Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Rovotic


I walked down the road.
Taking in the surroundings around me as the day turned into night. With the
moon hanging barely above the horizontal skies, I turned my attention towards
the parallel lines of buildings that were to my sides. I stared onto them,
taking in their interesting and unique features that make themselves stand out.
Afterwhich, I rose my eyes and stared onto their signs; rapidly having noticed
that their letters were sometimes flickering or gone dark the entire time. A
tilt of my head was my only answer as I continued the road. You must be
wondering what I am doing however. As always, I am on patrol on a midnight
hour. Since of course, none of the officers in my unit are able to take this
shift due to their uncontrollable scheduling, it had only ended up upon the
claws of me and Yang to which I had taken it without hesitation. As it had
given me two advantages upon this point.


Continuing down the road,
I continued to see the vast variety of buildings before me. All in a range from
smallest to tallest however. Setting my eyes upon them had made me think about
the old Vastertown with the other older dragons that we were not able to see
today. A settling question was upon my mind. But I shook it off when I had
noticed someone familiar upon the horizon. At the distance from where I stand,
I spotted a vixen running perpendicular to the road and heed upon the other
side. She later disappeared upon the alleyway where I resumed my walk and
towards where she had ended up upon. My heart was beating in my chest as I had
anticipated an ambush or something upon that alleyway. But arriving such, I saw
nothing there. Just an empty alleyway which greatly concerns me at most.


Deciding to report this,
I raised my walkie high into my snout and pressed the black button. A click
then a loud beep sound followed afterwards to which I was able to speak through
the speakers and relay the information I had witness with my own two eyes.
Thus, I lowered my paw and instead rose my other claw that was holding the
pistol. With my other claw gripping the base of the pistol, I had felt nervous
and shaking for some odd reason as if the cold had swept passed my scales,
brushing against it lightly and causing all sorts of shiverness and chatter
amongst my own warm body. But I paid no attention to it as I entered the


Narrowed and tight. But
warm as the temperature suddenly rose high in rapid speed. I walked down the
alleyway, shifting my attention towards the walls on either side of me. My claws
shook with the coldness and sweat falling down from my palms, pooling wake
right behind me as I advance forth. Halfway there, I spotted a brown door. It
was cracked opened a little. Pushing through the door’s surface, I stared onto
a new founding path ahead of me. However, to my surprise, after switching the
light adjacent to me, I had noticed that it was not a path. Rather, it was a
small room. The place was empty. Nothing was there apparently as my eyes
scanned around the area. Before settling forth towards the pale wall ahead of
me. There I spotted a white note tapped upon the wall, blood words were written
that leaks to the other side of the paper. Words that formed sentences.


To my knowledge, the
paper points to the edge of Vastertown where a sudden bridge lies in awaiting.
I had pondered about such a bridge as I had remembered that there was not one
anymore after Chaos was jousted out of their realm due to some unfortunate
events that had befell upon them however. My head shook, I was tempted to grab
the walkie and relay the information back to quarters. But fearing that someone
might ambush me from behind, I quickly remove myself from the doorspot and heed
out the rest of the way through the alleyway. Till I was upon the other side.
Thus I was free to do as I wished and I attempted the same as I had when I was
upon the doorsteps. Pressing the button again and splitting my mouth, I relay
information back to Yang hoping that she would response afterwards. By the time
my mouth stopped speaking was the long silence that followed. I was nervous
that I found my wings flapping and shuffling behind me, eagerness warmed my
body in an attempt to head westward where the edge of the town was where the
bridge would be held.


No response came from her
yet. I had anticipated that she might be sleeping around this time. So with a
exhaled relief sigh, I spread my wings and took off rather quickly. Heading
westward where I perceived the information to be pointing towards. Upon arrival
towards the edge of the town, already spotting the bridge. Here I landed and
closed myself upon the bridge. My wings folded behind me as I walked, eyes
already pointing daggers. But the bridge was broken. Shattered into two with a
large crack at the center of it all. Surprise, I frowned but curiously stepped
forth closer towards the bridge. Then lean forward as my eyes lowered, gazing
down onto the pit below me. Except it was not a pit. But rather a brown path
leading west and east direction. Towards a destination that I never knew about


My head was tilted to the
side as I followed the brown path, to the far sides of the path where faintness
meets up with the horizon. I stepped forward. Dropped myself upon the path’s
ground and turned around so I was now facing the bridge before me. Something
shiny sparkled in my eyes as I stared upon it in the silence that follows. Thus
walking a few steps forward, I spotted a golden key upon the ground. It was
never washed. Specks of dirt linger upon its surface as I crouched down to
grabbed it. Rose to my feet, I inspected the key in my claw and turned it over.
A small white note was tapped upon the midsection of the key. Upon the note was
a drawing; or a clue I guess. An red arrow points northward towards a small
broken house at the center of the woods.


I dug myself out from the
path and returned to the broken bridge. It had seemed that Kyro and Zander were
here too as I had spotted them just after I landed upon soft grass and rose my
eyes staring down onto the red and black dragons who smiled faintly upon my
sights. “You guys are the reinforcements?” I questioned, tilting my head to one
side curious. Yet Kyro and Zander shook their heads responding to me, “We are
your allies for the time being.” Kyro replied, answering my question “Yang had
asked anyone within the unit to come and help out Ling with the newfounding
investigation.” “Alright.” I replied before handing them the golden key, “There
is a house, westward from where we are. It is rather impossible to head over
there, if you are not a dragon or reptile however.” They smiled after as I
additionally spoke to them, “Head over there and see what that house had in
store. I bet you it had something inside it that relates to the earlier crime I
had witness before.” “What earlier crime?” Zander question, but I shook my head
reminding him to question me later.


The three of us split.
Zander and Kyro headed westward as intended which left me alone to myself. As I
stared at the broken bridge in silence then rose my eyes towards Zander and
Kyro whom already flying above me, I departed from the broken bridge. Heeding
back towards the streets where I returned back towards the stores that had been
robbed. However, it had seemed that someone there had already beaten to me
first as I had spotted Natty and Ozkun together having a conversation with the
clerk. The clerk seemed a bit desperate yet frustrated with the recent steals.
As sweat falls from the side of his face and warmth heats upon his neck, he
spoke vividly and full of action as if he was an actor for some theater that we
had walked ourselves into. Seeing that they already have it done, I proceeded
back upon the alleyway where I last saw that vixen running into that particular


Arriving back upon the
door, I reopened it again and looked inside. Surprise to see that the room was
different this time around than before. A bed, sofa and a television were all
group together in one corner of the room. Adjacent to the clock that was
hanging above all three. Across the room stood another bed; but three silver
springs hang from the surface of the bed. Pointing upward to the ceiling above
me which I rose my head taking noticed already. A drawn map hangs above me. It
shows the entire Vastertown, that bridge that connects our town to the woods
and that small house at the center of the woods. I stared at the map in
silence, before averting my eyes away from the ceiling. Glancing down onto the
other interesting parts of the small room before me, I unconsciously headed in
which allowed the door behind me to close and click, preventing me from even
exiting outside. It does not surprise me however as I had ignored the sound and
kept my eyes upon the surroundings.


With the door closed
behind me, pitch darkness welcomed me and started to embrace me from all sides.
I ignored the darkness and kept walking, my claws already reaching for the
flashlight which was already turned on. Shining the light everywhere, I gaze
upon the one corner with the clock and walked up towards it. The Clock was very
old it seemed. Brown was its wooden color. But something was odd about it
however. The clock was shaped like a bird’s nest with a rooftop overtop of the
nest however. The nest and the roof were painted the same color. The bird that
was sitting overtop of the nest was motionless yet kept its eyes upon me. I
shivered upon meeting the eyes of the bird then pulled away and glanced
elsewhere upon the room, hoping to find something interesting other than the
bird; nest and amongst other stuff that was piled through here.


The walkie started spitting
static. I lowered the volume down a bit hoping that never attracted any
unwanted attention around the place. I listened very carefully and closely as
the information listed might be useful in the long run. But shortly before the
information was leaked, I recognized the voice. Deep and confident, I realized
that it was Kyro speaking. He started talking about the house at the center of
the woods. Howls scattered everywhere that it was disorienting for Zander
however. Upon arrival into the house, they were surprise into seeing the place
empty. All the furnitures were pulled to one side. A clock hangs above them.
Opposite of them was a rotating door with red words hanging above it. They were
not clear words however. “Wait a second.” I blurted out, having not realized
that the button was pressed already. “You just describe the room I was in!”
“The room that you are in?” Kyro questioned, his voice concerning. “Are you
sure you are not within the proximity of the for-” “No,” I growled interrupting
him, he shut up afterwards.


“I am in an alleyway. In
the path where a particular store got its goods stolen.” “So back upon the
town, huh?” “Indeed.” “So the place that you are in is equal to the same as we
are in.” “Basically.” “How does that work?” I paused and frowned in response as
the question had strike against my curiosity. ‘Indeed how does that work…’ I
thought to myself, shifting my attention everywhere upon the room. I stared at
the walls. The clock in front of me. The furniture between us. Until something
strikes me, “Kyro.” I breathed into the walkie, “Yes?” “Turn the clock hands to
this particular time.” “Sure, what time?” I heard Kyro said as footsteps
approaches. “Start of Morning.” “6am, Zander.” Kyro called. A pause of silence
came afterwards. Then something rumbled and also vibrated the grounds
underneath me. I blinked in surprise shocked as I attempted to run out the
door. Having tripped over some pebbles and rocks that fallen from the ceiling
above me during my escaped. But I exited the room and returned to the alleyway.
Turning around to face the door again, My mouth hanged opened upon seeing a
hole opened up upon the grounds.


“Kyro… Zander…” I
breathed again after holding up the walkie, “You two are seeing that hole
right?” “Indeed.” Responded Kyro, “Hold on, I am going to see where this
leads.” “Hopefully to here however.” “I guess this is how…” And it cuts off
from there as I had entered into the hole. Pitch darkness welcomed me in as I
stared upon the narrowed walls before me. The walls looked realistics with the
lanterns shining dimly adjacent to them. Yet I perhaps knew they were
wallpapers however as I ventured forth through the tunnel. It was a tight fit
and hard to manuever around without injuring something like a tail or a wing.
But eventually I had made it through.


I reached the other side
of the tunnel and popped my head out from the hole. I gaze upon the newfounding
surroundings; already spotting the place being pitch dark and impossible to see
without a flashlight involved. I climbed out from the hole, dusting myself of
the dirty that had cling onto my scales and uniform as I shifted my attention
towards Kyro and Zander. Both of which were spotted upon one corner of the
room. Their eyes staring at the clock before them. I called out to both; they
turned their heads over and faintly smiled as we regrouped. “Have you found
anything here?” I questioned them, curious to see what they would find. “Stolen
goods. That is about it.” “ ‘ Stolen goods’? That is perfect! It is what Natty
and Ozkun reported to Yang earlier before I heeded into the room again.” I
smiled brightly in response towards their report. But shortly afterwards
frowned again as I questioned them, “However. Was the goods already put into
the project that they were doing?” Another pause of silence which tells me that
it was half way done.


I growled but fell to
silent afterwards as my eyes shift around the room. Then back towards Kyro and
Zander asking them, “Then where is the project?” “Beyond that door.” Kyro
replied raising his claw pointing leftward towards the wall. I turned to where
he was pointing at; then back towards him. With understanding silence, I
acknowledged it and walked to the wall where Kyro said and raised my claw.
Pressing against it. At first nothing had happened and I blinked in surprise
before turning around, looking over to Kyro and Zander while the dragon stepped
forth towards my line. Silently shaking his head, he reached up above his head,
waving upon something. The wall before us parted instantly which greatly
shocked me as I turned my attention towards Zander who just smiled faintly. A
tip of his hat afterwards allowed him to return to Kyro’s side as I turned face
front towards the impending darkness ahead of me. I stepped inward. The wall returned
and blocked me from Kyro and Zander.


Right in front of me was
the project. A messy object with stuff shoved into it. Different colored gum
was attached to the stolen store goods. But I could not make heads or tails
with this thing in front of me. As I found myself staring upon the question at
hand, I walked cautiously forward and closed in onto the object before me. Thus
I stopped right in front of me, my eyes lowered and gaze at it for a moment. I
crouched, positioning my claws underneath the said object and lifting it high
towards my eyes where I could see it a lot better. Static popped from the
walkie as Yang’s voice echoed through the speaker. But I paid no attention to
what she was saying. Settling the object upon a nearby blue table where the light
shines above it, I circled the table and kept my eyes upon the object.


Thoughts circulated my
mind as I pondered about the object. Making faces all the while as I attempted
to figure out and anticipate the object and its functions of what it suppose to
serve. But after several seconds of silence, I rose my claw to my forehead and
growled in silence. My eyes closed then opened, finding out that I was staring
upon the flooring underneath me. Lifting my eyes back upon the table, I stared
back onto the object at hand. Static from the walkie continued. This time,
conversations between Yang and Kyro and Zander. Often times, Ozkun or Natty
would pitch in with their thoughts too. All of their information and logic had
sounded true. It had did make sense considering about the object which I am
staring at.


TIll my eyes hurt from
the dry air that circulated in my eyes and head, I blinked and backed for a
moment. Rubbing my eyes with my claws as my wings spread and folded in sequence
before opening my eyes again and stared back onto the table. “Ling. I think you
should get out of there.” I heard Kyro’s voice speak through the walkie. I
grounded my fangs and narrowed, but abide to the order as I turned around and
heed back through the wall. Finally returning to the empty room, Kyro and
Zander were waiting for me there. They got up from the couch and sofas behind
them, meeting my eyes with them as I silently nodded back. “So nothing huh?” “I
could not figure out what that object does. It so foreign and interesting…” I
reported, “Foreign?” I heard Kyro tilted his head questioning me. I blinked
before shaking my head, taking my mind off from the object at hand I returned
myself towards the reality of things and explained further what I meant.


Upon the understanding of
the red dragon was the only time that we heed out from the door. But my
thoughts were upon that object at hand. Pondering and anticipating what it does
and its effect towards the entire Order realm. I remained silent with thoughts
filling my mind as the cool air washed over the warmth contained in my body.
Unknowingly, my wings were spread. Kyro and Zander were the same way as all
three of us took to the skies once again, returning our sights back towards the
Headquarters where we would report our finding to Chief Yang.


But when it had became my
turn to speak for the crowd, I found out that Yang was narrowing her eyes
throwing daggers upon me as if she was frustrated with me. I blinked in
response and rubbed my eyes, having returned to the dragoness whose eyes stared
at me in wonder. Her mouth was opened; she had wanted to speak about something.
But remained voiceless as I heard footsteps behind me. And arms around my neck
with the snout breathing down my ear. “I think you need a rest.” “ I do not.
Not until we figure that object we found!” I growled at him. Turned rapidly
around, later finding out that the voice was gone. My eyes opened in surprise,
I blinked several times and circled the room a bit. But I found myself inside
that same familiar room; with Kyro and Zander looking at me with worry.