By Chaos Blackwing
The large wolf watched her prey, carefully observing his movement and actions. The hunt had been a long one, nearing a month now, but it was nearing it's end, and all signs pointed towards a positive result. At last all the preparations had been made, all the information gathered, and the time to strike was at hand. As the male left the building where he toiled away for his measly paycheck, heading towards the cheap car that would take him to an equally cheap apartment, she moved in.
Crossing the pavement, she made sure to be as silent as possible, wanting to remain undetected until it was too late. At last she was within range, and with a quick movement she placed her hands upon his shoulders, pinning him to the spot, even as she was careful not to apply too much pressure. His head snapped back, startled by the sudden presence behind him, but before he could get a word out she spoke, both to him, and to the device she had clipped to her waist shortly before heading out earlier.
“I, Sera Nomin, having observed the rules of the hunt, do hereby lay claim to this male, Joshua Grant."
From the device strapped to her waist a sexless voice replied, loud enough for both to clearly hear and understand.
“Your claim is acknowledge Sera Nomin. Joshua Grant, do you accept this claim?"
Though clearly blindsided by how fast things were going, after having observed the male for so long the answer wasn't really in question. Releasing his shoulders, she watched as the male turned about until he was facing her, his expression unreadable as he looked up into her eyes. Clearing his throat from the dryness that had struck when she first grabbed him, he spoke, eyes never leaving hers.
“I do."
Again the device spoke in it's monotone voice.
“Sera Nomin, your claim has been acknowledged. Joshua Grant, your acceptance has been acknowledged. This information has now been stored in the Alpha database. Your probationary bond is now in effect, and will last for one month, or until one of you petition to have it revoked. Should you affirm your bond at the end of your probationary period, it will become permanent, and will last until death or one of you petitions to have it revoked. Remember always that the strength of a leader is the strength of those that follow them, and that the responsibility of those that lead is first and foremost towards those that follow."
The mantra of the Great Pack over with, the device fell silent, leaving the two looking at each other, the male not sure what to do after what had just happened, the female with a growing sense of accomplishment. Her prey, the one she had stalked for close to a month, was now hers, bound now by the contract of hunter and hunted, leader and follower, and soon, she hoped, by the more intimate bonds of friends and companions.
Guiding the smaller male to his car, she informed him that they would be stopping at his apartment to spend the night there, before packing up anything he would need and settling him in her home, a place she hoped would soon be their home. Sure that he would follow her instructions, she walked back to her car, eager to head out and start their first of many nights together. Soon enough she hoped to convince him that he was meant to be with her, serving and being served by her, guided by her gentle hand and flourishing under her care.
Such was the burden, and the joy, of an alpha's life in the Great Pack.
(The above was inspired by, of all things, what was basically small talk between two characters in a story on another site, 'Ebony and Fire' by Rauhnee Ranshanka and Todd McCall, where a discussion on cultural differences brought up how a displaced individual came from a culture where the more successful were allowed to 'claim' others, leading to them kidnapping several people and holding them against their will until the matter was resolved. The mind started wondering how such a culture could work, and this micro-story was the result.)
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