Current Track: Blabb

There it was. Saturday morning. The sun has already risen when Ted was awakening. He looked at his phone and noticed it's 8.30 AM. "Shit" exclaimed Ted as he jumped out of bed and started doing his morning routine as fast as he can. He and his friends were suppose to meet at Talon Cafe at 9 AM. Finn woke up at the sound of Ted falling over while trying to put on his T-shirt. "What are you doing?" asked in a tired voice Finn. "We overslept. I mean I did." explained Ted while putting his blue T-shirt backwards. "Marc and Via are probably already there. Quickly. Put on something and let's go" said Ted while putting his T-shirt on corectly this time. As Ted put all of his essentials in his backpack, Finn finished dressing up. Ted grabbed Finn by the hand and rushed to the cafe.

Ted stopped rushing when they had 4 minutes to the cafe on foot. "Phew. We should be good now." Sighed with relief Ted. "Sorry for the rush. I'm always on time. And I am always a dick to them when they are late." explained Ted. "It's okay." said half-awake Finn while rubbing his eyes. "What are you gonna get? The cafe has amazing sandwiches." recomended Ted. "Coffee for sure. And maybe something sweet." anwsered Finn while checking his pockets. "Shit. Ted, I didn't take my wallet from the dorm." Ted looked at him, half angry half understandingly. "Probably because we were in the rush because of me. No worries. I'll pay this time. But you owe me." Said Ted. As they arrived at the cafe Ted pointed to the 2 felines siting insde next to the window. The first one was a female black cat wearing a dark gray hoodie, black jeans and white sneakers. She had shoulder long, curly black hair with purple highlights. The second feline was a light buff lion with a beautiful light brown mane. He was dressed in a white T-shirt, red jacket and grey pants. Ted entered the cafe and immediately approached them. "Hey dickheads, this is Finn. He's the fox I texted you about." Finn just akwardly waved his hand. "Sup. I'm Marc and this is my sister, Via." Anwsered the Lion. The black cat just waved, not even turing away from a book she was reading. "Did you guys ordered already?" Asked Ted. "Yup, since you never wait for us, we didn't wait for you" Said calmly Marc. "That's fair." Said Ted back a little annoyed. They made their order, Finn ordered caramel cappuccino and a chocolate muffin and Ted ordered green tea and a salad. They sat down at the felines table awaiting their orders.

"So Finn. Are you new in Dungville?" Asked curiously Marc. "No. I actually always lived here. I just lived in the Wolf's Paw and never really got out of that part of town." Said Finn with a shaky voice. "So why did you move to here, to Ted's dorm? I can't stand this guy for more than an hour and you'll have to see him for half your day." Asked Marc, making fun of his friend. Finn's head dropped down. Ted instantly anwsered "Come on. It's at least 2 hours. After that I also can't even stand myself. So Via, what are you reading?" Ted tries to steer the conversation away from Finn's painful memories. "Because you surely care." Anwsered sarcasticaly Via. "You are right, I certainly don't." said Ted. "Orders for Ted and Finn" the barista shouted. They got their order and came back to their table. "But really Finn, Why di-" Marc tried to ask but Ted interupted him. "What did you guys get for breakfast?" Marc looked at him with threating eyes. "Ted, can you stop interupting?" Said Marc with a hearable annoyance in his voice. "I jus-" Ted wanted to anwser but now Finn interupted him. "I had my reasons." He said, surprising Ted with how calm he was. Suddenly Marc's phone started ringing. He picked it up and after a mintue he said "Sorry guy, we have to go. Family stuff. It was nice meeting you Finn. Bye Ted" He grabed his stuff and exited the cafe with his sister following him. After Ted and Finn ate their breakfast they decided they could take a walk around the local park.

As they were walking siliently Finn finally spoke "Thanks. I know what you tried to do, but I can handle myself. Even if barely." Ted smirked "You are so very welcome. I didn't want you to go feral again and start a fight or something." They both chuckled. "And seeing you sad is ... weird, from one side I want to punch you and tell you to stop feeling down and from the other, I don't want to cause you more harm, I want to help you" Ted weirdly opened himself to Finn. "Thanks. I'm guessing it's totally unlike you. But thanks anyway. It's good to hear that someone .... cares" Ted punched Finn lightley in his hip. "Hey, I never said that. I just think seeing you feeling down is annoying." Ted tried to explain. "Yeah, yeah. But really, I'm not used to someone feeling sorry for me." Said Finn "Then I guess you'll have to get used to this." After sometime of walking, they sat down next to a small pond. Ted started looking at something on his phone, while Finn was taking in the smells and was looking at the water. As he looked closer he saw something weird in the middle of the pond, as if the water started turning it's color to red. As Finn started to squint his eyes to see better Ted shoved his phone right in front of his face. "Look. Cool beanie, right? I would look amazing in it." Finn quickly looked back at the water turning red, but it was gone, just your old blue water. He sighed and anwsere. "Yeah. Do they have opening for the ears?" Ted looked at the description. "They do. But not my size. But It would be perfect for you. I think I got you a christmas present, or a birthday one. By the way, when's your birthday?" Finn flushed a little. "It's November 21st" Ted wrote it down on his phone. "So it's close. Cool." He looked at the time on his phone. "It's almost 11 am. I think we should go back. I still have to show you around the school" Finn, with his eyes closed taking in the smell anwsered "Yeah. Just give me a minute." After a while they came back to their dorm, but something was weird. The dorm's door was opend. "Did you lock the door" asked Finn. "Fuck, Fuck, FUCK! We were in a hurry. I fucking forgot. Fuck me. I-I'll go tell security, you check if anything is missing." Ted clearly panicing started running to call security. As Finn entered the dorm he saw all of his and Ted's clothes were laying on the floor. Every article of clothing was removed from their wardrobe, everything that was hidden in their desk was also laying on the floor, but surprisngly he found his wallet. It was very visible on the desk. After further investigation turns out nothing went missing. Weird, It's like whoever was here wasn't looking for valuables. What were they looking for?