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The Traveling Slave: Practice in the Greenhouse
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This absolutely [b]Incredible[/b] piece was done by the awesome Sikopio after I ordered a few smaller pieces from them, and realized they had a talent for just nailing the fine details with my characters, catching not only their designs but their character as well in the artwork. This was almost a month in the works, and I'll for sure be commissioning more large scenes from them in future! Its a rich and vibrant universe I'm weaving together and I've been having an absolute blast with it. Seeing it brought to life in art though is something else entirely, and I'll never get tired of it.
Fun fact! The art for this was a 3000x6000 pixel file, coming in at 13.6MB when it was completed :P It's also being made into a 16"x32" canvas print to hang on my wall at home!
You can read the full chapter of the story here :link1640290:
[i]Smiles were a strange thing for Isiat. Not so much because he didn't feel good, but because a sincere and genuine smile was a peculiar and wonderful thing to come across. They were often unexpected, occurring under the most bizarre of circumstances, and frequently at very little or no provocation. When you spent so much time behind a desk bartering with people who once might have sold you for the cost of the fur on your body, one learned to have a separate smile.
It was neither sincere nor genuine. It might well indicate pleasure or joy, but over a well-struck deal, a trade contract that exceeded expectations, or whispers of a move in the great game brought to light. It was not a smile one used for happiness. It was for success. For victory. For risks that paid dividends on their expenses. It was a business smile, and it could be as warm or as cold as he chose it to be.
But this smile... Well, this one was genuine as the air he breathed, and it was beginning to hurt his jaw from its longevity.
That damned smile of hers though...
The greenhouses at the aft end of the starboard side weren't exactly an outrageously large project. It had been Scion of all people who had insisted on making use of the space. Perhaps a few hundred square meters had been risen to allow for almost a meter of natural earth to be boxed in, along with seeds for plants, vegetables, smaller trees and ferns, and a grassy clearing in the centre of it all where he watched Shadi dance to a jaunty jig played by a ferret with a violin nearby.
There was always a few onlookers when she came here, be it long term staff taking a quiet nap on their breaks, or his other slaves looking for a place they could escape for an hour, uninterrupted and peaceful to just listen to the birdsong. It was humid, but never overly so, and Isiat had stripped down to his undershirt and trousers, his feet kicked out on the soft grass like the half dozen or so other onlookers.
It was also one of few places to escape the perpetual humming of the airships many, many motors and moving parts, the thick layer of natural soil providing more than adequate insulation from the background noise.
Reaching up, the Kyruku ran a paw along the edge of his angular vulpine muzzle, playing out his whiskers between his thumb and index fingers, his tails flickering in tempo with the music.
There was something about that slave girl, that was for sure, but the words to describe it were as fleeting as a glimpse of a shooting star.
Shadi danced with passion and with heart, her curvaceous feline body almost flawlessly suited for it to be just the right amounts of alluring and bright. Her tail flowed after her like a ribbon, her tan fur as sparkling and bright as her mismatched eyes, green and topaz gems that shone in the warm, natural glow within the greenhouse.
One, one two, pause, onetwothreefour, oh one, one two, pause, onetwothreefour!
But for her smile...
His jaw still hurt from his own almost comically goofy grin. Damn her for that smile. It was intoxicating. She was enjoying herself, and she knew it, and her smile gave it away to everyone around her as well. There were many imperfect things in the world, as Isiat knew all too well, but a true and honest smile like that could never be called anything but perfect. Perhaps it was in part the not insignificant role he had played in securing her release, but he knew in his heart that he had done a good thing by taking her from the canine castle.
No flower so precious should have been left to wilt in darkness.
"Remember! Let the music move your dancing, don't force yourself to move to it." He called out, shifting as he rested on his palms behind him, tails fanned out over the grass.
"What does it look like I'm doing? Fishing?" She laughed back at him. That damned smile again. She needed to stop before he had to see Mack for something to help the ache in his jawbone.
Truthfully, he didn't ever want her to though.[/i]
Fun fact! The art for this was a 3000x6000 pixel file, coming in at 13.6MB when it was completed :P It's also being made into a 16"x32" canvas print to hang on my wall at home!
You can read the full chapter of the story here :link1640290:
[i]Smiles were a strange thing for Isiat. Not so much because he didn't feel good, but because a sincere and genuine smile was a peculiar and wonderful thing to come across. They were often unexpected, occurring under the most bizarre of circumstances, and frequently at very little or no provocation. When you spent so much time behind a desk bartering with people who once might have sold you for the cost of the fur on your body, one learned to have a separate smile.
It was neither sincere nor genuine. It might well indicate pleasure or joy, but over a well-struck deal, a trade contract that exceeded expectations, or whispers of a move in the great game brought to light. It was not a smile one used for happiness. It was for success. For victory. For risks that paid dividends on their expenses. It was a business smile, and it could be as warm or as cold as he chose it to be.
But this smile... Well, this one was genuine as the air he breathed, and it was beginning to hurt his jaw from its longevity.
That damned smile of hers though...
The greenhouses at the aft end of the starboard side weren't exactly an outrageously large project. It had been Scion of all people who had insisted on making use of the space. Perhaps a few hundred square meters had been risen to allow for almost a meter of natural earth to be boxed in, along with seeds for plants, vegetables, smaller trees and ferns, and a grassy clearing in the centre of it all where he watched Shadi dance to a jaunty jig played by a ferret with a violin nearby.
There was always a few onlookers when she came here, be it long term staff taking a quiet nap on their breaks, or his other slaves looking for a place they could escape for an hour, uninterrupted and peaceful to just listen to the birdsong. It was humid, but never overly so, and Isiat had stripped down to his undershirt and trousers, his feet kicked out on the soft grass like the half dozen or so other onlookers.
It was also one of few places to escape the perpetual humming of the airships many, many motors and moving parts, the thick layer of natural soil providing more than adequate insulation from the background noise.
Reaching up, the Kyruku ran a paw along the edge of his angular vulpine muzzle, playing out his whiskers between his thumb and index fingers, his tails flickering in tempo with the music.
There was something about that slave girl, that was for sure, but the words to describe it were as fleeting as a glimpse of a shooting star.
Shadi danced with passion and with heart, her curvaceous feline body almost flawlessly suited for it to be just the right amounts of alluring and bright. Her tail flowed after her like a ribbon, her tan fur as sparkling and bright as her mismatched eyes, green and topaz gems that shone in the warm, natural glow within the greenhouse.
One, one two, pause, onetwothreefour, oh one, one two, pause, onetwothreefour!
But for her smile...
His jaw still hurt from his own almost comically goofy grin. Damn her for that smile. It was intoxicating. She was enjoying herself, and she knew it, and her smile gave it away to everyone around her as well. There were many imperfect things in the world, as Isiat knew all too well, but a true and honest smile like that could never be called anything but perfect. Perhaps it was in part the not insignificant role he had played in securing her release, but he knew in his heart that he had done a good thing by taking her from the canine castle.
No flower so precious should have been left to wilt in darkness.
"Remember! Let the music move your dancing, don't force yourself to move to it." He called out, shifting as he rested on his palms behind him, tails fanned out over the grass.
"What does it look like I'm doing? Fishing?" She laughed back at him. That damned smile again. She needed to stop before he had to see Mack for something to help the ache in his jawbone.
Truthfully, he didn't ever want her to though.[/i]
4 years ago
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