This was it, his final challenge, as Zippo walked onto the battlefield and his opponent, a lengthy silver wolf named Sutter Diamond stood in the center, the top ranked Elite in his sparring class, and Zippo's final challenge. He had come so far, beaten so many opponents, but Sutter was on a league of her own. As he approached he focused on his breathing, calming every muscle and nerve in his body as he swung his arms to loosen up. Before he knew it the black maine coon stood before the his opponent shaking hands.
Zip took a step back, keeping himself in closer range than most would against someone like Sutter, he raised his paws, open handed, and slightly moved them in an attempt to distract his opponent. Sutter however, was unfazed and unimpressed, as she crouched and crossed her arms behind her back.
She grinned, and thought,'this will be easy.'
The announcer's voice echoed throughout the stadium, signaling the start of this battle.
Like a flash of lightning Sutter's blades shot out from the hilts she was holding in her hands. She swung them straight up and down, one after another, one-two-Roundhouse-kick. Zippo's Glyph instantly kicked into action as he dodged the blades but the kick struck him in the head. He spun to the ground, as he regained balance he swung his legs out in a kick of his own at her legs. But Sutter was faster than anyone he had ever faced, she jumped, spun around and brought her right blade around towards his head.
Zippo, who was spinning to his feet barely had enough time to block with his wrist guards before Sutter's left blade swung from the other direction. Zip stepped back as it narrowly shaved some fur from his chest, and countered with his own roundhouse which made contact to her head, he then jumped mid spin allowing him to follow up with a back kick sending Sutter flying.
The crowd fell silent, No one had ever landed a blow on Sutter, let alone hit her hard enough to send her flying. She rose to her feet glaring at her opponent who stood there cracking his knuckles with a grin. She growled as she spun her swords into a forward grip, and charged. Zip grinned as he activated his Glyph again, but it wasn't working, his sensory boost had been dulled. He knew Sutters Glyph dulled the mind of anyone she was fighting, and it perfectly counteracted his own.
Zippo set his glyph to run constantly in the background and thought, 'this is gonna be fun' as the two collided.
The two were a blur to watch, Zippo completely on the defensive as Sutter had switched to her more aggressive style of combat. He tried to counter with kicks or punches, and even landed a couple, but she was too fast. When one blade was blocked the other was on its way. But finally Zip's patience was rewarded, as Sutter had displayed her first weakness. She had exposed her side in a jab at the maine coon, but Zip parried, grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm. He brought his other hand up to break her arm, a maneuver he had practiced hundreds of times, but before he could, Sutter spun her blade through her fingers, as it made contact with his wrist guards. They absorbed the strike, but it was enough to force him off her arm as the two stumbled apart.
That's when Zip felt it, this had been the longest battle Sutter had ever been apart of, she had prided herself in finishing off her opponents in seconds, and she was getting tired. It was just enough that Zip noticed her Glyph start to weaken, and his senses sharpened. This time Zippo went on the offensive, with a series of blurred punches, kicks, and blocks. Sutter began to actively twirl her blades through her fingers, alternating between forward and reverse grips as she went from offence to defence and back, trying to counter the maine coon's onslaught.
She was beginning to worry as she felt fatigue set into her muscles. She knew that without his Glyph she had a massive speed advantage over the cat, but the more tired she became the slower she got, and the faster Zippo became. She had to finish him off, but her current style was just not working. After several blocked strikes, Zippo landed two punches. The first one stunning Sutter as Zip's left arm absorbed all the energy in his body and struck with a force of a moving car, sending her flying again.
Now she was pissed. This entire fight had been humiliating, a waist of her time, and she wanted to end it. For the first time in her sparing career, she connected her two blades together at the hilt, revealing her opportune weapon. (by this point in the book this will already be explained as to what this means. So ask.) But by the time they clicked together Zippo was already upon her with another flurry of attacks that she easily evaded and parried with elegant skill.
She swung her massive blade overhead, creating several sweeping attacks toward the cat, who managed to block or evade, but every time he did she switched directions, quickly confusing him. She got one blade under his foot, tripping him up and causing him to fall to the ground before she stabbed down. Zippo rolled, narrowly avoiding being impaled, and kicked upward. Sutter threw her weapon straight up in the air in time to catch his feet, throw him back to the ground, catch her weapon, and go back in the offensive. This time breaking her weapon back into two blades, and attacking from both sides.
But Zippo was one step ahead of her the whole time. Her Glyph had been all but shut down through exhaustion, he easily dodged her attacks and countered with his own, wearing her down even more.One more powerful punch forced Sutter back several feet, but she jumped back up and charged.
Zippo saw how this was going to play through, he brought his leg up for a roundhouse, and Sutter prepared to block it with her left blade while the right one continued with the final attack, but at the last minute, Zip shifted his hips, spun the other direction and brought the kick down on the right side of her face. Before recoiling, bringing all the power from his exosuit into his left arm, and struck her so hard, the boom could be heard from miles away.
Sutter was so stunned by the kick that she didn't feel the punch at first, all she felt was her forward momentum ending abruptly, forcing her blades out of her paws as she flew backward through the air. Pain finally began to ripple through her body as she crashed to the ground and her world fell blank as she was rendered unconscious.
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