Current Track: Blabb

[b]G'Dayanoweryagoin?[/b] I'm Isiat, Hospital IT Network Admin, and a Furry since '06! I write all sorts of stories focusing around Isiat, my Sona, and a whole cast of recurring characters, as well as those of my wife, Shadi! I love sharing stories and experiences, and gaming on the side!

Much of my content is NSFW, and many of the stories I write are of adult themes, and feature a variety of kinks and fetishes. You can find my galleries on SoFurry and on FurAffinity! 

I try to keep a regular upload schedule, but life often interrupts such plans! Generally, my average tends to be about a piece every month or so. Creativity takes time!

As for Isiat, my main lad? He's an older gent, has far too many tails, an ex-commando, and loves to tell a good yarn. If you want to feature him or any of my characters in something, let me know! I'm always more than happy to discuss writing or art ideas! Got an idea for a character of yours in one of my settings? Let me know as well! Maybe we can get you a cameo!

[i]Isiat's Writer's retreat Discord link![/i]

Click Here!

You can also find me on Twitter! I regularly post about goings-on and shenanigans! BIRD NOISES!

Shout me a cuppa on Ko-fi!

If my commissions are open, you'll find the info below! Hit me up with a PM or by poking me on my discord or Twitter DM!

[b]Commission Info[/b] Commissions are [b][i]Open, but please enquire![/b][/i] I'm incredibly busy these days, and what little free time I do have is a commodity. If you have an idea for what you'd like me to write, make sure it's a clear, well set up idea first before coming to me!