Current Track: Blabb

The black fox could feel his steps
shift as the long tail behind his hips continued to wag happily in
order to match that bright smile across his lips. Today was a great
day to be happy, this arctic glow fox was finally going to be able to
take a chance and make one of his bigger dreams come true. He'd gone
all out for this, his bright orange hair brushed back to help feather
it a bit, black pants matched with a lovely blue sash tied across his
waste and an open blue vest to show off the hard work he'd put into
his nicely packed set of abs and a very healthy built up chest. Oh
his body was lean, but it was stacked and he was going to show it off
today at the local studio.

The flier gripped in his hand was
something he'd printed off online, a little advertisement sent around
town asking for models to do a picture shoot. Oh he'd been in many
magazines in the past, wore plenty of fem-male designed outfits, got
himself involved in plenty of different flavors of shootings, even
working in a few unmentionable titles that would eventually lead him
to join the sex fighting group he was now part of. With the
experience under his belt he was sure to be picked and maybe if he
was lucky this time around this black fox with orange blow marks
about his body might finally be able to settle into a cover. He just
needed to work his angles.

With the orange glow names pressed
against the door this fox would flatten his full hand against it,
pressing hard to open it and allow himself inside. The first thing
he could see was the image of a half circle desk and just the cutest
mouse he'd ever seen smile brightly at him while she moved to hang up
the phone. The soft white and brown color of her fur easily tucked
away behind the blue strapless top she wore. With a smile to the
handsome fox she instantly knew exactly what he was here for.
Someone looking like him wasn't about to looking to be on the
cleaning staff.

Without a word her finger aimed
directly over to the side, pointing specifically to a door for the
black fox to head towards. He hadn't even said anything to her yet
and already she knew exactly why he was here. Honestly it made the
fox chuckle a bit where she had been able to determine just what he
was doing here by only looking at him. The soft smile on his lips
and he'd make his way in the direction that she pointed. The best
option for him now would be to be the only person in here, a pipe
dream at best, but something that he wanted to at least hope for. If
he was the only person applying then it was almost certain that he'd
get the job, not that he felt there was really all that much threat
to the position elsewhere in this town. A turn of the door knob and
that smile faded into a narrowed glare as he saw who had been waiting
on the other side.

The look of the white and blue fox who
only sat at the couch and looked through his magazine made lifted his
blue eyes up towards the person that had chosen to enter. At first
this white fox was hoping it was the producer ready to start the
shoot, but instead it was someone he'd hoped not to see here, a rival
of his that he found at these events far more often that he could
possibly hope to. There might still be time, if he could get rid of
him then the shoot was all his and then a nice fat paycheck would
follow. A rise from the couch would bring this fellow fox to his
feet watching the door close behind his black counterpart and the two
faced each other down with their arms crossed over their chests.

“So,” The white fox said easily,
“Come to try and steal my thunder gain, Citrus?”

The black fox scoffed at it, the orange
points on his fur already starting to glow, “Asss if, Sssskie. I
can sssee you've been eating well. Put on a few poundsss have you?”

The white and blue vulpine had to
chuckle softly at the sudden stab knowing that Citrus was just trying
to get to him, but not willing to let him get away with it. “In
your dreams. This shoot is going to be mine. You and that train
wreck of an ass should just take off now and save yourself that

“The only embarrassment I sssee is
where you keep trying to pretend that you know anything about
modeling, bitch.”

A chuckle came from the white fox
taking a step closer into the black fox's space to look over him.
“Still got that lisp I see. How is that working out for you?”

Citrus smirked at the comment about his
talking issue, but already had the perfect answer prepared for it.
“The ladiesss love it, but they love the reassson for it more.”
His tongue would roll from his mouth, exposing a long almost full
foot of tongue that he kept stuffed deep in his maw, the source of
his odd way of talking.

Skie only rolled his eyes seeing that,
the idea of this black fox having some advantage over him just
because of some weird deformity only made him shake his head with a
sigh. The white vulpine just needed Citrus to get out of here and
the longer he took to get rid of him the more likely the producer of
this shoot was going to walk into their little waiting room and have
to pick between them. No, this wasn't something he could really
allow, this was his show today and he was going to make sure to get
rid of this glow fox before that could happen. He needed a retort,
something that he could say to his rival to get rid of him, but even
so far they were just building up.

“Yeah, you and that sex fighting
league you're in. I always knew you were a dirty slut.”

The glow foxes brow lifted easily,
pulling that tongue back into his mouth while growling to the white
vulpine quickly, “I guess you'd know a lot about dirty sluts then
won't you, bitch? But the difference, this dirty slut can kick your

The laughter from Skie filled the room
followed by a quick shaking of his head. “Hun, please. I've made
pets out of people twice your size. You think you can handle a fight
against me?”

The black vulpine moved in fast the,
his hands reaching out towards Skie's face, only for the white fox to
lean to the side a bit and the glow fox to grip a tuft of that hair.
With a hard pull Citrus would yank at it, pulling the hair easily
towards him and forcing the white and blue furred fox to yelp a bit
before reaching up for a tug of his own against the feathered hair of
the fellow vulpine. The two snarling, growling while they lead each
other around the room by tuft alone.

“Let go, Bitch!” Citrus roared out
to him, only to feel a slap across his face that caused him to gasp.

As the black fox reached his other hand
out, he'd take hold of the white button up that this arctic fox had
chosen to wear. A hard pull and a strong yank against the fabric
forced the top button to fly off exposing that tightly muscled white
chest and a wide eyed gasp that came form the arctic fox who released
the hair in order to back away from his assailant. Skie was
surprised that this scuffle had cost him his shirt, but more
surprised by the fact that Citrus had been willing to tear it so
easily. As those blue eyes lifted to the black fox he'd see him
rolling his eyes.

“You.. this was my favorite shirt,
asshole.” Skie protested quickly still trying to make sense of the

“What are you going to cry, bitch?
Get out of here.” Was the response that he'd receive from the
black fox drawing even more of that grudge filled anger from the
white vulpine.

Skie reached his hand out immediately,
taking hold of the open vest that this black fox had been wearing and
with a snark he'd jerk it down hard, ripping the fabric easily and
completely on the way down so that it tore out an entire seam and
caused the vest to be held up by only one shoulder as the other was
well open. The vest was discarded to the floor leaving Citrus
completely topless now while he reached out with his hand to make a
hard scratch for that chest. Those claws sunk into the fur,
scratching hard, but not drawing any blood. Skie yelped out,
gripping his hand around the glow fox's arm in order to lean down and
sink his teeth into the flesh, but that only lead to him getting
pulled off with another pull of hair before Citrus was left crying
out from the feeling of his ear being tugged to the side.

“You're suck a dick!” Skie yelled
out to him, holding that ear in a tight grip and pulling at it in
order to lead the fellow canid around before pushing him onto the
couch. With a pounce the white wolf would feel a slap come across
his face and snarled out once again. “Just leave already!”

“Fuck you, ssslut! I'm not going
anywhere.” Even with the white fox on top of him this fellow fox
forced himself to roll easily to the side.

Skie would have no choice but to follow
while these two fighting diva's rolled out onto the floor, pulling
tugging, biting, scratching at each other. The feeling of the two
struggling against one another made them both snarl out and continue
to brutally fight one another like two prissy school girls arguing
over a boy. The two of them continuing as they rolled across the
floor, moving to the snarled feeling of hair pulling until Skie ended
up behind the black fox and pushed his face into the floor, keeping
him locked there easily.

The black fox wasn't some kind of
slacker when it came to fighting. He was in a fighting league and
had picked a few things up that Skie simply didn't have. With a
twist of his body to the side this glow fox would move to hook up arm
around the back of Skie's neck, pulling him hard in order to force
the beast to twist over him, bringing him down into the floor once
again. The difference being that Citrus was now behind Skie and had
his arm wrapped around the front of the white fox's neck. Not a good
position to be in when your opponent is a professional fighter.

A few kicks and a bit of struggling and
that door finally opened reviewing the two opposite shaded designed
foxes rolling across the ground and attacking one another while their
once clean fur was now dirtied from the floor, scuffled from the
tussle, and clothing torn if not completely destroyed and about the
place. The jackal that stood there, his ears folding back in
disappointment and just watching them easily with his crimson eyes,
saying nothing at all to these two so called professionals and simply
expecting them to be able to explain themselves.

“Oh.. are you...?” One asked
immediately being interrupted by the disappointed black being of

“What do you think? I'm ready to
start shooting and what do I find here?” He asked retort-fully
before turning his eyes over to someone approaching from the side.

The massively muscular, just over 8
foot wolf came slowly stepping by. His white hand gripping tightly
to a bit of paper that someone had handed to him. This large canine
caught the site of the jackal instantly, but more importantly the
fact that he was completely naked helped even more. Wolf went to
open his mouth to speak, but was instantly cut off by the jackal that
simply gripped his wrist in order to pull him along.

“You're hired.” he said to the
massive dumb creature, but just left these other two to their own
devices, allowing them to exist in their own shame and filth that
they'd created from rolling around all over the place.

The two foxes looked over at each other
with a sigh, knowing that they had screwed things up for themselves,
but of course they blamed the other, each one knowing that they
likely had such a thing planned all along and here was the result of
it. Neither of them getting that position and both of them being
caught out and forced from the building like this. While Skie picked
himself up and started to dust himself off, moving to his torn pants
to try and at least make them wearable, the black fox did much of the
same, but with a narrowed gaze to the first.

“This isss all your fault, Bitch.”
He said storming out and leaving Skie to roll his eyes. They weren't
about to learn any lessons here, but to continue holding that grudge
for one another as long as the two could manage to.

With a gathering of what was left of
their outfits the two exited the rooms together, a scruffy, scratched
up mess of a pair of foxes that shyly tried to make their way from
the room while being caught in the eyes of that mouse once again.
The look of worry flashed over her face before the disappointment
settled in, leaving her to shake her head and go back to her work.
The two only looking at one another and simply leaving. Maybe
another day they could get their big break, but today it didn't seem
like such a thing was going to happen.