The beach was quiet as a small form passed over it, a quilava hummed to himself as his paws dug into the shifting sand. Rusty blinked as wind picked up some sand and tossed it into his eyes, “Ouch!” He used his paw to wipe away the sand, as he sat there the breeze seemed to disappear as an eerie silence suddenly seemed to move into the area.
The Pokemon blinked away tears of pain as he glanced around the area, the grass that had been blowing gently in the breeze just a moment before was still as the invisible force that had been pushing it just moments before was now gone. “What’s going on… that drifloon from earlier told me the wind should be going on all day…”
Even the waves crashing on the beach had ebbed to a slow lapping on the edges of the sand, Rusty stood up and felt a shiver pass over his back as if someone was watching him. “H… hello?” He called out and waited for an answer but nothing called back to him, “Whoever’s doing this really needs to stop…”
For a moment Rusty felt the world start to return to normal but squeaked as a scream passed loudly throughout the air, “What’s happening?!” Rusty ran full pelt towards the area where the scream had sounded disregarding his own safety, he hopped over a small bush as he left the beach and ran into the forest.
As Rusty rushed through the woods the air itself seemed to be taking on a blue tint, as the quilava ran through the forest he found that his feet were touching the ground less and less until he was floating. “What in the world?...” Rusty didn’t realize that without gravity there was no friction stopping him until he collided with a tree, “Owww…”
After a few moments of being stunned the injured Pokémon pushed off of the tree and continued towards the scream that he had heard, as he floated through the forest he noticed Pokémon floating around in a daze towards where the scream had originated. Rusty tried to call out to the other Pokemon but it was if his voice were muted by the atmosphere, he frowned and kicked off a few more trees until he stopped himself by grabbing a tree at the edge of a clearing.
In the middle of the clearing there were a group of Pokémon kneeling before an odd floating Pokémon, “What is that?” Rusty thought to himself as he watched the group of Pokémon, as Rusty glanced over each of the Pokémon he saw an odd smile on each of their faces.
“Are you ready to join us?” A voice shocked Rusty out of his reverie, for a moment he thought he had been found but realized that the voice was being sent via telepathy. Each of the Pokémon slowly nodded with a dopey look on their faces, “Good, prepare to join us. Which of you will go first?”
Rusty was shocked as he felt a sudden compulsion to volunteer but he was able to restrict himself, “I’ll go…” A buizel floated forward slowly with a smile on his face, as he approached the floating Pokemon he grinned happily at the physic type. “Deoxys please make me like you…”
There was no confirmation as the buizel suddenly doubled over, his chest started to bubble up as a red shell started to form upon his skin. The water type’s body started to expand as the blissful expression stayed on his face, “Feel all of your emotions flow away freely, become one of us and leave your name behind Jared, you are now a part of us.” The buizel slowly nodded as his arms and legs split apart and became green and red tentacles that then formed into hands, his head was then closed upon by a pod of the red shell and a moment later two holes opened for his eyes and two protruding bits came out of the sides.
Rusty gasped in terror at the sight, “I… I have to get away from here!” He mentally screamed as he pushed off of the tree away from the clearing, as he floated away the rest of the Pokémon started to get transformed one by one.
After floating through the forest for a while Rusty gasped with relief as he touched the ground again, “Thank Arceus… fire types were never meant to fly… well unless you’re Moltres… or Charizard… alright I guess some are meant to fly…” While the quilava was on his little tangent he didn’t realize something had followed him, a small hand grabbed his arm surprising him.
Rusty turned around to find him face to face with a pachirusu, “Oh… hi…”
The electric type had an eerie smile on his face, “Why did you run away?... Deoxys was about to add you to the ranks… come back.” Rusty was shocked by his reaction and turned away in disgust and ran off, pachirisu stood there for a moment silent until a Deoxys approached him.
“What are you doing, you must become one of us.”
Pachirisu turned around and faced the Deoxys with a sad look on his face, “Quilava is running away… please make him a part of the group as well…”
Deoxys registered this data for a moment before nodding, “Now prepare to join us…”
Rusty ran for as long as he could before he collapsed on the beach he had been on just a while ago, “I think I should be safe here…” He muttered as he sank to the sandy ground and closed his eyes, for a moment the sound of waves soothed him until he was about to sleep until it suddenly stopped.
The resting quilava blinked a few times in confusion until he looked up and was shocked to see the floating Pokemon Deoxys hovering above him, “Oh crap…”
Before the fire type could move from the sand the legendary shot some green darts into his back, “Prepare to become one with us.”
Rusty’s eyes burned with rage, “Like heck I am!” He popped open his mouth and blew a torrent of fire at Deoxys, the usually calm Pokémon was shocked by the sudden attack and was forced back into a wall. “You won’t change me into some monster!”
Deoxys floated from the ground with anger burning in its eyes, “Prepare to be assimilated, now!” A psychic blast pulled Rusty off of the ground and tossed him up into the air. The glowing green darts in the quilava’s back started to form a red casing on Rusty’s body, “Submit now!”
Rusty did a flame wheel blasting away the red shell, “Sorry, but that’s not happening today!” But before he could make another move he was picked up from behind, “What the?!” Behind him was another one of the Deoxys.
“Submit to us, we are the most powerful Pokémon ever known. Do you not want to be able to use our power?” The Deoxys transmitted its message into the quilava’s head.
Rusty flinched as voices started echoing in his head confirming what the legendary Pokemon had said, “N… no! I won’t become one of you, I want to be myself!”
The Deoxys cocked their heads, “Yourself? Being yourself is weak, when you’re a part of a collective like us you’ll be stronger than any other creature on this planet.”
New voices were constantly leaking into Rusty’s head, “I… if I’m stronger than any Pokemon on this planet then I have nothing to aspire to…” The quilava said as more and more voices clustered in his head attempting to break him.
The Deoxys were silent for a moment, “It does not matter what you aspire for, you shall join the collective whether you want to or not.”
The glowing shards on Rusty’s back glowed a bright green as the red shell once more started to grow, the quilava attempted to shake it off but this time it grew quickly and hardened before it could be broken. The whole time voices clambered into his head each praising the Deoxys collective; after a few minutes of resisting a familiar voice spoke out from amongst the din of the collective. The pachirisu from earlier had joined the collective, “Quilava, let go. The collective will make you stronger beyond all belief, and you xcan forget all of your worries.”
As if the shock of hearing a familiar voice broke him Rusty’s face broke out into a smile, “I guess joining won’t be too bad…”
The Deoxys sent out a good feeling to the quilava, “Good, become a part of the collective.”
The red shell spread over the quilava’s body while stretching out, Rusty giggled quietly as his arms split into the familiar arms of the Deoxys. He practically cheered for joy as the shell encased his head, after a moment of seeing nothing two eye slots split open and he felt an emotionless presence take over in place of his usual emotions. “Now that you are one of us you no longer require a name, you are Deoxys just like us. We are one large collective, do you understand?”
The Deoxys that used to be Rusty nodded, “We understand, we shall find more Pokémon to join the collective.” As the trio of Deoxys left the world started up again, waves washing over any evidence that Rusty had ever been there.
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