Current Track: Blabb

EyeWatch: Brich Back


It was only the first minute of the midnight hour where the winds were calm and the moon hangs high above us. I stand grounded and in front of the Police Station behind me. I was alone, but I never cared. I was silent and allowed my mind to carelessly ponder about the other subjects in life... However, it always goes to the 'rescue of the blizeon.' I was rather surprised that our counterpart would commit the crime. Yet I kept that thought to myself and allowed my coworkers to leave the station. Panicking as they raced across Vaster town to find the culprits and the blizeon. Slowly, I rose my claw from my pocket. Pulling out the dead walkie that I had pressed moments before the unit had left, I stared at it before raising my head away and towards the horizon. Peace and silence returned to my side, only the ringing echoed in my ears. With my wings spread out behind me and my tail wagging in boredom of what I should be doing, I exhaled a breath shook my head, and began removing myself from the wall behind me.


A three-step walk from the station and I pressed the button upon the walkie. My ears flattened against my skull when the wave of voices began spilling out from the speaker of the walkie. Everyone seems to be panicked. Their voices were raised higher than they do normally, although surprisingly, their voices were even higher than their yelling voices. All their voices meld into one voice and it was nearly impossible to distinguish any of them without concentration. For all I care, I just ignored them momentarily and kept my ears flat to avoid hearing them. I looked out into the distance, upon the horizon, and watched the moon while it hovered above me. There were no stars or anything at all companying with the small moon. The tall buildings sometimes blocked the view of the moon.


As I stargazed upon the skies, my ears stretched out suddenly while voices echoed from the walkie. A gust of wind blew against my face when I turned towards it and blinked for a moment there before seeing something in the near distance. My eyes widened and my mouth hanged out, wings spread suddenly and I jumped. Flying straight against the wind direction. In the distance, a cloud of blue smoke rose from the ground and covered a part of the night skies. My mind was racing, pumping out thoughts and questions as I raced towards the source of the sound. Finally, reaching it afterward, and dived bomb towards the ground. Perfectly landing. I folded my wings and looked about, yet the place surrounding me was intact. Everything was where they suppose to be. However, despite being intact, the place was also a bit different as if it was modified by someone. Five clues were sitting about. All were in the same general area but were in different places. While I scanned the area for those five clues, my ears stretched out again and flickered after hearing a thumping noise behind me. I turned, spotting Doax and Quichie. The two had their eyes narrowed to me, but they were shocked by the noise as well. As they turned to my side, they looked over at me. I reported to them, “There are five clues about. Scattered. Find and interpret them. Come to me when answered." They nodded in response before moving away from me.


I supervised them, pondering what clue they were going for. It did not come as a surprise that they went to the center of the area where a black broken circle appear underneath them. They stopped there and lowered their heads; gazing upon the circle. They were silent for a short period before their voices suddenly filled their ears and mine, discussing and arguing what that symbol meant for them. I took a short look upon the symbol in silence before gazing away towards the next pair. Lutica and Lizrow. I repeated what I said to Doax and Quichie and the dragonesses have nodded in response. They split up and heading towards different clues, however, I motioned to both of them and lead them to the broken circle at the center of the area. Rejoining with Doax and Quichie, the two formers rose their heads towards us and smiled faintly. Flapped their wings in thought before lowering their heads gazing at the circle. Gazing at the pair, I frowned but stepped back from the circle and lowered my head too. Lizrow and Lutica mirrored me as our voices joined in with Doax and Quichie.


We gathered at the circle and we stared at it. None of us said anything in the following silent yet I rose my head high towards them and tilted my head to one side in ponderance. The silence was broken when Lutica started speaking first than the remaining others. “The obvious glance was that the circle is broken. Pointing northwest from here. Is there anything from our island that is northwest?" “Worth noting?" Commenting Quichie, glancing at her while Doax shook his head. “Surrounding our island was a ring of water. What else is out there besides us or the island where the tower was." “Think that the direction is where our blizeon is?" I suddenly interrupted, their heads shook deeming it impossible which was going back onto what Doax had said earlier. Our attention turned to the circle again. We stared at it from different angles of the symbol and hope to see what we could unlock from it. But every angle we tried, the direction was always the same. Even if we tried moving so the broken circle's direction was pointing somewhere else. Everyone was indeed at a loss. But none of us had given up yet. Regardless, we all stepped back. Breathed a sigh or exhaled and rose our eyes towards the night skies above.


We stared at the moon. Our thoughts circulated in our heads. But none of the thoughts were directly in answer towards the circle. However, deep into our thoughts, Lizrow snapped her claw and exclaimed as the rest of us turned to her in silence wondering what she thought about. As she turned towards us with a big smile upon our face, she spoke “What if the broken circle was not a circle. But rather a 'Q'? It would tell us where to find our blizeon and the culprit!" “Maybe." I nodded with a pleased smile as mutters were exchanged from the other officers. “Alright," I growled and clapped my claw to gain the other attentions. “Let try Lizrow's idea. Everyone form into a small line where the circle breaks." Doax, Lizrow, Lutica, and Quichie nodded their heads. Quickly forming up upon the broken circle and molded into a small line. I stared in silence after the line was formed. It had pointed SouthEast from our direction which I know that there is a city there somewhere. I blinked momentarily and signaled the others who nodded and break away as Lizrow walked up to me asking, “Where was it pointing to?" “SouthEast which is opposite of our initial guess," I responded to her, she smiled faintly but that faded from her face as she thought again.


“Think a city is down there, Ling?" Lizrow asked again, I nodded my head and scowled at her “Indeed. Southeast from our location in another city. But it is abandoned and lost forever in every published map known. So every dragon that travels always ignores that island and goes around it. It was hundreds of years after its existence that everyone had given it a cold shoulder." I informed Lizrow and rose my claw adding, “The island is also inhabitants criminals and lawbreakers. No doubt that our blizeoen managed to get there." “He must have a friend there to help him out," Quichie muttered suddenly joining into our conversation as both I and Lizrow were shocked by her sudden appearance. “Indeed." Lizrow finished as she recovered. She turned to me, I kept quiet and motioned everyone to come towards the next clue. However, Doax and Quichie had their attention towards another which resulted in a split between our unit. I, Lizrow, and Lutica went to the single arrow with a circle and a cross hovering over the arrow. It was pointing southeast which confuses me, Lizrow, and Lutica as we tilted our heads to one side in ponderance.


“Why is that pointing southeast? Did we not established that there is a city there or something?" Lutica commented, raising her claw high pointing to the arrow. Both I and Lizrow nodded afterward, we frowned and were in confusement. Our minds processing information as we stared at the circle. But in the mists of finding out the answer to the arrow, we were interrupted when Doax came running to us shouting. I turned to him, then motioning the dragoness to stare at the wall for a moment while I walked to meet up with Doax, he stopped and panted heavily. Yet he handed me a brown stained map which I received before holding up in my claws and stared at it. The map was small; only four squares appeared. One of the four squares held an 'X mark. That x was located in the bottom right square, upon the corner where two ends meet. I stared at it then rose my eyes glancing to Doax who shrugged. “Where did you find this?" “Nearby the broken circle." Doax started and turned around pointing towards the opposite wall where Quichie was staring at her phone. “Do you know what this meant?" I questioned him, holding the map high towards his face. But he shook his head, “No, I do not actually. The x was located at the bottom right. So in accordance to the Q at the ground, we think that was where he was located." “However," I prompted him as his ears perked up suddenly and in interest. “Opposite of you guys, we found an arrow with a cross over it. So it could not be Southeast. Maybe it is Northwest after all?" “That cannot be right." Commented Doax, blinking and stared at the map then the arrow in silence. He switched between the two in silence before scowling,


Suddenly, the black dragon turned around hollered after Quichie, and ran after her. Doax departed from my sights as I exhaled and shook my head, turned around, and faced Lutica and Lizrow both of which were arguing to one another about the symbol sprayed in front of them. I exhaled and stepped to their sides, Lizrow was the first to notice me and turned around pointing to the symbol then brought me up to speed on what they were arguing about. She said that the symbol does not mean to go southeast. Rather, it meant something different. That rose my ears and widened my eyes a bit as I looked to her in interest, she smiled faintly before nodding explaining further. “What we think is, this symbol meant 'do not go in one direction'." “But why? Why should we not go in one general location?" I questioned her, looking a bit interested as she frowned and turned to Lutica who shrugged afterward. It had seemed neither of them had an answer to my question. But at least we did answer one thing, the symbol's resemblance, and meaning. I stared at it and tilted my head. My mind instantly went to the map again I just saw recently and I frowned. A lightbulb went on in my head as I spoke to the dragonesses.


“Hey Lutica, Lizrow," I responded their eyes towards me. “Yes?" “Do you not find it weird that the symbol, the map, and the Q we found were all in the same spot?" They looked a bit concerned but nodded their heads silently allowing me to continue. I took a steady breath and relaxed my mind. Formulating my thoughts into a sentence, I explained to them. “Well listen here. I just recently took a peak towards Doax's and Quichie's clues. They had given me a map by the way. On it was four squares that were interconnected with one another. At the bottom right square, an x was drawn at the corner of it which points southeast. Yet at the initial glance, we thought that it was not Southeast at all due to the arrow we found here." I pointed to the arrow after explaining. They nodded their heads agreeing, “But the Q and the map agreed with one another. Even the calm winds as well, if you took the time to feel it instead of staring at the Q earlier on." I said, “So what does this all meant? I think the blizeon indeed went Southeast. However, he was taken in one direction and that is towards the Chaos border. Northward. Considering this, being forced to go in one direction had allowed the blizeon to somehow 'teleport' from Vaster town towards his origin state which is Southeast. The question is… How did he teleport? Wind wrapped like a hurricane or a tornado? He allowed his wings to carry him when the winds pushed upon his wings upward allowing him to ascend to the heavens above, therefore teleporting?" “Or maybe he went into some ultimate state and his eyes started glowing white and he- hmmph!" Lizrow suggested but she was silenced by Lutica who shoved her tail in her mouth preventing any more copyrighted shows from spilling out and showing her geeky side. I chuckled but went back on my explanation,


“Furthermore, the winds do not make the ground dark. That would be fire or electricity." I said, pointing with my tail towards the broken circle which we had identified as a Q. “So what did our Frennak have that Suncea wanted to keep away from us? Was he the descendant of Silva and Tsalogi?" “The blizeon that was cursed with four abilities, shunned away by her society, and grew jealous of her brother, Shinrai to the point of committing a final famous duel between them?" Explained Lizrow as Luctia growled at Lizrow, shutting her up. “Or was he the kit of Nuri and Jikan?" “That is a good question." Muttering Lizrow, frowning while she gazes at the ground. A sudden tail of Luctia has shoved into her mouth again as she was shocked and rose her head, glaring down onto the other dragoness who also glared back upon her. “Now girls…" I responded, chuckling shyly at them while raising my claws at them both.


“Either way." I concluded, “We got our possibilities. Now we got to see what Doax and Quichie came up with for theirs." The dragonesses nodded, tails inside each other's mouths. Their faces darkened and scowled at one another as if a fight between the two could break out any moment. I ignored the two and their bickering while turning away from the symbols and walked towards the opened area where Doax and Quichie met us as they were done, the same with us. Quickly, we compared notes and discussed argued about our stands. It had seemed that Doax and Quichie were the same with us which only left one question alone. 'At the time of the blizeon's teleporting, where were the R7 hiding?' The best suggestion would be in the direction of where the Chaos border was which was, again, Northward from our position. Facing the direction of the Q. We stared northward, towards the rooftops of buildings that were closest to the Q. But we were unsuccessful in sighting anyone there. I narrowed, was not about to give up. I signaled to the others, Doax Quichie nodded before splitting from the group heading Northwest towards three buildings there. Lutica and Lizrow also nodded but smiled faintly at the same time as they went the opposing way which left me to the North and I spread my wings, flying straight towards the two buildings before me.


As I landed, I glanced around. The rooftops were empty and clean. No messes were about and no belongers were left behind. I said nothing as I continued scouting the place. Going over inch and crook of the rooftop until I was sure that I covered the surface of it. The investigation conducted had no answer to me and I exhaled shaking my head, pondering if the others had such luck. Quickly, I turned my attention towards the others. Quiche and Doax were arguing and pointing accusingly towards one another. In their claws were objects. 'Were they the objects were are looking for?' I pondered, shaking my head as I turned the opposing way. Lutica and Lizrow were also standing side by side, but they were silent compared to the noise pair like Doax and Quichie. They too came up with nothing. I rose a claw and threw the other claw down into my pockets, pressing a button suddenly to gain their attention. All four officers turned their attention to me, before flying straight for the building I was on and landed afterward as Lizrow shook his head, Doax and Quichie proudly set their items upon the floor. I gaze at Doax and Quichie before lowering my eyes towards their feet.


They were the exact items we were looking for. A toy pistol that belonged to Rinichi and a chain of metal feathers appeared before my eyes. I grinned in excitement while my mind clicked, confirming the items directly to the profiles we had on our counterpart. “This is exactly them. Now we know who captured them and cluelessly allowed him to escape." I responded without hesitation and a smile reappeared upon my face. Rising level towards the faces of my coworkers, I answered their confusing faces. “Do you not remember whom we have a rivalry with? Did Yang not tell you before joining the force." “Oh, we know it is the R7," Doax grumbled angrily at me, crossing his arms as he scowled. “Do not think we are dumb. We are not." “Rather…" Started Lizrow as her eyes looked upon the two items again, “Why do you think the R7 blizeonapped him? Was there something he had that we did not see?" “Perhaps the wind ability." Suggested Lutica as everyone but me turned to her. “I mean, think about it for a minute. The R7 had indeed taken the blizeon from the Police station. They took him Northward which triggered the blizeon's ability, wind, maybe they were hoping to extract that ability for themselves to use?" “or…" Quichie replied, scowling “Balance and Chaos are working together." Everyone protested against her.


“Ok, ok… So maybe I jump the gun there."


“You sure did, Quichie." Doax crossed his arms, rolling his eyes in silence before shifting his attention to me. “What do you think, Ling?" “Well, for one thing, she could be right about that. Balance did have a hatred towards us, including the ravens for messing with Neither during the first Chaos Order, merged. The two have a strong iron alliance with one another. Bringing Chaos to their joint indicates that we are at a greater disadvantage than them. However, I think it was only momentarily." “Why do you think that?" Doax questioned and Lutica answered quickly before I could even get a word out. “Because it is very obvious! The R7 had brought the blizeon out from the Police station in Order and has returned southeast city where their meeting will take place. He is probably hold up somewhere within that city." “Right." I answered adding, “Chaos is looking for the blizeon also, no doubt, but their goal is obscured from our eyes. If we find the blizeon, we will be able to see Chaos and Balance. The two will not work together." “Looks like we have to go into a stealth mission after all, huh Ling?" “I do not think we are alone in this operation. Yang and Natty have returned from balance after being rescued by the Ravens. They will join us heading Southeast. Xicono, Zuano, and Gearlo will be joining us also." “Great. The more the merrier then." Doax chimed angrily which surprises Quichie a bit while Lutica and Lizrow stayed in silence watching him. In the following silence, I nodded before clapping my claws together and growled, “Alright. Let's meet back at the station. Everyone prepare yourself for another invasion." Everyone nodded and split off in quick silence.