Current Track: Blabb


By Xan Steel

(Zootopia is owned
by Byron Howard, Rich Moore, Jarod Bush, Disney, and Disney Animation Studios.
This is a Fan Fiction in that world).

inspiration; Starshine (feat) Jay Jacob. By Jay Jacob, Refracture, Yenn

ten o'clock at night as we see a female red furred bunny, who couldn't be more
than nine years of age. She leans against an oddly shaped rock that is hard to
make out in the darkness.

is staring up into the night sky, as the stars twinkled back at her. The only
cloud in the sky can be seen covering the full moon. She had been sitting here for a
little over an hour just looking up. Waiting for some special event to happen
that she always knew would happen. However, the last few nights it hadn't happen,
and it made her sad as she let out a soft sigh.

speaks in a slightly high-pitched tone, “I'm waiting here to watch the stars
like we always did before. But they haven't been shining as brightly as

continues to watch as best as she can, even though tears had started to form in
her eyes. She sniffles loudly and wipes her eyes on the sleeve of her shirt. “I
miss you." She lays her head on her arms as they rest on her knees, and begins
to cry.

hour passes as we hear the sound of footsteps coming up behind her, and see the
silhouette another female bunny. With what little light is available, we see
this new bunny is Judy Wilde-Hopps. Judy kneels behind the little bunny, and
speaks softly to her. “Sienna, my sweet baby girl. What are doing out here so
late?" Judy picked her up to try and comfort her, as Sienna turned around and
wrapped her arms around Judy's neck and buried her face there as well.

didn't come again," Sienna blurted out tearfully.

Judy remembered that she would sit out here at night with her father and watch the
stars until he brought her in, sleeping in his arms. The next day Sienna always
told her how bright and shiny they were. Judy turned and began to head back to
the house with her, but just as she started to head down the little hill, she
looked up and suddenly understood.

pumpkin?" A tiny muffled acknowledgment came from her neck. “Would you take one
last look at the sky for me?" Judy asked.

wiped her eyes clear and looked back up into the sky. Judy felt her little paws
tighten on her shoulders, as she spoke a single word in a tiny, meek voice,

stars were shining brighter than she had ever seen before. The beautiful colors
and twinkles that flowed across the sky captivated her as Judy continued to
walk, but just a bit slower.

when I said, 'your daddy wouldn't forget you.'" Judy said as she felt her nod.
“It wouldn't surprise me if he is also trying to be a hero up there, and just
had a tough case to crack." Judy's words were lost on her ears as Sienna just
kept looking at the stars.

they had made it back into the house, the Moon had finally managed to break
through the cloud and bathed the area in its pale light. That stone Sienna was
leaning on was now clearly visible and revealed to be a family tombstone. The
words on it gilded in gold.

lies a hero

friend, a husband

a father

P. Wilde-Hopps

fell in the line of duty,

that which mattered.

he rest in peace.