Current Track: Blabb

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So I guess you all want to know more about me huh? Well I suppose I could give a little info here. Maybe. Well I like fursuits, though never had the money for one myself. I love photography and writing. I like PC gaming when I can. I do some lite table top gaming.Enjoy hanging out with friends.

Favorite Drink is RUM, because Rum is good. mmmmm. Yes I'm a pirate at heart, love rum love to raid the booty, and love to steal the hearts of everyone. ^.^

Hobbies include: Photography, writing, biking, gaming, cooking, and being a goofball.

Also if you want to chat online with me, feel free to note me here.

Also if you want to draw or use my characters/species please ask me first. I generally don't mind but I would like to know about it first.