Jordan yawned as he lounged by the river edge, his trio of Cyndaquill brothers playing together. As the trainer relaxed he scratched his head and sighed peacefully, “This has all gone perfectly to plan, nobody suspects a thing and I have a full trio of Pokémon. Tomorrow I’ll leave and then I’ll be Scott free.” He chuckled lightheartedly as he watched his Pokémon play together, the Quilava that used to be Damien had no memories of being human he only knew Jordan as his master.
The trainer yawned as he scratched his stomach and started to drift off, as he doze off his Pokémon started to shoot fire at each other playfully. The Typhlosion accidentally shot off a large fireball towards their trainer and caught his clothes on fire, Jordan scrunched up his nose slightly as the smell of smoke drifted into his nose. “Come on guys don’t be starting any fires…” He muttered lazily as he lay between the limbo of being awake and sleep.
The trio of fire types started to panic as the fire started to grow on Jordan’s clothes, “Typhlosion!” The large fire badger roared his back in a full pillar of fire, Jordan blinked blearily as he popped his head up to quiet down his Pokémon. But as he was about to say something his eyes widened as he looked upon the fire, Jordan attempted to scream but the smoke clogged up his lungs and he ended up coughing instead.
The trainer looked around him in a panic and his eyes widened in relief as he realized that he was right in front of the river, he jumped up from his seat and dived head first into the river. As Jordan rose for air he gasped in delight as he tasted the sweet fresh air instead of the choking smoke, he stroked up to the shore and panted as he pulled himself up onto the shore and collapsed on his face. His Pokémon gathered around him and smiled as they saw that he was alright, Quilava poked the unmoving trainer’s head. “Quil?”
Jordan slowly sat up and glanced at his three Pokémon in rage, “What were you guys thinking?! Your stupid fire could’ve killed me, god I should never of picked such a stupid Pokémon to by my trio…” As the trainer complained he didn’t notice that the water dripping off of himself was an odd black color that seemed to adhering to him, “I don’t want to see you all ever again, go away!” Jordan screamed in rage before turning and looking out at the water, the trio of Pokémon all looked down in shame and started away before the Typhlosion noticed the black liquid pouring down his trainer’s back.
The big fire badger poked his two brothers on their backs and the other two noticed the black latex sticking to Jordan’s back, the trio smiled at each other and sat down instead of leaving. Jordan grumbled angrily as he looked out at the river, “I should’ve picked Pollywag instead… I could’ve had four Pokémon instead of just three…” He scratched at his back absentmindedly as he was lost in thought; the trainer had started to grow smaller without noticing.
As Jordan grew smaller and smaller a small trail of the black latex flowed into his ear and started to cover his brain corrupting his thoughts, as the liquid did its job the trainer’s blinking started to slow down as his mind grew blanker. “What was I thinking bout?...” He muttered to himself as the thought of Cyndaquill filled his head, as he grew even smaller than his Quilava it became apparent what he was changing into.
Jordan looked down and started to panic as he saw a snout push out of his face, “Cynda?!” He shouted in shock, his eyes grew even wider as he realized that his voice had changed both tone and that he couldn’t pronounce normal human words. The Pokémon’s eyes grew wider as he realized what had happened and slowly turned around to see in the now full moonlight that the river was full of globs of black liquid, “Cyndaquill!” He called out in panic and froze as he heard the shuffling of three pairs of feet, Jordan turned around and his eyes widened as he saw his family… his Pokémon.
He shook his head as the thought came into his head, “Cynda!” He called out a warning slowly backing away from his brothers; Jordan blinked once more and shook his head. He needed to stop calling his brothers his brothers, as he tried to block out the thought again the latex finished its job and the Cyndaquill’s memories of being a human washed away.
The Typhlosion loomed over him and looked upon the small Cyndaquill for a second to see how it reacted, the once trainer looked at the huge badger for a second before hugging his knee. “Cynda!” Cyndaquill called out happily, the Typhlosion grinned in delight and lifted his new baby brother and motioned for his two other brothers to follow and the group walked into the forest disappearing. On the beach there was left the remains of Jordan’s camping gear, the river shined ominously with the glint of the latex floating in it.
Tobias smiled as he watched his Buizel swim around in the river as he slowly sipped his tea, the trainer had been training his Pokémon hard for the last few days without rest but when he had seen the river the day prior he had known that Buizel would love it. As he sipped at the tea he smiled up at the moon, it was an absolutely gorgeous night.
While the trainer was paying attention elsewhere the Buizel had stopped swimming and was floating in the water in a daze, it was floating in the middle of a large glob of the black latex but instead of changing into a Cyndaquill the floater around its neck became a similar black color to a Cyndaquill’s skin color. Along with that the tip of its tail’s had become an odd red color, a moment later an odd smile appeared on the Pokémon’s face and it swam back to shore.
Tobias looked down and smiled as he saw his Buizel walking towards him, as it drew closer a frown appeared on his face as he realized something was different about the water type’s floater. “Hey buddy what happened to you? Your floater looks odd, did you swallow something weird?” As the trainer drew near his Pokémon his eyes widened in surprise as his Buizel shot out a spout of orange latex, Tobias sputtered as the latex covered him from head to foot.
“What was that?!” He cried out in surprise, as he lifted his arm he gaped as the liquid dripped out in strings of latex. As the latex spread itself over his body it also ran into his ear just like those before him, “Buizel what did you do me?” He asked tearfully to his Pokémon, the Buizel didn’t seem to be listening to his master though it had started to walk towards the water.
Tobias shivered as he grew smaller and his skin changed into an orange color with cream colors spotted around him, the trainer’s body had grown decidedly smaller in the last minute. He was now at the height of his Buizel who was now looking back at him as if waiting. Tobias surprised himself as his now small feet picked him up and started to slowly pull him towards the Buizel.
As he finished changing the one difference between the two Buizels was that Tobias had his mind still and that his floater and tails were still normally colored, “Bui!” Tobias called out to the other Buizel who just responded by lightly grabbing his arm, Tobias looked at the hand in confusion but his eyes widened in panic as the Pokémon threw him into a middle of the black pool of latex.
The new Buizel wiggled in a panic as the black latex flowed around him and entered in through his lips and ears, his struggles slowed as a smile slowly spread on his face as his floater changed to a black color and the tips of his tails became flame colored. All memories of his human life flowed out like water and were replaced with a want to change others into Buizels like he and his twin brother, the newly infected Buizel floated to the surface and smiled at his twin who smiled in turn. The pair floated down the river ominously followed by a wave of black latex.
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