Current Track: Blabb

My shoes were rustling the grass with each step I take, as I was looking for Jessie.

I don't understand what's going through her head.

She still didn't want to tell everyone the reason why she left her home. Heck, I'm sure that she never told anyone that she's a rich girl. Only I know it. So, why won't she just tell everyone what she really is?

What she keeps answering for the reason why she ran away, is that her life's complicated. Saying to me once that she sometimes hated her life and found it annoying. But why really? For being rich? I'm thinking that there's more to it than that now.

She hasn't told me everything ever since I ran away with her. I want some answers and I'm going to get it. If she's sad, then she should at least tell me and let me help her. At least, let everyone else help her. I mean, I told her why I ran away, so I think it's only fair if she told me why she ran away too.

I do care about Jessie after all.

As I was pushing a low tree branch out of the way, my stomach started feeling butterflies again and I stopped where I was at, trying to remember what caused the butterflies. I'm sure it was Jessie, because I'm worried about her.

And I like her.

I continued my trek through the woods, my butterflies still fluttering within me. And for about ten more minutes later, I saw that Jessie's sitting on a rock not far away from where I'm at. Her head looked like it was hanging low, like she's upset.

I held a pity look for her. Something's really making her sad. I need to talk to her now. I turned myself to walk toward her. Pushing some bushes out of the way in the process.

I walked up to her, sitting on a rock and she heard me and looked up from her depressed state. She didn't appear to be crying, which it's good.

I gave her a comforting smile and asked, "Hey....Are you ok?"

Jessie however, didn't smile at me and she hung her head again, looking down at the grass. She sighed, "Not really."

My smile went away and I just frowned at her. Jessie sighed again and tried to shoo me away with her hand, "Brandon, just let this go. I'll be fine."

I shook my head slowly, "Jessie, I don't want to leave you. You know that I want to help you."

Jessie insisted without looking at me, "I'm fine."

"No, Jessie. You're not fine. You're upset and I want to know what's bugging you."

She repeated it with a little more sternness in her voice, "I said, I'M FINE."

I asked her while shrugging my arms, feeling a bit frustrated, "Why can't you just tell me? What's so bad that you can't tell me?"

Jessie finally took her gaze off the grass and onto me. She said this with a narrowed look, "Because I'm rich. That's what's bad."

I frowned at her again, "Well I know that you're rich, but what's bad about it? And...You said to me that you sometimes hated it and you found it annoying. So why? What's bad about being rich? I thought maybe you would like being rich, not everyone gets to live that lifestyle."

Jessie shook her head, "Brandon, I don't want to get into it."

I got closer and I placed both hands onto her shoulders. Saying this in a low voice, "Jessie what is it? What's really bad about it? Why do you want to leave your life, really?" I crouched a bit in front of her, my face just inches from hers now, "Please, just talk to me. Don't you trust me?"

Jessie nodded a bit, "I do trust you, it's just-"

I cut her off, "Jessie, I'm a good listener, I mean, don't you know that I care about you and so does everyone else, including Frankie?" Jessie nodded again, while taking a deep breath and letting it out. I said this to her, "Look obviously you don't want to talk about it with everyone else, then at least talk to me. If it's THAT bad, then I won't tell anyone. Alright? Now please, tell me."

Jessie glanced away as I removed my hands off of her. Jessie said this with a bit of a depressed look, "I don't want everyone to know who I really am. I...I don't want everyone to think differently about me."

I titled my head, "What do you mean by that?"

Jessie let out a breath and said this, "Brandon, you don't know what it's like living this way. Living the life of being wealthy. Living the life that your whole family has a lot of money. I just feel frustrated so much, I feel like I....I want to be normal."

I giggled and gestured to her, "What are you talking about? You are normal."

Jessie turned her head to me with a fierce gaze, "No, I mean....NORMAL. I want to live a normal life, just like everyone else, live my own life. I...I just want to be a girl. A normal girl."

I stared at her and she asked me this question, "Brandon...Do you ever hate your parents?"

I shook my head, "No way. I mean I hated mom because of Gerry, but I don't anymore. And before dad died, I never once hated him."

Jessie let out a disappointed huff, "Well I hate my parents. Hate them so much, that I resent them."

I shook my head again, disagreeing with her, "No, you don't. You love them."

Jessie started glaring at me, "You don't get it."

I started pressing her, "Then tell me what is it, that I don't get."

Jessie's glare melted away and she said this, "My parents don't care about what I want. All they cared about is their plans for me when I graduate from school." She shook her head to herself and went on, "My dad's just this owner of a big cell phone company and not to mention a big game hunter, and yet he has a daughter that he plans on taking his place. When she's done with school."

I raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about?"

Jessie said, "My dad didn't even ask me once what I wanted in my life, all the hell he cares for is what he wants. He wants me to take his place in his corporation. But...I don't want it. He just...Doesn't get it. Doesn't even get me."

I asked, "What about your mother?"

She let out a huff, "My mother's the same way, only a bit different. She just treats me like I'm her best friend, than her daughter. Actually, they both treat me like I'm a princess, than their daughter." Jessie looked away from my gaze, "And I know what you're going to say, that they probably called the cops on me. But they only want me back, so dad can still have his legacy in his place. They don't get me and they don't care about what I want. I don't want to live like them."

I had a pity look for her, "Oh...." I trailed off, since I don't know what to say to that now.

Jessie looked at my face and continued, "I hate living the rich life. I feel like I'm a prisoner and I feel like I don't belong there. I don't feel normal. I've felt like I belonged someplace else." She waved a hand, "And every time I talk to anyone outside my prison, even in school, I still don't feel normal. I don't feel connected with ANYONE."


Jessie put on an angry scowl, "Because when people know who I am, they don't treat me like I'm normal, like them. They just treat me like I'm some person with money. Hell even the guys and girls back at school, want to be with me because I have money. They don't treat me like I'm their friend." She had a sad look now, "Even when I'm kissing a guy, I don't feel like that person loves me. That they'd think I'm just a beautiful, sexy girl with money and I hate it. Not to mention annoys me."

She shook her head, "I didn't feel happy in school all that much. And I hate everything in my life. So that's why I ran away, that's why I want to start a life for myself."

I let out a sigh, "That's not fair. To you pretty much." I put a hand to my chest, "I know that you're rich and I don't treat you like that. I never had."

Jessie nodded with a happy gleam in her eyes, "I'm glad that you didn't." Then her gleam went away, "But why do you think I never told anyone else here yet? Because I don't want everyone treating me differently."

I shrugged with one hand, "Jessie, nobody would treat you differently. Frankie and the others are your friends."

"But I'm afraid if they do know, things would change between me and them."

I was just shaking my head, "No, no way. No one would never treat you that way, if you did tell them. They're your friends."

Jessie shut her eyes tight, "I don't want to lose anyone, especially Frankie. I...I really feel connected with everyone here. I feel normal now, than before."

I let out a breath, "Jess listen, you won't lose anyone. Not even me. Not even Frankie, not anyone." She opened her eyes as I told her all this, "Because let me tell you something, what everyone in school thought about what you are and what they really wanted from you, that's bull. They just didn't see you as a girl and that's their fault for that. Because you still look like a normal girl to me, I don't even care if you're rich or not. I see you as a girl. A normal girl."

I let out a small giggle, "I mean, Wayne and Amanda are as nice as they come. They may not be rich, but they wouldn't care if you're rich or not. They'd still like you for who you are, not what you are and as for Frankie and the other dragons." I waved her off, "I'm sure that there are no wealthy dragons in the dragon city either, but they wouldn't care if you're rich either. They wouldn't even see the point of being rich. They all see you as Jessie. Even Frankie does and he cared about you as his best friend."

Jessie only stared at me and I said this, "I know that you hated your life, but you left that life now and you don't need to worry about it. And as for your parents...I think that the reason why they wanted you to take your father's place in his spot at his corporation, is because they didn't believe you could even live a normal life. But you are now and it's with the dragons. In their city."

Jessie slowly started to smile at me and asked, "You really think so? You really think I'll still have my friends?"

I nodded, "Yeah. And about your parents...Maybe you shouldn't stay mad at them forever. Maybe you should just give them a chance, just this once. Maybe even forgive them, if you want. Because I'd bet if they knew that you're living on your own, not living under their roof, they wouldn't force you to do what they wanted. That they would let you live your life. A normal life. They may even stop treating you like a princess from now on."

Jessie slowly got up from the rock and stood right in front of me, her smile on her face, "You know...You really are different than the other guys that I was with. You don't lie to me about what you think about me and you don't lie to me about how you really feel. You don't care about my money and you really get me. You're....Like me."

I shrugged both my arms and giggled, "Hey, we were both prisoners and we spread our wings and left. We both had reasons to leave, and there's no shame in it. We both spread our wings and just took off, like we're dragons. We both have our new lives now and that's that."

Jessie slowly glanced down at her own feet, "Hey Brandon."

I lowered my head a bit, trying to look at her face with a curious look, "Yeah?"

She looked back at me and said, "When I was with so many guys back in school...I don't think I ever really loved them. I thought I had loved them. But...I didn't feel it. And..." She brushed her hair off her shoulders and shyly said, "When I think about it now, about you, what I feel when I see you...I think I....I..."

I asked in a whisper, "What?"

Jessie and I only peered into each other's eyes, not looking away at all. Then after a few moments, Jessie started to lean her head toward mine, slowly closing her eyes. Until Jessie gave my cheek a kiss and then without anymore hesitation and nothing to interrupt us now, she planted her lips to mine. Sharing our first kiss together.

My eyes went wide at that. Oh my god! It happened! I closed my eyes too and tilted my head and started kissing back. Jessie's mouth started to part way and I started to feel her tongue touching my lips. I opened my mouth too and her tongue started entering in my mouth, deepening our kiss. Our tongues were now touching each others and Jessie moaned a bit.

I placed both hands to her head, one is on one of her cheeks and the other one is brushing her hair, my fingers trailing through strands of her blonde hair.

While we were kissing some more, a small part for some reason was telling me to stop. I jerked back away from Jessie and only muttered one word to her, "No..." I turned my body away from her, only she's looking at the side of my face. I had a bit of an unsure look on my face.

Jessie had a confused look on hers and she asked, "What's wrong?" She placed a hand to her chest, "Did...Did I do something wrong?"

I didn't know what to say to her, no words were coming out of my lips at all. What's going on with me? I thought I wanted Jessie.

But now...Something in me is telling me otherwise.

I even touched my stomach, thinking that the butterflies would come back. But...They weren't.

Why? Do...Do I not really love Jessie after all? And I was thinking about someone else more than once? I didn't love Jessie and I thought I did?

What's the matter with me? I wanted this for a long time, but now suddenly...I don't.

Am I going crazy?

Jessie pressed me, with a worried look now. Thinking that she did something wrong, "Brandon?"

I didn't look at her, still didn't say anything to her. Jessie said this with panic in her voice, "Brandon, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I...I thought you wanted it and-"

I raised my hand and started shaking it in front of her, not looking at her at all, "No, it's not you. It's...Me."

Jessie asked, "What's the matter? Don't you want me?"

I lowered my hand to my side and said, "I need to go." I started to walk away from her, my confused thoughts still getting to me. I looked back for a second and saw that Jessie's watching me stroll away, I looked ahead and kept pushing on.

While I was strolling, I still felt confused.

Do I not love Jessie?

If I never did, then who?

Who else do I love?


Frankie was just wide awake still, while laying on his stomach. His eyes trailed from Wayne to Sebastian to Cody, as they all were sleeping for the night. The camp fire was about to burn out, as the flame was just flickering.  Amanda, Neal and Rain have went off in the woods somewhere.

Amanda and Neal did tell me that they were going for a walk together and as for Rain, she said that she wanted some time alone before she goes to bed.

Frankie let out a sigh as he looked at the direction that Jessie strode off to. He had a worried look in his face. Jessie...

I hope that you're okay. I really am.

Then his chest started buzzing and his face went wide with surprise. He let out a quiet breath. I really do love Jessie after all.

Guess, it's no wonder I'm real worried about her. Because she's more than just my best friend. She feels more like a mate to me and she doesn't know it.

Jessie really doesn't know my secret. And I just don't want to tell her.

I don't want to lose her, because of me.

He looked up at the stars. I wish you weren't a human, Jess.

I love you and I can feel it buzzing in me.

You were the only thing that I have ever loved. A drake like me loving you.

Ancestors, why didn't you make her into a dragoness? Why did you not make her into a dragon, like me?

She would've make a good dragon, I always pictured it.

I've tried to brush those feelings away throughout the afternoon, but...I don't think I can.


He heard footsteps rustling on the grass behind him and he turned his head to look over his shoulder and saw Jessie emerged from where she came.

Frankie put on a smile for her and said, "Hey, Jess. You came back." Then he frowned, "Where Brandon? Thought he'd come back with you."

Jessie was smiling a bit on her face, as she came up to him, standing beside him now, "Well Brandon has walked off somewhere and where else was I going to go?" She spread out her arms, "I don't have anywhere else to go anyways."

Frankie lowered his head to her level, gazing straight into her face and asked with concern, "Jessie...Are you ok?"

Jessie let her smile fade away and she took a deep breath, then let it out, "I...I've been better."

He asked again, "So then...Why did you leave? Why...Why did you run away? Was it bad?"

Jessie reached out to touch his nose, "It's...A long complicated story. But...I'll tell you about it tomorrow. I...I'm not really in the mood for it now."

Frankie nodded a bit, as her hand's still on his nose, "Well...Okay. I won't force you to tell me."

Jessie tilted her head and said, "Hey Frankie?"


Jessie asked with a hope in her eyes, "If I tell you and everyone everything tomorrow, do you promise me that no matter what I tell you, you won't treat me any differently? That you'll always be my best friend? Because I really feel like I'm...Myself and normal when I'm with you and everybody."

Frankie looked confused now and he said, "I don't know what you went through or why you're asking me this, but...Yes...I won't treat you any different. You're my best friend and I'd never treat you any differently."

Jessie's face lit up and she embraced his head in her arms. Frankie's eyes bulged out of his skull and his body tensed a bit. Jessie said this while she's stroking the underside of his chin, "Thank you."

While Frankie was just stunned by her embrace, he started to relax his body and he started to nuzzle her chest a bit with his nose, "I won't treat you differently, I promise. As your ma-" He cut himself off before he could say it, "I mean, as your best friend, I won't do that to you."

Jessie held onto his head for a few short moments, until she finally pulled herself back and let him go. Jessie was still smiling at the black drake in front of her, "I mean it Frankie. Thank you." She let out a yawn and she said it after she stopped yawning, "Oh god, well I think I'm going to call it a night."

Frankie grinned back, "Yeah, I feel sleepy too."

She started rubbing her arms, trying to keep herself warm, "Well Frankie, I think I'm going to have to sleep real close to you. It's kinda cool tonight."

Frankie patted a spot in front of him, in front of his chest, "Come sleep in front of me."

Jessie nodded and went right in front of him. She got on her hands and knees, and crawled up to his chest. She turned herself around and sat down with her back against his chest. Frankie curled his front limbs around her, holding her close to him.

Jessie can now hear his heartbeat when she pressed the back of her head against his chest. She giggled, "Wow, you have a loud heartbeat."

Frankie laid his head on the ground beside her, asking her as he moved his eye to look at her, "That a bad thing?"

Jessie just grinned at him, answering this, "No. I find it very soothing. You really do have a big heart. And not to mention you feel warm too."

Frankie smiled at the comment, "Thank you, Jess." When he looked at her, he wanted to tell her how he feels at that moment.

But he held himself back, knowing that he can't take that chance. He cares for her, but he doesn't want to lose her.

Jessie reached out to pat the horn on his head, "Goodnight, Mr. Macho."

Frankie said right back, "Goodnight and I love you."

Jessie's face went wide at his three words. Then she giggled and said, "Wow, you never said that to me before."

Frankie giggled too, Jessie's body felt his giggle from his body, "Hey, even best friends say they love each other, every now and then."

Jessie smiled and said, "I love you too, big guy." She sighed as she closed her eyes, "I love you too." She let out a breath, as her slumber was getting ready to take over her, Frankie's soothing heartbeat driving her further to sleep.

Frankie held a sad look when he looked at her after she closed her eyes. He didn't look away from her at all.

What you never knew Jess...I didn't say I love you as a friend.

I was saying, I love you as my mate.

Frankie slowly raised his head off the grass, moving it above Jessie's. He tried not to wake her up as he placed his lips on top of her head, giving her a kiss. She didn't wake up, as her sleep caught up to her. She moaned a bit in her sleep.

After that, he looked down at with so much love and devotion in his eyes. I love you, Jessie.

He let out a sigh at his conflicted thoughts. Oh, I wish it was this easy.

If only you really were a dragoness, Jess.

Frankie lowered his head back on the grass again beside her, looking at her with his eye one last time, then he closed both his eyes to sleep as well. He let out a breath as his slumber slowly got to him.

I love you, Jessie.

I know that you're not a dragon. But...I love you.

And no matter what you tell me about your past, I will always love you.


I was just singing softly to myself, as I walked around the woods a bit. My voice sorta a bit carried out through the trees, "The search is over. You were with me for a while."

I brushed a few low tree limbs away, singing softly some more, "Now the miles stretch out behind me. Loves that I have lost. Broken hearts lie, victims of the game." I ducked down another low tree limb, "Then good luck, it finally struck. Like lightning from the blue. Every highway's leading me back to you."

Then Jessie's face came back to my brain before I could sing that song some more. I had a guilty look on my face. What was I thinking? What am I thinking?

I think I've hurt Jessie walking off like that and I never really told her why. I only told her that it was just me.

Me and her were sharing our kiss together and that didn't turn out as I would expect. What the hell's wrong with me? Because I didn't feel butterflies when I was kissing her?

Do I not really love her at all?

Damn it, why can't I place the thought when the butterflies came? The thought seemed faint to me.

I think I was worried about Jessie so much, that the thought went away immediately. I can't even remember what I was thinking about.

I hope Jessie's alright. I didn't mean to make her feel hurt.

It's not like I don't care about her. I do. I don't want her hurt.

But I don't think I really love her that way. I thought I did, but now...I'm not so sure.

I think I really love someone else and it took me tonight to really realize it. No butterflies came to me while I was kissing her, or even a bit before we started kissing.

I wish I knew who it was that I really love. Then I wouldn't be so confused right now.

Come on, Brandon! Think! Who is it?

I sighed to myself and I made a small jump over a rock in front of me, just back to sing softly of my mom and dad's song, "Now at last I hold you. Now all is said and done. The search has come full circle. Our destinies are one."

I giggled to myself and tapped my finger on my chest, "So if you ever love me, show me that you give a damn. You'll know for certain, the man I really am."

I took a deep breath and looked up at the night sky as I continued to strode my way back to Jessie's car, "I was living for a dream. Loving for a moment. Taking on the world. That was just my style." I stretched my arm out in front of me, my hand touching the air, "When I touched your hand. I can hear you whisper." I pulled back my hand and let it fall to my side, "The search is over. Love was right before my eyes."

I stopped singing after that and kept on walking. Until I heard laughing nearby. It didn't sound far away from here. I looked at the direction of the laughter and saw in the middle of a big round clearing not so far away from here, that Neal and Amanda are together, standing in the middle of the clearing.

I just watched them from a distance, wondering what are they up to. They don't see me from where I'm at. I guess they're just out for a stroll tonight. Trying not to worry about Jessie so much, I guess.

Amanda and Neal were staring up at the stars now, and Amanda said this to him, "I'm glad we're out for a stroll together. I don't think we had a stroll like this one together since..." She brushed her hair away and let out a laugh, "I guess whenever!"

Neal laughed too and he looked down at her, "Yeah, not a bad night for a human and a dragon having a stroll." Then he had a concerned look on his face, "I hope Jessie's alright. She looked kind of weird."

Amanda then let out a breath and said as she looked up at him, "She's probably back at her car by now with Brandon. Maybe Brandon made her feel better." She shrugged her shoulders, "I hope she resolved whatever it was that bothered her, because she must have had a reason to run away."

Neal nodded, "Yeah, there's always a reason for these things."

Amanda asked, "Yeah, but I wonder what that reason was?"

Neal shook his head, "I guess we'll find out tomorrow or something."

Amanda glanced away from him and said, "Yeah." I can tell from where I'm at, that she has a very glum on her face.

Neal lowered his head to her and asked, "Are you alright?"

Amanda answered without looking at him, "A little bit."

Neal gave her a smile across his snout, "I'm sure Jessie will be fine. Brandon's a good guy. He can make her feel better. Plus, I think he's into her."

Amanda shook her head, still not glanced back at him, "It's not Jessie."

Neal cocked his head, "What?"

Amanda's body trembled a bit and she finally looked at his red scaled face, "I...I was thinking about Sierra."

Neal held a sympathy look for her and nodded a bit, "I had a feeling you did. I miss her too."

Amanda turned her head to look up at the stars, "I don't understand it. Where could she have gone for so long? Why hasn't she come back to us? Come back to ME?"

He shook his head, "I don't know, Amanda. I really don't know."

Amanda turned to look at him again, "She just disappeared one night, before every human outside the city forget that dragons are friends. I sometimes wonder if there's a connection. A connection to Sierra's disappearance."

Neal got his head closer to her, "Amanda, we always wondered what changed them and we never found it." He had a glum look on his face now, "And I've searched every inch of this land searching for...Your mother and I never found her."

Amanda shook her head, "Neither did Wayne and Cody. Neither did a few officers who also searched for her." She slowly closed her eyes and let out a trembling breath, "I...I miss her, Neal. I miss my mother."

He nuzzled her cheek with his nose, "We both do. I miss my best friend too."

Amanda has now opened her eyes and her eyes are now wet with tears, "Neal....I'm think she's dead."

Neal's face widened at what she said and he started shaking his head, his eyes in disbelief, "Don't talk like that. She disappeared for a long time before, she'll come back."

Amanda let out a small sob as her tears fell down her cheeks, "But what if she doesn't come back? What if she's really dead and we never knew it? What if-"

Neal sat down on his haunches and reached out his paw to stroke her hair in a caring way, "Amanda listen, Sierra always has been a tough gal, we both know that."

Amanda narrowed her eyes at her tears came down some more, "But she almost died once before, we both were there. She almost died. She's not invincible, Neal.  Even she can get wounded, like we do." She shut her eyes tight and sobbed again, "I've lost her, just like my real mother. Why does all this stuff happen to me? Why am I always alone? I loved Sierra and I loved my mother. Why do they both have to DIE?"

Then she collapsed on the ground onto her legs, crying her eyes out. I watched with full pity and sadness in my eyes. Oh Amanda...

I wish I knew how to help you find her. You don't deserve this.

Sierra...Where are you? And more importantly, why didn't you come back?

Wayne, Amanda and everyone here misses you. They all care about you.

Where are you?

Amanda was wiping her tears away with her arm as Neal lowered his head a bit more closer to her. Amanda said with another sob while looking at his paws in front of her, "I want my mother back, Neal. But I'm afraid she's dead too, just like my real mother. I...I" She trailed off and sobbed some more.

Neal shook his head, while looking directly at her, "Amanda, she's not dead. I can feel it."

Amanda looked at his eyes and Neal went on, "Sierra's still tough. It's true she has been through so much, because she lost Eric years ago, but she still came back. She's not dead, just like Lindsey. She's alive. And I'm sure she'll come back to the city again. Come back to Wayne, come back to Cody, come back to me, come back to everyone and come back to YOU."

Neal shook his head again, "I'm not giving up yet. I'm not giving up on my best friend. I won't. You'll have your mother back and Wayne will have his mate back to him."

My eyes frowned at what Neal said in the end. Wait? What did he say? Did he say, 'Wayne will have his mate back to him?' What does he mean by that?

Then I remembered one time back in the city, that when Wayne was looking out at the outskirts of the city on top of the wall, he had that look in his eyes. The look just like Amanda and Neal always give each other.

Does...Wayne love Sierra that way? Does he really?

No...I must have misheard.

Neal afar from where I'm standing said to Amanda in a soothing voice, while nuzzling her cheek with his, "She'll come home to you, Amanda. I promise. You'll see your mother again. And you're not alone also, you have me."

Amanda pulled her head away from his nuzzling and placed a hand to his face, to have him look at her. As Neal stared at her, she started to smile, her face was still wet with tears. She said, "I'm still glad you didn't leave me too, you big red scaly pervert." He giggled and she said this, "Because if you did, I...I would've been lost without you."

Neal said this with honesty shown in his eyes, "I would NEVER leave you. I don't know the reason why Sierra left Wayne and all of us alone. But I'd never leave you. EVER. Because I'm yours and you're mine."

I was frowning still at what he said. He's making it sound like that they're...They're...

Amanda placed both hands to his face, looking ever so deeply into his eyes and said this after she placed a kiss to his nose, "I love you." She continued to stroke his cheek in circles with her hand.

Neal's tongue came out of his mouth and gave her cheek a lick. He said it right back, "I love you too."

They both were now staring at each other, until they both closed their eyes and Amanda slowly planted her lips directly onto his snout. Kissing him.

My eyes were going wide at the sight. What?

While Amanda was kissing him, Neal adjusted his mouth to hers and kissed right back. They were deepening their kiss now. While they were kissing, Amanda laid down on her back on the grass, while Neal was still kissing her. She giggled while she was kissing him.

I backed away in shock. No freakin way! They were kissing each other! They're...Lovers!

I knew it! I freakin knew it!

The way they were looking at each other more than once, I saw it and I didn't believe it.

They really are lovers and that means, Wayne was in love with Sierra too. And what makes more sense that the reason why Sierra was so distraught that Eric died back then, because she loved him too.

Now it's coming together.

But then another though crossed my mind. Rain....

Did you love Tommy? Is that why you watched over him for years? Because you loved him?

Did Tommy know?

I let out a sigh, as I was still watching Neal and Amanda making out. I need to ask Rain those questions.

I want the truth.

I walked away from the make out scene in that clearing. I think I've seen enough.

Lets see if I can find Rain at Jessie's car. I need to hear the truth from her.


After I already left Jessie's car, I was now still searching for Rain, she wasn't there. I only found everyone else asleep except Neal and Amanda who weren't back there yet, including Wayne, Cody, Sebastian, Frankie and Jessie. But I didn't wake them up.

After I saw Jessie sleeping real close to Frankie's chest, she looked pretty content and so did Frankie. I guess Jessie's okay after I just left her alone like that.

I'll talk to her about it tomorrow or later, but I'm still confused about kissing her and then leaving her. Let alone still shocked about watching Amanda and Neal kissing each other. Kissing each other on the mouth!

I still didn't believe it, but my eyes were telling me the truth. Those two are more than friends. I guess it's no wonder Neal lets her live with him at his house. Because they love each other.

No doubt, Wayne was like this with Sierra. He loves her too.

Then Rain's face came into mine. Rain...

Did you love Tommy? Did you really love him that way at all?

I need some answers and I hope she does tell me about it.

But I guess it won't be an easy thing to talk about, since she and Tommy are both VERY different. But I have to try. I want, no NEED the truth.

As I walked in the woods, I let out a yawn, getting a little bit tired now. Well sleeping can wait. I'll talk to Rain first, then sleep.

And in the distance, I could hear a soft warm soothing singing voice not real far away from here, "Many years have passed since those summer days. Among the fields of barley."

I frowned as I heard it. It sounded like Rain. I walked to the soft singing as I heard Rain, her voice carrying a bit through the wind and trees, "See the children run as the sun goes down. Among the fields of gold. You'll remember me when the west wind moves. Upon the fields of barley."

I finally saw Rain sitting on her haunches near a rock alone singing to herself. Her back turned to me, "You can tell the sun in his jealous sky. When we walked in fields of gold. When we walked in fields of gold. When we walked in fields gold." She started humming to herself. The human music to that song.

I smiled at her. Wow...She sounded beautiful and warm.

I walked toward from behind, as she stopped humming. She let out a breath and looked up at the night skies. I said this as I stopped right behind her, "Hey."

Rain appeared to have jumped a bit and she looked over her shoulder to see me. I can tell she looks surprised, "Brandon? What are you doing here?"

I laughed and started to walk up until I was beside her, her eyes following my movements, "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to scare you."

Rain shot up her head with a grin, "Funny, because I didn't even hear you."

I was still grinning at her as I brought it up, "Perhaps, the reason why you couldn't hear me is because you were signing to yourself."

Her face went wide and her head perked up and she asked me, "You heard me?"

I nodded, "Just caught you at the end of it, but it was long enough to know that it was beautiful."

She smirked at me, "Really?"

I spoke to her with words of the honest truth, "You do have a warm soothing voice."

Rain looked shyly away, "Thank you."

I giggled, "Look who's being bashful, you're acting like you never sang that to anyone."

"I didn't."

My face went wide, "Oh...Really?"

Rain chuckled a bit and looked down at me, "But hey, at least you found the voice warm and soothing."

I shrugged my shoulders, while having my grin back, "I'd be deaf not to know that you have that kind of voice." Rain giggled at me and I asked her, "So what song was that? It did sound kinda familiar. Was it a human song?"

Rain nodded and looked away to see the distance of the trees, "Yes it is. It's called 'Fields of Gold'."

I beamed at her, "Fields of Gold? I knew the ending of the song sounded familiar. I've heard it more than once on the radio."

Rain said this while staring away at the woods, "That's good." She appeared to have a haunting look in her eyes.

I knew what she was thinking about and I said it out loud, "I think I know how you came up with that human song....It's Tommy who sang that to you, wasn't it?"

Rain let out a sigh, "Yeah....Sometimes when I was in my cave, all alone during the night, after watching over Tommy during the day, I sometimes sing that song to myself so I'd go to sleep. It's pretty soothing to me and it was soothing when Tommy sang it."

I nodded and said to her with a pity look, "It is a beautiful human song."

Rain then started to change the subject a bit and smiled, "I don't think I ever told you how I met Tommy years ago. I'm pretty sure, I never did." She looked down at me waiting for me to speak.

I shook my head, my pity look washing away, "Nope."

Rain giggled, "I figured as much. And here we are best friends for days and I never told you how I first met my first best friend."

I rubbed the back of my neck, as Neal and Amanda kissing popped up, "Right." I asked her, "So how did you and Tommy meet?" I stopped rubbing my neck as I was ready to listen to her.

Rain hummed to herself in her happy memory, "Well, it was one day when I went with Wayne and the others years ago to that human town. That town was having this town fair and there was this carnival going on. But I never really been to that town before and I just wandered in it. Walking on the sidewalk, saying hello back to any human who says hello to me."

I giggled to myself, imagining her a dragon, walking in a town. That's something I really don't see everyday. But it happened back then before I was born.

Rain continued her story with a smile, "While I was waling around in that town, I bumped into Tommy by accident. Of course, he appeared to be shy at my appearance. Because I was just bigger than him." She giggled to herself, "Well he told me once that he was always shy before he met me, so it wasn't a surprise for him."

I tilted my head, "Really? Tommy was shy too? Just like me and you?"

Rain nodded, "In a big way, yes. But it was pretty much all me that helped him overcame his shyness." She shook her head and went on, "But we didn't hang out with each other immediately, after we just bumped into one another. You see there was this talent show in the carnival and that's how I heard him sing, I Can't Hold Back."

I smiled brightly at that, "Oh man, so that's how you heard him sing that song."

Rain said, "Tommy pretty much saw me in the crowd while he sang. And very soon after that, we met in that town and I offered to give him a flight back to his house."

I asked, "Which is here in the woods?"

Rain nodded, confirming my answer, "Tommy was shy at flight, just like you were at first. But I did convince him to do it and soon we were having our first flight together. He was real happy about it."

I said it out loud, slowly nodding, "Just like me."

Rain giggled, "Yep, just like after your first flight on this angel's back." She let out a pleasant sigh, "After that flight, after I took him home, we became friends. I visit him at his house and we talk and be with each other. And soon months after that, he pretty much has overcame his shyness and it's all thanks to me."

I gestured my hand to her, "You really do have some sort of effect on people. Even when I'm overcoming my fear of singing in front of large crowds."

Rain held up her head proudly and said this with her eyes closed, "No doubt." Then we both laughed and Rain opened her eyes, saying this as she continued to reminisce through her the memories, "Those were the days. Days for a black dragoness like me."

I took a step toward her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Well at least you and him had a lot of good times together."

Rain looked down at me, "Just like me and you." She sighed and asked with a bit of a concerned tone, changing the whole subject, "So uh....How's Jessie? Did you talk to her?"

I backed away from Rain, lowering my hand and nodded, "Yes, I did and....Lets just say she's going to be ok. She kinda had a lot of things going through her mind."

Rain cocked her head, "So why did she ran away? Surely, you know now. What happened with her?"

I let out a sigh and shook my head, "Maybe I should let her tell you that story. I think she'll do it this time. Because I've convinced her that no matter what she says to you guys, you'll never treat her any different."

Rain hummed, "Well I don't know what she went through, but I'm sure I'd never treat her any different. She's my friend."

I smiled and nodded, "That's good."

Rain frowned down at me, "So how come you're with me? Aren't you supposed to be with your girlfriend?"

What happened with me and Jessie came back to me in a quick of an eye. How I just left her alone.

And Neal and Amanda came back to me again as well. Remembering the whole reason why I came to talk to Rain.

The truth.

Rain asked with a grin, "So you left Jessie alone to talk to me? Some boyfriend, you are."

I held a serious look for her, "Sort of....I need to talk to you about something."

Her grin went away in an instant, "About what?"

I let out a very long breath, "Look Rain...It might be a personal question and I can be sure that you might get nervous talking about it. But...I need to know the truth."

She was frowning at me, "What truth?"

I scratched the back of my head, muttering to myself, "Oh boy." I stopped scratching and I was trying to ask her this, "Well...I was with Jessie, but I walked off alone. Soon as I was walking back to Jessie's car...I saw Neal and Amanda."

"What about them?"

Well here it comes. I said in a nervous tone, "Look....Lets just say that..." I raised one hand in front of her, "Lets just say that I saw them..." Then I raised the other one and put them together, making my fingers in both hands looking like they were kissing each other, "Kissing."

Rain's face went wide at that. Then I laid both hands to my sides and asked with my brow raised, "So what's going on? Are they...Together?"

Rain sighed and shook her head slowly, "I'm sorry about this." Then she looked shyly away.

I pressed her, but my tone was soft and calm, "Look Rain, I just want the truth. Are they really together that way? Were Sierra and Wayne together that way too, before she was gone?"

Rain didn't answer me and I took a step toward her, assuring her, "Look Rain...No matter what the truth is, I won't judge you for it. I'll never judge anyone for it. No matter what you tell me. I just want the truth from you. Is that a yes or a no? Please Rain, you at least owe me the truth."

Rain looked at me, with a look of hesitation, until finally she let it out with one word, "Yes."

I only stared at her, just ready to listen to every word she says. She said, "For a long time, before Sierra disappeared, she and Wayne were together and years WAY before he was born, she was with Eric. The ex knight. Sierra....Always never met the right drake for her, before she met Eric. She thought he was real special to her and same goes for Wayne. They both made her happy."

My eyes went wide at her answer about Wayne and Sierra. Even about her and Eric. I knew it.

Rain went on, "Neal and Amanda were together for a long time too. Why? Because Neal, around the time when Sierra met Eric, he had a mate and she died because of murdering humans. He was so depressed about it and that's how Sierra and Neal were together once...Before she turned to Eric."

I nodded as the pieces were being put together, "So that's why she and Neal weren't mates anymore."

Rain nodded, "And now years later for the very first time since Sierra left him and since his mate died, Amanda finds him and brightens up his life. She makes him happy too."

I looked down at the ground and said this one out loud, "You told me that Wayne and Amanda were actually together, but now I see the truth. They never were, they were just friends."

Rain had a worried look on her face and lowered her head to my level, "Brandon, I'm so sorry for lying to you. But I was afraid you might be disgusted by the fact that....A human and a dragon are together. It's not really the kind of thing you tell someone. Wayne and them kept that secret from everyone, but nevertheless they were still happy."

I looked at her face, at her eyes. She said, "I wanted to tell you for a long time, but I couldn't. I didn't want you to think they were freaks." She shook her head, "They wouldn't have cared, if you did call them that, but they are your friends and I didn't want you to think that way about them."

I didn't say anything to her and she went on, "I know what this looks like to you, but each of their love is eternal. They really love each other. They have overcome their species barriers and they got together. Love conquers all." She raised her head above my level and placed a paw to her chest, "A human and a dragon may look too different for each other, but the love's there. The human with the dragon, sees the dragon as a human. While the dragon with the human, sees the human as a dragon. It didn't matter to them, because no matter what you are, that love is there. They'd love each other no matter what."

She placed her paw back to the grass, "I know you're shocked about all this, but try to understand, we all have feelings and we want to share them. Love makes you want to do that, and they're sharing that love."

I continued to stare at her for a few moments, until I finally formed words with a blank look, "I...I wouldn't judge them."

Rain beamed at me and I started to smile, "I think, I can understand where they're coming from...I think. I mean, it's not like dragons are mindless creatures and don't know what love is or any other emotion. All of you are thinking, feeling creatures. I don't think I can judge them for that. Even when it seems strange to me."

Rain asked with a happy gleam, "Promise? No matter what, you won't judge?"

I nodded twice, "I promise, Rain."

Rain nodded too, with that happy look still, "I'm glad you really are not a judgmental human. Instead you really are just a kind, understanding one."

I waved her off with a giggle, "Hey, I understand why it's hard to tell me that truth. But I promise, I won't judge them." I raised a finger and added, "However, it might take some time for me to get used to it."

Rain giggled and waved me off with her paw as well, "Oh that's fine. As long as you don't care, then that's okay."

I shook my head, "I might care at first, but then I'll start not to care. As time flies by. But I have to admit....Neal and Amanda really are close. Can't even bother staying away from each other."

Rain lowered her head to me and remarked, "Well that's the life of being a mate, you can't keep your paws off each other." I laughed and she did too.

Then I bore a serious look and said to her, "Rain...I have one more question." She nodded and I asked, "It's about you and Tommy....Are...Were you guys together? Is that why you watched over him for years?"

Rain's face went wide and pulled her head back a bit, like she never expected that question at all. I pressed her, "Did you love Tommy? Did he ever know? Were you guys together once?"

Rain had a sad look now and she raised her head above my level, her head hung now when she closed her eyes. I pressed her again, "Rain? Look don't worry, I won't be judgmental about it. I'm just curious, that's all."

Rain took a deep breath and let it out, "I wish things were different back then. Then we'd still be together...." I saw some tears falling out of her closed eyes, falling down her black scaled cheek.

I held a pity look for her, "Oh...Rain...." She did love him.

She said it with a sob, as her body trembled, "It was one time on a Christmas night, months after Tommy and I became friends. I've felt this feeling in my chest more than once before that night, but when it came to me again on that night...I began to realize that I loved him."

I asked, "Did he know? Did he know about it?"

But Rain didn't answer my question and her tears came down in fast torrents. She ignored my question and said it out loud, like she's talking to Tommy, "Oh...Tommy....I wish you didn't change. I loved you...I loved you so much."

Now I felt sorry for her than ever before. She was more than just a best friend to him. She loved him. That's why she didn't want to forget about him. That's why she keeps dreaming about him during the night. Why she held me tight in her paw, while she's dreaming. Because she loved him so much.

I said, as I strode toward her, "Oh Rain."

Rain was starting to sob now, as she opened her eyes and saw me. She lowered her head to my level and I reached out to touch her nose, her nose sniffing. I said to her in a soothing voice, "I'm sorry, Rain. I'm sorry for everything." She moved her head toward my chest and began to nuzzle it.

Rain said this through tears, while she nuzzled me, "Oh, Brandon...You make me so happy. I...I don't ever want to lose you. Not ever. EVER."

I reassured her with hope, "You won't lose me. I promise." Then I moved around her head and headed toward her chest. I wrapped my arms around her neck to hug her tight, burying myself into her chest, shutting my eyes, I can hear her heartbeat in her chest now. Rain was still crying as I held her.

I said to her in a comforting voice and I was about to cry too, as my eyes were about to water, "I'm here, girl. It's ok. Everything's going to be okay, I promise." Her body was being wracked by her own sobs, she raised her head and she started slowly enclosing me in her wings, wrapping me in a cocoon around her body. Now it's just me and her alone in her own wings.

I kept reassuring her, "I'm here, I'll never leave you. Don't worry." I planted a kiss on her chest scales, "Don't cry, big girl. I won't leave you. Shhh, it's okay." I was rubbing her scales in a soothing matter, as my tears started falling down my face.

Rain was still sobbing when she closed her eyes again, relishing my embrace. She said this in gratitude through her sadness, "Thank you, Brandon...Thank you so much."

I let out a breath, as she still had me in her cocoon. Then within a blink of an eye, my butterflies started coming back and now my stomach was buzzing away. I opened my eyes as my tears came falling down. That feeling....It came back.

And I know that I was thinking about...Rain.

And to my shock, I looked up at Rain's face, and she didn't notice me doing that, as she still had her eyes closed in sadness. I know to my shock why my butterflies didn't come every time I was talking to Jessie. I wasn't thinking about her at all. I know why the feeling called love is buzzing in me right now with Rain.

I know the reason why I care about Rain so much. Wanting her to be happy, no matter what. How me and her are so close. Wanting to help her through any pain and not wanting to leave her. Why I'd defend her no matter what. Why I had that dream about me and her kissing, last night. And why she keeps giving me that confidence, every time I look at her face. Those beautiful, caring eyes.

I'm starting to love the dragon.

I'm starting to love Rain. For the very first time, I began to realize it and Rain doesn't know it.

I didn't love Jessie after all.

I love, Rain.

I let out a sigh as apprehension is now getting to me and I placed my cheek against her chest. Oh...Man....

How can I deal with this?

I'm falling in love with a dragon. My black scaled angel. The beautiful rainbow right in front of me.

I'm not Wayne, Amanda and Eric...How can I live with that?


The lone dragon started to pad slowly out of the trees, as it's eyes were drawn on everyone that's sleeping on the ground. It looked at Frankie and Jessie, as Jessie is sleeping with her back against his chest. Then the lone dragon looked at Neal and Amanda nearby, along with Sebastian sleeping by Neal. He was curled around on the ground on his stomach, snoring loudly.

The lone dragon took a few more steps as it got closer to all of them. It didn't make a lot of noise, so no one heard it when it was close.

The lone dragon padded real slowly as it walked past Cody now, he was curled up on the grass too, his long tail twitching and thumping on the ground.

The dragon lowered its head real low, as it saw Wayne sleeping on the ground alone. It got its head real close to him and sniffed him a bit.

Wayne rolled on the grass in deep slumber and he was now mumbling in his sleep, "Sierra?" He was mumbling unintellible now and he appeared to try to reach out to Sierra in his sleep. His hand almost touching the lone dragon's nose. He mumbled again, "Sierra?"

The lone dragon jerked its head back before his hand could touch it. Wayne's hand fell to the ground and he gripped the dirt and the ground. Still talking in his dream, his face frowning, "Sierra....Don't leave me...."

The lone dragon looked at him as it raised it's head above him. It looked around the camp, real slow like and saw Brandon sleeping close to Rain. Rain curled around Brandon on the grass snoring lightly, while one of Rain's wings covered up Brandon as he slept. He was snoring a bit.

The dragon hissed quietly at Brandon, not loud enough for everyone to hear and it started to turn its body back to the woods now. It heard Neal's voice nearby and it turned it's gaze fast to him. Neal was mumbling in his sleep, "Amanda....."

Amanda was mumbling in her sleep too and said, "Not now, honey." Apparently she was dreaming about Neal, like he's dreaming about Amanda. They both didn't mumble after that.

The lone dragon didn't stare at them for too long and it made it's way back to the woods now, not turning back. As it got back in the woods, far off so no one would find it during the night. It found a spot on the grass within in the trees.

The lone dragon started to lay down on it's stomach and curled around on the grass, laying it's head down while it was at it.

The lone dragon didn't do anything much after that, except it was thinking about Brandon. Since it's master gave the dragon instructions about Brandon. It hissed in anger as it thought about Brandon.

Then the lone dragon slowly closed it's eyes and went to sleep, just like everything else here.