Current Track: Blabb

Finn, still shaking and crying, is sitting in the bathroom, next to the toilet, in a curled up position, with his face in his knees, thinking about what just happend. Why did he became so agrassive all of a sudden? He never was an agressive person, he always was calm. Stoic even, to the point that everyone was laughing at him for that in his old school.

After 10 minutes Finn heared a knock to the bathroom door. "Was it Ted? Or maybe Ted told school about what happend and it was police who are here to arrest him?" Thought to himself Finn. "Finn? I ... do you wanna talk?" Finn heard Ted speaking with a suprisengly calm voice. "Don't worry. I didn't conntact anyone. I just ..... I just want to talk." Finn was surprised. He crawled to the bathroom door and said very quietly in a weirdly high voice "I'm sorry. I .... I don't want to hurt you again." The door suddenly open. Outside of bathroom stood Ted with lockpick in his hand. Finn immediately crawled backward toward the sink. "Don't worry. I'm used to breaking the locks." Said Ted chuckeling to himself. "Stay back! I really don't want to hurt you." Shouted Finn almost crying. "Whoa, whoa. Don't worry. I'm not planning on being eatten myself." Ted joked, trying to defuse the situation. "You don't have to talk. I just wanted to see if you're okay. If you don't want to talk then it's also cool. But I have things to say." Finn just nodded.

"First of all, thanks for snapping out of your ... trans thing and not eatting me. Second, I've seen my fair share of angry carnivores but none of them had red eyes while they were pissed. You're .... weird .... and unique. Listen" Ted sat down next to the bathroom door, facing Finn "You know why I was such a dick earlier?" Finn shook his head. "It's because this, my charisma, my talkativeness, it's all I have to defend myself from you, from carnivores. Of course i have claws, but they will just give you a cut rather than harm you." While pouring his heart out, Finn interupted Ted "Why didn't you conntact anyone? Most people would call me a slur, run out and call a police" Ted chuckled to himself "I'm not most people. When you threw me on the bed I was scared, but you. You were scared even more than I was. You were terrified. You were actually scared of yourself" Finn looked down. After a moment of silience Ted started talking again "Anyways, i don't blame you for that. I was a bigger dick to you than i was; Am to others. I guess, I'm also sorry." Finn looked back again. "But I was the one who attacked you." Ted stopped him. "But I was the one who made you attack me. I'm sorry I laughed at your parents' photo. I'm sure you miss them. The probably live outside of town, don't they?" Finn looked back down. Tears started appearing at his face. "They're .... they're dead" Finn started crying silently. Ted stood up, came closer and sat next to him, resting his head carefully on his arm. "Another reason I should be sorry. I didn't know. Of course this doesn't justify my dickness but still. I'm so sorry." As Ted was apolagizing Finn slowly raised his arm and put his hand on Ted's fluffy koala head. Ted grabed his hand. "Hey! I'll allow you this one time. Next time, no petting. Understood?" Finn just started to gently pet Ted. Ted liked it but didn't want to show it.

After more mintues of petting, crying and heart-to-heart talking they both exit the bathroom. "Are you okay now? Can I ask you more questions? You are somehoe a very interesting person. Every question you anwser just gives me more questions." Finn nodded, starting to unpack his suitcases. "So. Where did you live before .... you know." Ted asked trying to avoid mentioning his parents. "Wolf's paw. The canine exclusive part of Dungvile." Finn anwsered calmly. "You also went to school there I'm guessing?" Asked Ted while actually helping Finn unpack. "Yup." Anwsered simply Finn. "And did you had lots of friends there?" Aksed Ted while taking out Finn's books and putting them on Finn's desk. "I actually didn't have that many friends. I don't think I had any." "And why was that?" "I don't know. They always treated me like an outcast. Even before they discovered ..." Finn stopped himself mid sentence. "Discovered what?" Ted asked with renewed interest. "That I was ...." Finn didn't know if he wanted to finish this sentence. He didn't fully trusted Ted. "That you were what? A nerd? Autistic? Gay?" Asked slightly frustrated Ted. Finn took a deep breath. "The last thing. That I was .... gay" Ted just sighed. "Fucking homophobes" Finn raised his eyebrown. "Once they know your sexuallity they only see you as that. It's like all the person you were before just vanishes." Ted said frustrated. "Also" he turned towards Finn. "Thanks for coming out to me. You didn't have to. But that shows that you trust me slightly" Finn blushed slightly. "Was it a mistake?" He whispered to himself. "Probably." Anwsered Ted hearing him. "But don't worry. If that'll make it less akward, I can say that I'm also not enteirely straight" Finn looked at Ted. "I was always interested in both girls and boys. I never actually tried it with a man before but I know I'll probably like it" Ted chuckled. "So you're bi?" Asked Finn unpacking his last things. "I would say I'm pan. I don't care what's in your pants, as long as we're having fun, it's cool" Explained Ted. "Wow. Thanks, I guess, for coming out to me?" Thanked him Finn. "Yeah. Now we're even." Finn finally finished unpacking. His clothes were in a closet, his books at his desk and his family photo was hanging pround above his bed.

They both lied on their respective beds. After all that unpacking they were pretty tired. "Thanks for helping me unpack" thanked Ted Finn. "No problem. By the way, since tomorrow's saturday I'm going out with my friends. Wanna come?" Asked Ted. "Well. I don't know." Said akwardly Finn. "Come on. It'll be fun. They are cool. I'm sure they'll like you." Reassured him Ted. "I'll .... I'll go. But I don't know if I'll fit in." Said Finn, siliently adding thr second sentence. "I'm sure you will. Anyways. I'm going to shower." Reassured him Ted once more, before jumping off his bed, taking a towel and some underwear to the bathroom. While Ted was taking the shower, Finn was laying on the bed and gazed into thr celling. He started thinking to himself. "Did we just became friends? I have no idea if I can trust him. He did come out to me. But that's because I did it first. Can I really trust him? Can I really feel safe? Can I be happy?"