darkness that
followed after it. There were stars shone in the skies; twinkling about with
nothing for care. A silent breeze washed over my scales as I breathed it in for
a moment before flying off once again. I heeded through the rooftops of many
buildings, watching as their lights flickered from the rooms they were
stationed in. Illuminating the rooms and perhaps the outside roads, sidewalks
that touches them too, I flew passed each. Smiling warmly as I stared upon the
grounds below me. For sooner than I had suspected was upon my arrival at the
destination; where upon reaching it, I spotted Zander and Natty already hanged
up upon a tree branch. Discussing something between themselves while one of
them was holding binoculars. I had decided to join them and rapidly flapped my
wings as I approached the branch that they were on.


Startling Zander as he
nearly dropped what he was holding; he glared at me in silence with Natty
looking rather surprise about my arrival. I turned towards them, asking about
what they had gathered so far. Natty was the first to speak; chirping rather
excitedly as she explained everything to me. Allowing me to catch up to speed
into whatever things they were planning to do. As I found myself nodding back
towards them, Zander handed the binoculars to Natty and turned his head towards
me, pointing towards the building that was in front of us. “How are you suppose
to get a lizard out of his hiding spot? We had suspect that there might be a
trap inside." “That you might be right however." I concluded with a confirm
nod. A gut feeling I had upon arriving onto here with small to little evidence
we got and gathered around Vaster. I had suspected that Zander and Natty were
feeling the same too. “So have you stayed here all evening just seeing if the lizard
would come out?" A nod came from then. I exhaled a breath, but smiled all the
while while raising a claw and pointed towards the rooftop upon the building
before them, “Its better if you gather yourself at the rooftop. That way the
lizard will not be able to see you at all." “Think the lizard might come out
then?" Asked Natty, I shrugged.


“Worth a shot." Zander
muttered but perhaps towards himself. As he and Natty lifted themselves off
from the branch with their wings, heeding forth towards the rooftops before
them where they had landed afterwards and turned their sight towards me. I
remained where I was. But a wing spread eased their anxiety a bit as I saw them
calmed down; hanged their heads and glance at the roads below them with silence
following closed behind. I took this time to ponder about the clues that we had
as my mind returned to the thoughts that lingered in my mind. I had remembered
about the ring that Kyro had. I wondered if it had belonged to the lizard
himself. 'How would he drop it involuntarily?' I pondered that thought as my
head shook suddenly. I continued arguing with myself for as long as I can
remembered. But stopped so suddenly when the walkie at my waist started coming
to life. With static at first as the voice of Kyro spoke through; “Hey Ling.
Remembered the fur that Ozkun and Takaki had said before? It is confirmed to be
fox fur. Additionally, there were hand prints upon the surface of the box.
Analysis had claimed this must be that lizard." “Did the Lizard murdered them?
Shave their fur and made them bare? Or was it something else?" I asked,
“Something else." Kyro stated, “Ozkun claimed the second option. Believing well
that the foxes that lose their fur was held somewhere." “Guess it might be here
then." I muttered towards myself, yet Kyro took that however.


“Should we gathered by
your area?" Ozkun questioned so suddenly into our conversation that it had me
startled; Zander and Natty flinched but remained in silence as I watched them
peel themselves off from the edges of the rooftop and towards the center. Their
ears were stretched, listening into something that they were so intrigued in
that it had caught my attention, “Ling?" I heard my name from the walkie as I
pressed the button; calling off a regroupment and flew towards the rooftop
again. I called out towards Zander and Natty; but they seemed to be preoccupied
with something. So I ran for them. Hitting their shoulders with my claw as they
turned towards me; blinking. “What?" “You guys alright? You seemed entranced by
something." “Faint music." Zander answered, flapping his wings again as he
stood more firmed before me. “Nothing to worry about." “That is something to
worry about however." I answered, looking rather concern at the black dragon.
As he scowled and hardened his face, but remained silent in answer. Shaking his
head before reaffirming his statement again. I exhaled a breath and refused to
continued on the conversation as I watched the two officers do about their
business however.


“Kyro, I guess it is
better for you three to come." I answered him again, taking up upon his offer
while Kyro spoke towards me in response “You should say that towards Ozkun." He
chuckled, I rolled my eyes annoyed. But said nothing else while Ozkun followed
up with an answer, confirming me. Another pause of silence had came as I turned
my attention back towards Zander and Natty. Watching them move about; shuffling
along the scales of the rooftops as their ears were pointing downward,
redirecting their attention towards the below underneath them. I shook my head
in answer, yet my thoughts came up again as something what Zander had said made
me think or ponder over his statement. For as I rose a claw up towards my chin,
I turned around and heed towards the edges of the rooftop. Stopping after I
leaned forward and glance at the grounds underneath me. There I spotted;
something upon the windows. A black rectangular box that was on its side.
Speakers was to its right. Upon the surface of the box lies a white large space
with black numbers and letters overtop of it. Below them were black thin lines
that stretched towards the center of the white box. Hitting another line. It
almost resembles some sort of timeline almost. Something that I never saw
beforehand however.


As I found myself tilting
my head in curiosity about it, I turned my head over my shoulder. Glancing back
towards Zander and Natty whom were still preoccupied with whatever that they
were doing. I called out towards them. They turned back in response; though
silence was upon their snouts as eyes were redirected towards me. I motioned
for them; they ran forth towards me. Leaning forth as they spotted that same
devices hanging by the entrance door. Zander grumbled, “So that was what
bothered us." “A radio?" I questioned him, he shook his head “No. Some kind of
anti dragon device. Perfectly used to entrance any dragon so the client will be
able to do what he or she needed to do. Whether it was to gather 'ingredients'
or something else." At the word 'ingredients', he stared blushing and gazed away
from me which had me confused. But I shook my head and returned my sights
towards the black rectangular thing below us as I spoke “Back up is coming, do
you have a plan in place Natty and Zander?" I questioned them both. For a small
period of time, neither of them spoke out in response as I turned to them and
raised a brow. The next few seconds in silence did not help either and I found
myself groaning at them; shaking my head as I spread my wings. Preparing myself
to set the plan in mind I had in place, yet I was stopped by a claw.


For I turned towards
Zander who tapped his head; he started smirking as he raised his claw towards
the side of his head, tapping it as I grew worry for him. But nonetheless never
stopped him from launching his plan forward instead of mine. Zander and Natty
heads towards the back and front doors of the building with me hanging by the
side. Mainly because there was a hidden emergency escape door there. I
questioned him onto his logic of it; knowing first hand that there were only
two doors. One of the two is an emergency. But he shook his head following me
pondering before he went on to resumed the rest of his plan. For towards the
end was when he fell to silence was the time that the pink dragoness growled at
Zander, outbursting to the air surrounding us despite the faint music below
trying to cover our conversation. Thus an argument ensures between the two of
them as they get closer to one another; faces enacted with growls vibrating
from their throats. I saw the argument and decided to get between them. Setting
my claws upon their chests as the two said dragons turned onwards me. Glares
and scowls were upon their snouts and faces; but I narrowed my eyes. Snapping
their anger attention before it remained in silence.


“This is not working at
all." I facepalmed answering Zander as he frowned at me. Then shook his head
and glance away with his arms crossing overtop of one another. Another silence
fell upon us and upon that time came reinforcements. Kyro, Ozkun and Takaki
came and arrived upon the building; landing their feet upon the grounds as
their wings were folded behind themselves. With Zander muttering something
again while watching Kyro, he turned towards me and saluted while I motioned
everyone in response. Another plan was in place. But this one was my own, for I
knew that I could not do this alone. Not without some help and covering our
bases and steps in capturing our culprit at the time.


Into the fields of
darkness we entered as the doors behind us closed and locked following one
another. We stared at the surroundings; taking noticed of the darkness in front
of us. I heard Ozkun shivered and shifted uncomfortably in position as he
continued glancing upon the doors behind us. But I kept him front, shaking my
head as I lead on. My heart felt heavy and beating rather fast. Though I had
suppressed all thoughts inside my mind, I could not shake the feeling about the
failure that this risk of an operation might bring to the surface. Still, both
me and Ozkun moved ahead. Heeding down the steps of the floor underneath us as
we avoided staring at the empty shelves, carts and among others however.
Instead, we stared at the horizon where a rectangular square hanged from the
ceiling above. No LCD apparently.


We lowered our eyes from the
square; shifting our attention to the two paths. Both ways head into a
destination we were not familiar with however. I turned towards Ozkun,
insisting into seeing what he would pick. But was rather surprise that he had
taken the straight ahead path ahead of us which takes us through the glasses
and such. I followed close behind. Thoughts in wonder about his decision into
take the straight as I shifted my attention towards the sides; gazing at them
with ponderance over my head. We entered through the glass and stared upon the
glass boxes and cubes that scattered around us. Some maybe most were stacked
overtop of one another that a single tip of either me or Ozkun would tilted the
entire thing over. We continued walking through the piles of glass, shifting
and glancing our attention towards different cubes and boxes. Noticing with
interest about the contents found inside of them as I looked worriedly at them


“Ozkun." I whispered, he
froze and faced me. A neutral look upon his face as silence loomed over us. It
was only a short while however before I gathered the words stringing them
together before spitting it out towards him. “We should be careful." “Why did I
decided for us?" Ozkun questioned me which had me startled suddenly as I
remained frozen. Still looking at him, he answered for the both of us and
perhaps the silence too which held its breath. “Because, its obvious what that
lizard was going to do with the two paths." I tilted my head to one side,
confused into what he was saying. But he shook his head; before turning around.
For this time he took the lead ahead of me and continued walking on through the
glasses and boxes about. Till he disappeared from my sights. I held onto his
words, pondering what he had meant by that. But the walkie crackled with
Zander's voice speaking out towards me, “You know Ozkun is correct in that
statement however. Most common officers and civilians would take either path to
heed straight towards the center of the store that you two are in." “What does
that mean?" I exclaimed, with mixture of confusions and some other things
surfacing from my scales.


A short silence came
before I exhaled a breath. Shook my head before running through the fields of
glasses and boxes about, till I caught up towards the dragon before me. Ozkun
turned his head to meet my eyes; a small smile reappeared upon his face. Even
though the silence remained between the two of us. As I nodded to him, Ozkun
remained still which allowed me to take over at least for the time being.
Scanning around the area that we were in; I had noticed that Ozkun had taken us
into a dark fields that was full of clothing hanged upon the rack, some glass
boxes still lingering around and some other things too. Staring ahead, I
spotted a flicker of light washed from the lamp above it. It illuminated a part
of the ground where the clothes surrounded it. As a thought lingered in my
head, I leaned forth and whispered towards Ozkun. “Hey. There is a single light
illuminating there." “Yet no one is there." Ozkun continued, shifting his
attention to me with worry. I looked worried too as we remained still, staring
down onto that light as it continued flickering.


There were some time
before footsteps had brought me to attention and I turned towards Ozkun who
found himself walking forward. Intrigued by the silence and the single light,
he walked straight to the light source and planted his feet in silence while I
raised my walkie. Pressed the button and spoke, “Second." Silence followed
afterwards while I dropped my walkie to the ground, Ozkun turned his attention
towards me and raised his shoulders. “Nothing." He mouthed before I heard
something clattering behind me. Quickly, I rose my pistol into the air. Flipped
around and glared behind me. But all we saw was the glass boxes and four golden
coins scattered about. I motioned my claw towards Ozkun who entered into the
shadows again. Followed me down a short distance before we split apart;
snatching a pair of coins of each as we turned towards one another.


The four coins were real
and made of gold. A four set clover was imprinted upon the sides; a large
circle followed and after that was a crescent shape moon. We found ourselves
staring at the coins; though our minds were still upon the objective at hand.
As Ozkun questioned me while he turned around and heed straight towards the
lamp source again, I wanted to object and have him stay close. Remembering a
morality lesson from somewhere about greed. But I remained motionless and
curious as to what would happened next. For thus as he stepped upon the light;
he flopped to the ground. Unconscious. I was startled that I bursted into a
run. Straight for him. I dragged his body out from the light and well into the
darkness before his eyes opened up so suddenly and he turned towards me. A click
emerged upon the shadows as the light behind us disappeared which left me and
Ozkun to ourselves as I turned towards him.


“What happened? Do we
need to do the second?" Zander's voice yelled from the walkie. “Where are you
two? Answer! Ozkun? Ling?" That voice faded out as Ozkun rose to his feet. Same
with me. We walked retreating from the shadows of the interior building. Back
towards the frontal doors where the rest of my unit was awaiting for us. Yet to
my surprise, I found Zander tackling me to the ground growling lowly in
response for the silence that submerged. Ozkun exclaimed, yet no voice remained
passed his lips as he found himself staring upon both me and Zander, he
muttered to the black dragon. “Nothing happened. We got the wrong addressed. Apparently
the lizard was found somewhere else instead of here." “At the mall?" Zander
questioned Ozkun who answered back in turn, “No. The cursed store apparently."
He stated pointing to the building name behind us, Zander followed his gaze and
widened his eyes in shocked, “You mean…" “You got the wrong address, Zander."
Started Ozkun as he glared at Zander.