Current Track: Blabb

The clack of wood rang in my ears, the shock traveling through my arms up to my shoulders. A grunt left my mouth as I pushed more of my weight on my stick. Impassive green eyes met mine, judging me with coldness. I jumped back, tusks bared. Blood pumped in my ears, my hands clutching my wooden stick. The old orc lifted his stick, no emotion on his face. I jumped at him, a roar in my lips. Eyes focused on his hands. A quartet of strikes rained upon the old orc but they all met the same fate as the ones before. I growled in frustration, my blood boiling in my veins. I rose my stick, widened my stance. My stick cut through the air. Gray brows turned into a frown. Anger flashed in green eyes. A loud clack reached my ears and pain sprung from my hands. The next moment I was flying through the air.

My shoulders took the brunt of the fall, forcing a grunt out of my lips. Pain shoot on my skin and spread like wildfire down my back. The rest of my body hit the ground seconds later just as my vision was swallowed by darkness. I was alone with my heavy breath and pounding heart. The rough earth digging into my skin while the scorching sun shone upon me. Long seconds passed before color returned to my world and I saw the end of a wooden sword pointed at my face. Dark green eyes stared at me from behind the sword, calm but firm. The message was clear.

“Sorry." I muttered after the oppresive silence became unbearable. The disappointment in those honest green orbs, made me avert my gaze, shame flooding my heart.

“I have told you to keep your temper in check Lucas." he replied with a grave voice, finally removing his sword. “It makes you predictable, easy to goad and it can cost you a fight."

“I tried, alright! I did what you told me and it didn't work!" I shouted and regretted it moments later. The displeased hug from the old orc stung like fire. I wished the earth would swallow me at once.

The tall orc sat by my side, placing a meaty hand over my shoulder. “That's why we are training, so you can learn how to do it."

“And I want to do it Master Rokash, I really want to but..."

“It's hard, I know. Few things in life are harder than understanding the self and learning how to live with it."

“I wish I could be like you: Controlled, quiet, wise. I'm sure everyone thinks the same." I admitted after a few seconds of silence, melancholy clinging to my voice.

“Do you really think so? That being like me would solve your problem?"

The hand on my shoulder gripped me tighter, bringing me out of my fortress of silence. “I don't know. Sometimes, sometimes I do."

“It is true that it could save you some trouble. Maybe you wouldn't fall to easy traps. Perhaps you wouldn't explode at your father or your friends. Nor would you break equipment when anger gets the best of you." The older orc's tone was free of any malice, his voice calm and even.

“Then, you think I should be more like you too."

“I think if you were, you'd spend long hours doubting your every move. You'd worry about being too expressive or not expressive enough when you talk to others. You'd have a hard time knowing how you feel."

I stared at the old orc with widened eyes, conflict wringing my heart. “Then, then what should I do Master Rokash?"

“You find a way to make it work, to live with it." Master Korash offered me a gentle smile, his chipped tusks framing his lips. “That's what we all end up doing and some times it works wonders, some times it is our gravest sin."

“Is that the secret to the aether blade?"

“No, that's the secret to being an adult. You make things work when you can and pay for your failure when you can't. Wielding the aether blade is only an extension of that, if a extreme one."

I sat up, hugging my knees close to my chest while my hands shake in . My mind was a twister of vague thoughts and rampaging emotions that closed in on me. With a strained smile, I asked the old orc: “Do you think I really can do it, wielding an aether blade? Or becoming an adult?"

“Yes, I believe you can, there's not a single doubt in my mind." The old orc said with a warm tone, ruffling my hair. “You're doing much better than when we started. You have a strong heart and passion, that will take you far. We just have to temper that anger of yours into something you can use instead of something that uses you."

“And I'd be like you?"

A soft chuckle left Master Korash as he jumped to his feet, his gray mane glinting under the sun's ray. “No, not like me Lucas. You'll be great in your own way. You'll become a better you, the one that you're creating right now for your own sake."

A smile made its way to my face, lifting the weight of my heart.

“Now, let's go back to training. We're not leaving until you can land a proper hit on me." the old orc said as he threw my sword back at me.

My hands closed around the wooden hilt, excitement burning in my veins.“Yes, sir."