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T'is A Boy!
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Whelp, for those who weren't in the Know, My darling wife, the ever tallented :iconShadi Carcer: Is expecting our first child in February of next year, and this was a photo we took for the gender reveal! It's a boy, my first son, Hunter.
And Yes, that is a five pound block of Hershey's. She's still considering sharing it with me, but the jury is still out on that.
Fatherhood is a... Very interesting feeling, knowing you're going to be a dad soon. It's exhilarating and terrifying all at once, but more than anything, I'm excited to meet the little guy. For me, Fatherhood is going to be an adventure, and I honestly can't wait.
And Yes, that is a five pound block of Hershey's. She's still considering sharing it with me, but the jury is still out on that.
Fatherhood is a... Very interesting feeling, knowing you're going to be a dad soon. It's exhilarating and terrifying all at once, but more than anything, I'm excited to meet the little guy. For me, Fatherhood is going to be an adventure, and I honestly can't wait.
11 years ago
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