Current Track: Blabb
All the time in the world Chapter 4 The next day, the Bates family moves in with the three of us and gets settled. A hover van is provided to transport all us humans. Doc pulls out of storage games and toys for Matthew and teaches him these games. Over the next three days everything is getting to somewhat normal. The Bates family is learning the language and customs and I am learning more about them. I hear the Comm go off and Lisa answers it. She comes for me and says it for me. I am not expecting a Comm call and when I get there I see a rabbit in official robes that looks familiar. "Please forgive me for not remembering you name, but there is a situation in the High council chamber that involves your people. Can you come to the council chambers in three days? A shuttle will be made available to pick you up." "What is it all about?" "The future of the human race and the planet Earth." "I'll have to speak to the other humans about that. Can I get back to you?" "I'll be at this Comm address for the next 5 cronars. After that leave a message with my secretary." I hang up and speak to all the adults about what is going on. Doc comes home and I get him into the conversation. We agree to be honest with our answers. Three days pass and I am in a shuttle headed for the space station orbiting Cyrex 6. I look around the station and see shops and vendors. I am lead to the council chambers and I see a table with chairs and on a raised platform there are several tables and chairs. I stay standing out of respect and the five members of the council enter and take there seats. I sit down and the session begins. The rabbit bangs a stone ball into a metal plate. "I Cargoth, begin this session. First thing on the agenda, the human species. Maxial, you have something to say about this." The skunk member stands up and speaks, "I have read the reports on the humans and what they did to their own planet, what is to keep them from doing it again." I reply with, "What is keeping you from wiping us out, we are scared, without a home world of our own. You guys have more natural weapons that could kill us without a thought. We are defenseless without any weapons. We destroyed each other because of our beliefs. I have learned that your people were war like and still you get along. What kept you from destroying yourselves." Cargoth says, "Many factors but the people got tired of fighting and made peace. We still argue but rarely fight. And you are right, we could destroy the humans, But we won't." "I see." "In the report you came through time and space through Dr. Nanzie Richnar's wormhole and a half year later, a female was brought through." "Yes, but to add, four more humans have come through in the past few days. Two adults and two children." "How are they getting along?" "They will adapt, like I did. I have information that you all will want to know. We will not survive a return trip through the device. We would be dead in a year from radiation exposure." The Ferret gasps after hearing that. She says, "So you can never return home." Cargoth says, "If there was a way for you to go home to your time, would you want to." "In my honest opinion, No I would not go home. I would be locked up and humiliated for telling my story. And I would tell my story to anyone that would listen. Here I can tell the story of the human race to anyone interested in hearing it." "We are going to hear a request from Dr. Nanzie Richnar about his wormhole and possible uses. A video screen appears in front of me on the table and I see Doc at his office. "Council members, The original idea of trying to create a faster transportation system is a complete failure, But it has a side effect. Every time we hit a particular planet, we kidnap a member of the planets population. As we know travel through the wormhole can be deadly unless treated. My suggestion is to kidnap as many beings off the planet and relocate them in our time where they don't exist. Thank you for your time." "Your thoughts on this, Andrew." "I would have to agree with Doc. A genetic base line population of humans of breeding age. Females having multiple partners and having children with them might be necessary to keep the human race from dying out." "What if we get someone who is undesirable, like a criminal." Then we extract their genetic material and artificially impregnate a female then deport the male back home to his death." "What if the offender is female?" "Then we create a special prison to care for her and force her to become pregnant at least once, then deport her after she gives birth and adopt the child out." "I see your idea has merit. We need a vote, Do we allow the good doctor to kidnap humans for the good of the human race or do we allow humans to die off. Vote now." The five council members press a button on the console and moments later the vote is in. "Four to one for. Binok why did you vote no." The wolf speaks, "I agree with the plan to a point. The procurement of the humans is good but the disposal of the criminal element is a sticking point. Would it be easier to hold these humans and have access to their genetic material for the best part of their lives." "I see your point, We can do this but the most extreme cases have to go. Those that kill, human or otherwise will be returned to their deaths." "One other point, we need a liaison between the humans and the council. We want you, Andrew, to be that liaison. Tell us what you need and we shall help you as much as possible." "First thing that I can think of is that we are going to need housing for the hundreds to thousands of humans that we are going to kidnap and equipment. Don't forget personnel." "Housing is the easy part. Don't worry, we can have apartments built and ready for occupation in 200 days for 100 humans. What sort of equipment would you require per human." "Translation technology from Earth languages to Galactic standard and the Nanny bot technology. If a human looking nanny bot could be made for those that can't handle the furry ones, that would help." "Easily done, The manufacturer is interested in making a human one and was unable to contact you. I'll give you the contact information after this meeting. Anything else?" "Our planet, how much progress has been done on clearing it?" "Very little in the few days since starting, from estimates it will take about 4 local years for the land masses. They did find a large source of gold on one of the land masses." "Show me." A map pops up and a beacon appears over the right side of center of the North American continent. "That is Fort Knox. The gold supply for the United States. I wonder how much gold is there." "We haven't found out. But we know it is there. And once it is cleared of radioactive particles we shall land a troop ship to secure it." "Thank you." Things change over the next 100 days. First is a Medical center is installed at the laboratory near by the device for incoming humans. And several contracting companies are setting up apartment building for the incoming humans. I inspect the apartments as soon as they are complete. They are 3 bedroom units big enough for a small family. Six apartments to a floor and twenty floors high allowing 120 persons per building. We are completing six buildings all together and a community center to get together. As the first building is completed we start with kidnapping humans from our time. We establish a worm hole to earth about 50 percent of the time which is good odds and kidnap a few people each time. This time we active the worm hole and drag a male through with a weapon. I disarm the person and send him to be treated. What is unusual is that he doesn't look like any military personnel. I go and wait for him to wake up. He takes one look at me and reaches for my throat to strangle me. Fortunately he is still under the sedative and I am able to break free. I back off and I hear words I don't understand. I go out the door and talk to the technician and activate the translation program. He speaks at me with a sneer and I finally get a translation matrix established. "Can you understand me?" "I understand you. American pig." Just what I wanted to hear at this time. A hate mongering fool. "I am going to disregard that remark." "Tell me where I am?" "You are on the planet Cyrex three." "I don't believe you. Capitalist Pig." "All right, if you don't believe that then you should know that humans are not alone in the universe. And I have proof." "Show me this proof." I step outside and drag the technician into the room. His eyes go wide upon seeing the rabbit. "It is a cheap costume made up to fool me." I see anger in the eyes of the rabbit and its claws flash. "I should disembowel you for saying that." "It speaks, what have you done to the animals mind." "ANIMAL!!!" and the technician leave the room before blood is shed. I leave the room and the technician touches a button. "What did you just do?" "Activated a sleeping agent into the room. In case of emergencies we activate it and knock everyone out. After the agent is dissipated, I am under orders to tie him down. This human is going to be trouble." "I agree. The thing is what are we going to do with him." Doc comes around the corner and ask, "What is going on?" The technician says, "I just had to sedate our new guest." "On what reason." I say, "He attacked me." "Why did he attack you?" "I think his religious beliefs and teachings was a part of it and that he insulted the technician. What are we going to do with him." "Lets see what happens when he sees me." "The gas has dissipated. You may enter." Doc goes over to the man and uses tie down straps to tie his wrists and ankles to the bed. An cronar later the suspect wakes up and takes a look at Doc. "Another animal. This time you have gone too far." "I would reconsider what you say to him. He could rip out your throat without a single thought, right Doc." I hear a low grumbling growl come from Doc. "Release me at once and keep it away from me." Doc then hits the man with enough force with his claws extended to pierce clothing and skin and he leaves bloody tracks in his skin. We leave after that. "What would you recommend, Doc?" "Will he come around?" "No, I believe he won't." "We send him back at the next opportunity." So at the next opportunity we activate the device and the wormhole engages and a female is brought through and we march the unknown man to the device and shove him in and I get back to my work. Five years pass by and we have hit a milestone of 1200 adults and about 150 children under 12, the strange thing is that a third of them is male the rest is female. All of our abductees are under the age of 25 which is fortunate for all and I have to make a decision. The decision is that all females must get pregnant for the good of the human race and have multiple children from multiple fathers to spread the genetic material around. I get a progress report from Earth. 98 percent complete on the land masses and fresh water and 15 percent of the ocean is complete. In addition to the reports of life still surviving on the planet. Mostly insects but several ocean fish species survive. I get a call from the council. "Hello, Andrew." "What do you need, Councilor Cargoth." "The scientists have detected an object approaching Earth at several times the speed of light. The object has slowed down since being detected and will reach Earth in three days. We are dispatching a first contact team to assist the scientists stationed there. We want you to be on it." "Send me a shuttle and I be ready to go in one cronar." I call home and have Jasmine pack a bag ready for me to pick up. I pick a taxi to take me home and I kiss Jasmine good bye. I arrive on the ship and receive the newest update from the ships command staff. "We should arrive at Earth in 1 day. We are receiving telemetry from the scientist's ship and the other ship should arrive in 3 days." "Good, I'll be in my cabin. Inform me if anything changes." I go down and get settled in. The next day I head for the command deck and see we have arrived. Now we wait. The next two days I hear rumors of things. What they look like? What they like to do for fun. The alien ship gets close enough to scan us from the distance of Saturn. They stop in their tracks. First they send signals and I hear them over the speakers. A lot of cat yowls. We reply in galactic standard. We start with the universal translator and an cronar later we get basic speech translation. Then we ask if they have video capabilities. They do and we get the first pictures of them. They look like upright walking tigers with a long tail. We send them video of us and the six races on board. We introduce ourselves as the Galactic Federation and introduce ourselves by species. They call themselves the Telmoc. We ask what they are doing here. "We are looking for a colony world. Our population numbers in the billions and we have colonized the planets in the system of planets where we live. Why are you orbiting this world?" "We are preparing it for colonization. You see the previous owners destroyed themselves hundreds of years ago and left radioactive remains. We are collecting the radioactive particles and removing them so life can live there. We are almost complete with the land masses and we are starting with the seas." "Do you think you would share this world with us?" I say, "I think we can come to some agreement.. Shall we meet face to face." "Please, let us meet face to face. We are heading for you." We pilot our ships close enough to extend a magnetic docking ring and we attach to their ship. A probe is sent over to their ship to test atmosphere. Oxygen-nitrogen-argon in acceptable amounts. We are given belt clips with the universal translator program on it. We finally board and meet face to face. "Greeting, my name is Captain Centi of the Questor." and introductions are made on their side. The captain introduces us. One on there side looks at me and says, "What a strange looking creature. Lost in a sea of fur." Their captain gives him a look that might have killed. "It's all right. I am called a human and the planet we are orbiting used to be my home." Captain Centi says, "You said that they destroyed themselves." "It's true, our people did destroy themselves and left the planet a mess but for some strange reason, a few humans were saved by these people." "How many is a few." "1400 and growing. We have decided that we wanted our planet back and allow anyone who wanted to come and share it with us." They give a cheer. Or I think it is a cheer. "High command will be pleased. We have found a colony. And a few new races." A cultural and technical exchange is done and then we head for the Telmoc home world. We follow the Telmoc ship to their home world and in the two weeks I get to know the crew of Questor. to be continued...