Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Old Pilas


Night had fallen whereas
the stars shone above us. I was outside, staring onto the blank skies upon the
rooftops. Claws grabbing tightly upon the railings in front of me. Silence
filled my entire surroundings as I exhaled a breath and frowned for the moment
in time. I had felt my heart beating for quite some time that I never knew if
it was just the silence or something else as a matter of fact. Yet despite it
all, I still exhaled a breath. I turned around from the railings and leaned
myself backwards into the rails behind me. Feeling the cold touched upon the
scales of my body. I only shivered. But remained still as the door opened
before me.


I rose my eyes high
towards the horizon; glancing at Zander who emerged before my sights. A silence
filled himself with his eyes darting straight towards me. For only then that he
smiled, I smiled in response, stating nothing as Zander walked up towards me
and spoke.Breaking the silence surrounding us. “Yang wants you at the room
currently." “Already and at midnight also?" I responded without hesitation,
still staring at him in silence with the black dragon nodding his head
responding to me again, “Yeah." “Alright. I will be there then." I exhaled a
breath, shifting my attention to the darken horizon behind me for one more look
before departing from the rooftop alone.


I walked through the
rooftops; opening the door and headed inside. Descending the stairs until I
reached the first floor below me was when I reached for  the silver door that was in front of me. Onto
then was when I grabbed onto the doorknob and pulled back the door. Allowing
myself to entered right in. It was pure darkness inside however. Yet I can see
perfectly fine with my eyes glowing in the darkness surrounding me. There were
others here too so it had seemed; all having mixed responses towards my arrival.
Yet I was silenced as my eyes were kept towards Yang who remained silence all
this time. We had maintained eye contact for a short while before she parted
her lips and spoke to everyone present.


“Here is a map. The
circles are the rocks. The X marks are the signs. You are to find that hidden
base and expose it for the canines to raid it. Intel said that this secret
meeting spot is very short and will end upon the morning's crack of dawn.
Dismissed immediately." “Are we not going to use weapons and equipments for
this-" “I said 'dismissed'." Growled Yang glaring at Zander while Kyro and
Natty shift their attention towards me who nodded back towards them afterwards.
We all departed from Yang immediately; out upon the doorstep of Yang's office
where we had gathered for the time being. I glanced over to Ozkun whom had
swipe the map from Yang's nose for the time. A faint smile appear upon his
snout, although he seemed to be brushing perhaps in embarrassment or something.


I motioned everyone
forward. Taking the lead as we headed down the length of the hallway, down more
stairs and into the first floor where Ozkun laid out the map in front of us. We
all glanced towards the map in silence. Not one peep came from any of us as a
matter of fact. With all eyes staring at the map, I noted indeed that all
circles were rocks, all marks were signs and I frowned onto this. Following it
with, “Ozkun and Murjur. Take the map and stay here for the time being. Direct
us as needed." “Sure." responded both while Kyro looked up towards me, I
narrowed my eyes upon my main group, growling at them “As for the rest of us.
We need to figure out what these rocks and signs are. They appeared out of
nowhere apparently." “Guess that means we will take the rocks from the north."
Kyro responded, grabbing Natty at the same time. “You and me will take the
south then." Zander said, pointing towards me. I nodded acknowledging him. But
stay silent afterwards.


Shortly onto that
silence, we departed from HQ building. Our wings were spread and felt upon the
cold crispy air surrounding us. Me and Kyro take a long deep breath before
exhaling afterwards while a small faint smile drifted in and out from our
scouts in silence. Thus I turned towards the other three. “Alright. Everyone
set then?" A collection of nods came, “Split." I ordered and we all fled into
the air, splitting apart from one another. Like ordered; me and Zander headed
south with Kyro and Natty heading the other way. We grew apart from one
another; far from the building we were upon as the morning sun drifts from the
horizon, rising high to cover the dark skies with its light. I flapped my wings
and smiled; Zander ignored me for some reason and kept his eyes up front.
Staring down onto the horizon before me. But before either of us could go
forward furthermore, I issued a command towards the black dragon as he stopped
immediately and turned towards me.


“We stay here." “At this
spot?" Questioned Zander with a tilt of his head and I nodding responding to
me. He said nothing but dropping himself down onto the grounds below; landing
as he folded his wings in silence and glanced around onto his surroundings. I
followed him down. Stating nothing too as I had landed adjacent to him however.
“Find anything about?" I questioned him, he shook his head frowning. We were
upon the isolated street. There were no other vehicles or dragons or reptiles
here. Yet the buildings were taller than us then beforehand. I shift my
attention towards the crossroads at either side of the road; glancing upon the
green signs that point to a particular street. Several random letters appeared
upon these signs. Although I could not make out with it because of how far we
are from them. I did noticed the rocks that was planted there. Adjacently to
the signs however.


Onto that was when I
nudge Zander and he shifted around; glancing at the same direction of where I
was looking at. Raising his eyes, he noticed the rocks and the signs. His mind
instantly flashed back onto something which I had presumed was the map as he
shifted towards to me and spoke, almost exclaiming “That is part of the map!
Where there is a cluster of marks and circles intersecting one another." I
nodded my head and we walked forward to the clusters of rocks and signs in
front of us. When we stopped immediately was when we hanged our heads; Yet I
dropped to my knees and glanced upon the ingrains of the rocks however while
Zander raises his head and glance towards the signs. There was something odd
about these rocks. For there are no words imprinted upon them. Additionally, no
pebbles or dusts were upon the flooring too. “This is odd." I muttered to
myself, catching attention to Zander as he glanced down towards me in silence.
I just waved him off.


Instead of words, an
arrow was imprinted upon the rocks. “Same with the signs apparently, Ling." I
heard Zander spoke in silence while I raised my head up towards him. Glancing
at the signs also before nodding my head at him. “Indeed." I managed a whisper
perhaps to confirm what Zander had saw or something while I take another look
towards the sign and the rocks once more. The rocks showed the arrow was
pointing towards the right. Towards the road over to my right side. I glanced
over to the right then glanced back to the rock again. Before raising my eyes
to the sign, noticing how the sign was also pointing in the same direction to
for some reason. Upon this, I spoke with Zander as he glanced over to me. “Come
on. We should see where these two right arrows point towards." “Perhaps towards
other rocks and signs too?" Questioned Zander with me nodding back towards him.
We departed from the pair of rocks and signs immediately, following the arrow
down the road towards a new intersection then where we had stopped immediately


Towards my right were the
same rocks and signs; in the same position as the previous pair behind us.
Zander was a bit surprise by this. But remained straight face as he stepped
forth towards it and tilted his head towards the side. His eyes were in contact
with the rocks and signs as I cough towards the black dragon, he turned towards
me and spoke almost certain, “These arrows ingrained upon them were pointing in
the same direction." “Towards the right?" I questioned, Zander nodded his head.
I frowned; but walked up towards his side. Raised my head high and glance
towards the sign in silence. Indeed, the arrow was pointing in the same
direction of what odd reason too. It was never a conscience however either and
I frowned again, heart pounding in my chest while my thoughts circled around my
mind in wonderance of what we should be doing. Yet Zander always answered that


“We should report this
straight towards Yang. She had the right to know this." “Indeed." I responded
almost immediately, a departure of words from my mouth as I just responded to
whatever the black dragon was stating. Although in his sense, I had noticed
that he had his eyes widened for a brief moment before it disappeared as he
raised his walkie high and speak. “Yang. We found arrows pointing in the same
direction. They were pointing to the center of the town. What do you want to
do?" A pause in silence had came before the static followed the pause. After
which came a voice, but it was not Yang however. Instead, Kyro responded to our
call “You guys have the same issue? Same with ours. All the arrows are pointing
left. Heading straight down towards the middle." “What does that mean." I heard
Zander whispered, then glanced towards me while I raised my shoulders. Stating
nothing in silence.


Lastly, Ozkun came into
the conversation and spoke to both of us, “Both of you are stating that the
arrows are pointing here?" “No. Just the middle line of the town." Responded
Zander which two clicks came as acknowledgement before silence as Zandere turned
towards me, I exhaled a breath before speaking to him “We should gather
information and find out why these arrows are pointing in the same direction."
“Think it must mean something?" Questioned Zander and I shrugged again before
turning around and walked. Retracting our steps down the road; back towards the
first pair of rocks and signs that we had encountered. Upon which we had
stopped; I drew myself closer towards them and crouched again before leaning
forward. I take a long hard look upon the rock and sign. Studying the arrow
that was ingrained upon it. There was silence for a long while before I
shattered it with my own words; turning towards Zander before saying to him.


“The arrows come with
instructions." “What?" He said in disbelief. But I turned the rock over onto
its back. Pulling it from the grounds of which it stands on as a loud thus
erupted the peaceful silence surrounding us. Below it were indeed a set of
instructions. But like the arrow, it was another drawing. More clearer this
time than the initial however. “That is a drawing of a computer." Commented
Zander, still shocked but excited at the same time with me nodding at him,
faintly smiling. “Indeed. Now what secrets do they have?" “And what computer?"
Zander added while he pressed the button again before relaying the information
gathered back towards Ozkun again. A pause of silence had came and I rose to my
feet and walked towards Zander, hanging my head to glance at his walkie. First,
static had came before Ozkun responded to both of us “Got it. Indeed Ling you
are right. They are ingrained into a computer. I saw a bunch of keys sporting
the same symbols as you both have stated." “Are you in then?" I questioned,
“Indeed I am."


“But first things first
however." Ozkun responded, cutting me off completely just as I was about to
press Zander's button onto his walkie, 
“While you guys have stated about the ingraining symbols upon the
computer, Kyro and Natty reported about placements upon their however." “
'Placements?' “ “Indeed." Responded Ozkun in kind, “From west to east onto the
Northern side of Vaster; were this. Middle and bottom which is 'first and
second' and Middle and top 'First and third'. “Wait. That perhaps have something
to do with the length of the middle road." I blurted out, making an guess that
seems to be out of this world however. Another pause had came when Zander
glanced back towards me and shook his head afterwards and in response while I
just frowned towards him and the walkie in turn. The walkie, however, created a
pause as if pondering about what I had blurted out suddenly. Then came alive
again responding to me, “You could be right. I will tell Kyro and Natty to go
check that out." “We are already on our way into checking it." Interrupted Kyro
with a small smile, shocking Ozkun while me and Zander just laughed.


It was a short laugh
however. Soon that faded out into the surrounding silences while I just shook
my head, faintly smiling for the time being. With Zander glancing at me, I
nodded my head responding to him in silence before saying “We should head back.
Maybe join in with Kyro and Natty for aid into the middle ground
investigation." “Alright." Commented Zander as he and I spread our wings and
flew off for the short distance between us. However, in that moment in time; we
heard something crackling behind us which forces us to turn around and glance
towards the source of it. Sparkles had came from the lampposts of the road we
were upon. The building's lights within flickered on and off at rapid paces.
Shocks and disappointment were the main responses to these causes while I
frowned, Zander scratches his head as we watched the power goes down.


“You guys are seeing this
right?" Immediately came Ozkun's voice, Kyro gave his two clicks. Zander
followed with his own. Ozkun exhaled relieved that we were alright as he spoke
confidently again towards us, “Find out what was the cause of them." “Should
you be investigating with us also Ozkun?" Questioned Kyro as a pause of silence
had came before another two clicks had came. “I am coming too." Yang remarked
suddenly. There was a pause in silence; me and Zander kept eye upon the blacked
out buildings and lights that now surrounded us. I frowned. So did Zander.
While we had pondered over how this blackout had happened and created,
including the source and who committed the cause too; we turned our attention
towards the source of the voices. Spotting already Kyro, Natty, Ozkun, Murjur
and Yang as they all gathered around us.


All eyes were towards me.
I stated nothing to them. Yet my eyes were upon Yang who frowned but nodded in
silence; as she stepped forth in front of us all. She turned around and glance
at the black out in front of us and frowned suddenly. “Did any of you figure
out why we got ourselves a blackout?" “Told us to gather here." responded Ozkun
which Zander just glared at him. Ozkun ignored him and focused his attention
towards her as the latter nodded her head glancing to me afterwards, “Well?"
“We should investigate the cause. Find out why. But at the same time, we need
to protect that map and information that we had gotten from the sources
surrounding Vaster." “Right." Cursed Ozkun with a frown, remembering about the
map and all the drawings made upon which. As he attempted to depart from us,
Zander had already stopped him and shook his head suddenly before speaking “You
should stay here. I will go." “Stay safe." Zander nodded before departing from
us as Yang gave a nod towards me and immediately departed from my presence.


Everyone else except for
Ozkun committed the same cause as I find myself staring towards him in silence;
he just looked to me and stated nothing in turn. For his lips were sealed; yet
his eyes were directed towards me. I exhaled a breath and closed my eyes;
turning away from  him in response before
glancing down the road that was in front of me. With Natty and Yang heading
rightward, into the alternative roads where they had disappeared from my sights
and Kyro already heading the opposing way. But landed a few inches away from
where we were; glancing at the different rocks and signs in front of himself. I
motioned to Ozkun and flew off further south as the latter nodded his head,
tailing me.


There were a lot of
panicked at the homefront it had seemed. Reports were given straight to some
electric company that was perhaps far from where we are. With fainted sirens
and other emergency noises fading in the distance, we fled southward. Landing
after a while as Ozkun frowned and glanced around himself. Wondering why we
were here instead of everywhere else where everyone was however. I turned
towards him; but departed my eyesights towards the surrounding elsewhere again.
Glazing down onto the rundown of the roads and the buildings too. Somewhere
deep within the southern of Vaster, closest to the plains that separates Vaster
and Virkoal Forest was where we are. “You really think that the source of it is
here?" Worth a try." I responded, glancing back to Ozkun who frowned, but
nodded following it as we continued walking by.


Indeed, the buildings
were a bit rundown. For no one had decided to live here anyway. Broken
buildings, shatter windows and dirty rotten old roads was what surrounded us
instead of the newly invested Vaster upper North however. We still continued
moving for the time being. Going further from where we had landed until we had
stopped. For in front of us was a large gray box. Strapped in with yellow
stripes that wrapped around it. It was not opened for some reason however. But
we never cared if it was as we walked towards it. I immediately kicked it and
something hummed from its source. “You were just looking for a back up
generator huh?" “This is the only one that was working at the time." I
remarked, having nothing else to say for the matter as he gave a nod. Departing
from the generator and leaving for upper North where the other officers and
Yang had gathered. Somewhere upon the roads.


For a long time after
searching, the gang had concluded about something. For just as we had arrived,
Zander was the first to greet us as he held his head high from the grounds
beneath themselves, smiling faintly as me and Ozkun looked a bit worry towards
them. And it seems to be not just him; but the others as well. Al gathered
around the map in front of them. Pointing and arguing amongst themselves about
something as Zander stepped over to Yang and tapped her shoulder; she raised
herself to her feet glancing towards Zander pointed over to both of us. Yang
followed him, smiling faintly at us in response. I just waved at her,
acknowledging Zander as we joined in onto the group. “What have you found?" “A
generator at south of Vaster. Unworking. So we had kicked it instead." “Guess
it hurts?" I gave a nod. She only smiled faintly before laughing; or rather
chuckling towards herself. It had caught the attentions of others as they
turned towards  both of us. But shortly


“I know where they are!"
Exclaimed Ozkun which startled everyone as we all glanced towards the blue