Current Track: Blabb

Present Day

In the morning of the day, two men enter the small town hospital in Rankin, Pennsylvania, with the intention of investigating a body that was found dead a couple days ago. One of them was a handsome, twenty-nine year old with short brown hair, and the other was a elderly, African-American in his seventies with grey hair. After they entered the lobby, they went to the lady receptionist. She spoke to them after she was done making a phone call, "Yes? Can I help you?"

The old man replied in a raspy tone, gesturing himself, "Yeah, my name is Byron Simmons." Then he motioned his hand towards the man with him, "And this is Sean Cassidy."

Sean pulled out a badge from his jean jacket, showing it to her, "We both work for the police."

She gazed at it for a second, "The police?" The receptionist said after Sean put it away, "Well we don't get police here a lot, small town and all. What do you guys want?"

Byron explained, "We're both here to check out the body of Jackie Morales."

That had her wrinkle her face in confusion, "Jackie Morales?"


More words of hers were laced with the same emotion, "...I thought you guys already determined that she was a victim of a coyote attack. Why do you want to check her out again?"

Sean cleared his throat and said, "Um, well, we think she died a lot more than a animal attack. We think she was murdered."


Byron huffed, "Look we're just here to look at it, see if we're right or wrong. Now can you tell us which way the morgue is?"

The lady stared at them for a long time, before she nodded slowly, "Alright." She picked up the phone, making a call, "I'll have Dr. Bower take you there."

They stood and watched her as she made that call, listening to her explain to this doctor about what's up and why they're here. Then a minute later after it was done, that doctor came to meet them. He reached to shake hands with them, "Morning boys."

Byron said with a smile as he was done shaking hands with him, "Morning to you, Doctor." He introduced himself and his young partner again, "I'm detective Byron Simmons and this is my partner Sean Cassidy."

"Well I suppose you two don't want me to waste your time, so we'll get on with this." The doctor turned around and waved over as he paced away, "Follow me." Sean and Byron did so with serious looks on their faces, wandering in the halls of the hospital. The doctor leading them said over his shoulder, "So you guys are detectives huh?"

Sean answered, "Yes we are."

He heard the guy giggle, "Well, then I suppose you both are out-of-towners. Cause I know every man with a badge in this town and none of them are detectives."

Byron replied with a deep chuckle, "You got that right. We're from Philadelphia."

"Philadelphia? Holy cow. Why do guys like you wanna check out Jackie Morales?" Sean can see the doc's eyes holding question when he looked behind him a bit, "You said to my receptionist that you think she was murdered, correct? Well, the coroner already did the autopsy on her and he didn't have to do much. She was attacked by coyotes and they tore her apart." He let out a breath as he gazed ahead, "Jesus...Jackie...She was a nice girl. Basically worked here as a nurse." He gazed over his shoulder again and pressed them, "So why do you say she was murdered?"

Sean said as they all rounded a corner, "Because me and my partner are dealing with a serial killer who's known for doing cannibalism on his victims, and we think our guy found that girl and killed her."

"You mean like Jeffrey Dahmer?"

"Well we haven't met the man before but yeah I guess just like him."

The doctor spoke in disgust with eyes to the floor, "God...Cannibalism. Why do some people have to resort to that? I mean I know I eat meat, but that's just sick."

Byron stated, "You got me."

They finally entered the morgue when the doc contradicted, "Well, I highly doubt she was a victim of cannibalism. I mean sure there were bite marks on her, but they looked canine to me." As they all stood near the door that houses Jackie's body, he went on with a very sure look, "Believe me, I know what a dog's bite is only because sometimes somebody comes in here to get checked out cause some mutt bit em."

The old man replied, apparently not caring what he said, "I guess we'll determine if that's true or not." His hand motioned at the tiny door, "Let us see her."

The doctor did not argue with that, "Alright. Have it your way." He grabbed the handle, opened it up, then gripped the stretcher to slowly pull the body out of there, "Hope you guys didn't have breakfast yet." A body bag was revealed out in the open, then the man opened it up to reveal Jackie to the guests, "Here she is."

Sean and Byron checked out her torn corpse. It wasn't a pretty sight. Sean scrunched his face and winced. Byron bended over, inspecting the body, "Jesus...Poor young lady."

The doctor said with a sigh, "Poor young lady is right. And poor her family too. Her mother and father were the ones who found her. I can not imagine what they're going through right now."

Byron shot him a haunting glance for a second, "I can." Sean can as well. He can imagine their faces when they found her corpse. It wouldn't be something they'll ever forget.

He knows what that's like.

The doctor asked after they stared at Jackie for a long time, "So...What do you guys think? Are you both wrong? Cause I don't think a human can tear her apart like that without a knife or something sharp, and there's no evidence that a bladed weapon was used on her."

They both peered at him, and Sean flat out stated, "We are."

The doc shrugged with his hands, "I tried to tell you. Sorry you guys came here for nothing."

Byron waved him off with a smile, "There's no trouble at all. Cops like us deal with that problem sometimes. It ain't new to us."

The doc pushed the body back in the small space that housed her and closed that little door. Then he ushered them out of the room, "Okay, well, I'll walk you outa here." Sean and Byron went along with the good doctor down the halls till all three of them were outside in front of the hospital.

Sean said in gratitude, "Thanks for letting us check out the body."

Then Byron apologized, "And listen, we're sorry for wasting your time with this. It's just we were trying to track this guy and-"

The doctor waved him off, "Don't worry about it. I just hope you guys catch him and put him away for life." He held a hand out for the old gentleman, "Good luck."

Byron shook it, "Thanks." He did the same to Sean and then the doctor went back in the building, leaving them alone to ponder. Byron hummed, "Hmmm..."

The young man asked, sighing, "So what do you think?" Sean knew what they both thinking, knew what killed Jackie Morales, but he just had to ask.

"Oh that man was right when he said she wasn't a victim of cannibalism." Byron gazed right towards him, "Since we already searched the 'crime scene' and we saw what that woman's body is like...I certainly believe it's the work of the 'wolves' we've been chasing for a while."

Sean nodded in agreement, "I'm sure you're right. Those marks look a little bit big for a coyote." He looked off to another direction, "Question is...Where are they now?"

Byron glanced to the same direction with him, "Don't know, but I'm bettin' they'd moved on from Rankin by now."

He began to walk off the sidewalk and onto the parking lot. Sean followed behind him with a glare full of frustration on his face, "I think you're right about that too. Shit."

He giggled, peering behind him when they were getting closer to their car, "Hey, I may be wrong. They're probably still around here."

Sean strode fast, going past his form and heading to the passenger side, "I hope so." He opened up the car door as Byron was at his side of the vehicle, "C'mon. Let's get something to eat and then we'll start searching for them."

The old man said while he and Sean were getting in the car, "Right." After they both closed their doors, Sean gazed at two small things hanging by the rearview mirror. They were necklaces that are wood carvings of a wolf's head. The sign of the hunters they both are. He let out a breath, worrying that it was probably too late to find the 'wolves' in Rankin. But, they are gonna find out if they're still around here or not. Byron put the key in the ignition and turned it on, then the radio went on with the song 'Bad Moon Rising' by Creedence Clearwater Revival being played in the speakers. They rode off, heading for a place that's serving breakfast.


An hour after my mom left for her first day at work, I was in the backyard of my house as the barely noon and barely cloudy blue sky was above me. I was petting my black Lab and saying hello to him since he was tied up to his doghouse and doesn't have a lot of company. Tobey was just enjoying it as his tongue lolled out of his mouth. I didn't exactly look at him though, at the moment. I was glancing away from the dog, to where this 'intruder' I saw and Tobey barked at last night was at.

I let out a breath. Frankly, I am mostly convinced there wasn't anybody outside the other night since mom did a full sweep of the area, but in one tiny part in the back of my mind...I wasn't. The tiny part was telling me that it wasn't the darkness making you see things and there really WAS somebody standing right there. I've had that tiny part bothering me a bit when mom left while I was having breakfast.

I thought it was silly thinking about it, I should be TOTALLY over it by now. Maybe it was because mother wasn't here to protect her son with her gun and I was just home alone. Maybe I'm a bit worried that somebody could still be out here, probably spent the WHOLE damn night in the forest, watched mom leave when morning came and not around to protect me anymore, and is probably planning to make his move...And possibly hurt me during that move.

I wrinkled my brow. It really was ridiculous. If that was the case, something would have happened by now. I needed to tell that tiny part in my brain to shut it already.

Tobey broke my attention off that spot when he jumped on me a bit. I chuckled when he stood on his hind feet and his front paws were planted against my chest, scratching me a bit through my shirt. I was quick to hold him up by his forelegs since his nails were sharp, grinning at him as the dog just stared back with a tiny whine. I spoke to him, "Down." I lowered him to the grass, and I can tell he wanted to jump on me again. But I held a finger up, signaling him 'no'. He understood that right away, and settled himself down on his stomach. I said in gratitude, "Good boy." I bent down and gave my dog an affectionate stroke across his head.

I stood upright and gazed at the spot where that 'supposed intruder' stood at again. That's when I mentally decided that I had enough staring at it, thanks to the part behind my head nagging me to check it out. I wandered away from Tobey for that particular spot close to the woods. I knew I wasn't going to find anything, but I also knew there was no harm in looking around.

I was standing around that spot where I knew from memory, and switched my gaze off the ground to my bedroom window above. I imagined where my imaginary intruder stood, making sure and figuring that I was right. Yep, that must be it. I lowered myself to the ground, searching for any trace that a person was right here.

I didn't find any shoeprints, but I did find pawprints that were in the dirt. Dog or coyote prints I think that's what they were. When I made that discovery, my eyes followed the trail of prints that led back into the woods. Huh...Did I see a coyote or another dog, a stray one, last night? I guess I did. I guess it's no wonder Tobey was barking at something. I frowned. But why did what I saw look like a person? Maybe it was the dark making me imagine whatever I saw in its place.

I made a nod to myself. It's possible. I saw a animal last night. Not a human, a animal.

I trailed back to the closest pawprint, and frowned again with a bit of shock in my chest. Geez...Guess the coyote or dog I saw was big...Those prints look a bit bigger than Tobey's!

I stood up straight once more, letting out a nervous breath. I hope you don't bother something like that again, Tobey. Who knows if it has rabies? I shot a glance at my black Labrador, seeing he was still on his stomach and watching me. I smiled at him. Such a good boy. That's when I was done standing around in the back yard and moved myself around the house, up the side, and made my way to the front. I walked and stood near the picnic table that was at the front yard, eyes staring at the road leading away from here.

I let out a breath, Fall Creek on my mind. Okay...I'm tired of staying here. I'm gonna head to town.

Since I knew the front door was already locked, I headed for my bike that's propped up close to the front porch. After I pulled it off there and strolled with it away about a few feet, I swung my leg over and sat down on it, and started to pedal away from home, riding off onto the old gravel road.


I pedaled and pedaled on the sidewalk, getting my exercise in and riding around town. A few moments later, I found the Country Cupboard nearby. I braked it to a stop and went to stare at the restaurant. I've been pedaling my bike around town for a long bit, and I just wanted to have a small break. I think a break here was a good place to have.

I sucked in a breath and let it out slowly without taking my gaze off that building. Honestly, for something else to do, I wanted to go in there and see my mom's friend, Bess, just to chat and get to know her a bit more. She seemed nice enough. But I fought against that cause she might be busy. And besides that, I'd have to eat in there and I don't have any money with me.

Then unexpectedly, a girl's face appeared in my eyes.

The one I bumped into in there yesterday.

Frankly I was curious to see if she was in there today. So I propped my bike with the kickstand and got off it, heading for the building. I peered through one of the windows, seeing customers eating their food, and I was trying to find any sign of that blonde headed girl in there. I thought it wouldn't be that hard to spot with that head of hair, but I didn't see her, not even in that booth I saw her sitting at with that muscular dude and the other person across from them, whom I managed to see before I left the place was a skinny, black-haired woman about my mother's age. I pulled my face away before anybody saw me and thought I was weird. I whirled around to pace back to my bicycle. I sat on it, hands grabbing the handlebars and foot whacking the kickstand off the pavement, and I was just back to staring at that building for a long moment. When it passed, I sighed, then went back to pedaling my bike.

I rode across the street, onto another sidewalk path. I had thoughts about that girl still as I rode. Gosh, and I thought still worrying about my imaginary intruder was annoying enough, now that girl's face won't get out of my head! I giggled out loud when I made a turn on the street. Just like yesterday, I couldn't get her out of my head, and it might also drive me a bit crazy again.

To be honest, normally, I don't think about certain people all the time like that. Not even a girl at my age. This really is a new thing. Other than thinking about that girl, I feel like I wanted to see her again. I know she's a stranger and I've only gave her a few words, but I still felt like I wanted to. My mother and maybe boys like Kent and Andy would probably think it was because she was beautiful, and I ain't doubting that she is. But I did remember when I looked at her in that hallway, and watched her sit around in that booth...I felt that there was something else about her.

I can't explain it...But I think that's what was making me think about her so much and wanting me to see her again. I think I'm just curious about her. EVERYTHING about her...Even her name.

My curiosity about the girl made me look to my left, seeing a car going by me. Wonder where she is? Does she live in Fall Creek? She's gotta be around here somewhere. Something from my bike snapped me out of my own thoughts and I shot my eyes down to see that my chain has gotten loose. I gasped. Crap! The chain broke off! My mind was racing when I thought I was gonna crash when I almost lost control of my bike, but I kept my handlebars straight and steadied it. I tried to hit the brakes since the tires on my bike was still rolling, but it didn't work because the chain wasn't hooked on it. That's when I tried using my feet as makeshift brakes by scraping across the ground. For a short bit, my bike finally slowed to a stop.

I let out a whoosh of air. That was close. Least my day didn't end with me getting scrapes.

I got off the bike and laid it down on the side. I went down to check it out, examining the chain that was practically dragged across the ground. I narrowed up my eyes in anger towards it. Damn it. I hate it when that chain does that! This wasn't the first time this happened to me, and now I was tired of it. I let out a sigh. That's it, I'll just have to give up riding it and walk from now on. Risking getting hurt on it is not worth it.

I heard someone close to me, "Hey." I glanced at a shadow near me and the bike that I haven't noticed, and looked up and saw a familiar face staring down at me with a smile, "Are you all right? You looked like you were having trouble there." It was the girl I bumped at the Cupboard. Apparently she was the one to find me. Other than being a bit entranced by her looks, I was feeling some kind of...Strange aura of some sort off her. She waved her hand, her voice snapping me out of my trance when I stared at her with a blank face for a long time, "HELLOOOO?"

I stood up straight and smirking, "Uh, sorry bout that."

"What is up with you? You petrified that I might bite?" She giggled, shaking her head with her long yellow hair moving along with it, "I don't bite if that's what you're worried about."

"No...I..." I glanced at my bike, then back to her, and quickly gestured to it, "I guess I'm a little freaked out still that I was gonna crash."

"I noticed. You sorta lost control a bit."

I let out some calm air, "Yeah, but I'll be fine now." I looked down to my bicycle again, "Won't be riding that thing for a while."

The girl bent over to gaze right towards it with a thoughtful look, "Do you know how to put the chain back up?"

I answered, "Sure I do, but I don't wanna mess with it. I'm...Just tired of riding it."

"Oh." She looked right at me with her smile back on her lips, "Well if you didn't, I wouldn't have minded helping out."

I wrinkled my face, "Do you know how to do that?"

"No." She shrugged, "But I wouldn't mind trying."

I grinned, "Okay, then."

The girl's eyes were only squinting and staring at my face, "Hey...Are you that guy who-?"

I cut through her sentence with mine, "I am, and you're that girl who rushes out of women's restrooms."

She laughed a bit from that, "Yep, that's definitely you."

I put a hand to my chest, "Which by the way, I am still sorry for running you over."

"Oh, it's okay, accidents happen. Besides..." Both her hands were showing me her lower body, "I'm still walking, ain't I?"

I looked down at her legs, "Well you're standing so I guess you are." She gave me another laugh and I was only giggling. Me and her were just staring at each others faces for a bit, before I asked her a question, "So, uh...Are you heading somewhere?"

She rolled her eyes, "And here I thought you were going to ask me for my name."

I just smirked away, "That did cross my mind. But I wasn't even sure if-"

"Hey, I'd never mind telling you my name since I already know yours....Matthew Ludlow." She gave me a playful wink.

I questionably rose my brows, "Wait. What?"

"Well 'Matthew Ludlow' is your name isn't it?"

I frowned, "It is, but how did-"

"This town usually gets word about someone new living around here fast." She chuckled and thumbed at the direction of the restaurant, "And I actually overheard you and your mom talking to people and introducing yourselves yesterday. Wasn't hard."

Well that makes sense. I just giggled, "That certainly answers it." I waved my hand towards her, "But what about you?"

The beautiful girl made a grin, "What about me?"

I narrowed my eyes impatiently, "Like, what's YOUR name? You haven't exactly told me yours."

"Oh!" She let out a laugh, "Sorry." She held a hand to her chest and said, "I'm Catherine, Catherine White. Or Cat, for short."

My eyes swiftly went soft and I smiled. Catherine...So that's her name. I repeated her name, "Catherine..."

"Yes, but I like 'Cat' better. It just seems more less..." Catherine chuckled and made airqoutes with her fingers, "'Formal' to me than 'Catherine'. So can you please call me that?"

I nodded, "Sure. I don't care."

She said in appreciation, "Thanks." Then she pressed me in a playful tone with her hands held behind her, "So, MATTHEW, where were YOU heading off to? Don't suppose you were heading back to your house in the woods now, were you?"

I giggled when she brought up that she knew where I lived too, "Guess it wasn't hard for you to know where I live now." I shook my head softly, "But no, I wasn't heading home...Yet, anyways. And just call me Matt. My mother calls me 'Matthew'. Hey, I'll call you Cat but I think it's fair if you called me that."

Cat snickered a bit, "I think so too. Okay...Matt it is." She cleared her throat and offered, "Well, what do you want to do now? I can show you around town if you want. You're new here, so you gotta know these streets."

I smiled at the offer, "Well, my mother actually showed me around town yesterday, so I don't need much of a tour." That's when I thought about Andy, Rachel and her dad. Well, I'm not in the mood to go home now, so I'd better ask her where they live. I'm in town now so might as well get on with it. I told her, "BUT, I am wondering where Andy Hickey and Rachel Anderson live."

Cat raised a brow, "Wondering? You mean you didn't ask them?" She chuckled, "I'm surprised you haven't since I saw you talking to them. I would."

"I didn't get the chance. So do you know them? Do you know where they live?"

"I don't KNOW them, but I know where they live." Cat asked, "And why do you want to see them? Rather hang with them than me?"

My smile immediately flew off my face and I tried to insist otherwise with a few shakes of my head, "No it's not that. I just-"

"It's alright." Hers melted off her face as well when she looked down at the sidewalk, "I don't exactly have a lot of friends and socialize much...So I'm used to it."

Doesn't have a lot of friends and socialize much? Wonder why? I sincerely said with a shrug of my arms, "I don't have a lot myself...At the moment. I wouldn't mind if you hang with us."

Cat rose her eyes and smiled a tiny bit, "You wouldn't?"

I beamed, "Yeah, I wouldn't! Why would I?"

"Oh...No reason." Her eyes seemed to have shone some nervousness when she said that, but she didn't object. She started to stroll past my form, leading me the way, "Come on. Let's go."

"Ok." I picked up my bike and strolled alongside it with my hands holding the handlebars. I caught up with Cat as she was taking me to either Andy or Rachel's. My thoughts were on that look she had. Wonder what's got her nervous? Guess it's because she hasn't hanged with Andy and Rachel before? I can imagine how she feels when she was with that muscular guy and that woman with black hair, but she doesn't seem to act that way towards me and I'm just a stranger to her.

What gives?

For a little bit, me and Cat walked together street to street, until she stopped and pointed at a two-floor house closest to us, "This is Rachel Anderson's." I practically already knew it before she told me, on the count I spotted a mailbox that said 'ANDERSON' in capital letters on both sides. Cat stared at me and I used my finger to point at it. She saw what I was doing and followed it, then rolled her eyes, "Pfft, right...Of course."

I giggled loudly and looked towards Rachel's house, "Well...Wonder anyone's home?"

Catherine replied with her eyes only on it, "Rachel and Andy probably are but I think Kent's working right now."

"Yeah, probably." I shot a glance at her, "Wanna do the honors?" She looked back and I specified, "You know, walk up to the porch with me and knock on the door?"

"Actually..." I can tell by her eyes that she was real timid while she shook her head 'no' twice, "No."

I figure she won't do them, so I guess I will. I said with a nod, "Alright." I moved the bike onto the grassy yard and kicked the kickstand and propping my bike, letting go of it, "I'll go. You just wait here until I call you, ok?" I left her and the bike alone when I went on ahead to the house. I mentally giggled at Cat's timidness. Gosh, she really is nervous. Makes me glad she didn't shake uncontrollably and run away. Hope she'll be okay. I trotted onto Rachel's porch, and knocked on her front door a few times.

I waited around for probably almost thirty seconds before the door opened a bit and revealed Rachel's face. A smile happily formed on her face, "Hey!"

I smiled back, "Hi Rachel. Did I interrupt anything?"

Rachel pushed it away a lot more, "No, Matthew, you didn't. If you did then the only thing you've interuppted was a typical Sunday with nothing to do."

I corrected her, "It's Matt. I know I'd introduced myself to you as 'Matthew' first, but my mom always calls me that. So...Just Matt, thanks."

She giggled, "Okay, sorry."

I shook it off with both my head and hand shaking and waving, "Nah. It's fine."

Then she quizzically frowned, changing the subject, "How'd you find my place? I don't think me or dad told you and your mom where we lived."

I admitted, "No. I was in town and I asked somebody where you lived and she took me here."

"She?" She giggled again, only deeply that time, "Someone I know?"

"Probably." I turned around a little and rose my arm a bit to point where Cat stood, "She's standing right-" My eyes went wide and my words were caught in my throat, when I noticed that only my bike was in my sights.

Cat disappeared.

My hand lowered down in disappointment. Well...Great. Must have ran off while I stood on the porch, "Ummmm...." I peered at Rachel, who was frowning. I slowly shrugged my shoulders after that, "...Never mind."

Rachel responded with a joke, "Looks like you were talking and walking with a ghost."

I giggled at that and shook my head in denial, "Highly doubt it."

She asked with hands on her hips, "So who was this ghost chick that was with you?"

I let out a breath, "Forget about it. Guess it doesn't matter now. Is your dad home? Or is he off working today?"

The brunette haired girl chuckled, "For him being at the radio station, he works almost everyday. So to answer your question, yes." Guess Cat was right about that part. Rachel stepped aside for me, hand motioning for me to come in, "But you can come in and chat. Do you want to? I'm sure that's why you're here. My papa wouldn't mind if I have guests."

I frowned at her, "Even older boys?"

That had her roll her eyes, "I'm a girl who's gonna turn eighteen soon, so I can do whatever I want."

I looked over her house, "Well technically this is HIS house, so-"

Rachel grabbed my shirt and pulled in in there, "Oh just get in here!" I stumbled a step and turned to her as she closed the door. I gazed around, seeing the living room, the staircase to another floor and the kitchen all in a second. Shortly, I began taking off my shoes. As soon as I was done, Rachel said when she stood beside me, "Let's go upstairs. Andy's here too."

I replied as we walked forwards to the steps, "Alright." We both took them, one step at a time till we were on the second floor. Rachel led me down the hallway to the last door on the right.

When we got close, I can hear somebody talking in there, like something from a TV was being played. Rachel pushed the door open and spoke as she went in there, "Hey. Look who just showed up." I went in behind her, and found Andy sitting in a bean-bag chair, watching what appeared to be an old movie in black and white that I didn't know on a big-screen TV. My eyes rolled off of him as they looked around. The room was a bit of a mess with pairs of clothes laying around on the floor, several movie posters were tacked on the walls, a small table that has an Xbox 360 game console along with junk food sitting on top, and lastly, three towers of DVDs and video games were standing on the floor near the bed.

My eyes widened up for a second. So this is what Rachel's room looks like? Apparently she's one of those types. Goodness. Speaking of Rachel, she went up to Andy, who was plainly focused on the movie still and clearly not us, and her hand moved swift like a cat to slap the back of his head for attention, "Ow!" He cried out and shot an angry look at her, rubbing the spot where she hit him, "What was that for?"

Rachel planted her hands to her hips, "I just said look who just showed up." Her head gestured where I stood, then Andy looked over his shoulder and saw me.

Andy's eyes shot wide open in surprise, "Oh....Oops." He immediately paused the movie, got off his chair and turned around to face me with a funny grin, "Hey there, Matthew, um...How you doing?"

I was acting like him. I didn't exactly pay attention that he called me 'Matthew' when I was still looking around the room, "I'm...Doing fine."

"That's good." Rachel elbowed him sharply in the rib, having him cry out in pain again and giving her another glare, "Hey! What did I do that time?"

Rachel told him away with stern eyes, "His name's Matt, ANDREW! Get it right."

"I ain't Andrew. I'm Andy."

"Then call him Matt and I will remember that next time. Matt doesn't like 'Matthew' that much."

"Why?" Andy motioned his hand at me, "He doesn't seem to mind."

I let out a laugh, finally focusing on them and stopping this bickering with my hand raised, "Hey, hey, don't fight about my name."

Rachel smirked as she still gazed at Andy before she threw it at me, "Just making sure everyone gets it right."

I giggled and nodded a bit, "Thank you, but let me handle that. K?"

"Suit yourself."

Andy then apologized, "By the way, sorry I didn't pay attention to you before. Sometimes TV does that to me."

Rachel rolled her eyes, "More like all the time, you dork." Andy narrowed his eyes at her once more and she exclaimed, "Well it's true!" He waved her off dismissively.

"It's okay, Andy. I...Guess it happens to some people." I said to Rachel in amusement, eyes locked on to the towers of entertainment on the floor, "But I'm surprised you haven't admitted you have that problem, Rachel. Look at all the stuff your room has!"

Rachel made a confused frown, "What? Hold on...You think THIS is my room?"

I tilted my head, "Well, yeah...Is it?"

Laughter immediately rushed out of her mouth, "Hahahahah! Um, NO! C'mon, I'm don't play video games and watch that many movies, and I wouldn't wanna sleep in a room like this!" She wrapped her arm around Andy's shoulder and pulled him closer to her, "All this belongs to Andy here."

I quizzically glanced at the only other guy in here, "Really? You-"

Andy admitted, "Yeah, I live here. For about eight months, actually."

"Oh..." Looks like I really got all that wrong. HE is one of those types. Should have known.

Andy wrinkled his face from my word, "What? Is there a problem?"

I shook my head quickly, "Oh no, there's no problem. It's just I thought you lived in another house on a different block...Or something."

Rachel giggled, pulling her arm off her friend, "Did you forget that when Andy was leaving the Cupboard yesterday he said he was gonna take a 'nap' at my house?"

I kinda had forgot about that. I answered, "I remember he said that, but I thought he was just gonna have a nap at your house and wait around for you cause you guys were planning to do something else together that day." I shrugged my hands and shoulders, "Well...I guess so, anyways."

Rachel stated, "Well now you know we're roommates."

Andy then corrected her with a finger raised, "Uh, actually a roommate is when two people are living together in the same room."

She rolled up her eyes, "Whatever. And I wouldn't want to be your ACTUAL roommate anyways."

"Why not?"

"Are you kidding me?" Her hand gestured towards all the mess he's left on the floor, "I think you know why. It's not hard to SEE why." I snickered quietly. I can see why.

Andy looked around the room, and then shrugged shortly, "Oh well. I like the way it is." Then he focused right on me, forming a smile, "So what are you doing here? Just came to hang with us?"

I nodded, rubbing my neck, "Yeah. There's not a whole lot to do at my house, living in the woods and all. So I came to town on my bike, to ride around here, just for something to do. But the chain broke off, so..." I gestured to them, "You guys are another thing for me to do."

Rachel snickered, her elbow poking at his side, "And how he found us, Andy, guess what?" He looked at her, and she revealed with a giggle, "A ghost led him through town and brought him here." I rolled my eyes. Oh boy.

Andy frowned upon her statement, replying in a non-believing tone, "Ghost?"

"Yep. Matt was about to show me who brought him here, but there was nobody around. He was the only one at my door." She giggled again, "That means there's a ghost in our town."


I plainly remarked, "Forget about it, man. A ghost wasn't with me."

Andy had his sights back on me, "I didn't believe her anyways."

"Oh really?" The brown haired girl asked me playfully, "Then Matt, where'd this girl who'd led you to my house go?"

I shot back with a smirk, "She ran off."

"And WHY would she run off?"

Andy was actually helping me out with this, "I can make two guesses." His hand rose with one finger popped up, "One: She's shy." Then another went up, "Or two: She probably had something to do and remembered it after dropping Matt off here, and just left." I looked right at him without a word as he dropped his hand down. I think I pretty much agree with guess one, dude. Andy adamantly went on, "Simple, counter guesses that prove that there wasn't a ghost leading this guy through our town."

Rachel huffed out a annoyed sigh, "Alright, alright. There was no ghost."

"That's right." He formed a grin, "And there's no such thing as ghosts, either."

She sounded irritated, "Okay, I get it, genius."

Andy was giggling, "I'm just telling ya."

"Whatever, Andrew."

I snickered a little bit before I cut through this with my voice, "Anyways. I only came here to hang with you guys for a little while. Believe me, I have NOTHING ELSE TO DO."

Andy smiled at me, "Well in that case, how bout you watch a movie with us?" He made a gesture towards the paused movie on TV, "This one, I mean. I know I was in the middle of watching that, but I'll start it over just for you."

I nodded to that, "Yeah, sure."

Then he shot a knowing glance at Rach, "And YOU really should watch this one this time."

Rachel groaned, "Andy, I don't want to watch a stupid black and white movie."

"Oh just watch it with us. You might like it. Come on. Least do it for Matt. He wants to hang out with you too, you know."

She let out a defeated sigh, "...Alright, fine. I'll do it."

"Perfect." Then he looked at me and mentioned, "By the way, we're watching 'The Invisible Man' from 1933. Have you heard of it?"

I replied without hesitation, "Nope."

He immediately shrugged from my answer, "Oh well, figured you haven't." Then he walked off to his closet, and pulled out ANOTHER bean-bag chair, probably just for me. He patted it, "Here. Have a seat."

"Thanks." I spoke to Rachel before I sat on it, "Hey Rachel, can I have a cup of water? I'm thirsty."

She nodded, "Yeah. I'll get one for all of us." She trotted off for the door, "I'll be back."

Andy hollered at her before she disappeared out to the hallway, "Better be." As I was getting comfortable on this seat beside Andy when he took his, he took the remote and pressed the menu button on it. For a moment, the TV showed the movie's menu, and he was pressing play, starting it over. Afterward, when the screen went black for a moment and then began to show what apparently was the old Universal Studios sequence, he reached for a bag of Doritos on the table, grabbed them, and pulled out a chip. He held it out for me, "Want one?" I shook my head, softly pushing his hand away as I solely watched the old movie I haven't heard of. He shrugged his shoulders, "Alright." Then he popped the chip in his mouth.

For a moment when I started watching it, I thought about Cat. I know I just got here and I'd only first met Andy and Rachel yesterday, but they seem fun so far. And THIS seems fun, even though I never heard of this movie, but I bet it might be fun to watch. She's missing out.

Wonder where she ran off to? Back home, probably. Hope she's doing alright.


My fork dug in one tiny piece of chicken, and I lifted it off the plate and jabbed it in my mouth. As I was chewing on my food, I looked out the dining room window, seeing the third night of staying in this house going on outside. I swallowed it down, then sighed, half wondering what's going to happen tonight.

Talk about a nice day I had. I certainly had fun spending some of it with Andy and Rachel at their place...Certainly found the movie 'The Invisible Man' interesting too. Other than watching the movie with them, it was after that Andy began to show me his stuff in his room. Like what movies and games he has, which by god he really had a lot....I didn't know a lot about video games since I don't actually play them, but I did know some of the movies he had...And also there were some I haven't heard of. I gotta say, he must be some kind of collector. He even offered to play games with me. Course I wasn't in the mood and wasn't exactly an expert on that stuff, so I declined.

Rachel showed me around her room too, but there wasn't anything much in it that I was interested. Basically afterward, we chatted and joked a bit, and then later me and them were watching television together, which I was glad that I was seeing the news for once in a while. I haven't seen or heard much of the news or weather since I moved in here. While I was, I got a phone call from mom, telling me she'll be home at seven-thirty. That was when I decided I wanted to get home. Of course, I didn't exactly totally feel that I wanted to though, since I was feeling happy that I was in town and didn't want to go back to that house with nothing much to do. I wanted to stay with Rachel and Andy some more, but then that'd mean I wouldn't get used to this house so I sucked it up.

Andy offered to help me get here, since there was a spare vehicle at Rachel's house, and I took it. He helped load my bike on a truck and drove me back here. Later on, when night almost came, mom came home after I waited around for her a few more hours. Finally while she was taking a shower and getting ready for tonight, I was making some chicken salad for me and her.

And now here I was, having a plate of it and waiting for mom to get in here and eat with me.

My eyes narrowed up in concentration while I was still staring out that window, still curious if anything odd will happen here tonight or not. I heard weird howling on my first night here, and then I thought I found someone stalking this house last night...Wonder what else can get weird out there? I was immediately pulling them away from it when I heard creaking footsteps. I saw mom came in the dining room with her carrying a plate of chicken salad in her hand, and took a seat near the table very close to me. She handed me an appreciative smile, giving me a compliment, "Thanks a lot for making this. I was getting hungry. It looks good by the way."

I smiled back as she started to dig in for her meal, "Thanks, no problem. It's the least I could do for an officer of the law."

I heard her throat chuckling when she chewed with her mouth full, "And this officer, who also happens to be your mother, is very, very appreciative."

I giggled at her when I was digging my fork back into my own plate, "You know, I'm still surprised you aren't one of those cops who eats donuts."

She swallowed some food down before she replied, "That's because I'm not a fan of them."

"Exactly." I playfully motioned my hand towards her, "If you were, you wouldn't be starving every time before you get home."

She let out a giggle, "I know, but it certainly saves me a lot of money from buying them...And my figure." I tried not to laugh, but I snickered. Mom formed a playful frown, "Hey, do you even know how-"

I quickly stated with my eyes rolling up to the ceiling, "How sweet they are and how many calories those things have? Yes..." I finished my sentence with a chuckle, "You told me."

"Right, so don't laugh when I'm trying to save my own body and save money. I'm the only one who's making any here, you know."

I smirked, "Sure...But no promises." My mom giggled again while my hand with the silverware rose and had a piece of a pickle chewing by my own teeth now.

We were silent for a short bit, till she broke it when she was done chewing something, "Matthew?" I glanced at her since my eyes were on my plate, "What did you do today while I was gone? You didn't tell me that yet."

I nodded a bit before I began, "Well, I hanged around here for a bit after you left, but then I was getting tired of it. So...I went riding on my bike and rode to town."

Mom smiled, "I knew I gave you a good idea. So how did that go?"

"It went well...Till the chain broke off my bike."

Her eyes gave me a bit of a wide look, "Whoops." Then we both heard Brendi the chihuahua yipping at mom, trying to have her attention. Me and mom looked down and see the little dog was scratching her leg, and having a begging look in her bug eyes as they locked onto her with her bat ears up. Mother giggled and decided to give her what she'd wanted, by picking up a tiny piece of chicken and handing it down to her. Brendi took it out of her fingers, and carried it off with her tail pointed up.

"Anyways." I picked up where I left off after mom locked her eyes back on me, "Yeah, the chain broke off the bike...Again. And I decided not to fix it...Again" I moaned out my frustration, "I tell ya, that thing has been giving me problems."

She responded, "Well no kidding, I bought you a bad bike."

"Yeah, well, I'm done with that thing. From now on, I'm just going to walk to town if I want. Be better than worrying about that freakin thing."

"I guess walking's better than nothing...Just don't let strangers give you rides." Mother cleared her throat and asked with a curious brow, "So, other than that problem, then what happened?"

I grinned, "Oh, things weren't so bad after that. I, uh...Was asking around about where Kent lived." I then shrugged my shoulders, "I mean, hey, since I was in Fall Creek, might as well know where he and his daughter lived and try to visit them."

"And how did that go?"

"Well it didn't take as long as I'd thought. I did find their place, but Rachel was the one who answered...Her father was working."

Mom nodded to that, "Figured he would."

I went on, "But, Rachel let me in to hang with her anyways. Her father wouldn't have minded if he found out."

Mom smiled, "That's good."

"So I was basically hanging out with her and Andy, he was there too."

She giggled, "Goodness, sounds like his own daughter likes letting in people without him knowing."

I revealed with my own slight giggle, "Well, thing is...Andy lives there...With them."

Mom was taking another bite when she asked, "Really? That kid? Why?"

I slowly shook my head, "I...Don't know really. I didn't ask." I spoke on with an amusement tone in my voice, "But let me tell ya, that guy really has a lot of movies and video games...Like three towers of them stacked."

Her brows were raised in surprise, "Really?"

"Oh yeah really! He drew on quite a collection. So anyways, we hanged, chatted, and I FINALLY got to watch the news on their own TV."

She let out a laugh, "'Finally' is the right word for you. You were wondering what the weather's going to be like for the past few days now."

"That's right." I let out a long sigh, "Talk about a relief. Been driving me crazy not knowing. And by the way, we'll be having clear skies for the next several days."

"Good to know." She replied with another giggle, "Sounds like you had a fun time."

I nodded a bit in agreement, "I did. And before you ask, no, I didn't walk back home with my broken, worthless bike. Andy took me back."

"I was wondering...I'm glad you've found something to do today. I know I would've hanged out with you, but-"

"Yeah, I know. You gotta work, get paid and pay the bills later on. You know I don't mind." I glanced out that window again, "This isn't new to me. It's just like back in the city. You leave for work, and I always try to find something to do." I shortly glanced back at her, and noticed she was just staring at me with a blank look. I frowned curiously, "What?"

She responded a moment later, "Matthew...Are you tired of it?"


She clarified, "What I meant was...Aren't you tired of staying at home, living without working at a job and always trying to find something to do while I'm the one who's working?"

I said, shaking my skull, "No...Not really."

"Look, it's just..." Mom's hand slowly gestured to me, "Don't you think you should get a job now? Honestly you'd be doing a lot during the day if you had one."

I didn't expect this conversation to happen. I said, "Mom...We talked about this."

"I know we have." She put her fork down on her plate and planted that hand to her chest, assuring, "Listen, I'm not calling you a lazy mooch or anything. I know you're not one." She made a smirk when she laid it down on her lap, "I taught you better than that. You've contributed well at home, and I do always thank you for that..."

I was nodding adamantly, "Right, I have."

Then her expression changed to concern, "But...It's been a while since you've graduated from school, and you haven't went to college...You have a lot of potential inside you, Matthew. Potential to do anything your heart desired...But you're not exploring it."

I was getting a little bit annoyed by this, since she gave me that kind of conversation before and it does get old, but I kept my composure. I glanced down at the table, "But I have reasons not to, remember? They're mostly you."

Mom stated in reassurance, "I know that, but I don't need to be protected." She placed a hand on my shoulder, a comforting smile on her face, "I don't, and you know that. I'm doing fine."

I practically mentally disagreed with that...Since I was having thoughts about what happened to her. I sighed, brushing that hand of hers off me, "Mom...I don't want to look for a job. I like the way things are...Even though I don't like living here much...YET, but I guess that will change...Hopefully." I pushed back my chair and stood off it, "I just don't want to. Ok? And I'm not going anywhere....Not ever."

She tried to talk, "Matthew-"

With that, I slowly paced around the table, intending on getting out of here, "Look...I'll be back in a few minutes...I'm gonna get some air."

My pace picked up to fast strides as I was about to head out of the dining room, but mother's voice stopped me, "That's your choice." I shot a glance over my shoulder and she went on with a low, hopeful tone, "But I do hope other than you'll accept our new home...You'll also let it go. It's been three years since it happened...When will you?"

I didn't reply a word to her, only drifting my gaze down toward the floor. After standing around for a second, I went on leaving the room and strolling to the front door. I turned the porch light on first before heading outside with the door closing behind me. My feet were planting on the wooden floor of that porch, and I slowly made my way to the edge of it. I was just staring out towards the dark woods several long feet from the house, and letting out a breath. Mom...

I lowered my gaze, thinking about all the words she said to me. Honestly, everything she told me was about to make me consider getting a job and moving on with my life...But I brushed that off, along with her words. I shut my eyes tight, and tried not to break down as the memory of that certain scary event floated in my mind. I can't...I can't do it.

I balled my hand into a tight fist. I'm not leaving her...I won't. I will stay and protect her. I will protect her from anything. I won't let anything hurt her. I won't let her get hurt again. I won't. I'll protect her as long as I live.

The ringing sound of my cellphone broke the silence I was having and it made me gasp out unexpectedly. I took in a deep breath, pulling it out of my pocket. After four rings, I answered it without looking at the caller ID, "Hello?"

It was Rachel's voice at the other end, "Hey, it's Rach."

I giggled. Earlier today, me, Andy and Rachel exchanged cellphone numbers so we can keep in touch. I pretty much felt glad she reached out to me during my moment of reminisce. I replied back, "Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing. Just laying in bed doing nothing. What about you?"

"Same...But I was having dinner with mom."

She sounded concerned, "Oh, did I interrupt? I'll call later and-"

I told her in assurance, "No, no, it's alright. I can talk."

"Well, I won't talk to you long anyways. My dad's expecting me to nap soon, you know, need to go school and all."

I do know that she goes to high school still from what she told me before, "I understand." I was wandering down the porch a bit when I asked, "So what do you want?"

I heard her giggling, "Well, since I really know you're a great guy to be with...I was wondering if you'd ever want to party with me?"

I frowned, "What are you implying?"

"What do you think? I wanna invite you to go partying with me and Andy tomorrow night."

I smirked when my whole body faced towards the front yard and the forest, "Really? Will your dad be okay with it?"

She exclaimed, "Oh sure he will! Don't worry. Please? Will you come to this party with us? It's practically in town."

I pressed her, "What kind of party is it?"

"It's just a damn house party! Now answer the question! Pleaaaaassse? It won't be fun without you. C'mon! Please please please!"

Honestly...I'm not the partying type, and I don't think my mother would approve of it. She's not a big fan of those type of things. And I'm betting she's lying about her dad approving it, and she didn't want to say it to worry me. I was a bit hesitant to say yes...But then again...It'll give me something to do. I asked her again, "Tomorrow night?"

"Yep, tomorrow night. I know this guy in town who throws these great house parties. I think you'll like it. Now please say yes."

I chuckled, walking closer to the porch banister and putting my other hand that isn't holding the phone on it, "Oh...Alright."

Rachel happily gasped on the other end, "Yes! Okay, just meet me and Andy at my house and we'll head over there. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Alright..." I heard her yawn, "I'm done talking now. See you tomorrow night."

"Okay, later. Bye." I hung up and put the cellphone away in my pants, then sighed while I didn't take my eyes off the woods. A party, huh? I placed another hand on the banister, and lowered my head when I was putting thought into it. Gosh...Never been to a house party before.

I hope you know what you are doing, Matt.


The creature was peering out of the edge of the woods when it already arrived near Matthew Ludlow's house again. It sees Matt, in black and white, standing on the porch with his head down from a long distance. It just gazed at the boy without moving any muscle, except the flickering ears on top of its furred head. Finally after a long time, Matt pulled himself off that banister, strolled to the front door and went back into his house. The porch light turned off a second later.

On the inside, it was feeling glad that it didn't make another mistake here yet like it did last night. Its feet carried its form through the trees, walking along the edge of them as it kept an eye still on that house. Thoughts about last night ran through its mind. They depicted Matthew's barking dog, being seen by him and his mother out searching for it. The creature took a deep, relaxing breath and let it out, trying not to worry. For most of the day, from thinking about it, it felt foolish for what happened here before...And it actually had trepidation for coming back here because of that mishap. What creature of its kind would do that? No way other creatures like it would do that. Getting closer to a human's house to only peek through windows was very risky.

It really had reservations of not coming back near that place, cause it didn't want Matthew and his mother to know about creatures like it, other than it didn't want to get hurt because of the fear they'd have upon seeing it. But...It did anyways...Because it wanted to see Matthew. Sure, it did see him again earlier today, as a person to him, but apparently that wasn't enough. It wanted to keep seeing him, even spy on him from a distance.

The creature stopped near the edge of the gravel road leading away from this area, staring at another part of the forest surrounding that house. It was so strange. That one human would make something like it do this again. There really was something about him, because other than sensing and knowing that Matt is a kind, friendly person, it can feel something on the inside when it's staring at him. Something it hadn't felt a lot lately.


The creature formed a tiny smile when it thought of that. It was odd. It didn't know why, but that was true. And for that, it's not gonna stop and run off in fear now until it sees Matt again a bit more, if given the chance. Besides, it probably won't sleep well tonight until it does.

It had thoughts of going to that other part of the woods, so it can move around through them and see one side of the house. It was getting ready to rush across that dirt road to them...When it hesitated. A worried thought rushed through its head. Who knows what else could happen here? Who knows what other mistake it could make if it doesn't leave this area now? Maybe it'd better leave...

It fiercely shook off that fear by shaking its head. No! It's not going home yet!

With bravery inside it, the creature of the night dashed across the road, several rocks on it were moved by the rushing feet, and made it to the other side, hidden within the dark trees. It sucked in a breath from the short burst of speed, and immediately began wandering through them, till it stood at the edge of them and sees a window from a distance. The creature moved aside a tree branch that was obscuring its view, and tilted its head with concentrated eyes. It didn't have to move MORE closer to the house now to see what was going on in there. It must be looking through the dining room window, cause it can see Matt and Julia eating together. With a fond look in its eyes and a wagging tail behind it, it just watched Matthew and his nice mother, mostly the boy, and it felt that feeling pounding within its chest.

Finally, after a long bit, it decided that it had enough spying, and yanked its eyes away from that window, then started heading back for home. A breath filled with relief came out of its muzzle. Least things are better than the other night. Least it didn't make that dog chained to the doghouse bark again tonight, and thank goodness it was just in the back yard and not at the side of the house it was spying at!

As soon as it moved across the dirt road one last time and into the woods once again, it drew back its head and yawned a bit as it kept going. Now that was settled...Time to head home.