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All the time in the world ch 5
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16 years ago
Estimated reading time
9 Minutes
Chapter five We return to federation space after leaving the Telmoc home world. Scientists arrive after we leave to analyze their technology. A hundred days later and I get the report that the land masses and fresh water are clear and another five years for the sea. Scientists want to examine all the plants. I ask for volunteers from the human population to help identify plants. I get two dozen. I get a request from several mining companies. One wants to mine the asteroid belt and Mars for metal to build a space station to orbit the planet. I agree to the space station idea. Another wants the rights to mine the former city areas for Iron and Aluminum. I hold out on that until the scientists come back with their plant survey. Then I have to place a location for the planetary capital and have it designated as 0 degrees longitude. So I put it as close as I can to the old location that I can. In France. A vault is being set up there to hold all the gold, silver and platinum. By estimates there is a twenty to thirty trillion Dactaries worth of metals on the planet in bar form. And a undetermined amount in coin form from the pressing centers around the world. I hear a knock on the door to my office. It is Jasmine. She is wondering when I am going to bed. I didn't tell you that she is pregnant with my child. Yep, I got her pregnant before leaving for the first contract mission along with a girl named Charlotte who is strong and wants to care for her children all by herself. Me and Jasmine were married in a traditional mating ceremony. Many human males are asking if there is an allowance for human to take multiple mates. I brought it up with the council with the argument that many females are going without mates that care for the children. So for the humans only, they agree and create a second wife petition. If two or more females want to mate with one male then it is allowed. Over the next 90 days, there is some argument between the Telmoc and the federation over the rules that will govern the colony of Earth. We come to some agreements and compromises. And then there is the animal question. I see hundreds of animals from six planets that have been domesticated and I notice something. Except for size they resemble Earth animals. One animal looks like a sheep, sounds like a sheep except it is bigger by ten percent. I don't want to tell you about the poultry. All animals coming to Earth must pass through me before being allowed to set foot on Earth. Doc comes to me after a hard day of work. "Andrew, you have been working hard for the humans, that is to be commended. But you need to take a few days off before health problems set in." "Well, I have been working hard for the past few years even more since the discoveries on earth." "You need to get away from here. I know the place a colleague recommended, the Shastar resort. Sunny beaches, top quality restaurants. You might find it a little strange though." "How strange is it?" "It is a nudist resort for lovers and families like most of these resorts. It is said that more first born children are conceived at these resorts than at home. I've noticed that humans tend to hide your body except around mates." "We tend to be embarrassed about our bodies, it was taught that it was bad to expose ourselves and it was a crime to expose anything sexual to children. The only way for children to learn about sex is in the school system." "I never knew. I have heard in our history records that our peoples thought that. Our way is that we teach our children about sex at a young age. I taught my oldest child about his body when he was four years old and my mate taught him how to make love when he came of age." "What about those that would take advantage of a child sexually?" "We have a law that prevents that from happening. Until the child is mature enough to have sex, it is forbidden with the penalty of death." "I have a question, what about child pornography?" "The age of consent for that kind of thing is usually around 16 years and the penalties for creating underage pornography is harsh, ten years hard labor and castration." "Your right that is harsh." "Now about the trip, do you wish to go." "I'll talk to Jasmine about it." "That is all I ask." That evening I talk to Jasmine and explain thing to her. "Jasmine, Doc came to me and asked me to take a little time off. Would you like to come with me?" "Where are we going?" "The Shastar resorts. It is near the beach and I am told it has fine dining." "Honey, I would love to go to the beach for a couple of days. I just need to get a swimsuit." "Well there is a catch to it." "What kind of catch?" "It is a nudist resort." I say in a whisper. "What!!!" "It is a nudist resort." "Is there any alternative?" "No, most resorts are clothing prohibited. It seems that these people are a little carefree in their relaxation." "When in Rome." "Does that mean you will come." "I'll go." "Good, I'll make the reservations." Ten days later and I say goodbye to Doc and the team and head for the resort. It is a two cronar flight to the resort. When we arrive we go to the front desk and check in. We are given baskets to place our belongings in and are told we could undress in the dressing areas and proceed to the final checkin area. The dressing area is just one bench for both males and females. Jasmine starts to get cold feet but I reassure her that it will be fun. We both walk out of the dressing area and hand our baskets to the secondary checkin clerk. We are told to place our hand on the panel and we are told what room number we are to go to. We get on an elevator and go to the appropriate floor and we enter the room. I have been told over the Comm that all the rooms were beach front and it was a good view. I think I got my moneys worth. Jasmine looks out and says, "It is romantic." "Yes, it is." "What shall we do first?" as Jasmine looks over a brochure that is lying on the table. "I was thinking that we might want to lie on the beach and try to get a tan." We get back on the elevator and head for the door to the beach. We see a few couples walking along the beach then Jasmine notices something." "Andrew, that couple was making love on the beach and in front of a child." "Honey, don't be surprised, but that is normal." I explain to her as it was told to me. "There is a lot of thing I don't know about them, but we have no choice but to learn." We find a place on the beach and get comfortable. After about two hours, we return to the hotel and get ready for dinner. After showering off the sand at the beach side showers and drying off with the dryers we head for one of the three roof top restaurants. We get a table by the window and watch as the sun sets into the ocean. We get to talking with the wolf couple next to us. "We have never seen your kind before, what are you." "We are human." "Human. How long are you hear for." "Six nights." "We are hear for two more nights, would you like us to show you around the resort." "Dear," "By all means, please do." We get to talking and Jasmine lets it slips that she is pregnant. "May I have a feel?" the female says. "Go right ahead." "Life is important. May your child be healthy and strong." "Life is important with us because there is so few of us." "How many of you are there?" "Under three thousand." "On this planet, right." "In the galaxy. You see we were saved from our planet before our people destroyed themselves." "That is sad to hear. How are you getting along?" "We are getting along fine. We are learning about your peoples." Our meals arrive and we continue talking about what we do and stuff. After we finish desert we get up and head downstairs and get the grand tour. We agree to meet the next morning for breakfast and retire to our room. That night I make love to Jasmine. The next morning we meet up for breakfast and head down to the beach where Jaxs and Beli invite us to a game of granate. Essentially its like Twister except there is six colors and a computerized caller. We spend time with all the games and enjoy ourselves. We also make love on the beach to our respective mates. Then our friends ask us what we are doing out here. "I had to get away from work. What about you." "The same and the possibility of creating our first child. That is a tale to tell my children about. That our first born was conceived on a beach." "Better than our story. We spent ten days trying to get Jasmine pregnant." "She was in heat that long." "We humans don't know when we are able to conceive. It is mostly trial and error." "But you were successful." "Yes, we were." "Do you know if your child is a male or a female?" "We decided that we want the baby to surprise us when he or she is born." "That's interesting. Dear, why don't we try that too." "If that is what you want, I will agree." We head for dinner and meet up with more couples staying at the resort. On our last night, there is a knock at the door and the bell hop gives me a message. I tell Jasmine that I will be right back. I head downstairs and head for a Comm. I sit down and dial a familiar number. Doc answers. "What is so important that you had to interrupt my vacation?" I get the news that there has been an incident involving one of the recent arrivals. Right now he is in the hospital and he wants me to speak to him. I don't get all the details but I tell Doc I will be in the area tomorrow. The next morning we check out and fly back to town. I drop off Jasmine and head for the hospital. "Andrew, I'm glad you are back." "Now will you tell me what happened." "One of the new arrivals, a Michael Rainer, tried to commit suicide. The Nanny bot assigned to him found his wrists slashed. Emergency services was called and he was saved. He lost a lot of blood. He is currently under observation." "Take me to him." We walk down the hall, up a few floors and through a secured door. We continue down the hall and Doc knocks on the door. "I have some one who wants to speak to you." I walk into the room and Doc leaves. I sit down in a chair next to the bed. "You don't have to tell me anything but I am here to listen to you if you want to talk." A half an Cronar later, Michael speaks. "I want to go home back where I knew everything." "I'm sorry, but that is impossible for anyone to survive." "How do you know?" "I've read the reports of the doctors when I arrived and the reports from the doctors for everyone that have arrived. You would be dead in months from radiation poisoning." "But why me? I didn't want this." "I didn't want this either. If there was a way to get back safely, I would sign up on the spot. But I am thinking of the human race here. You should be proud, you are a survivor of the only race to destroy themselves in the known universe." He get silent and I continue. "In a few years the earth will be restored. Then we can decide on things. Now are you going to go easy on the Doctors and nurses." "Yes and thanks." "For what?" "Just listening to what I had to say." I write down two comm address numbers and give it to Michael. I tell him if he ever wants to talk, just give me a ring. I get up with the doctors and ask about the standard treatments for the problem he has and I find out that they have improved treatments since our era. I return home.
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