Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: ConPartrate


“We are out." I heard Kyro replied, a smile escaped his lips as his claws released from the doorknob in front of him. The door opened as wide it could, allowing ourselves out from our prison. We escaped into the fresh cold air that washed surrounding us. I breathed into the fresh air and slightly smiled. My head was lifted towards the night skies and my eyes started closing, wanting to take in the freshness of the air surrounding us. But my mind reminded me that we have other plans. A head flick towards the side to Kyro as his wings were spread suddenly. HIs red scaled wings, shone brightly against the faints lights of the moon that hovered above him. With a great flap of his wings, he flew towards the night skies. Disappearing out of trace as he left me behind. A playful growl escaped my throats while I watched him go. Though the urges of going alongside of him were greater than I had imagine, there was something else that I have to consider too.


So with a return look towards the door behind me. I rushed back into the prison. Watching as the light turn to darkness as I ended up upon the hallway of the first familiar floor. My claws were cupped against my mouth while I shouted upon the void hoping to hear her voice. I scanned the walls. I scanned the horizon while I ran. Straight towards the other side where I ended up upon a huge room before me. There I spotted her; sitting by the sofa. Her head was raised towards me. Though tilted as if wondering what I had needed. I said nothing but a nod while she nodded in response and flicked her tail that was hanging out from the edges of the sofa. Her arm was resting against the armrest adjacent to her. “Everyone else had rushed over to Chaos. Hoping that the foxes were alive and well." “Including the organization?" She spoke, her voice soft and sweet. I nodded in response towards her. “I see. I do hope they come back for results." “Why the foxes?" I questioned her suddenly, the thought popping into my mind before my mouth could say anything else.


She chuckled in response, shook her head then lowered her head gazing at the wall in front of her which was behind me. I raised my head a bit to lock eyes with her. But she was impossible to deal with however. As we spent a good minute or so trying to communicate, the beat of the silence derailed. I could not say anything to her. Not without restarting or relearning the rhythm of the silence. So with a sigh, I turned tail and retraced my steps out the door. Back upon the halls and onto the cold awaiting arms of the outside realm where I shivered just briefly before subjecting towards the cold afterwards. For I raised my head towards the bleak skies, spread my wings and took off. Westward where I hope to rejoin with the other officers. 'I just hope I am not late.' I thought to myself quietly as the harsh winds blew against my face.


Arriving into Chaos was an easy fret. But landing onto it was a bit harder however. Why? Well let me tell you something. Despite the obvious differences between Chaos and Order. Order and Chaos do share some similarities. They are adjacent to one another, so this meant that the suntimes and moontimes are the same. For example, when its midnight in Order, or more specifically VasterTown, its midnight in Chaos. Although despite sharing the same timeframe with one another, Chaos is always in the dark. It perhaps like Antarctica of your realm which of course you might want to research if you want to understand what I am getting at.


Disregarding the baseless information as to what I have gave to you, I myself have already flown over Chaos. Where the lights shone brightly below me and make up a vast sea of lights, I smiled faintly while watching it all. Feeling the breeze calm my nerves down while I breathed a sigh or exhale afterwards. A beat of my wings came naturally as I was patrolled forward into the skies. Heading towards a deeper side of the Chaos realm, I ended up upon the destination as to where I had wanted to go. Thus, from there, I flapped once before tucking my wings against my body. Flying down to the grounds below me where I landed with a shock towards the realm's surface. Feeling the vibrations underneath me. Though I was sure that I would wake most canines up, I was glad to know that most were sleeping. Immediately before I could do anything however came Zander, who was running out from the building in front of me.


He ran to meet me up. Only slowing down after we were closing in at a close proximity of one another. Zander slowed down afterwards. I welcomed him. He only smiled in response, but that was brief while he explained what had happened inside. As we turned our attention towards the building in front of us, we walked inwards. Straight towards the door. Thus entering right on in. A cold air from outside was exchanged for the warmth inside. I was suddenly hit with a blast of warm air. I felt my scales warmed. I received a headache in response. Groaning, I turned my attention towards the black dragon and spoke “Why is it hot in here?" “Question the foxes that live in this area, Ling. They are the problem as to why-" “Then how come you are not affected?" I blurted out against him, shutting his objections quite clearly. As his eyes opened up and he leaned backwards, he wore an expressionless face as if he was hurt or something then chuckled on afterwards. A shook of his head before briefing me on the subject.


“As of now…" He responded without looking towards me, his arms held behind his back while his lips split repeatedly to explain, “We found all the clues. They are hiding out upon one single room. Clear as day it seems." “So no one bothered to clean it up?" I questioned him, Zander nodded “Yeah. It was weird to say the least. For them to be opened and in a clear organization place is orthodox for anyone that was the culprit. And that does include the R7 themselves." “Think it might be-" Zander shook his head, dismissing my suggestion as he defended it with “I doubt they intentionally set it there to taunt as at once. We know the R7 personally for them not to." “We do…" I trailed in agreeance, nodding slightly while his attention was elsewhere. “Regardless. I will lead you to the room. Kyro and Natty are waiting for you there." “Think you can come also?" I suggested stealing a glance towards him while the dragon shook his head, “I doubt it." The conversation ended there somehow. For the rest of the way, we walked towards our destination.


After arriving upon the entrance door of the crime room, I noticed and watched the black dragon turned tail and ran. However before he could, I noticed that his face was changing color somehow. From pure blackness to white, I tilted my head towards the side. Pondering as to why he never wanted to step forth through the door of the crime. Though keeping my mind on the mental image of him, I brave myself through the doors and entered with no hesitation. Thus entering into the pure darkness that awaits for me. I breathed steadily to slow my excitement and nervousness that surfaced upon my shivering body. With my eyes adjusting to the darkness, I opened my mouth to suddenly call off Kyro and Natty. The pair of dragons that were waiting for me. It never took long for them to response straight to me as I heard laughter and excitement coursing through the surface of the room. I stand at attention, my face hardened and was serious. But all that change when the light flickered on.


Surrounding me was horrifying.


'I could see why Zander never liked this place.' I pondered while my blue scales turned to white. I saw three white tables standing before me. All touching edges so to speak. Upon their surfaces were the four clues that Yang was talking about. First was the confetti and the party supplies and decorations. It had seem that so few of them were laid upon the table. Red stains were marked upon them. Blocking any sense towards the letters marking upon the supplies and decorations. Those decorations that were hanged were cleaned upon their surfaces. Though Kyro pointed out that the edges of them were bloody and dry. I stepped forth towards one of those decorations in silence, raised my claw high and poke lightly against the edges. A sharp poke inflicted pain upon my claw, but not a scratch came from me. As I flinched and held my claw back, I slowly nodded to myself. Taking in that note while I mentally imagine how these decorations were used as weapons.


Quickly, I turned around and lowered my eyes towards the three white tables below me. Keeping my eyesight upon all of the decorations, I pondered about their sharp edges. It was rather weird yet unique for our killer to use such weapons for a party. Even though a knife or something sharp would be used better. Upon the note of such a weapon, I quickly glance back upon the decoration behind me and reached out towards it. I grabbed tightly against the edges. But carefully settled them down. I turned it around and surprise, a knife was tapped against the back end of it. Yet to my own surprise, it was not bloody or anything. Rather it was clean. I could see my own reflection against it somehow. My eyes narrowed in interest, pondering why. Yet with no clear suggestions and answers, I sighed and leaned my head back. Reflection my attention back towards the white table.


Kyro and Natty arrived later. Their conversation was easy to hear considering they were loud. Their various of topics interest me. But I kept quiet while my eyes were turned to the table below me. It did not last long however when the pair have arrived upon the doorsteps. Shocked and happy with warmth to see me, a mixture of other feelings came as well. But I never knew what they were before Kyro's yell startled and interrupted my thoughts as I shoved my head high. Snapping it back towards the normality leveled ground, staring direction towards the red dragon before me. “Finally. You have arrived." He started with a laugh, I chuckled responding towards him before speaking, “You have checked the area?" “Every inch of it." Kyro remarked, “Only four clues stands." “what about the knife hidden against the surface of the decoration." I questioned him, he blinked suddenly then cracked a smile. As his attention was towards the decoration of where I was pointing at. He pulled it down and untapped the knife from its hiding spot and settle it upon the floor, “Nothing gets by you does it not?" He finally spoke, a laugh came following after. I smiled after him and shook my head. He extended his claw against my back, slapping me twice before calling out. “Yeah the knife was fluke. I was curious to see if you had noticed it already." He smiled warmly again before adding, “Considering that the building where the R7 lived in. There are no kitchen sitting here." “No kitchen?" I questioned in interest, Kyro's head nodded again. His arms crossed as he spoke,


“Yeah. No kitchen. Weird am I right?" He coughed to interrupt my nodding. Silence fell over once again while my eyes were turned to the white table underneath us. I pondered over his explains and my thoughts. Trying to connect them as best I could. However, my mind was preoccupied with other things and shortly I had noticed about the candle. “Is this room some sort of birthday party or something?" I questioned to Kyro who pondered. But his head shook in answer towards me, “There was no birthday party or anything. Rather it was a trap for someone. I guess it was the foxes in particular." Kyro answered, adding “Then again, if there was some sort of party involved. Then it would make sense to throw it while something else is happening as well. It would be too late for the other targets to escape, considering all the outside doors for escapes were shut and tight." “Not to mention locked." Natty pitched in which startled me as I had forgotten that she was there too. Kyro smiled only briefly towards her then locked eyes with me again.


“Two more clues shows this is not a birthday however." Kyro said, addressing towards the closed covered broken windows that were to the sides of the room. I turned towards the windows in silence. Walked around the white tables and sat my feet upon the grounds underneath me as I faced the closed covered window in front of me. In silence, I leaned forward and grabbed the underside of the cover, pulling it upward towards the ceiling above me. My eyes widened in surprise. But that only gave a nod from Kyro and Natty. Both of which turned their heads away and gaze upon one another in silence. Giving me time to ponder over the sequences of clues that was settled. Silence was upon the room. Yet I was quiet even though my lips wanted to split. I kept the silence and exhaled, my eyes closed tightly before turning around. Facing the door behind me.


I pondered about the party and the broken window. Yet I felt no connection between the clues that were presented to me. Only one emerged. But it was a bit stupid however. A red blush escaped my cheeks as my head shook suddenly. A flap of my wings came harsh winds that circulated around the room. Bringing shivers towards Kyro and Natty as the two turned their attention towards me. I ignored them and kept staring upon the door. “There is one thing to consider…" I spoke out loud for the two to hear. Their ears flickered in response, eyes drawn towards me while the silence settled allowing me to continue, “Yet despite it all. I only came up with one solution…" I trailed again, but my head was turned towards the pair. Only Kyro nodded, a brief smile emerged upon his face as if he knew what I was talking about. I nodded to mirror him. To later shook my head afterwards before turning around and back towards the broken window behind me.


“Tell me…" I responded rather quietly, “Did any of you saw a broken leg at the middle of the street?" Either of them shook their heads, eyes blinking in confusion as to what I was talking about. A rather smile escaped my lips while I stepped closer to the window and lowered my eyes. Gazing at the other side of the street where I spotted something interesting there. The broken leg. It was not seen at the initial upon my arrival and since that it was behind me. It was rather impossible for me to even see it. “Now I know this is not a clue at all. Far from it." I suggested, remembering the four clues that Kyro and Natty have gave to me, “But. Do you think it is weird for the R7… no, the canines to throw such a birthday like this? In the midnight hour of the Chaos realm?" “Actually Ling." Natty smirked and held up a clipboard that was settled upon the right side of the white table adjacent to her, “According the one of the coyotes working here. The foxes were the one throwing the party at the evening. As he states and I quote, 'It was for some other canine's birthday or something.'" “Some canine's birthday party?" I questioned, Natty nodded in response,


“Well it does explain all the supplies on here." I chuckled with arms behind my back while I stared out the window. Looking upon the broken leg still. Natty continued, “The party lasted for several hours. Swelled right into the night hours where everyone was suppose to be asleep. Thus came someone else." My eyes turned in interest towards her, my steps inch me away from the window while I prompted Natty, “Who is it? What species is he/she? Does the bellboy working here gave other information?" Natty gave a nod towards me, tapped against her clipboard and spoke quietly and calmly, “Yeah. This culprit is describe as short. Buff. and a canine. Dog I presumed it to be considering that he cannot distinguish what a dog looks like against the other canines." “So a dog came here…" I trailed in surprise, pondering over a thought that popped into my head. Natty nodded in agreement, then added “Although there are hundreds of dog breeds. It would be tedious to even research them all." “Then go for the most popular ones then." I suggested, Natty widened her eyes and blinked. “Ling?"


A sudden silence filled the room. Neither me Kyro or Natty spoke anymore. For our sealed mouths were quelled of the words we were trying to say.


“Just one more thing…" Kyro responded, his voice burst out from the silence again. My eyes shifted towards him in silence, nodding only afterwards. A brief smile emerged upon his face before it died once again. A breath escaped his lips, his eyes shut close while he flapped his wings. He spoke, his voice rather dropped suddenly as he met my eyes. “There is something else you might want to know also." My head tilted to the side in interest, I turned my full attention towards the red dragon as he was hesitate in his answer. With his wings folded behind him and his head was hanged looking rather defeated, he whispered quietly against the silence that preceded us, “We have found the last evidence. This one was recent it seems." His palms opened up. I slowly lowered my eyes towards his claws. Yet my eyes was widened in surprise. A lighter. “A lighter." I repeated what was in my mind. Kyro nodded, “Consider that the coyote's statements were true." He trailed while staring down onto the object in his palm, “Why did he bring this instead?" his eyes raises towards me, “Is he planning to burn the building down alongside everyone that was in it?" “I doubt it." Natty commented, walking over to one of the white tables. Hoisting herself upon the surface of it and raised her head towards us. With her clawas claps upon her lap, her wings spread and her eyes looked directly to us. A short burst of silence fell between the cracks before Natty spoke out with her claws raised,


“The coyote had reported this seconds after the janitor had sent it to his desk below." “Down upon the registration desk?" I questioned her, Natty nodded with a smile before resuming. “He later said that a group of foxes had came here. But they were not the R7." “A group of foxes…" I trailed after Natty while she said nothing but to turn towards me, She leaned back, raised her head and faced the ceiling above her while she spoke, “Yeah. And that was not all. The coyote later said that other groups had started tailing them. Mainly the Coyotes and wolves." “What about the Dholes or Frenniks?" I questioned her. Her head shook slightly before Kyro spoke instead, “He never saw any canine species like them. Which makes sense considering those unique are not common upon the Chaos realms." “There could be however." I suggested and Kyro gave me a hard stare in the following silence while my face turned red. I started complaining and panicking, blurting out towards the red and pink dragon pair,


“Like maybe one or two." “Ling… Do you know anyone that is a canine species?" “No." I shook my head. A long silence filled the room. Yet their eyes were penetrating me. I felt sick. But I never showed it. While the heat emerged from the back of my throat, I gaze towards the right. Away from the pair of dragons and stared upon the wall before me. Hoping that I could calm down. The rest of the midnight hours went smooth however. Nothing to report. Nothing important however. Despite my outburst and gaining some information about the canines using the building. We had decided to call in for the night. For in the morning, trouble may start.