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210 result(s)

7 years ago
Don't Stop Believin'-Chapter 27
Human, Romance, Non-Anthro, Humor, Death, Dragon, Drama, Plot Development, Love, Fantasy, Fighting, Story Progression, Friendship, Character Development, Dragoness, Forest, Story Series, Revenge, Action, House, Male, Female, Armor, City, Feral, Emotion, Cave, Flight, Western Dragon, Anger, Thriller, Fire, Family, Father, Mother, Son, Straight, Mystery, Scalie, Blood
Azure Drake
18 years ago
Losing an ally
Magic, Fighting, Story Progression, Violence (Not In Yiff)
11 years ago
The Lord of the Manor - Chapter 2
Fox, Feline, No-Yiff, Dragon, Plot Development, Fighting, Story Progression, Character Development, Medieval, Story Series, M/F, Violence (Not In Yiff), Keynari, Amasii lion
Isiat Squire Carcer
7 years ago
Dawn of the Dragon-Chapter 5
Human, Non-Anthro, Humor, Death, Werewolf, Dragon, Violence, Drama, Plot Development, Fantasy, Adventure, Fighting, Story Progression, Friendship, Character Development, Dragoness, Forest, Story Series, Fear, Male, Female, Feral, Emotion, Flight, Dread, Sad, Anthro, Western Dragon, Anger, Father, Straight, Outdoors, Mystery, Scalie, Daughter, Blood
Azure Drake
7 years ago
Red and the Wolf (Final)
Human, Wolf, No-Yiff, Teenagers, Mild Violence, Mild Drama, Sci-Fi, Highschool, Science, Trouble, New World, Fighting, Locker Room, Friendship, Forest, Relationships, Dark, Compassion, School, Bad Language, House, Muscle, Male, Tribal, Female, Shy, City, Teenager, Alternate Society, Classroom, Boy, Anthro, Teen, Cute, Paw, Alternate Reality, First Person, Laugh, Science Fiction, Girl, Hoodie
Nights Angel
5 years ago
The Fox General: Tea on the Sands
Human, Fox, Hyena, Adventure, Fighting, Bisexual, Medieval, Story Series, Action, Violence (Not In Yiff), Male, Red Fox, Vulpine, Post-Apocalyptic, Anthro, Fennec, Story, plot, Anthropomorphic
3 years ago
Sacred Chapter 5: Travels and Training
Human, Rabbit, Adventure, Fighting, Series, Monster
19 years ago
Training in Hydromancy
Otter, Magic, Dragon, Fighting, Character Development
8 years ago
Red and the Wolf (part 3)
Human, Wolf, No-Yiff, Teenagers, Mild Violence, Mild Drama, Sci-Fi, Highschool, Science, Trouble, New World, Fighting, Locker Room, Friendship, Forest, Relationships, Dark, Compassion, School, Bad Language, House, Muscle, Male, Tribal, Female, Shy, City, Teenager, Alternate Society, Classroom, Boy, Anthro, Teen, Cute, Paw, Alternate Reality, First Person, Laugh, Science Fiction, Girl, Hoodie
Nights Angel
7 years ago
Dawn of the Dragon-Chapter 29
Human, Harsh, Non-Anthro, Humor, Death, Dragon, Cheetah, Violence, Drama, Plot Development, Fantasy, Adventure, Fighting, Story Progression, Friendship, Character Development, Dragoness, Forest, Story Series, Hate, Action, Evil, Electricity, Male, Female, Feral, Emotion, Heartbreak, Dread, Sad, Anthro, Western Dragon, Cute, Anger, Fire, Father, Straight, Poison, Outdoors, Ice, Battle, Mystery, Scalie, Flower, Daughter, bow, arrow, Blood
Azure Drake
7 years ago
Dawn of the Dragon-Chapter 2
Human, Romance, Magic, Non-Anthro, Humor, Death, Dragon, Cheetah, Violence, Drama, Plot Development, Love, Fantasy, Unconciousness, Fighting, Story Progression, Friendship, Character Development, Story Series, Fear, Action, Kissing, Ocean, Evil, Male, Female, Brothers, Blush, Feral, Emotion, Dread, Anthro, Western Dragon, Anger, Gun, Father, Straight, Mystery, Scalie, Daughter, Boat, Blood
Azure Drake
4 years ago
Human, Death, Dragon, Fighting, Story Progression, Dragoness, Military, Story Series, Mindlink, Male, Female, Flight, Multiple Species, Alternative history, 40's, Dragon Riders
6 years ago
Dawn of the Dragon-Chapter 36
Human, Non-Anthro, Humor, Dragon, Cheetah, Violence, Drama, Gryphon, Plot Development, Fantasy, Adventure, Avian, Fighting, Story Progression, Friendship, Character Development, Dragoness, Story Series, Fear, Hate, Action, Evil, House, Male, Female, Feral, Emotion, Cave, Flight, Anthro, Western Dragon, Anger, Fire, Monster, Father, Straight, Outdoors, Ice, Battle, Scalie, Daughter, bow, arrow, Village
Azure Drake
4 years ago
Sacred Chapter 2: One To Call
Human, Rabbit, Fighting, Series, Monster
6 years ago
The Fox General: Captured
Wolf, Fox, Canine, Slavery, Fighting, Captivity, Bisexual, Medieval, Military, Violence (Not In Yiff), Male, Post-Apocalyptic, War, Soldier, Slave, Interspecies
14 years ago
Dalmatian Air, Part 4
Lion, Romance, Gay Relationships, Rottweiler, No-Yiff, Husky, Plot Development, Fighting, Story Progression, Character Development, Story Series, Dalmatian, Doberman, Violence (Not In Yiff), Clean
Wolfie Steel
5 years ago
A Patient Death 01: Descending
Otter, Wolf, Fox, Gay, Pig, Fantasy, Fighting, Story Progression, Story Series, M/M, Violence (Not In Yiff), Male, Warthog
9 years ago
Red and the Wolf (part 2)
Human, Wolf, No-Yiff, Teenagers, Mild Violence, Mild Drama, Sci-Fi, Highschool, Science, Trouble, New World, Fighting, Locker Room, Friendship, Forest, Relationships, Dark, Compassion, School, Bad Language, House, Muscle, Male, Tribal, Female, Shy, City, Teenager, Alternate Society, Classroom, Boy, Anthro, Teen, Cute, Paw, Alternate Reality, First Person, Laugh, Science Fiction, Girl, Hoodie
Nights Angel
11 years ago
Clash of titans
Human, Short, Transformation, Dragon, Plot Development, Fantasy, Fighting, Character Development, Dragoness, Medieval, Forest, Story Series, M/F, Violence (Not In Yiff), Thought Provoking, Cave, Humanoid, Multiple Species, Short Story, Clean, Anthro, nightmare, Scales, Anthropomorphic, Faith, Village, Near Death, lair, Alternative Reality, Kingdoms, Violance, Anthro dragon, In scales
10 years ago
Red and the Wolf (part 1?)
Human, Wolf, No-Yiff, Teenagers, Mild Violence, Mild Drama, Sci-Fi, Highschool, Science, Trouble, New World, Fighting, Locker Room, Friendship, Forest, Relationships, Dark, Compassion, School, Bad Language, House, Muscle, Male, Tribal, Female, Shy, City, Teenager, Alternate Society, Classroom, Boy, Anthro, Teen, Cute, Paw, Alternate Reality, First Person, Laugh, Science Fiction, Girl, Hoodie
Nights Angel
2 months ago
Chapter 3: Silver and Lead
Human, Non-Anthro, Dragon, Drama, Drama, Comedy, Fighting, Dragoness, Realistic, Action, Violence (Not In Yiff), Wings, Feral, Biting, Clean, Fight, Quadruped, Gun, Western, Slice of Life, SFW
5 months ago
Turf War in the Big City
Kaiju, Fighting
13 years ago
A Chosen Path -- Chapter 9 -- Some Mondays Are Better Than Others
Lion, Wolf, Fox, Husky, Jaguar, Highschool, Fighting, Young Love, Bisexual, Clean, bully
10 years ago
Kindred Spirits, Crossing the Line
Human, Wolf, Death, Sci-Fi, Plot Development, Gore, Science, Fighting, Series, Story Progression, Character Development, Military, Story Series, Training, Violence (Not In Yiff), Male, Biting, Clean, Story, Fiction, martial arts, combat, child, hand, Blood, Hand-to-hand, Hand-to-Hand Combat
5 years ago
A Biography of a Human: Eclipse
Human, Lion, Wolf, Lioness, Drama, Plot Development, Slavery, Hyena, Fighting, Medieval, Realistic, Violence (Not In Yiff), Anatomically Correct, Tribal, Desert, Post-Apocalyptic, Anthro, Fight, Anthropomorphic
1 year ago
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 46: A Brother’s Promise
Panther, Romance, Wolf, Gay Relationships, Dog, No-Yiff, Gay, Leopard, Drama, Plot Development, Hyena, Fighting, Series, Story Progression, Friendship, Character Development, Story Series, German Shepherd, M/M, Fight, mafia
9 years ago
22 Weeks 'till home - Teaser
Fox, Death, Dragon, Drama, Love, Tragedy, Fighting, Military, Story Series, Action, Modern, M/F, Violence (Not In Yiff), Multiple Species, Sad, War, Story, teaser, Preview, Fiction, Slice of Life, Shadi, Isiat, Kyruku
Isiat Squire Carcer
16 years ago
Fighting, Story Progression, Character Development, Story Series, Hybrid
7 years ago
The Search is Over-Chapter 36
Human, Magic, Transformation, Non-Anthro, Humor, Death, Dragon, Violence, Drama, Plot Development, Love, Fantasy, Pain, Unconciousness, Fighting, Story Progression, Friendship, Character Development, Dragoness, Forest, Story Series, Revenge, Savior, Fear, Hate, Action, Evil, House, Male, Female, Feral, Emotion, Biting, Flight, Dread, Sad, Western Dragon, Anger, Suspense, Thriller, Lust, Gun, Sister, Night, Fire, Straight, Outdoors, Car, Scalie, Brother, Blood
Azure Drake
2 years ago
Sergeant Aleksander’s Backstory by Alpha Wolfio
Discipline, Fighting, Character Development, Military, Forest, Action, School, Speciesism, Modern, Club, Male, Armor, Destruction, Vaporeon, Ears, Conquest, Knight, Introduction, Jolteon, Classroom, Pokemon, Fight, Political, Umbreon, Red, Story, Gun, Sky, Family, Father, Pink, Eyes, Mother, Son, Student, Uniform, King, leafeon, glaceon, Warrior, Guns, private, Battle, Tail, tactical, Third Person, resistance, aleksander, Sergeant, Battalion, Centureon, Wispeon, Estvania, Kriegsland, Stoland
9 years ago
Commission: Corporate Ballroom (ShadowRun Story)
Violence, Adventure, Fighting, Cyberpunk, Guns, Weapons, Shadowrun, Shadow Run, Tactic
3 years ago
Gutpunch 11: Intrusive Bibliophilia and how to ruin date night
Lion, Otter, Wolf, Fox, Ram, Magic, Fighting, Sexy, Naked, Fight, fist, funny, Sword, and, gut, punch, sorcery, breathless, Gutpunch, Humorous, Humoros, Humoros, Breathelss
2 years ago
The Arena: Part 1
Human, Feline, Magic, Leopard, Bull, Lizard, Drama, Slavery, Fighting, Story Progression, Character Development, Action, Violence (Not In Yiff), Male, Anthro, shaman, combat, arena, Beastmen, masculine
9 years ago
Commission: The Hunter (Shadow Run Commission)
Wolf, Fox, Canine, Violence, Fighting, Vulpine, hunter, swords, Guns, quest, citrus, Shadowrun, Role play, Skie, Shadow Run
13 years ago
The Redeem: Chapter 12
Lion, Plot Development, Fighting, Character Development, Spanish Language, M/M, French Language, Anger, pie, Samoyed
10 years ago
Singularity - Part VIII
Otter, Wolf, Fox, Gay Relationships, Canine, Violence, Plant, Husky, Cuddling, Sci-Fi, Love, Science, Unconciousness, Fighting, Series, Character Development, Tentacles, Military, Forest, Relationships, Savior, Soulmates, Action, Mild Romance, Camp, Authority, Kissing, Hybrid, Medical Procedures, Mustelid, Red Fox, Mammal, War, Siberian Husky, Cute, Couple, Observation, Alternate Reality, Laugh, Science Fiction, Fursona, Doctor, Vietnam War, huey, French Kissing, Helicopter, vietnam, chinook, The Good Stuff, Flora Fauna, Yangurran
6 years ago
Here be Dragons: Chapter 5
Human, Non-Anthro, Dragon, Violence, Gryphon, Plot Development, Fantasy, Fighting, Character Development, Dragoness, Story Series, Male, Female, Feral, Story
Nuitari Rising
10 years ago
Cynthia Intro (Voice Acting Work)
Zebra, Fighting, Intro, Commission, voice acting
1 year ago
Nightworld 09: Bloodbath
Wolf, Fox, Death, Vampire, Drama, Vampire Wolf, Dingo, Hyena, Fantasy, Adventure, Fighting, Story Progression, Weasel, Action, Bad Language, Doberman, M/M, Violence (Not In Yiff), Male, Disaster, Anger, Murder, Science Fiction, caracal, marten
1 year ago
Nightworld 07: Lady of the House
Wolf, Fox, Magic, Gay, Snake, Vampire, Drama, Dingo, Fantasy, Fighting, Story Progression, Action, M/M, Goat, Violence (Not In Yiff), Male, Science Fiction, pine marten