Current Track: Blabb

I awoke feeling surprisingly good despite what had just happened the previous day. I sat up, looking around as I slowly got to my feet. Everything seemed really quiet. To my surprise, I wasn’t laying in a library anymore, but rather on a bed, a surprisingly comfortable bed. But that was beside the point that I was no longer laying down on anything anyway, as I had stood up. But it still came as a surprise that I was now standing in unfamiliar territory. However, as soon as I turned around, I was greeted with a big hug from Electra, which almost made my jump right out of my fur with how unexpected it had come.

“Wah! Holy crap Electra way to scare the fur off of me!” I laughed softly as I gently put my arms around her, hugging her back.

“Heheh, sorry about that, I couldn’t just let that opportunity pass by.” She laughed.

“Eh… I guess you’re right.” I said as I gently kissed her nose, smiling as I released the hug. “So what’s up with the beds? Where are we?”

“Cameron suggested we rent out a room while we’re here. We asked around and Kevin wound up choosing this place based on what the people around here said about it. And holy hell this place is amazing.”

“Let me guess, there’s a ton of fo-”


“Knew it.” I chuckled softly, gently patting her head. “You and your food…”

“But not only that! There’s a freaking pool in here! We got one of the most expensive rooms they had available!” She said. “You’re only in a little bedroom right now. Outside of this is the rest of the room. There’s like, five more bedrooms, a kitchen, a bunch of couches, a pool… There’s a pool in the middle of the freaking room. A balcony, you name it.” She said.

“Well why aren’t you wet?” I asked.

“Wet?” She asked, a grin spreading across her muzzle as she took a step forward, getting so close that the fur on our bellies touched. “Why don’t you reach down there and feel for yourself?” She chuckled softly.

“Um…” I said, frowning as I gently touched my nose to hers briefly. “I meant from the pool. If you really liked the pool you would have gone swimming in it, and you’d be all wet.” I said, laughing.

“Oh… Right…” She said as she took a little step back, chuckling softly. “The pool… Of course you meant the poo… Well there’s this big steamy room thing with a heat lamp and stuff and it dries your fur super fast!” She laughed. “Plus this place is pet friendly!”

“Hey, I don’t know if we qualify as pets really.” Cammy said as she hopped up onto the bed, gently hugging me from the side. “I mean, if the maid comes in and sees a bunch of Pokémon laying around asleep, chances are he or she will think we’re plushies, grab us up to try and arrange us to look neat, then freak out when she picks up a living squirming Pikachu, who also freaks out from suddenly being picked up.” She said.

“Well technically, well actually not technically at all, we AREN’T humans.” Electra said. “And we ARE the companions of an actual human being, so surely that qualifies us as being pets, no? Maybe exotic pets, but still pets.”

“Yeah… I don’t really like falling under the category of being a ‘pet’ at all really.” Cammy laughed. “I’ll stick with companion, but I’m nobody’s pet.” She said.

“Yeah but if it gets us out of trouble then why not just stick with the title for the brief moment we need it to squeeze by security or whatever they use to enforce stuff here?” Electra asked.

“Eh… You have a point there.” Cammy said, nodding. “Eh… Whatever. I guess that works then.”

“Okay um, where exactly IS everyone else?” I asked as I hopped down off of the bed, heading out into the main room.

“Well Cameron went off to do who knows what, Kevin went to try and figure out what we could do to get back to OUR world, Zeke tagged along for protection, I don’t know why. In my opinion Kevin would look like any other normal human being if he’d gone alone. But eh, whatever. Um, Cody disappeared randomly, left Ben here. Said he didn’t want to have any more to do with this situation or something. No one really cared much because he was weird anyway. Ben went with Cameron to do who knows what with him, no innuendo intended, and the Pichu are in their Pokeballs, which somehow still work.” She said. “And before you ask and another innuendo pops up, yes, they have Pokeballs. Every Pokémon is assigned a ball at birth, and Electra had them the whole time. We just figured that in a world like this, they’d be better off in there.”

“Yeah, I agree.” I said as I gazed around the room. “It just never occurred to me that they had Pokeballs.”

“Probably because only a human would think of, or even suggest such a thing. Yep, Kevin suggested it while we were getting into the car after leaving the library and everyone agreed. Plus they didn’t seem to mind at all anyway.” Cammy said as she followed me out.

“Okay, now about this whole situation… I apparently don’t have enough juice to teleport us back to our place. Apparently all I can really do is poke my head in and look around. Judging by how… Stryder I think it was? Reacted… Apparently he saw me there because he tried to tackle me or something. Went right through but still…”

“What the hell was he even doing at our house in the first place?” Cammy asked.

“No idea. We DID kind of just poof without him though. Maybe he was looking for us to tell us something?” Electra asked.

“Well you can’t ignore the fact that I somehow wound up showing up right in front of him too.” I said. “I mean, why couldn’t I have showed up on like, the third floor or something?” I asked.

“Well that IS kind of suspicious, I’ll admit it.” Cammy said. “Either he really needed you and you somehow subconsciously knew it and poofed up right next to him, or it’s a coincidence.”

“Well there is also the possibility that he could be up to no good and we just happened to see it.” Electra said.

“That’s also true. But I still think he was only looking for us. Either that, or he’s up to something. Or both.” She said.

“Yeah, he’s with the remainder of Onyx plotting to take over the world now that Dallas and I are gone.” Electra said, rolling her eyes.

There was a moment of silence, during which I tilted my head and turned around, staring at Electra blankly, as did Cammy.

“That was a joke.” She said. “Their leader is, no offense, brain dead now, they have like no members at all, and almost all their equipment is completely destroyed. Plus the only clone they have left is a Palkia or something.” She said.

“Well now that you mention it…” Cammy said. “They COULD be using that Palkia to bring in reinforcements from another dimension…”

I frowned as I turned to Cammy, shaking my head. “That Palkia thing was being ridden by that Pikachu. The freaking awkwardly strong dark one I encountered in the maze of whatever the hell that was.” I said. “I SAW him on its back.”

“Yeah if that’s true then I don’t really think Onyx is behind this.” Cammy said. “Perhaps some third party that had been spectating this whole time and came out to take over once Onyx had been defeated? Using more advanced clones than Onyx could ever create and just zapping us away so there wouldn’t be any interference? Perhaps they’re a rival of Onyx’s?” Cammy asked.

“Hey, both those clones were dark and shadowy. Onyx always had normal looking clones.” I said. “I don’t think Onyx is behind it.”

“Holy shit you guys I said I was joking.” Electra laughed. “As interesting as this is, it was only a joke.”

“A joke that makes a lot of sense.” Cammy said. “Think about it. Who the hell would randomly come in with darker shadowy purple clones?”

“Or maybe they’re not clones at all, and are just genetically altered normal Pokémon tagged with the dark purple so they can tell them apart?” Electra asked. “Maybe they just created the clone to be the toughest Pikachu ever, not knowing that Dallas even existed, and sought out to remove both of us once they realized there was competition?”

“This is actually making a lot of sense…” Kevin said as he walked into the room from within one of the bedrooms.

“When the hell did you get back?” Cammy asked.

“While you were in there chatting with eachother about what this place was like or whatever.” He said. “Zeke’s here too.”

“Well it all makes sense either way. We could be completely wrong, but at the same time we could be dead on, there’s no way to really know for sure.” Cammy said.

“Perhaps they’re not against Onyx at all, but are against the Rockets. Think about it.” I said. “Team Rocket is still strong as ever, they haven’t been hit with any major resistance or any damage like we did to Onyx.” I said.

“Yeah but Team Rocket is also big on organized crime. They’re not very easy to follow at all.” Kevin said.

“Well Dallas is on to something.” Cammy said. “Perhaps this third party group, which is obviously a high tech organization, was against Team Rocket, and just saw Team Onyx as a rookie class annoyance, but didn’t want to expose themselves and exterminate the group on their own, so they waited for Team Rocket to do so, since the Rockets are well known. Perhaps they have been in a little techy war for a long time now, seeing who could create the better clone. Team Rocket started it all with Mewtwo, and Team Onyx just randomly jumped in and created this half assed clone of Mewtwo and named it Mewthree just for the satisfaction of pissing off both organizations and attempting to gain some sort of reputation, which failed miserably as soon as they made the same mistake Team Rocket had made and let the thing go out of control.” She said.

“Yeah, Onyx didn’t really know what they were doing at all.” Kevin said.

“It might explain why the boss at Team Rocket suddenly snapped and kissed our asses once he realized who we were.” Electra said.

“Well maybe he thought that, if he had you two on his side, he could simply stop spending time and money on making clones. I mean think about it, recruiting you two means he has two of the most powerful Pokémon in the world allied with his organization in a split second. He could just rub it right in their faces.” Cammy said.

“So he came up with some ridiculous stuff like nanobots or something to try and convince us they were on the good side or whatever and just recruited us because we believed him.” Electra said.

“He probably just created some temporary link to the PC and applied it to your fur or something. I highly doubt there were ever tiny robots inside you.” Cammy said.

“Yeah, that makes sense.” I said. “I mean, then he could just convince us that the… Um…”

“That the third party team was also a bad organization and convince you to take it down.” Cammy said. “Eliminating their competition altogether. But this third party team already knew that, so they put a stop to it before things got out of paw.” She said.

“You mean out of hand…” Kevin said.

“I don’t have hands. I have paws.” Cammy said back.

“And that third party whatever the heck it is is probably going around with their actual clones right now and beating the crap out of Team Rocket, since the Rockets had halted their developments since we were recruited, and they believed it was all they needed.” Electra said.

“If I know Team Rocket then they probably sped up the process so they could have more clones than the other party, since you two would have been more powerful anyway.” Cammy said. “So chances are they still have SOMETHING to work off of. Meaning they probably still have whatever they created, assuming they kept the project up and running.”

“Okay, so let’s assume everything you’re saying is true.” Kevin said as he knelt down in front of Cammy. “Let’s say they really are back there trying to take things over. There’s really nothing we can do right now either way until we figure out a way to get back to OUR dimension.” He said.

“True. Why don’t we worry about this when the time comes then? I mean there’s no need to get all worked up about what could or couldn’t be happening over there right now. Who knows!”

“Right.” I said, nodding. “Right now we need to focus on getting back to our place before we can really even begin to think about how we’re going to save it, if it’s even in trouble in the first place.”

“Dallas is right.” Electra said. “We need to t-”

“HEY!” Cameron yelled as he ran into the room, shutting the door and pulling Ben out of his jacket, who plopped to the floor and walked off toward one of the bedrooms. “You HAVE to see this.”

“See what?” Cammy asked as she walked toward him.

“This.” Cameron said as he picked up the TV remote and flicked on the big screen. He changed the channel and the news came on.

“Oh hey look, it’s that car we blew up earlier and stuff.” Zeke said as he walked into the room.

“Not only that.” Cameron said. “I think they’re onto us.”

“Yeaaah I don’t think so.” Cammy laughed.

On the TV screen, the pilots that had flown the helicopter we’d encountered earlier were being interviewed by a newscast.

“So what made you think there were…” The reporter asked, trying not to laugh. “Pokémon… On the ground?”

“Oh I don’t know, maybe because we ‘bleep’ saw the ‘bleep’ when we looked down there?” One of the pilots replied.

“Yet… You neglected to capture any video. Is there a reason for this?” The reporter asked.

“Well maybe because the person that was SUPPOSED to be manning the cameras thought they were so freaking ‘cute’ that he lost focus on everything else like a MORON.” The pilot yelled.

“But wouldn’t cute things ENCOURAGE you to take photos?” interviewer asked.

‘Yeah how the ‘bleep’ does that make any sense?” the pilot asked the other man.

“Oh I don’t know, maybe because it’s not every day you see three Pikachu strolling around the streets with a Mightyena and two Pichu?” he said.

“HA! And you know all the names too.” The pilot said, a grin spreading across his face.

“Yeah? Well what were YOU doing the whole time mister PILOT?” the second man asked. “I had to TELL you to look down at them.”

“First of all I’m the copilot.” He said.

“Ah. That explains why he’d have to yell at them to get the helicopter moving.” Kevin laughed.

“You ‘bleep’ moron! I outta slap you one!” He yelled back.

“So you both saw these… Pokémon?” The reporter asked.

“Yes, we both saw them.” They both said.

“Well there you go folks. Apparently there are Pokémon running the streets and blowing things up!” The reporter said as they zoomed into the background where the wreckage of the cars in the dog park still remained, a little image of the wreckage in the street a little ways down appearing on the screen shortly after.

Cameron changed the channel.

“-of there apparently being Pikachu from the children’s cartoon Pokémon roaming the streets. There have been multiple claims of the sightings of these creatures, such as here, in this dog park just days ago.” A female reporter said as she stood in front of the fighting ring at the park. The ring was taken down and the park looked normal.

“Wow, way to take your fighting pit down…” Cammy mumbled.

“Well this IS public TV.” Kevin said. “I don’t think they want others knowing they let their animals fight in the park, as normal as that seems to US.”

“Yeah we have random battles all the time. Humans here are weird.” Zeke said.

“The fucker went and opened its mouth and just blew this purple ball of energy at my dog. It fucking blew him to bits!” A man yelled.

“Uncensored news eh?” Electra chuckled.

“We all saw it with our own two eyes. There’s no way we ALL saw the same hallucination.” He said, to which everyone else nodded.

“Hey!” A little girl yelled as she ran up to the reporter. “I saw the Pokémon too! They were so cute and fluffy and their owners let me pet them!” She squealed in a high pitched voice.

“As much as I’d like to deny that it’s true.” Her parents said as they picked her up. “Honey don’t interrupt other people.”

“Well apparently this is for real folks! There’s a one hundred thousand dollar reward for each of these… Creatures… You can successfully turn into authorities. And so far there have been seven on record. Four Pikachu, two smaller ones, a wolf-like one, and a fluffy brown one.” She said. “This has been bre-”

Cameron shut the TV off.

“Well. They’re offering money to whoever can turn us in huh?” Cammy asked. “Well as far as I know these humans are VERY weak to our attacks. How exactly do they think they’ll be able to catch us anyway?” Cammy laughed. “I mean, all it takes is a simple thunderbolt and boom, we’re free.”

“Plus that comes with a free fried meal too!” Electra said, grinning as she rubbed her paws together.

“Electra… The last thing we need to do is freak people out even more by swallowing someone whole in front of them.” Kevin said, frowning.

“Nah, I think it’d be a pretty good move on my part.” She laughed. “Maybe then they’d stop trying to capture us.”

“Hehe, this is just like back at home. People all over trying to catch us for no reason.”

“Only they have reasons. And they’re all dedicated to catching only us.” Kevin said.

“Well, until you figure out how to get us back to our own place I’m staying here.” Cameron said as he headed off to one of the bedrooms. “I’m going to take a nap or something.”

“OOOH LET’S SNUGGLE!” Zeke barked as he ran after Cameron, tackling him to the floor and licking the back of his head furiously.

“Ow! No that’s weird! Get off of me!” Cameron whined as he pushed Zeke off. “Geez… You can LAY with me in the bed if you want. But there won’t be any snuggling.”

“Oh come on! You’ll feel my fluffiness and beg me for snuggles!” Zeke barked.

“Yes. Because that’s totally normal.” Electra said, rolling her eyes.

“Well… let’s look at the facts here.” Kevin said. “The Pichu are safe in their Pokeballs, which are safe with Electra in her who knows what.”

I shot Kevin a stare, and he frowned at me.

“All I’m saying is I don’t know where she keeps the things. I wasn’t implying that she stick them in her vagi-”

“I don’t.” Electra interrupted. “I keep them in my cheek pouches in my mouth. Putting my own Pichu back inside me… down there… would be weird.” She laughed. “Although I’d probably do it with someone else’s Pichu out of curiosity. I wonder how that’d feel…”

“CHANGING the subject.” Kevin said, standing up and holding his hands out in front of him.

“So what are the plans for now?” Cammy asked.

“I don’t know. Stay out of sight for now until we can figure something out?”

“Well all we need is something that has enough juice in it for Dallas to get us back home or something.” Cammy said.

“Well… Why not just plug him into an outlet?” Kevin laughed.

“That’s stupid.” Electra scowled. “You’re an idiot for even suggesting that.”

“Hey, it was better than saying nothing at all.” Kevin snapped.

“Actually, saying nothing at all would have probably turned out much better.” Cammy said, smirking. “Just saying…”

“Oh shut up.” Kevin sighed.

“Well… I don’t know about you guys but I’m hungry.” I said, frowning as I looked down at my belly. “I haven’t eaten in a while.”

“Yeah, me too.” Electra said, to which Kevin rolled his eyes.

“Whatever. Let’s go get some food then, we’ll figure something out after we eat I guess.”

“Sounds like a plan!” Cammy laughed as she hopped up onto Kevin’s back, climbing up into the hood of his sweatshirt. “Let’s go!”

“Yeah, I doubt anyone is going to bother us with trying to capture us or anything.” Electra said. “Besides, if they do, I’ll just fry ‘em and get my free meal like I mentioned earlier.” She grinned. “We’re going out for the purpose of eating anyway.”

“Okay okay, if someone attacks I give you my permission to eat them in front of everyone else.” Kevin sighed as he opened the door and walked out.

“That’s all I ask.” Electra grinned, rubbing her paws together as me and her followed Kevin out into the hallway, the door shutting behind us as Kevin slipped the keycard into his back pocket.

--END Chapter Seven.--