Current Track: Blabb

EyeWatch: Ticker Fronts


Darkness was over our heads as we gathered at the lamp, southwest corner of the wolf city. We were unsure and worried about the layout of the entire city, but Yang ensured us that she would be the one to move us through. “I hope." muttered Doax while Lutica and Lizrow glared at him with the silence that follows. Doax kept quiet and his eyes were to Yang once again as she once more explained the plan that we were going to commit. And once she was done, she questioned us. We all shook our heads. Determined expressions were upon our faces as our wings split from our backs and flew off into different positions within the bottom half of the city. Doax and Lizrow were at our front. Followed by Lutica, Kyro, Zander, and Natty who were ten feet apart from one another. I was brought up behind them while Quichie was twenty feet from where I was standing. Behind us, Xicono, Zuano, and Gearlo stand at the rear beside Yang. All four of them were gathered underneath the bridge.


My heart pounded in my chest as thoughts were slowly filling my mind. My eyes stared out towards the horizon, watching the stars twinkled and burn brightly with the moon hiding behind the blackness in front of it. I turned my eyes quickly to Quichie who remained still; her mouth formed a smile which I interpreted as a calm signaled between me and her. I nodded slowly after hearing Yang's voice on the walkie, “Alright. Everyone is in position. We start whenever the front moves." And that was the signal Doax and Lizrow were waiting for. As my ears heard suddenly footsteps, I rapidly snapped my attention leftward and towards the horizon again where the two frontal dragons were preparing to move out. It had seemed to me, they were already starting to move by the way they were advancing. They suddenly turned the cornered and disappeared. I spread my wings, so did Quichie and we split off from one another. Flying high above the city grounds, leveling with the clouds above us while the calm cold winds blew against our faces. Quichie flapped her wings faster than me advancing a bit as she turned to the right and landed upon the rooftops.


Finally, Lutica Kyro Zander and Natty were on the move. Yet only two of the four advanced and took alternative routers than where Doax and Lizrow had taken. I watched them from the skies, flapping my wings to keep me airborne as my eyes followed the four officer dragons move forward. Advancing and exchanging streets while heading towards the center of the city. For once the four were already deep enough, I motioned Quichie and she nodded. She rolled the bag's handles from her back and dropped it onto the ground softly. Unzipping the bag, she strikes her two claws inside of it. Pulling out what seems to be a three-part sniper weapon. She laid them all upon the rooftop. I heard Yang spoke out to me. “Land upon the rooftop, our enemies might see you hanging out in the dark air." I followed without questioning and divebomb upon the closest rooftop surface I could find. Landing upon and folding my wings, I dashed to the edge of my chosen rooftop and rose a claw high. Using my claw to signal to Quichie what I had needed to say. 'Three, three, five.' I relayed the information which Quichie nodded as she put together the weapon. Once I gave the signal, I stepped away from the rooftops' edge and headed straight for the center and there I waited for orders. It did not take long, however.


“I found them, they are already on the move, Yang." Doax commented to which Lutica's voice came afterward, “Should we pursuit them? Drive them somewhere where Ling and Quichie can see them?" “Negative." Yang answered, “Knowing the R7, they would anticipate the arrival of other officers coming forth. We have fought them many times before." “So I guess this means, we change tactics. Huh?" Doax replied, “Yeah. Follow them closely, then let Quichie and Ling know where you guys are at. The two dragons will charge forward but keep a distance apart to not arouse any suspicion. Hopefully, this plan works…" Yang explained, self-doubting herself at the end as Doax answered her, “It will work. We will get him back for integration. One way or another." “Yeah." Lutica followed his response with an answer as I and Quichie chuckled to ourselves. Yang remained silent, but we know from personal experience she was smiling too, and a warm feeling coursing through her body. As I breathed and exhaled slowly, allowing my mind to return to the work we have in front of ourselves, I remained standing and stared out into the distance while Quichie's claw was held up, I turned watching her move her claw to the desired numbers.


'Two, four.'


“Quichie has finished assembling the sniper. Awaiting your orders now Yang." I responded while taking off from the rooftop and flying three buildings away towards Quichie. “Alright. You two sit tight, Doax and Lutica had yet to give me the coordinates." Yang answered back. “I just did Yang. Did you not hear the ping from your walkie?" Doax growled immediately afterward just as I had landed adjacent to where Quichie was located. “Sorry." was Yang's answered, then followed up afterward. “Ling, Quichie. You two are on the move now. Head straight towards the street where you could see Doax and Lutica. Adjacent to them were our targets. However, the targets have spotted them already and are on the move with the two officers in pursuit after them." “So we keep flying until we see both Doax and Lutica?" I questioned, “Yeah." Yang answered while I looked to Quichie who shrugged and rose to her feet. I did the same watching her as she grabbed her sniper and rolled it around her shoulder as she and I spread our wings before flying off.


We flew northward, parallel to where Doax and Lizrow were running after our targets. Our targets, on the other claw, were also running. Perhaps already sensing that we were hot on their trail. Regardless of whatever they were thinking of, we continued flying but leveled along with the rooftop's surface to obstruct our whereabouts to our enemies and allies. However, as the chase went on and further into the deep, both me and Quichie were already tired. Our wings felt heavy and scales were hot suddenly. While I complained, Quichie held her walkie and called out to Doax and Lutica. Yet neither of them answered afterward. By now, they were already twenty, maybe fifty steps ahead of us and we were nowhere near or closer towards them anymore. As my wings felt heavy, I suddenly landed upon the rooftops and stood there while glancing at Quichie who face-planted the ground. Cracks erupted from every corner surrounding her as I folded my wings, panting while trying to catch my breath. But at the same time, holding my walkie and called out to Doax and Lutica.


“Are you around the perimeter, Ling, and Quichie?" Doax questioned, his breathing was heavy that loud moaning sounds escaped his lips. I blinked but never questioned him and only answered his, “No. We are perhaps fifty or twenty feet away from your position perhaps." “Tch." Responded Doax with anger seeping from his voice, me and Quichie flinched at him but a sigh escaped from him while he started. “Fine. We allow you guys to catch up. But catch up quick, the R7 is already farther than where I am now. Only a matter of time until they reach the exit." “Alright." I started and turned to Quichie who stared in response. We both nodded and stood still momentarily before flying off once again. We flapped our wings rapidly in midair and allowed the cold air to washed over our faces and body and pulled our wings back. We advances further into the wolf city before landing upon a nearby building's rooftop, I pipped up upon the walkie, “Doax. Quichie, we are closer to your position. Do you know where they are at?" “How far are you from us?" Doax responded, dodging my question as I gripped my walkie in anger. “About ten feet. Perhaps less according to Quichie." “Good enough." Doax finished as I turned to Quichie again.


She took her position at the edge of the rooftop and rose her sniper towards her eye. Aiming it towards the horizon. Everything remained silent, I held my breath while I watched her do her work. With a distant wind blowing against our faces and Kyro's voice speaking out from the walkie, I stepped to her line and kneeled. Grabbing my binoculars from my pockets, I held it to my eyes and aimed to the horizon. “There they are…" I trailed, Quichie acknowledged it with a wing flap as I heard it suddenly in my ear. We found them. They were all gathered upon one corner of the street, at the sidewalk in between two buildings. One was dark brown, the other was white. Both buildings have windows in them, however, they were smaller compared to the other building's windows. A campfire was held at the center of our target. I shifted the binoculars around the area looking for the blizeon. At first, I had thought that he was not there at all. But to my surprise, he was indeed there. Off to the side he was, leaning against the wall. Adjacent to him was fire, smoke was rising high obstructing our view of him while I grinned and turned to Quichie, pulling out my walkie.


“Found the target and our culprits. They are gathered deep within the wolf city, adjacent to two buildings; brown and white. Their windows were small compared to the other buildings surrounding them. Two fireplaces were placed. One at the center of the R7; the other was adjacent to the blizeon." I explained, carefully settling details as best I could while keeping my eyes upon them. My heart beating faster in my chest as I continued relaying information towards Yang. By the time, I had silenced myself was when Yang acknowledged everything before relaying it all over to Kyro, Zander, and Natty. Three dragons replied immediately. Then silence fell after that. While I turned my attention to Quichie, she had on a scowling expression upon her face. Nonetheless, she prepared her sniper and unwrapped it from her scales before holding it up to her eye. Aiming outward towards our blizeon. Quickly, she squeeze the trigger and a bullet fired out. It was quick and strong but silent. Quichie and I stepped back; Doax and Lutica retreated a few feet back after hearing the trigger. With the bullet moving fast and pointing directly towards our target, the blizeon.


It penetrated against his fur and scales. The blizeon fell over with ease which caused shocks and confusion amongst the ranks of our enemies. I brought up my binoculars again to witness the chaotic event unfold before us. The R7 has split apart. Their eyes darting from left and right. They all were spread out looking for the enemy that committed the attack. But nothing came to mind. While Quichie brought up her walkie as I watched the constant spread of the R7 from their starting point, I had begun to feel nervous and unsettled. That my wings were constantly spreading and folding at intervals. I felt Quichie's claws upon them, I turned to her and settled down as she smiled in response before settling down too. We both were silent while Yang quietly responded, “Great work. My unit will extract the blizeon from their paws." “Do you not think that this operation was a bit tad easy?" I questioned Yang, Quichie seems to understand it too and frowned as well. Doax voice his concern, supporting my claim as he started, “Yeah. We are only halfway through the city. Yet this R7 had committed one bad thing with another." I nodded, acknowledging Doax while Yang spoke out to us.


“You are right… It does seem a bit too easy, however." Yang responded with a trailing. Then a pause of silence while I, Doax, and Lutica remained on standby. Awaiting what Yang would say to us about the operation and everything else at hand. “Although, just to be sure. Ling, regroup your unit and advance through the city. Keep yourselves hidden at all times because we are never too sure when the R7 would show up at all. With or without the blizeon." “Alright." I started, “Everyone gather up upon the rooftop with me and Quichie. We are upon the red building, with no windows. You will see us there if you are a short distance away…" But before I could finish that sentence, Doax, Lizrow, and Lutica were already here. Landing upon the grounds as they stood adjacent to Quichie. Their heads turned to me while I got up onto my feet and exhaled, closing my eyes. When I opened them was when my mouth split opened to speak to my unit. “Change of plans everyone. Perhaps it seems that our enemy has anticipated us and gathered around at the center of the city. Where they are at is unknown. But find them at once before they exit the city and return to their home realm. Quichie, stay here just in case." I ordered. Doax, Lutica, and Lizrow nodded their heads before splitting off from us and started heading into different directions. Leaving me and Quichie alone with one another, I watched as she stepped forth to me with a tilt of her head questioning me. “Is something on your mind right now, Ling?" “Something is off. I am not sure why. But I have a feeling about Ling's unit not telling the truth." Quichie blinked at me before cracking a smile, nodding her head as she relaxed nodding.


“You may be right…" Quichie trailed, her head shifting to the right glancing at the panicked R7 and the dead unconscious blizeon adjacent to the wall behind it. “You could be wrong and exposed the entire operation to our enemy…" She added a wicked smile appear upon her face as I blinked at her before shaking my head. “No time for jokes, Quichie." I scowled at her, growling to shut her up. Her expression remained neutral after seeing me angry and she quelled her excitement before gazing away. Her wings folded behind her while I stared upon the foxes and the blizeon again. There were indeed questions in my mind. The majority of them could not be answered at once. For as the questions were all jumbled in my head, I expressed a frown before my ears held up. I and Quichie turned around and looked, spotting Zander and Kyro behind us. Concerned looks were upon their faces as they stepped forth and closed the distance between us. Kyro brightened up after he stood still. Zander remained a sour puss as his eyes narrowed, his fangs grounded as his mouth tightened up. His wings rose and remained tensed. With silence between the four of us, I coughed and gained their attention while speaking out to them.


“What is the news? “Not much so far…" Kyro trailed off, “Yang decided to abandoned post and head forth towards the city. She seemed determined in looking for her targets-" “She decided to abandoned post?" Exclaimed Quichie, her eyes widening in surprise while I gazed at her but remained silent. Kyro and Zander did the same as their eyes were to her. Thus, Kyro continued to explain. “Despite her calm and collective personality, I never seen her so hesitantly run out from our hiding spot and head deeper into the city." “Do you know where she was heading?" Quichie questioned which Zander and Kyro shook their heads. “Impossible." “Drat." I cursed, muttering while nodding and sighing after. “Well. Guess it is up to me now since she decided to desert us. Change of plans." I explained while Quichie held her walkie and pressed as I continued, “We gather Westerward from here and away from all kinds of activity around the area. We will discuss the behavior of my mate and where will she be." “Alright." Kyro and Zander nodded as we all spread our wings flying towards our second meeting spot.


The meeting had concluded. Everyone was now staring back at me. I remained still, my eyes upon the ground. My wings folded then spread as thoughts popped into my mind. A lot of discussions had went down upon the meeting. Lots of arguments and shouting matches that a headache was growing inside my head. I exhaled a sigh and everyone gazed my way. That was how it started. Slowly, I rose my eyes to the horizon and met their eyes. They continued staring and silence loomed over their heads to which I shattered it for them. “Meeting has concluded. This is where we will stand, right now. Any questions reside to me now. I will depart with Kyro immediately afterward." No one had a question. I grounded my fangs and growled at them in silence. For, in reality, my mouth remained tight while my eyes met with theirs. “No further questions, Ling." Answered Doax, a grumbled escaped his lips as his arms were crossed. I nodded directly to him before smiling faintly. “Great. Guess we can begin, Kyro." “Everyone, retreat to base. Allow Kyro to escort Ling properly." I heard Doax announced as the remaining dragons spread their wings and flew off. Departing from my eyes and sight while I felt the silence come forth and filled the void left behind.


I exhaled and glanced over to Kyro who suddenly pointing Northward. He spoke out to me, a distant smile upon his face. “Let us head straight there. I am sure we can find something there." “Find something?" I questioned him, tilting my head to one side as he nodded with a smile upon his face. “Indeed." I raised my shoulders and lowered them again, my head unknowingly nods while my brain does not completely agree with the plan at claw. As I stared onto the red dragon who spread his large wings before jumping, I shifted my eyes away and glance to the horizon. I pondered about the whereabouts of Yang and wondered where she had gotten herself off to. But I spread my wings too and jumped, following behind the red dragon as he flew in the desired direction. We flew for less than a minute thus, we have arrived at where Kyro had wanted.


For I rose my eyes towards the newfound surroundings we had found ourselves into. I saw a line of buildings that stretched further to either horizon before disappearing afterward. The buildings' colors were a variety and some of them had windows installed. Nothing else was new for us as he stepped to the closest building that we could find. Thus pushing the door inward, we peered our eyes upon the hosting darkness. The room was empty. Only one object remained upon the floor. A black rectangular square walkie. Its back cover was exposed, two bronze batteries were lying on the ground adjacent to the walkie. I walked to the walkie. Snatched it from the ground before raising it towards my face, I sat down. Wagging my tail, I pieced together the batteries with the walkie and snapped them together until it was secured. Thus turning over the device, I pressed the power button and watched as the walkie came to life. However, before I could reconnect the walkie back into our system. Someone had decided to talk on the other side.


“Hello Ling and Yang; I figured as much that you would come here to retrieve your precious walkie and conceal every information that you had an exchange with your fellow officers. It was a bit too easy. Did you like our performance? How we had easily convinced you that we were a disorganized group by the time you killed the 'blizeon'? If so, we got another show just for you officers, and it's not inside a building anymore. Oh no, this time we are taking it in the public. I bet you, that the Vaster police would try to stop us from completing the main objective that we have settled ourselves. But it is fruitless and impossible. You do not know where we are striking. What street. What direction. What destination. By the time you figure all that out, we had already completed our objective. Want to prove us wrong? Fine. Here is a clue…"


“Look for a crosshair."